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A Guerrilla Marketing
   Approach to Drowning
Awareness and Prevention
    Joshua Collingsworth Memorial Foundation
   Presented by Blake Collingsworth and Laura
Goals of the Presentation
 Introduce Guerrilla Marketing

 Provide Research on Guerrilla Marketing

 Inform How Guerrilla Marketing can help in Water Safety
 Awareness Efforts

 Discuss how Guerrilla Marketing has helped JCMF

 Inspire Out-of-the-Box Thinking for Water Safety
What is Guerilla Marketing?
 Guerilla Marketing is an advertising strategy in which low-cost
 unconventional means (graffiti, sticker bombing, flash mobs) are utilized,
 often in a localized fashion or large network of individual cells, to convey
 or promote a product or an IDEA.

 It should be based on human     psychology rather than experience,
 judgment, and guesswork.

 Forget about the competition and concentrate       more on
 cooperating with other businesses.
 Messages are aimed    at individuals or small, groups, the smaller the

 Typically, guerrilla marketing campaigns are unexpected and
 unconventional, potentially interactive, and consumers are
 targeted in unexpected places. (Source: Wikipedia)
What does it look like?

Source: http://weburbanist.com/2009/05/06/12-extremely-effective-guerrilla-marketing-stunts/
Research on
            Guerrilla Marketing

 Abstract from More Than the Consumer Eye Can See:
    Guerrilla Advertising From an Agency Standpoint

    It was found to be ideal for small, unestablished
  companies with a limited budget since the campaigns are
          focused on creativity at a modest cost.

(Source: Megan Wanner, Elon University)
Research on
              Guerrilla Marketing
Findings/Results of More Than the Consumer Eye Can
       See: Guerrilla Advertising From an Agency
  Is guerrilla advertising an effective alternative to
                     traditional advertising?
  Guerrilla advertising is intriguing, witty and clever, catching
  consumers attention in a complimentary way.
  Guerrilla marketing can help small brands stretch their budget
   efficiently, reaping the greatest results and benefits for their brand.
   Rather than spending their budget to run three commercial slots on
   television, a small company can spend their budget on a guerrilla
   advertising campaign that will bring their brand more
   awareness than those commercials since that one campaign will
   reach more people than those three commercials.
Research on
           Guerrilla Marketing
Findings/Results of More Than the Consumer Eye Can
       See: Guerrilla Advertising From an Agency

  What type of client is guerrilla advertising most
                    effective for?
   Guerrilla advertising campaigns are typically low-budget
   endeavors focusing more on the creative work than the
   medium, making them ideal for small brands with a small
   budget (personal communications, November 15-19,
Research on
           Guerrilla Marketing
Findings/Results of More Than the Consumer Eye Can
       See: Guerrilla Advertising From an Agency

What benefits does guerrilla advertising have for its
  Great for growing brand awareness.
   Social media has brought a whole new meaning to the idea
   of spreading news by word of mouth.
   Guerrilla marketing gives a brand new energy that
   traditional media cannot offer.
Why are we talking about
Guerrilla Marketing at NDPA?
Why are we talking about
Guerrilla Marketing at NDPA?
 With all of our traditional strategies, the
   fact remains, the line is not moving

                  (Safe Kids USA)
Why are we talking about
Guerrilla Marketing at NDPA?
 New Strategy for Drowning Prevention
 It is Interactive- Not trying to give all the answers, you
 are wanting them to ask more questions.
 Brings New Energy to the Topic
 Only Small Budget Needed
 Focuses on Cooperation
 Aimed at Individuals and Small Groups
Why Josh the Otter
            Was Created?
Joshuas Story

Joshua Collingsworth Memorial Foundation

What We Do & Why We Do It

As with Guerrilla Marketing, we want to
  EMPOWER children and adults
  ENGAGE our audience
  INTERACT with our audience
  CHANGE behavior
Children CAN Change
   Adult Behavior
   Seat Belt Research: Children's traffic safety program:
   influence of early elementary school safety education on
                     family seat belt use.

         Authors: Hazinski MF, Eddy VA, Morris JA Jr.

                           Dec 1995

Department of Surgery, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine,
                Nashville, Tennessee 37212, USA.
Children CAN Change
Adult Behavior
   Young children can learn safety behavior in the public
   school system. These children will modify family seat belt

 METHODS: Targeted K-2 Students/Community Media

 CONCLUSION: K-2 Safety Education improves family seat
 belt use.
How Guerrilla Marketing
    Helped JCMF
Josh the Otter
Sticker Campaign
Rotary International
 Rotarians in over 30 states and three
 countries involved since 2010
 introduction of the program

 Nearly 200 individual clubs involved

 Over 30,000 students have been
 presented to since 2010 with Rotary

 2013 is scheduled to be the largest
 year-to-date of participation among
 Rotary International

 Clubs infuse creativity, individuality,
 and passion into the program
How Effective is It?

