Eric Klaassen was interviewed on Dutch national television past Christmas weekend. In RTL Nieuws he explained why there is a 20% increase in traffic on dating sites during December months.
These are the slides that were shown on TV.
Este documento descreve o filo Arthropoda, incluindo suas principais caracter┴sticas como um exoesqueleto de quitina, corpo segmentado e ap┷ndices articulados. O filo └ subdividido em 5 classes principais e inclui aproximadamente 750 mil esp└cies catalogadas, possivelmente mais.
Palestra sobre Divulga??o na Internet - Rodolfo Lobato Gasparian no F┏rum Bra...Bruno Coelho
O documento fornece diretrizes sobre como usar a internet e ferramentas digitais para promover e fechar neg┏cios de forma eficaz. Ele discute a cria??o de um canal online para interagir com as pessoas, aliment│-lo com conte┣do ┣til, disponibilizar formul│rios de contato e manter um ciclo de entrada, intera??o, acompanhamento e fechamento de neg┏cios.
Short slide presentation made to support a proposal for a short documentary. This presentation was given in person. The slides were thus designed to be more of a visual storytelling device as opposed to merely an informational one.
The cultural icon Bob Dylan was initially silent about receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature, declining interview requests from the Swedish Academy. This sparked much speculation. However, Dylan recently contacted the Academy to humbly accept the honor, saying he was "speechless" and calling it "amazing, incredible." He also indicated he may attend the Nobel ceremony in December if possible. While some saw Dylan's actions as a publicity stunt, most media consumers were intrigued by his unusual response to the prestigious award.
According to an investigation by India Today, bureaucrats from central ministries in India have spent over 56 crore rupees on over 5,600 trips abroad totaling over 24,000 days in less than three-and-a-half years. The data, obtained through Right to Information requests, shows that over 1,500 officials from director level and above from 44 central ministries traveled over 5.65 crore kilometers, equivalent to 74 trips to the moon. While the trips were said to be official, the large expenditures have been questioned despite calls from the Prime Minister to reduce foreign travel costs. The Ministry of Commerce had the most travel, with over 1.1 crore kilometers covered, while the Ministry of Environment
Plat?o foi um fil┏sofo grego que viveu de 428 a.C. a 348 a.C. em Atenas. Ele fundou a Academia de Plat?o e desenvolveu teorias como a das Ideias e do Conhecimento. Sua obra mais famosa foi A Rep┣blica, que buscava encontrar uma f┏rmula para garantir uma administra??o harmoniosa de uma cidade.
Una c│mara IP es un dispositivo conectado directamente a una red que permite tomar im│genes y videos desde cualquier ordenador conociendo sus par│metros de acceso, como su direcci┏n IP. Para instalar una c│mara IP hay que instalar el software, conocer la direcci┏n IP de la c│mara, configurar la direcci┏n IP del ordenador en la misma red, y conectarse a la c│mara a trav└s del navegador para sacar fotos o videos con el software.
This document discusses spectrofluorimetry and the dye dilution technique.
It begins with an introduction to spectrofluorimetry, including its principle of exciting compounds to emit different colored radiation. Some organic and inorganic compounds exhibit fluorescence which can be used qualitatively and quantitatively. It then discusses the phenomenon of fluorescence, factors affecting fluorescence rates, and components of a fluorescence instrument. The document concludes with an overview of the dye dilution technique which uses fluorimetric reagents to make non-fluorescent substances fluorescent and quantifiable via spectrofluorimetry.
Use of non metallic e-waste as a coarse aggregate in a concreteeSAT Journals
Generation of e- waste is a very serious issue in world. In year 2014 produce near about 650000MT of e-waste in India that includes all waste electronics and electrical equipment( TVs, computers, sound systems, refrigerators etc) .This waste not dispose properly finally they affect environment and human health and also create storage problem. This waste is to be utilizing as coarse aggregate in concrete. It is helpful to avoid pollution and provide replacing material to coarse aggregate. In this paper shows analysis of compressive strength of M20 and M25 grade of concrete by replacing coarse aggregate by adding non metallic e-waste in 0% to20% and it is observed that some percent non metallic e-waste can be use as a coarse aggregate in concrete.
Keywords: Compressive strength, E-waste, Pollution.
This document discusses NEON's use of HDF5 file format for its ecological data. The goals are to implement a fast and efficient file format, develop a standardized data delivery structure, and provide metadata. It describes the HDF5 file structure, metadata inclusion, and an example workflow for processing eddy covariance data into HDF5 files. Future work includes integrating R code for HDF5 file generation and embedding ecological metadata.
The HDF Group provides updates on new features in HDF including faster compression, single writer/multiple reader file access, virtual datasets, and dynamically loaded filters. They also discuss tools like HDFView, nagg for data aggregation, and a new HDF5 ODBC driver. The work is supported by NASA.
