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What is Government?
A Representation of the People
   Not an Entity, Ruler, or Company
   No Authority to Run the Economy
   No Authority to Run Internal Improvements
   No Authority to Run any Domestic Affairs
A Representation of the People
   No Authority to Redistribute Money
   No Authority to Take Freedoms and Liberties
    away from the People through Legislation
   No Power to Give Freedom or Liberty
   Represent the States/People in Foreign Affairs
   Defend the States/People
   Thats it!!!
Federalist vs. Nationalist

      Jefferson              Hamilton

Examining the differences between what is 
       and what was supposed to be
   Origins  Declaration of Independence
   Articles of Confederation and PERPETUAL Union

   Origins  "American System Government Runs Everything
   Destruction of PERPETUAL Union / Forced Union
   A Unique Fascist Approach - Hamilton / Clay / Lincoln /
    Wilson and Others
   Confederation of Countries (States) - Voluntary Union
   Republic and the Rule of Law - (Dual Level Republic)
   Representative Government
   A non-Party Government for ALL the People

   Centralized Nation State (Forced Union)
   Democracy used as an Oligarchy  Elitist Rule
   Party Ideologue Government of Elitists
   Two Party System meant to Divide and Enslave
   The People are the Government - State and Local Control
   Term Limits for Representatives - Part Time Job
   Stipends for Representation (No Benefits)
   Senators Appointed by State Legislatures

   The Politicians are the Government - Nation State Control
   Career Politicians
   Politicians set own Salaries, Benefits, Health care
   Senators Democratically Elected. Majority Rules
   Extremely Limited Constitutional Government
   Small Federal Government
   Government for Foreign Affairs Only
   Decentralized Government Close to the People

   Constitutional Government Interpreted 10,000 ways
   Bloated Federal Government
   Government for Everything
   Centralized Government Away from the People
   Balanced Budgets Annually - NO Exceptions
   Elimination of Czars / Most Departments
   Education through Local and Private Sectors
   Children Taught Basics for Success in Life

   No Budgets  Unlimited Spending
   Czars using Power for Ideological Purposes
   Failed Education System Based on Central Government
   Children Indoctrinated to Follow Nation State
   Protect the States and the People
   Responsible Immigration Policy - State Enforced
   Eliminating Foreign Aid
   No UN, Coalition with Friendly Countries, Neutral

   Policing the World
   Broken and unenforceable Immigration Policy
   Funding Countries that hate America
   Bowing to United Nations / Mismanaged Foreign Policy
   End all Wars, Bring Troops Home
   Smaller more effective National Defense
   Espouse the Republic form of Government

   Troop Stationed Everywhere, Continuous油Warfare
   Bloated Pentagon Sending 1000s to Die, 10s of 1000s
   Forcing Democracy on the World
   States Rights / People's Rights - Tenth Amendment
   Secession and Nullification, State Competition
   States Run Domestic Affairs
   States Have Right to Develop Natural Resources

   Limited States Rights (virtually no States Rights)
   Forced to Stay in Union and Obey Federal Edicts
   Federal Government Runs Domestic affairs
   Government Blocks or Interferes Through Over Regulation
   Protection of Personal Property - #1 Priority
   People are Defenders of Individual Human Rights
   All Americans are Created Equal
   Minority Ideologies are Protected

   Confiscation of Personal Property
   People Are Patriotic to Dystopian Nation State
   Class Warfare, Inequality, Creating Partisanship
   Majority Ideology Rules, Minority Enslaved
   The Right to Live as One Chooses
   Pursue the American Dream
   Enjoy the Fruits of Ones labor
   Donating Through Individuals choice

   Forced to Live as Others Choose
   Punished Attaining the American Dream (Progressive Tax)
   Fruits Taken and Redistributed
   Government Donating to油Cronies油and Friends
   Open Market Capitalism
   Fair Market Banking, No Central Bank, Specie Based
   Limited Regulations
   Private Health Care options

   Crony Capitalism, Special Interests, Picks Winners/Losers
   Fractional Banking by Cartel (FED), Paper Money (Not
   Nearly Unlimited Regulations
   Forced to Have Care  Forced Government Programs
   Energy Independence - Total Open Free-Markets
   Ending Subsidies to All Sectors
   No Pork Spending

   Forced Green Energy Solutions - Over Regulated
   Paying Subsidies to Favorites and Friends
   Pork Spending to get Politicians Re-elected
   Peoples Right of Self-Defense, Gun Ownership
   Independent Judiciary
   Legal System Based on Original Intent of Laws as Written

