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                 To provide basic
                 necessities to
                 those in need in

 More than 32% of the Muncies population has fallen below
  the poverty line during the past year. This is over 20,800
  people living in poverty in Muncie alone. ( B l o o d - N - F i r e , 2 0 1 0 )

 Lower-income families tend to pay higher than average prices
  for basic household necessities such as furniture, appliances
  and electronics. ( B l o o d - N - F i r e , 2 0 1 0 )

 Many Delaware County residents cannot af ford the basic
  necessities required for a decent standard of living. ( B l o o d - N -
  Fire, 2010)

 A Helping Hand is a nonprofit organization that would provide
  basic household necessities to low -income individuals and
  families at no cost.

 A Helping Hands partnership with Take 5 Community
  Outreach enables the organization to provide a wide variety of

 A Helping Hands objectives are to provide those in need with
  the necessities required for a decent standard of living and
  the tools to become self -sufficient, and to change the way
  people in the community view those in need.

 Appliances                 Clothing                   Hygiene
    Refrigerators                                        p r o d uc t s
    Microwaves                 Mens                    ( Ta ke 5 )
    Washers & Dr yers          Childrens                  Toiletries
    Vacuums                                                 Diapers
    Water heaters
                                Outerwear                   Soaps
    Air Conditioners
    Space Heaters              Work wear                   Cleaning
    Fans                       Shoes                         Supplies
 Fu r n i t u r e                                             Detergent
    Beds                    M i s c e l la n e o us
    Mattresses                 Bedding
                                                         Ef fective
    Tables                                               Budgeting
    Chairs                     Cribs
                                                          Cour ses
    Dressers                   Strollers
    Shelves                    High-chairs
    Desks                                               Other Cour ses
                                School supplies

 Delaware County residents including:

   Low-income individuals

   Low-income families

   Single-parent families

 All applicants must:

   Be over the age of 18

   Provide valid picture identification

   Provide proof of residence in Delaware County
     Utility bill, bank statement, or other document

   Be at or under 150% of the poverty guidelines

   Attend the bi-annual budget course

Number of Persons in 100% of Poverty Level           Eligibility Cutoff
    Household                                        (150% of Poverty
         1            $10,830                    $16,245
         2            $14,570                    $21,885
         3            $18,310                    $27,465
         4            $22,050                    $33,075
         5            $25,790                    $38,685
         6            $29,530                    $44,295
         7            $33,270                    $49,905
         8            $37,010                    $55,605
        >8            Add $3,740 for each
                      additional person
                                      (U.S Deparment of Health and Human Services, 2010)

 Items are donated
   From public and corporate donators
   Purchased new

 Voucher System
   Each item is assessed a price
   Vouchers are assessed a value based on the applicants percent of the
    poverty level

 Pick-up or free delivery



 Assistant Director




 Legal Consultant



 2200 West 8 th Street Muncie, In 47302 (Corner of 8 th and
  Batavia )

                                                        (Google Maps, 2011)

 A Helping Hand will have a website promoting awareness of
  the organization

 Quarterly newsletters




Source                                     Annual Amount

Public donations                                  20,000
Corporate donations                               25,000
Event fundraising                                 80,000

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
Grant                                            100,000
State grants                                      65,000

                    Total Annual funding         290000

 Public and corporate donations will be received by:
   Donation envelopes sent out by the organization to public and
    corporate members of the community.
   Collection Canisters
   A Helping Hands Website
   Direct donation to the organization

 Event fundraisers will include:
   Silent auctions
   Walks and marathons
   Other community involvement
                       Expense                      Startup     Month     Annual

License/Permits/Registration/Fees                        2000                  500
Deposit/Down payment                                    50000
Building repair/remodel                                 10000
Mortgage ($89,900 - $50,000 = $39,900)                              450       5400
Building maintenance                                                         10000
Electric                                                  250       400       4800
Water/Sewage                                              100       100       1200
Telephone                                                 180        90       1080
Equipment/supplies                                      10000                10000
Inventory                                               20000                20000
Vehicles (2)                                            10000
Vehicle maintenance/repairs                              3000                 5000
Gas                                                       500       800       9600
Advertising                                              3000                 3000
Fundraising                                              3000                 3000
Liability Insurance                                                           5000
Director salary                                                              25000
Assistant Director                                                           20000
Manager                                                                      15000
Clerk 1                                                                       8000
Accountant salary                                                            15000
Legal/Consultation                                       5000                 5000
Miscellaneous                                                                 6390

Totals                                                117030       1840    172970

Total Annual Expense                      290000
Total Annual Funding                      290,000

 Many Delaware County residents cannot af ford the basic
  necessities required for a decent standard of living. ( B l o o d - N - F i r e ,

    A Helping Hand would provide those in need with the items necessary
     for a decent standard of living.

    A Helping Hand would provide those in need with the tools to become

    A Helping Hand would help change the communitys view of those in
     need and increase community involvement.

 Blood-N-Fire. (2010) Poverty Statistics.

 Google Maps. (2011).
      om/help/maps/tour/mapleft.kml#1/maps?&hl= en&z=2

 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010,
       August). Poverty Guidelines.

