Jak ma wyglda tw坦j pomys? Tworzenie prototyp坦w & learning by doingMarta Bulba
Zamiast inwestowa i ryzykowa, warto prototypowa. Kreatywno wymaga testowania wielu pomys坦w i wyrzucania czci z nich do kosza. Dlaczego warto prototypowa i jak to robi?
Prezentacja przygotowana na warsztat podczas I DESIGN, bdcego czci DT WEEK 2017.
Bo w design thinking najwa甜niejsze jest doing.
TEDxWSB story of life.
Create, Win, Fail, Learn Again.
It's a story of every startup person in this room.
Made in Poland, by Polish people.
Please share it
Startupy to nie tylko technologie, specyfikacje i kody programistyczne. To tak甜e, a mo甜e przede wszystkim, ludzie z pasj... Jak zmotywowa zesp坦? Jak rozwiza powstajce problemy i narastajce konflikty? Jak zgodnie i efektywnie pracowa, gdy ka甜dy ma sto pomys坦w na minut?
Micha Dyrda - z bran甜 internetow zwizany od 8 lat, przedsibiorca, tw坦rca dw坦ch startup坦w lingapp.com oraz dziecisawazne.pl.
Rzeczywisto finansowa i marketingowa polskiego startupuKamil Jarosz
>>1.Dlaczego Tw坦j pomys nie jest startupem?
Czym jest startup przykady startup坦w z Polski i zza granicy.
>>2.Masz wietny pomys? Przepraszam, jeste w bdzie
Dlaczego koloryzujemy swoje pomysy, oszukujemy si, a p坦添niej trudno nam si przyzna do pora甜ki z wasnej winy. Kilka porad jak tego wszystkiego unikn.
>>3.R坦b, nie myl, ucz si na bdach!
Problem zbyt wyt甜onego mylenia i idealizowania wasnej firmy/marki, straty czasu i wiedzy na samym pocztku prowadzenia firmy. Kilka porad zwizanych z wprowadzaniem biznesu na rynek.
>>4.Nie szukaj pienidzy. Pienidze znajd Ciebie
Argumenty przeciw finansowaniu wasnego pomysu z zewntrz w jego pocztkowej fazie i pokazanie alternatywnych cie甜ek finansowania firmy.
Prezentacja dla os坦b prowadzcych projekty internetowe, czy startupy, kt坦re zastanawiaj si jak zdefiniowa potencjalnego klienta, jak do niego dotrze, a tak甜e jak zaoferowa mu produkt. Pokazuje tutaj jak udao mi si pozyska pierwszych klient坦w, jakie metody byy skuteczne, jakie sposoby s kiepskie. Adresatem prezentacji s wic osoby rozwijajce wasne firmy, projekty, produkty i usugi.
Lidl Management Academy w Collegium Da Vinci - Digital marketingMikolaj Paczkowski
Chcesz wiedzie, co jest wa甜ne w pracy managera w dziale marketingu du甜ej marki? Chcesz zainwestowa czas w zajcia dodatkowe? Zapisz si na warsztaty prowadzone przez kadr managersk Lidl Polska!
W grudniu 2018, w Collegium Da Vinci, Lidl bdzie dzieli si swoimi dowiadczeniami z funkcjonowania dziau digital marketingu jednej z najwikszych sieci handlowych w Europie.
Mikoaj Paczkowski i Magda Szubarczyk opowiedz Wam o ty, co stoi za tworzeniem wielkich strategii marketingowych oraz z czym mierz si osoby, podejmujce prac w du甜ej korporacji.
- http://internetteam.pl/
- http://internetteam.pl/bo-dzielenie-sie-wiedza-jest-dobre/
- https://cdv.pl/wydarzenia/spotkanie/lidl-management-academy-w-collegium-da-vinci/
Prezentacja Mariusza Gralewskiego, Prezesa Zarzdu Goldenline, z 26.maja 2009r z 4. spotkania "XRAii - Przewietlamy Internet. W Rzeszowie" o budowaniu serwisu i spoecznoci Goldenline.pl
Jak kreatywnie poszukiwa sposob坦w na biznes (Stream 2013.03.23)Klaudia Tolman
Slajdy ze szkolenia Jak kreatywnie poszukiwa sposob坦w na biznes.
