A description of the NTISD (Nsamizi Training Institute for Social Development) in Uganda, our long-time partner in crime! We enjoyed the five years immensely, the resilience of Charles Otim and other NTISD staff, and the quiet support behind the scenes of Institute Principal Charles Kanyesigye. The collaboration with ISS is one of the global relationships that has strengthened the NTISD over the years. Soon we will be launching a book that resulted from our collaboration, and the Post-Graduate Diploma on Social Justice is now up and fully running, and attracting students from all sectors, especially the 19 JLOS (Justice, Law and Order Sector) institutions.
5. For many years, NTISD has built up
relations with global partners:
- The Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
in The Hague, Netherlands
(Capacity Building NICHE projects)
- The UNHCR (UN High Commission
for Refugees, projects with refugees)