The document provides a list of life's most important things according to the author. It states that the most important thing in life is the power of God, and the greatest attitudes are gratitude, faith, love, and giving. It also lists worry, excuses, and gossip as the worst things, while encouragement, integrity, helping others, and a smile are among the most positive. The entire list is meant to guide the reader to focus on spiritual and emotional well-being.
2. The most important thing in life THE POWER OF GOD! The most powerful channel of communication The greatest asset The most powerful force in life The greatest joy PRAYER! FAITH! LOVE! GIVING!
3. The worst thing to be without HOPE! The most destructive habit The worlds most incredible computer The greatest loss WORRY! THE BRAIN! THE LOSS OF SELF-RESPECT! The greatest natural resource YOUTH!
4. The greatest problem to overcome The most crippling disease The most dangerous pariah FEAR! EXCUSES! GOSSIP! The two most power-filled words I CAN! The ugliest personality trait SELFISHNESS! The most beautiful attire A SMILE!
5. The most worthless emotion SELF-PITY! The most prized possession INTEGRITY! The greatest shot in the arm ENCOURAGEMENT! The most effective sleeping pill PEACE OF MIND! The most satisfying work HELPING OTHERS!
6. Gratitude unfolds the goodness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. And the greatest attitude GRATITUDE! The future is as bright as the promises of God!