Przeczytaj relacj z warszt坦w:
- chcesz zao甜y wasny biznes, ale nie masz jeszcze na niego pomysu
- masz wstpny pomys, ale czujesz, 甜e jeszcze mu czego brakuje
- masz ju甜 wasny biznes, ale nie idzie on tak, jak by tego chciaa
Z ka甜dej z powy甜szych sytuacji JEST wyjcie!
Pomo甜emy Ci je znale添 w trakcie najbli甜szego szkolenia, podczas kt坦rego poznasz techniki mylenia wizualnego i
niekonwencjonalnego poszukiwania rozwiza.
Daj si zainspirowa! Poszukaj pomys坦w, na jakie wczeniej nie wpada (a mo甜e jeszcze NIKT na nie wpad?). Odkryj potencja w swojej kreatywnoci i myleniu wizualnym.
Na tym spotkaniu :
- Zobaczysz przykady niekonwencjonalnych rozwiza biznesowych,
- Zainspirujesz si udanymi biznesami, kt坦re w tej chwili przynosz zyski pomysodawcom i korzyci ich odbiorcom,
- Pobawisz si swoj kreatywnoci po to, aby wygenerowa pomysy na biznes,
- Poznasz techniki niekonwencjonalnego poszukiwania rozwiza,
- Cofniesz si w rozwoju, aby ten rozw坦j przypieszy (bdziesz na nowo rysowa, jak za dziecicych lat!).
UWAGA! Spotkanie o bardzo warsztatowej formule, zapraszamy do przyjcia z otwart gow i gotowoci do dziaania!
This document contains information related to evaluating the performance of a project controls manager, including:
1. Sample performance evaluation forms for a project controls manager with rating scales and categories like administration, communication, decision making, etc.
2. Examples of positive and negative phrases that can be used in a performance review for areas like attitude, creativity, problem solving, teamwork, etc.
3. An overview of the top 12 methods for performance appraisal for a project controls manager, including management by objectives, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, and 360 degree feedback.
The document provides guidance, templates, and language that can be used to conduct a thorough performance review of a project controls manager.
This document provides contact information for a company called "You Turn" that offers walking services. It lists their website and Facebook page, as well as an email for more information or to book a walk. Potential customers are encouraged to check them out.
This document discusses distributing a media product through television, websites, and other institutions. Television shows like MTV and 4Music that have high viewership, especially among the target audience, would be used to display products during advertisements. Websites like Twitter and YouTube would also be used since they are popular among teenage girls, the target demographic. Distributing through these widely used media institutions would help get the word out about the artist and allow videos to be shared among more teenage girls around the world.
This document discusses home-based care provided by women for elderly family members. It profiles three female caregivers - a granddaughter who visits her 93-year-old grandmother weekly, a daughter who helps care for her dementia-stricken mother in Germany, and a daughter-in-law who assists her husband's almost-blind mother. These women dedicate their time to tasks like cooking, cleaning, shopping, bathing and socializing with their elderly charges. They describe their motivations as wanting to reciprocate care received earlier or feeling caring is in their nature. The document suggests women often take on most informal eldercare duties within families due to traditional gender roles and caring attributes passed down from previous generations.
C.I. Group is a Thailand-based manufacturer of evaporator and condenser coils for HVAC/R equipment. It has over 1,000 employees across 3 factories totaling over 28,000 square meters. C.I. Group prides itself on its engineering design capabilities, ability to customize coils, and producing coils for harsh environments and industrial/commercial applications. It aims to empower its partners through dedicated work and commitment to standards, fairness, and creating an enjoyable work environment.