   Police State, Dystopian Society
   Judges picked by Political Ideology for Life
   Legal System is Evolutionary / Decisions Based on Politics
   No Taxation without Representation
   Very Limited Taxation by Federal Government
   Federal Gov. Funded non-Income, non-Sales Tax Solutions
   No Corporate Taxation. Keep Jobs in U.S. - State Control

   Taxation Without TRUE Representation
   Forced Taxation by Federal Government
   Forced Income Based Taxation
   2nd Highest in World. Forcing Jobs to go Overseas
   No Centralized Internal Improvements - Private Competition
   Elimination of Government Programs (Move to Private Sector)
   Fiscal Responsibility - NO Exceptions
   No Borrowing

   Centralized Internal Improvements
   Forced to Belong to Government Programs
   Fiscal Irresponsibility and Deficit Spending
   Irresponsible Crisis borrowing and Unable to Payback
   Job Training Moved to Private Sector  Choice
   Protection of Senior Programs (Phased into Private Sector)
   Self Responsibility, Move Welfare to Private Sector - Choice
   Welfare  Ending Poverty through Private Sector - Choice

   Failed Public Training Programs
   Bankrupting Programs, Stealing Money from Social Security
   Unlimited Welfare, Dependency to Buy Votes for Political
   Welfare  Keeping the PoorPoor
   Interpret Constitution Based on Original Intent as
    Founded in the Federalist and Anti-Federalist

   Interpret Constitution Based on Judicial Political
    Biases / Enforced by Dystopian National Police
   Live by Your Choices not Their Choices
   Choose to belong to any programs you want
   Keep the Money you Earn
   Tax Free Property and Money to your family

   Ruled by Force of Government
   Forced to belong to programs you dont want
   Tax and Take Money you Earn
   Take as Much Money and Property as Possible
Next Step
   The career politicians will never change the system they
   Only through a coalition of people from all sides coming
    together can change油happen
   Its time to take the Tea Party and all other movements
    to the next level
   Restructure government from the outside-in through
    political force, not actual force
   Select representatives from the people, not from a
    Political Party
Federalists - 2013