This document discusses a pilot project to incorporate ISO 19115-2 metadata attributes at the granule level for the NASA SWOT mission. The metadata will be stored in HDF5 groups and generated in two ways - via XML serialization or XML style sheet conversions. The project aims to capture essential metadata attributes from the SWOT information architecture and ISO metadata model, and generate an HDF5 structure specification and example metadata snippets.
Comunidade Multin┴vel - Sistema de Recrutamento Inteligente para Marketing Mu...Paulo Silas
Este documento descreve um projeto chamado Comunidade Multin┴vel, que funciona como um simulador de rede para ajudar as pessoas a constru┴rem suas redes de forma gratuita e depois migr│-las para empresas reais. Os membros ganham pontos por indica??es em 5 n┴veis e ser?o ranqueados de acordo com seus pontos na migra??o. A primeira empresa a ser migrada └ a Talk Fusion, que foi analisada e se encaixa nas estrat└gias do projeto.
Using tyres wastes as aggregates in concrete to form rubcrete C mix for engin...eSAT Journals
Abstract This paper presents the results, obtained after replacement of fine and coarse aggregates, in concrete mix, with tyre rubber. The tyre rubber, which has been used in the present study, is obtained after the mechanical trituration process of post C consumed tyres from trucks. Researchers have investigated, over the years, the use of recycled tyre rubber waste as a replacement for aggregate in concrete and its effectiveness. ^Rubcrete-Mix ̄ which would result from such replacement is found to have many engineering applications and holds promise in future. Rubcrete also possesses good mechanical properties and is considered to be one of the best and economical ways of recycling the used tyres. The present experimental study has the aim of arriving at the optimum quantity of the replacement material for the aggregates in concrete mixtures, for various engineering applications. For achieving a proper bond with the surrounding concrete paste, the recycled aggregates have been designed with respect to their size, shape and gradation. With the water C cement ratio being kept constant fine and coarse aggregate has been replaced with tyre rubber powder and chipped rubber and also cement has been replaced with silica fume. In preparing the concrete, Portland slag cement has been used along with super plasticizer less than 1% by weight of cement to achieve required workability of the resulting concrete. Furthermore, durability studies have been conducted and mixes have been designed for M30 grade concrete. Keywords: Concrete Mix, Mechanical Properties, Rubber Powder, Chipped Rubber, Silica fume.
This document discusses a study investigating the behavior of concrete with the addition of crumb rubber. A group of civil engineering students at Sharda University conducted an experiment replacing sand in concrete mixes with crumb rubber. The goal was to address the environmental challenge of waste tire disposal and explore potential uses of crumb rubber in concrete. The study examined the compressive and split tensile strengths of rubberized concrete mixes compared to normal concrete. There was a decline in compressive strength but increased ductility when crumb rubber was added. The document proposes uses for rubberized concrete in lightweight construction and infrastructure where shock absorption is beneficial.
Este documento presenta informaci┏n sobre diferentes par│sitos intestinales como Ancylostoma duodenales, Necator americanus, Strongyloides stercorales, sus caracter┴sticas, ciclos de vida y manifestaciones cl┴nicas. Se describe las diferencias entre A. duodenales y N. americanus, as┴ como el ciclo de vida y s┴ntomas de la estrongiloidiasis causada por S. stercoralis. Tambi└n se mencionan otros par│sitos como Ancylostoma brasiliensis y la dermatitis verminosa reptante.
This document discusses spectrofluorimetry and the dye dilution technique.
It begins with an introduction to spectrofluorimetry, including its principle of exciting compounds to emit different colored radiation. Some organic and inorganic compounds exhibit fluorescence which can be used qualitatively and quantitatively. It then discusses the phenomenon of fluorescence, factors affecting fluorescence rates, and components of a fluorescence instrument. The document concludes with an overview of the dye dilution technique which uses fluorimetric reagents to make non-fluorescent substances fluorescent and quantifiable via spectrofluorimetry.
Use of non metallic e-waste as a coarse aggregate in a concreteeSAT Journals
Generation of e- waste is a very serious issue in world. In year 2014 produce near about 650000MT of e-waste in India that includes all waste electronics and electrical equipment( TVs, computers, sound systems, refrigerators etc) .This waste not dispose properly finally they affect environment and human health and also create storage problem. This waste is to be utilizing as coarse aggregate in concrete. It is helpful to avoid pollution and provide replacing material to coarse aggregate. In this paper shows analysis of compressive strength of M20 and M25 grade of concrete by replacing coarse aggregate by adding non metallic e-waste in 0% to20% and it is observed that some percent non metallic e-waste can be use as a coarse aggregate in concrete.
Keywords: Compressive strength, E-waste, Pollution.