Ultrasonic Treatment to Molten FEM息 Aluminum Alloy and Effects of Ultrasound...editor1knowledgecuddle
Today, in the industry of aluminum, the D. C. casting of billets and slabs is playing the major role. The producers of these slabs and billets are many. The end users of the product are OEMs. The degassing technology for producing these aluminum slabs and billets is provided by very few. There are two types of degassing methods currently in use. One of these, vacuum degassing, is used primarily in the steel industry and thus not generally used in the aluminum industry. The second method, generally employed in the aluminum industry, is rotary degassing, which uses finely dispersed argon, chlorine, fluorine to remove dissolved hydrogen and various salts from melt. The challenges associated with producing aluminum are reducing porosity due to hydrogen precipitation during casting through degassing processes; which generates detrimental effects on mechanical properties of alloy castings and removing impurities like; the Ca, Mg salts etc. from the molten metal. Looking at the degassing systems provided by these players, are going to be obsolete as the environment norms will become stricter in the next decade, because of the use of Fluorine and Chlorine for removing the Ca, Mg, etc. impurities from the molten metal as the ozone layer is getting depleted and process becomes more cumbersome and hazardous. So, the innovation in the technology is needed; which leads research interest on development of the ultrasonic degassing as a better option. During this research authors would be using ultrasonic technology over existing technology to compare the results of conventional degasser units available in the market such as LARSTM, SNIFTM, STASTM - ACDTM, AlpurTM, MDUTM etc., and would be finding out the better operating parameters of ultrasonic equipment for the process for replacement of Fluorine and Chlorine based old technology with Ultrasonic Technology. This research paper should underpin improvement in the process and hence improved hardness of material by elimination of the fluorine and chlorine usage by replacing it with ultrasonic technology with suitable mechanical design, metallurgical criteria and thermal analysis consideration. During the entire research and development authors had carried out various operations like Research on thermal and metallurgical behavior of the molten metal and alloys, Comparison of results achieved using ultrasonic technique over existing technique, Formulation of conclusion; making ultrasonic technique a proven technology, and Identifying the further scope of research and development. With the experiments carried out, authors found significant improvement in hardness of the material produced by ultrasonic degassing as compared with the hardness of material produced by conventional degassing.
The term "morphing" is used to describe the combination of generalized image warping with a crossdissolve
between image elements. The term is derived from "image metamorphosis". Morphing is an image
processing technique typically used as an animation tool for the metamorphosis from one image to another. The
idea is to specify a warp that distorts the first image into the second. Its inverse will distort the second image into
the first..The morph process consists of warping two images so that they have the same "shape", and then cross
dissolving the resulting images. Cross-dissolving is the major problem as how to warp an image. In this paper I
have concentrated on one of the methodology of image morphing named Mesh Warping.
Keywords: Morphing, Warping, Cross-dissolve, Metamorphosis.
This document provides contact information for Komal Patel of Trikocreation, a fashion creator and custom designer. It lists her portfolio theme of "One World" and the types of custom and formal wear she designs, including promwear, contemptwear, and fusion wear. Contact information including phone numbers, email, Skype, website, and social media links are provided to connect with Komal Patel and view her portfolio.
The document provides 12 real estate marketing tips for those hoping to succeed in the competitive real estate advertising market, including setting up social media profiles, adding social sharing to property pages, keeping an eye on the competition, making contact information easily accessible, using local images, animated video, Pinterest boards, and mobile-friendly responsive design. It also recommends building a Google My Business page, soliciting testimonials, creating an awesome website with easy navigation.
DPS Software : Case Management SystemsDPS Software
DPS Outlook Office is a scalable and modular case management system fully integrated to and operating seamlessly within Microsoft Outlook. Entire case histories and procedures are located in one central, easy-to-use practice management solution. For more information about legal software visit now @ http://www.dpssoftware.co.uk
The document provides information on performance evaluation methods for an insurance clerk, including examples of performance review phrases. It discusses 12 common performance appraisal methods such as management by objectives, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, behavioral observation scales, and 360 degree feedback. For each method, it provides an overview and examples of how it can be used to evaluate an insurance clerk's performance. The document aims to provide human resources professionals with tools and resources to effectively evaluate insurance clerk job performance.
Prezentacja dla os坦b prowadzcych projekty internetowe, czy startupy, kt坦re zastanawiaj si jak zdefiniowa potencjalnego klienta, jak do niego dotrze, a tak甜e jak zaoferowa mu produkt. Pokazuje tutaj jak udao mi si pozyska pierwszych klient坦w, jakie metody byy skuteczne, jakie sposoby s kiepskie. Adresatem prezentacji s wic osoby rozwijajce wasne firmy, projekty, produkty i usugi.