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A helping hand

  • 1. A HELPING HAND Mission: To provide basic household necessities to those in need in Delaware County.
  • 2. MUNCIES NEED More than 32% of the Muncies population has fallen below the poverty line during the past year. This is over 20,800 people living in poverty in Muncie alone. ( B l o o d - N - F i r e , 2 0 1 0 ) Lower-income families tend to pay higher than average prices for basic household necessities such as furniture, appliances and electronics. ( B l o o d - N - F i r e , 2 0 1 0 ) Many Delaware County residents cannot af ford the basic necessities required for a decent standard of living. ( B l o o d - N - Fire, 2010)
  • 3. THE SOLUTION: A HELPING HAND A Helping Hand is a nonprofit organization that would provide basic household necessities to low -income individuals and families at no cost. A Helping Hands partnership with Take 5 Community Outreach enables the organization to provide a wide variety of necessities. A Helping Hands objectives are to provide those in need with the necessities required for a decent standard of living and the tools to become self -sufficient, and to change the way people in the community view those in need.
  • 4. WHAT WE PROVIDE Appliances Clothing Hygiene Refrigerators p r o d uc t s Ovens Womens Microwaves Mens ( Ta ke 5 ) Washers & Dr yers Childrens Toiletries Vacuums Diapers Infants Water heaters Outerwear Soaps Air Conditioners Space Heaters Work wear Cleaning Fans Shoes Supplies Laundry Fu r n i t u r e Detergent Beds M i s c e l la n e o us Mattresses Bedding Couches Cookware Ef fective Tables Budgeting Chairs Cribs Cour ses Dressers Strollers Shelves High-chairs Desks Other Cour ses School supplies Toys
  • 5. WHO WE HELP Delaware County residents including: Low-income individuals Low-income families Single-parent families
  • 6. ELIGIBILIT Y REQUIREMENTS All applicants must: Be over the age of 18 Provide valid picture identification Provide proof of residence in Delaware County Utility bill, bank statement, or other document Be at or under 150% of the poverty guidelines Attend the bi-annual budget course
  • 7. ELIGIBILIT Y POVERT Y GUIDELINES Number of Persons in 100% of Poverty Level Eligibility Cutoff Household (150% of Poverty Level) 1 $10,830 $16,245 2 $14,570 $21,885 3 $18,310 $27,465 4 $22,050 $33,075 5 $25,790 $38,685 6 $29,530 $44,295 7 $33,270 $49,905 8 $37,010 $55,605 >8 Add $3,740 for each additional person (U.S Deparment of Health and Human Services, 2010)
  • 8. HOW WE WORK Items are donated From public and corporate donators Purchased new Voucher System Each item is assessed a price Vouchers are assessed a value based on the applicants percent of the poverty level Pick-up or free delivery Check-ins Re-donation
  • 9. OUR STAFF Director Assistant Director Manager Clerk Accountant Legal Consultant Volunteers Interns
  • 10. LOCATION 2200 West 8 th Street Muncie, In 47302 (Corner of 8 th and Batavia ) (Google Maps, 2011)
  • 11. ADVERTISEMENT A Helping Hand will have a website promoting awareness of the organization Quarterly newsletters Flyers Billboard Fundraisers
  • 12. FUNDING Source Annual Amount Public donations 20,000 Corporate donations 25,000 Event fundraising 80,000 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Grant 100,000 State grants 65,000 Total Annual funding 290000
  • 13. FUNDING Public and corporate donations will be received by: Donation envelopes sent out by the organization to public and corporate members of the community. Collection Canisters A Helping Hands Website Direct donation to the organization Event fundraisers will include: Silent auctions Walks and marathons Other community involvement
  • 14. BUDGET Expense Startup Month Annual License/Permits/Registration/Fees 2000 500 Deposit/Down payment 50000 Building repair/remodel 10000 Mortgage ($89,900 - $50,000 = $39,900) 450 5400 Building maintenance 10000 Electric 250 400 4800 Water/Sewage 100 100 1200 Telephone 180 90 1080 Equipment/supplies 10000 10000 Inventory 20000 20000 Vehicles (2) 10000 Vehicle maintenance/repairs 3000 5000 Gas 500 800 9600 Advertising 3000 3000 Fundraising 3000 3000 Liability Insurance 5000 Director salary 25000 Assistant Director 20000 Manager 15000 Clerk 1 8000 Accountant salary 15000 Legal/Consultation 5000 5000 Miscellaneous 6390 Totals 117030 1840 172970 Total Annual Expense 290000 Total Annual Funding 290,000
  • 15. WHY A HELPING HAND IS IMPORTANT Many Delaware County residents cannot af ford the basic necessities required for a decent standard of living. ( B l o o d - N - F i r e , 2010) A Helping Hand would provide those in need with the items necessary for a decent standard of living. A Helping Hand would provide those in need with the tools to become self-sufficient. A Helping Hand would help change the communitys view of those in need and increase community involvement.
  • 16. REFERENCES Blood-N-Fire. (2010) Poverty Statistics. http://www.bloodnfiremuncie.com/poverty.html Google Maps. (2011). http://maps.google.com/maps?hq=http://maps.google.c om/help/maps/tour/mapleft.kml#1/maps?&hl= en&z=2 &utm_campaign=en&utm_medium=ha&utm_source=en- ha-na-us-bk-gm U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010, August). Poverty Guidelines. http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/10poverty.shtml