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A look at government

  • 2. A Representation of the People Not an Entity, Ruler, or Company No Authority to Run the Economy No Authority to Run Internal Improvements No Authority to Run any Domestic Affairs
  • 3. A Representation of the People No Authority to Redistribute Money No Authority to Take Freedoms and Liberties away from the People through Legislation No Power to Give Freedom or Liberty Represent the States/People in Foreign Affairs Defend the States/People Thats it!!!
  • 4. Federalist vs. Nationalist Jefferson Hamilton Examining the differences between what is and what was supposed to be
  • 5. Federalism Origins Declaration of Independence Articles of Confederation and PERPETUAL Union Constitution Nationalism Origins "American System Government Runs Everything Destruction of PERPETUAL Union / Forced Union A Unique Fascist Approach - Hamilton / Clay / Lincoln / Wilson and Others
  • 6. Federalism Confederation of Countries (States) - Voluntary Union Republic and the Rule of Law - (Dual Level Republic) Representative Government A non-Party Government for ALL the People Nationalism Centralized Nation State (Forced Union) Democracy used as an Oligarchy Elitist Rule Party Ideologue Government of Elitists Two Party System meant to Divide and Enslave
  • 7. Federalism The People are the Government - State and Local Control Term Limits for Representatives - Part Time Job Stipends for Representation (No Benefits) Senators Appointed by State Legislatures Nationalism The Politicians are the Government - Nation State Control Career Politicians Politicians set own Salaries, Benefits, Health care Senators Democratically Elected. Majority Rules
  • 8. Federalism Extremely Limited Constitutional Government Small Federal Government Government for Foreign Affairs Only Decentralized Government Close to the People Nationalism Constitutional Government Interpreted 10,000 ways Bloated Federal Government Government for Everything Centralized Government Away from the People
  • 9. Federalism Balanced Budgets Annually - NO Exceptions Elimination of Czars / Most Departments Education through Local and Private Sectors Children Taught Basics for Success in Life Nationalism No Budgets Unlimited Spending Czars using Power for Ideological Purposes Failed Education System Based on Central Government Standards Children Indoctrinated to Follow Nation State
  • 10. Federalism Protect the States and the People Responsible Immigration Policy - State Enforced Eliminating Foreign Aid No UN, Coalition with Friendly Countries, Neutral Nationalism Policing the World Broken and unenforceable Immigration Policy Funding Countries that hate America Bowing to United Nations / Mismanaged Foreign Policy
  • 11. Federalism End all Wars, Bring Troops Home Smaller more effective National Defense Espouse the Republic form of Government Nationalism Troop Stationed Everywhere, Continuous油Warfare Bloated Pentagon Sending 1000s to Die, 10s of 1000s Injured Forcing Democracy on the World
  • 12. Federalism States Rights / People's Rights - Tenth Amendment Secession and Nullification, State Competition States Run Domestic Affairs States Have Right to Develop Natural Resources Nationalism Limited States Rights (virtually no States Rights) Forced to Stay in Union and Obey Federal Edicts Federal Government Runs Domestic affairs Government Blocks or Interferes Through Over Regulation
  • 13. Federalism Protection of Personal Property - #1 Priority People are Defenders of Individual Human Rights All Americans are Created Equal Minority Ideologies are Protected Nationalism Confiscation of Personal Property People Are Patriotic to Dystopian Nation State Class Warfare, Inequality, Creating Partisanship Majority Ideology Rules, Minority Enslaved
  • 14. Federalism The Right to Live as One Chooses Pursue the American Dream Enjoy the Fruits of Ones labor Donating Through Individuals choice Nationalism Forced to Live as Others Choose Punished Attaining the American Dream (Progressive Tax) Fruits Taken and Redistributed Government Donating to油Cronies油and Friends
  • 15. Federalism Open Market Capitalism Fair Market Banking, No Central Bank, Specie Based Limited Regulations Private Health Care options Nationalism Crony Capitalism, Special Interests, Picks Winners/Losers Fractional Banking by Cartel (FED), Paper Money (Not Backed) Nearly Unlimited Regulations Forced to Have Care Forced Government Programs
  • 16. Federalism Energy Independence - Total Open Free-Markets Ending Subsidies to All Sectors No Pork Spending Nationalism Forced Green Energy Solutions - Over Regulated Paying Subsidies to Favorites and Friends Pork Spending to get Politicians Re-elected
  • 17. Federalism Peoples Right of Self-Defense, Gun Ownership Independent Judiciary Legal System Based on Original Intent of Laws as Written Nationalism Police State, Dystopian Society Judges picked by Political Ideology for Life Legal System is Evolutionary / Decisions Based on Politics
  • 18. Federalism No Taxation without Representation Very Limited Taxation by Federal Government Federal Gov. Funded non-Income, non-Sales Tax Solutions No Corporate Taxation. Keep Jobs in U.S. - State Control Nationalism Taxation Without TRUE Representation Forced Taxation by Federal Government Forced Income Based Taxation 2nd Highest in World. Forcing Jobs to go Overseas
  • 19. Federalism No Centralized Internal Improvements - Private Competition Elimination of Government Programs (Move to Private Sector) Fiscal Responsibility - NO Exceptions No Borrowing Nationalism Centralized Internal Improvements Forced to Belong to Government Programs Fiscal Irresponsibility and Deficit Spending Irresponsible Crisis borrowing and Unable to Payback
  • 20. Federalism Job Training Moved to Private Sector Choice Protection of Senior Programs (Phased into Private Sector) Self Responsibility, Move Welfare to Private Sector - Choice Welfare Ending Poverty through Private Sector - Choice Nationalism Failed Public Training Programs Bankrupting Programs, Stealing Money from Social Security Unlimited Welfare, Dependency to Buy Votes for Political Re-election Welfare Keeping the PoorPoor
  • 21. Federalism Interpret Constitution Based on Original Intent as Founded in the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers Nationalism Interpret Constitution Based on Judicial Political Biases / Enforced by Dystopian National Police State
  • 22. Federalism Live by Your Choices not Their Choices Choose to belong to any programs you want Keep the Money you Earn Tax Free Property and Money to your family Nationalism Ruled by Force of Government Forced to belong to programs you dont want Tax and Take Money you Earn Take as Much Money and Property as Possible
  • 23. Next Step The career politicians will never change the system they control Only through a coalition of people from all sides coming together can change油happen Its time to take the Tea Party and all other movements to the next level Restructure government from the outside-in through political force, not actual force Select representatives from the people, not from a Political Party
  • 24. Federalists - 2013 www.federalist2013.com