Lidl Management Academy w Collegium Da Vinci - Digital marketingMikolaj Paczkowski
Chcesz wiedzie, co jest wa甜ne w pracy managera w dziale marketingu du甜ej marki? Chcesz zainwestowa czas w zajcia dodatkowe? Zapisz si na warsztaty prowadzone przez kadr managersk Lidl Polska!
W grudniu 2018, w Collegium Da Vinci, Lidl bdzie dzieli si swoimi dowiadczeniami z funkcjonowania dziau digital marketingu jednej z najwikszych sieci handlowych w Europie.
Mikoaj Paczkowski i Magda Szubarczyk opowiedz Wam o ty, co stoi za tworzeniem wielkich strategii marketingowych oraz z czym mierz si osoby, podejmujce prac w du甜ej korporacji.
- http://internetteam.pl/
- http://internetteam.pl/bo-dzielenie-sie-wiedza-jest-dobre/
- https://cdv.pl/wydarzenia/spotkanie/lidl-management-academy-w-collegium-da-vinci/
Prezentacja Mariusza Gralewskiego, Prezesa Zarzdu Goldenline, z 26.maja 2009r z 4. spotkania "XRAii - Przewietlamy Internet. W Rzeszowie" o budowaniu serwisu i spoecznoci Goldenline.pl
Jak kreatywnie poszukiwa sposob坦w na biznes (Stream 2013.03.23)Klaudia Tolman
Slajdy ze szkolenia Jak kreatywnie poszukiwa sposob坦w na biznes.
Przeczytaj relacj z warszt坦w:
- chcesz zao甜y wasny biznes, ale nie masz jeszcze na niego pomysu
- masz wstpny pomys, ale czujesz, 甜e jeszcze mu czego brakuje
- masz ju甜 wasny biznes, ale nie idzie on tak, jak by tego chciaa
Z ka甜dej z powy甜szych sytuacji JEST wyjcie!
Pomo甜emy Ci je znale添 w trakcie najbli甜szego szkolenia, podczas kt坦rego poznasz techniki mylenia wizualnego i
niekonwencjonalnego poszukiwania rozwiza.
Daj si zainspirowa! Poszukaj pomys坦w, na jakie wczeniej nie wpada (a mo甜e jeszcze NIKT na nie wpad?). Odkryj potencja w swojej kreatywnoci i myleniu wizualnym.
Na tym spotkaniu :
- Zobaczysz przykady niekonwencjonalnych rozwiza biznesowych,
- Zainspirujesz si udanymi biznesami, kt坦re w tej chwili przynosz zyski pomysodawcom i korzyci ich odbiorcom,
- Pobawisz si swoj kreatywnoci po to, aby wygenerowa pomysy na biznes,
- Poznasz techniki niekonwencjonalnego poszukiwania rozwiza,
- Cofniesz si w rozwoju, aby ten rozw坦j przypieszy (bdziesz na nowo rysowa, jak za dziecicych lat!).
UWAGA! Spotkanie o bardzo warsztatowej formule, zapraszamy do przyjcia z otwart gow i gotowoci do dziaania!
This document contains information related to evaluating the performance of a project controls manager, including:
1. Sample performance evaluation forms for a project controls manager with rating scales and categories like administration, communication, decision making, etc.
2. Examples of positive and negative phrases that can be used in a performance review for areas like attitude, creativity, problem solving, teamwork, etc.
3. An overview of the top 12 methods for performance appraisal for a project controls manager, including management by objectives, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, and 360 degree feedback.
The document provides guidance, templates, and language that can be used to conduct a thorough performance review of a project controls manager.
This document provides contact information for a company called "You Turn" that offers walking services. It lists their website and Facebook page, as well as an email for more information or to book a walk. Potential customers are encouraged to check them out.
This document discusses distributing a media product through television, websites, and other institutions. Television shows like MTV and 4Music that have high viewership, especially among the target audience, would be used to display products during advertisements. Websites like Twitter and YouTube would also be used since they are popular among teenage girls, the target demographic. Distributing through these widely used media institutions would help get the word out about the artist and allow videos to be shared among more teenage girls around the world.