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A Guerrilla Marketing Approach to Drowning Awareness and Prevention

  • 1. A Guerrilla Marketing Approach to Drowning Awareness and Prevention Joshua Collingsworth Memorial Foundation Presented by Blake Collingsworth and Laura Thomas
  • 2. Goals of the Presentation Introduce Guerrilla Marketing Provide Research on Guerrilla Marketing Inform How Guerrilla Marketing can help in Water Safety Awareness Efforts Discuss how Guerrilla Marketing has helped JCMF Inspire Out-of-the-Box Thinking for Water Safety Out-of-the-
  • 3. What is Guerilla Marketing? Guerilla Marketing is an advertising strategy in which low-cost unconventional means (graffiti, sticker bombing, flash mobs) are utilized, often in a localized fashion or large network of individual cells, to convey or promote a product or an IDEA. It should be based on human psychology rather than experience, judgment, and guesswork. Forget about the competition and concentrate more on cooperating with other businesses. Messages are aimed at individuals or small, groups, the smaller the better. Typically, guerrilla marketing campaigns are unexpected and unconventional, potentially interactive, and consumers are targeted in unexpected places. (Source: Wikipedia)
  • 4. What does it look like? Source: http://weburbanist.com/2009/05/06/12-extremely-effective-guerrilla-marketing-stunts/
  • 5. Research on Guerrilla Marketing Abstract from More Than the Consumer Eye Can See: Guerrilla Advertising From an Agency Standpoint It was found to be ideal for small, unestablished companies with a limited budget since the campaigns are focused on creativity at a modest cost. (Source: Megan Wanner, Elon University)
  • 6. Research on Guerrilla Marketing Findings/Results of More Than the Consumer Eye Can See: Guerrilla Advertising From an Agency Standpoint Is guerrilla advertising an effective alternative to traditional advertising? Guerrilla advertising is intriguing, witty and clever, catching consumers attention in a complimentary way. Guerrilla marketing can help small brands stretch their budget efficiently, reaping the greatest results and benefits for their brand. Rather than spending their budget to run three commercial slots on television, a small company can spend their budget on a guerrilla advertising campaign that will bring their brand more awareness than those commercials since that one campaign will reach more people than those three commercials.
  • 7. Research on Guerrilla Marketing Findings/Results of More Than the Consumer Eye Can See: Guerrilla Advertising From an Agency Standpoint What type of client is guerrilla advertising most effective for? Guerrilla advertising campaigns are typically low-budget endeavors focusing more on the creative work than the medium, making them ideal for small brands with a small budget (personal communications, November 15-19, 2010).
  • 8. Research on Guerrilla Marketing Findings/Results of More Than the Consumer Eye Can See: Guerrilla Advertising From an Agency Standpoint What benefits does guerrilla advertising have for its campaigners? Great for growing brand awareness. Social media has brought a whole new meaning to the idea of spreading news by word of mouth. Guerrilla marketing gives a brand new energy that traditional media cannot offer.
  • 9. Why are we talking about Guerrilla Marketing at NDPA?
  • 10. Why are we talking about Guerrilla Marketing at NDPA? With all of our traditional strategies, the fact remains, the line is not moving (Safe Kids USA)
  • 11. Why are we talking about Guerrilla Marketing at NDPA? New Strategy for Drowning Prevention It is Interactive- Not trying to give all the answers, you Interactive- are wanting them to ask more questions. Brings New Energy to the Topic Only Small Budget Needed Focuses on Cooperation Aimed at Individuals and Small Groups AND ITS FUN!
  • 12. Why Josh the Otter Was Created? Joshuas Story Joshua Collingsworth Memorial Foundation What We Do & Why We Do It As with Guerrilla Marketing, we want to EMPOWER children and adults ENGAGE our audience INTERACT with our audience CHANGE behavior SAVE LIVES!
  • 13. Children CAN Change Adult Behavior Seat Belt Research: Children's traffic safety program: influence of early elementary school safety education on family seat belt use. Authors: Hazinski MF, Eddy VA, Morris JA Jr. Dec 1995 Department of Surgery, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee 37212, USA.
  • 14. Children CAN Change Adult Behavior HYPOTHESIS: Young children can learn safety behavior in the public school system. These children will modify family seat belt use. METHODS: Targeted K-2 Students/Community Media Campaign CONCLUSION: K-2 Safety Education improves family seat belt use.
  • 15. How Guerrilla Marketing Helped JCMF
  • 18. Rotary International Rotarians in over 30 states and three countries involved since 2010 introduction of the program Nearly 200 individual clubs involved Over 30,000 students have been presented to since 2010 with Rotary 2013 is scheduled to be the largest year-to- year-to-date of participation among Rotary International Clubs infuse creativity, individuality, and passion into the program