It was a project to produce one participatory video. Our team worked with a local community. Here in this presentation, it is described the participatory video, its effectiveness, the objectives etc. This presentation will give you an understanding of participatory video and its applications.
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A memoir of our first Participatory Video
2. Participatory video is a form of media in which a group or
community creates their own film.
Facilitators help groups to identify and analyse important
issues in their community through a range of Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA)-type tools with participatory video
In order to represent the unheard voice, Participatory video
gives a space to the community to shape issues according to
their own sense of what is important, and they can also
control how they will be represented.
3. To facilitate a community to show their issues.
To help people express what they feel and knowledge they have.
To increase awareness that individuals are in control of their own destinies.
To empower the community members.
4. Identify a community situated near to Tezpur University.
Establish a communication with representatives from the identified communities.
Picked out two interested volunteers.
Screening in the community.
7. To improve our grassroots communication
To learn videography
To develop our editing skills
8. Unprecedented rain
Co-operate schedule with the volunteers
Limited technical knowledge
Limited time period
Frequent power cuts during editing
10. The approaches of community media.
How participatory videos acts as an alternative media.
Voice which plays a major role is central to human self.
The role of Community Radio.
The importance of Participatory Video.
History of Participatory Video.
11. To gain their trust was the toughest job
Management of time amongst the participants were discussed
Samples of participatory videos were shown in order to make them understand
Visited the field next day for shooting
Had a short meeting with the community members and volunteers
Started the shooting
12. Selected volunteers come to the school.
Introductory session between Sir and the volunteers took place.
Importance of media in grassroots were taught to them.
Problems and topics were discussed on which they want to record.
The training process started.
The basics of videography were taught to them.
Volunteers learn about handling equipments.
13. Shooting in a wider range of field
Deal with a large number of participants
Learning alternative ways of carrying out shooting other than what we learn in
Use the camera without tripod
Direct the people for shooting
14. Cutting and proper joining of shots
Importance of voiceovers
Different techniques to give different effects in the videos
16. Dealing with the community people in a more better way
Adjusting with their lifestyle
Not considering weather to be a disturbing factor
17. Nilutpal Saikia MCD16002
Chayanika Barua MCD16003
Junaid Ali Ahmed MCD16006
Violina Gogoi MCD16007
Debashis Pratim Sarma MCM16005