This document discusses home-based care provided by women for elderly family members. It profiles three female caregivers - a granddaughter who visits her 93-year-old grandmother weekly, a daughter who helps care for her dementia-stricken mother in Germany, and a daughter-in-law who assists her husband's almost-blind mother. These women dedicate their time to tasks like cooking, cleaning, shopping, bathing and socializing with their elderly charges. They describe their motivations as wanting to reciprocate care received earlier or feeling caring is in their nature. The document suggests women often take on most informal eldercare duties within families due to traditional gender roles and caring attributes passed down from previous generations.
C.I. Group is a Thailand-based manufacturer of evaporator and condenser coils for HVAC/R equipment. It has over 1,000 employees across 3 factories totaling over 28,000 square meters. C.I. Group prides itself on its engineering design capabilities, ability to customize coils, and producing coils for harsh environments and industrial/commercial applications. It aims to empower its partners through dedicated work and commitment to standards, fairness, and creating an enjoyable work environment.
Ultrasonic Treatment to Molten FEM息 Aluminum Alloy and Effects of Ultrasound...editor1knowledgecuddle
Today, in the industry of aluminum, the D. C. casting of billets and slabs is playing the major role. The producers of these slabs and billets are many. The end users of the product are OEMs. The degassing technology for producing these aluminum slabs and billets is provided by very few. There are two types of degassing methods currently in use. One of these, vacuum degassing, is used primarily in the steel industry and thus not generally used in the aluminum industry. The second method, generally employed in the aluminum industry, is rotary degassing, which uses finely dispersed argon, chlorine, fluorine to remove dissolved hydrogen and various salts from melt. The challenges associated with producing aluminum are reducing porosity due to hydrogen precipitation during casting through degassing processes; which generates detrimental effects on mechanical properties of alloy castings and removing impurities like; the Ca, Mg salts etc. from the molten metal. Looking at the degassing systems provided by these players, are going to be obsolete as the environment norms will become stricter in the next decade, because of the use of Fluorine and Chlorine for removing the Ca, Mg, etc. impurities from the molten metal as the ozone layer is getting depleted and process becomes more cumbersome and hazardous. So, the innovation in the technology is needed; which leads research interest on development of the ultrasonic degassing as a better option. During this research authors would be using ultrasonic technology over existing technology to compare the results of conventional degasser units available in the market such as LARSTM, SNIFTM, STASTM - ACDTM, AlpurTM, MDUTM etc., and would be finding out the better operating parameters of ultrasonic equipment for the process for replacement of Fluorine and Chlorine based old technology with Ultrasonic Technology. This research paper should underpin improvement in the process and hence improved hardness of material by elimination of the fluorine and chlorine usage by replacing it with ultrasonic technology with suitable mechanical design, metallurgical criteria and thermal analysis consideration. During the entire research and development authors had carried out various operations like Research on thermal and metallurgical behavior of the molten metal and alloys, Comparison of results achieved using ultrasonic technique over existing technique, Formulation of conclusion; making ultrasonic technique a proven technology, and Identifying the further scope of research and development. With the experiments carried out, authors found significant improvement in hardness of the material produced by ultrasonic degassing as compared with the hardness of material produced by conventional degassing.
The term "morphing" is used to describe the combination of generalized image warping with a crossdissolve
between image elements. The term is derived from "image metamorphosis". Morphing is an image
processing technique typically used as an animation tool for the metamorphosis from one image to another. The
idea is to specify a warp that distorts the first image into the second. Its inverse will distort the second image into
the first..The morph process consists of warping two images so that they have the same "shape", and then cross
dissolving the resulting images. Cross-dissolving is the major problem as how to warp an image. In this paper I
have concentrated on one of the methodology of image morphing named Mesh Warping.
Keywords: Morphing, Warping, Cross-dissolve, Metamorphosis.
This document provides contact information for Komal Patel of Trikocreation, a fashion creator and custom designer. It lists her portfolio theme of "One World" and the types of custom and formal wear she designs, including promwear, contemptwear, and fusion wear. Contact information including phone numbers, email, Skype, website, and social media links are provided to connect with Komal Patel and view her portfolio.