This document discusses NEON's use of HDF5 file format for its ecological data. The goals are to implement a fast and efficient file format, develop a standardized data delivery structure, and provide metadata. It describes the HDF5 file structure, metadata inclusion, and an example workflow for processing eddy covariance data into HDF5 files. Future work includes integrating R code for HDF5 file generation and embedding ecological metadata.
The HDF Group provides updates on new features in HDF including faster compression, single writer/multiple reader file access, virtual datasets, and dynamically loaded filters. They also discuss tools like HDFView, nagg for data aggregation, and a new HDF5 ODBC driver. The work is supported by NASA.
This document discusses a pilot project to incorporate ISO 19115-2 metadata attributes at the granule level for the NASA SWOT mission. The metadata will be stored in HDF5 groups and generated in two ways - via XML serialization or XML style sheet conversions. The project aims to capture essential metadata attributes from the SWOT information architecture and ISO metadata model, and generate an HDF5 structure specification and example metadata snippets.
Comunidade Multin┴vel - Sistema de Recrutamento Inteligente para Marketing Mu...Paulo Silas
Este documento descreve um projeto chamado Comunidade Multin┴vel, que funciona como um simulador de rede para ajudar as pessoas a constru┴rem suas redes de forma gratuita e depois migr│-las para empresas reais. Os membros ganham pontos por indica??es em 5 n┴veis e ser?o ranqueados de acordo com seus pontos na migra??o. A primeira empresa a ser migrada └ a Talk Fusion, que foi analisada e se encaixa nas estrat└gias do projeto.
Using tyres wastes as aggregates in concrete to form rubcrete C mix for engin...eSAT Journals
Abstract This paper presents the results, obtained after replacement of fine and coarse aggregates, in concrete mix, with tyre rubber. The tyre rubber, which has been used in the present study, is obtained after the mechanical trituration process of post C consumed tyres from trucks. Researchers have investigated, over the years, the use of recycled tyre rubber waste as a replacement for aggregate in concrete and its effectiveness. ^Rubcrete-Mix ̄ which would result from such replacement is found to have many engineering applications and holds promise in future. Rubcrete also possesses good mechanical properties and is considered to be one of the best and economical ways of recycling the used tyres. The present experimental study has the aim of arriving at the optimum quantity of the replacement material for the aggregates in concrete mixtures, for various engineering applications. For achieving a proper bond with the surrounding concrete paste, the recycled aggregates have been designed with respect to their size, shape and gradation. With the water C cement ratio being kept constant fine and coarse aggregate has been replaced with tyre rubber powder and chipped rubber and also cement has been replaced with silica fume. In preparing the concrete, Portland slag cement has been used along with super plasticizer less than 1% by weight of cement to achieve required workability of the resulting concrete. Furthermore, durability studies have been conducted and mixes have been designed for M30 grade concrete. Keywords: Concrete Mix, Mechanical Properties, Rubber Powder, Chipped Rubber, Silica fume.
This document discusses a study investigating the behavior of concrete with the addition of crumb rubber. A group of civil engineering students at Sharda University conducted an experiment replacing sand in concrete mixes with crumb rubber. The goal was to address the environmental challenge of waste tire disposal and explore potential uses of crumb rubber in concrete. The study examined the compressive and split tensile strengths of rubberized concrete mixes compared to normal concrete. There was a decline in compressive strength but increased ductility when crumb rubber was added. The document proposes uses for rubberized concrete in lightweight construction and infrastructure where shock absorption is beneficial.
Este documento presenta informaci┏n sobre diferentes par│sitos intestinales como Ancylostoma duodenales, Necator americanus, Strongyloides stercorales, sus caracter┴sticas, ciclos de vida y manifestaciones cl┴nicas. Se describe las diferencias entre A. duodenales y N. americanus, as┴ como el ciclo de vida y s┴ntomas de la estrongiloidiasis causada por S. stercoralis. Tambi└n se mencionan otros par│sitos como Ancylostoma brasiliensis y la dermatitis verminosa reptante.
A lovely Christmas? Activiteit op datingsites tijdens de feestdagen
1. A lovely christmas?Activiteit op datingsites tijdens de feestdagenAnalyse voor RTL NieuwsEric Klaassen25 december 2010
2. Bezoekers per maand op de twee grootste datingsites20% meer bezoekers in december dan gemiddeld+20%
3. Verklaring aantal bezoekers - per maandJanuari: de meeste bezoekers van het jaar op datingsites door goede voornemens en relaties die in december stoppen
12. December:singles zoeken een date voor kerst, met name tweede Kerstdag is een belangrijke dag voor online datingRegistraties in december op een grote gratis datingsitePiek in aantal registraties rond 21 en 27 december
13. Zoekacties in Google: twee betaalde en └└n gratis datingsite Meer zoekacties in Google naar datingsites op 6, 25 en 26 december