The document provides 12 real estate marketing tips for those hoping to succeed in the competitive real estate advertising market, including setting up social media profiles, adding social sharing to property pages, keeping an eye on the competition, making contact information easily accessible, using local images, animated video, Pinterest boards, and mobile-friendly responsive design. It also recommends building a Google My Business page, soliciting testimonials, creating an awesome website with easy navigation.
DPS Software : Case Management SystemsDPS Software
DPS Outlook Office is a scalable and modular case management system fully integrated to and operating seamlessly within Microsoft Outlook. Entire case histories and procedures are located in one central, easy-to-use practice management solution. For more information about legal software visit now @ http://www.dpssoftware.co.uk
The document provides information on performance evaluation methods for an insurance clerk, including examples of performance review phrases. It discusses 12 common performance appraisal methods such as management by objectives, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, behavioral observation scales, and 360 degree feedback. For each method, it provides an overview and examples of how it can be used to evaluate an insurance clerk's performance. The document aims to provide human resources professionals with tools and resources to effectively evaluate insurance clerk job performance.
If you wish to defer paying taxes on some of those profits you may wish to consider entering into a Section 1031 Exchange in lieu of a traditional sale when possible. Learn more about section 1031 exchanges in this presentation.
Research consultant perfomance appraisal 2tonychoper2204
This document provides information and resources for evaluating the job performance of a research consultant. It includes a 4-page sample performance evaluation form with rating scales for evaluating an employee on various performance factors. It also lists phrases that can be used in a performance review for areas like attitude, creativity, decision-making, interpersonal skills, and teamwork. Finally, it outlines the top 12 methods that can be used for performance appraisal, such as management by objectives, critical incident method, behaviorally anchored rating scales, and 360-degree feedback. The goal is to help managers formally assess a research consultant's work quality and provide constructive feedback for improvement.
Steganography is going to gain its importance due to the exponential growth and secret communication of potential computer users over the internet [5]. It can also be defined as the study of invisible communication that usually deals with the ways of hiding the existence of the communicated message. Generally data embedding is achieved in communication, image, text, voice or multimedia content for copyright, military communication, authentication and many other purposes [2]. In image Steganography, secret communication is achieved to embed a message into cover image (used as the carrier to embed message into) and generate a stego- image (generated image which is carrying a hidden message)[1]. In this paper we have critically analyzed various steganographic techniques and also have covered steganography overview its major types, classification, applications [3]. KEYWORDS: STEGANOGRAPHY, STEGO IMAGE, COVER IMAGE, LSB
Richard Filion has over 15 years of experience in sales management and business development roles. He has a track record of success developing new clients and sales territories. His experience spans several industries including automotive, transportation, tires, and technical services. He is bilingual in French and English with strong communication, negotiation, and client management skills.
Evaluation of Family SMILES: an NSPCC intervention for children whose parents...BASPCAN
This document summarizes an evaluation of the Family SMILES program, an NSPCC intervention for children with parents who have a mental illness. The evaluation found that after participating in the program, children showed statistically significant reductions in emotional and behavioral difficulties according to parent and practitioner reports. Children's self-esteem also improved significantly. Parents demonstrated enhanced protective behaviors as well. Qualitative interviews revealed that the program improved family communication around mental health issues. The evaluation used various tools to measure outcomes and experienced some facilitators and barriers to the program.
This document provides a resume for Taylor Ciampi, including personal information, performance training history, dance training history, and accomplishments. It lists Taylor's height, weight, hair and eye color, as well as contact information. The performance training section details lead roles and variations performed from 2013 to 2015. Dance training includes programs at prestigious schools with merit scholarships. Accomplishments include top rankings at international ballet competitions from 2009 to 2015, including silver at the World Ballet Competition.
Dowiedz si, jak osign (i utrzyma) szczyt kreatywnoci!
Rutyna: ka甜dego dnia w pracy musisz wymyla cudowne rozwizania dla szeregu problem坦w, a to wszystko pod presj rychego deadlineu. Wszyscy wymagaj natychmiastowego efektu, nieustajcej byskotliwoci i genialnych pomys坦w na zawoanie. Przytacza Ci to? Signij po t ksi甜k!
Jak zmotywowa ludzi do tego, 甜eby byli efektywniejsi w pracy? Zadbaj o dobry wizerunek swojej firmy, sprawiajc, aby Twoi pracownicy czuli si w niej dobrze...
Przesta odwleka! Skocz si obija, we添 si w gar i zacznij dziaa!http://aspiracja.com/epartnerzy/przestanodwlekac/
Odwlekasz wiele spraw na p坦添niej? Czekasz na ostatni moment i bierzesz si do roboty dopiero gdy masz n坦甜 na gardle? Obiecujesz sobie, 甜e to ostatni raz a mimo to sytuacja cigle si powtarza?
Jest recepta na odkadanie na p坦添niej:
Pokonaj nawyk odkadania na p坦添nieji zastp go dziaaniem!
Ebook napisany przez Bartka Popiela - autora ksi甜ki Zrobi To Dzisiaj! wybawi Ci ze szpon odwlekania. Pokonasz nawyk odkadania na p坦添niej i zastpisz go dziaaniem!
Jak zmotywowa ludzi do tego, 甜eby byli efektywniejsi w pracy? Zadbaj o dobry wizerunek swojej firmy, sprawiajc, aby Twoi pracownicy czuli si w niej dobrze.
Do interesujca pozycja dla ka甜dego pracownika jak i pracodawcy. Publikacja zawiera kilka u甜ytecznych porad, a nawet jeli tylko jedna przyda si komu to 10% wzrost wydajnoci przekada si na zot坦wki, pamitajcie o tym!
Prezentacja dla student坦w z AIESEC, pokazujca jak z grupy student坦w z AIESEC powstaa Grupa Unity oraz jak mo甜na dzi warto podej do otworzenia swojego biznesu.
22. Diagram Buda Caddella
Gdy chcesz co robi i jeste w tym dobry, ale inni nie
chc Ci za to paci, naucz si na tym zarabia.
Gdy jeste w czym dobry i mo甜esz za to pobiera
wynagrodzenie, ale nie lubisz tego robi, naucz si
Gdy lubisz co robi i mo甜esz za to pobiera
wynagrodzenie, ale nie jeste w tym dobry, naucz si
robi to lepiej.
24. Czy udao mi si wskaza problem wart
Czy proponuj waciwe rozwizanie?
Czy ja sam faktycznie chc rozwiza
ten problem?
Czy powinienem to zbudowa?
27. Za ka甜dym razem, kiedy widzisz
biznes, kt坦ry odnosi sukces, oznacza
to, 甜e kto kiedy podj odwa甜n
Peter Drucker
28. Zmie:
Musz na chc,
Trzeba znale添 znajd
Boj si wystpienia na Aleje.IT Ciekawe jak
wypadn na konferencji Aleje.IT
29. () Za ka甜dym razem, kiedy zbli甜amy si do osigniecia celu,
za ka甜dym razem, kiedy manuskrypt jest gotowy do wysania
do wydawcy, odzywa si m坦zg jaszczurki M坦zg jaszczurki
m坦wi: 損Bd si ze mnie mia束, 損Bd mia kopotyβ. M坦zg
jaszczurki krzyczy na cae gardo. I w rezultacie po prostu tego
nie robimy. Dokonujemy sabota甜u. Wstrzymujemy si.
Seth Godin
Puk , puk- strach puka do drzwi, otwiera mu odwaga,
a tam nikogo nie ma.
33. Trzeba uczy si na bdach i i dalej.
Kocham to, co robi,
Bo ka甜dego dnia ucz si czego nowego.
Richard Branson
Czowiek, kt坦ry nie robi bd坦w, zwykle nie robi
Edward Phelps
39. Have faith in yourself
Think yes, not no
Live life to the full
Never give up
Richard Branson
40. W 甜yciu s rzeczy, kt坦re warto, i s rzeczy, kt坦re si
opaca, ale nie zawsze to, co warto si opaca, i nie
zawsze to, co si opaca warto.
Profesor Wadysaw Bartoszewski