2010 MSU Fall Extension Conference
Beef producers in Tennessee are utilizing a greater array of technology to acquire information needed to manage their operations more profitably. Budget cuts are forcing Extension to look at more cost effective ways to provide information to beef producers. Utilizing new Web 2.0 technologies, this team has developed and promoted a web-based video series that includes more than sixty segments that are from three to six minutes long that cover a wide variety of topics related to beef cattle production. Utilizing this technology is helping reach additional producers with important production information at a time when resources do not allow one-on-one contact.
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A Multi-Media Approach to Beef Extension
1. A Multi-Media
Approach to
Beef Extension
Dr. Clyde D. Lane, Jr. Emily L. Tipton
Beef Extension Specialist IT Specialist
Department of Animal Science
University of Tennessee
MSU Fall Extension Conference
October 19, 2010
2. Goals and Objectives
To provide YOU the information
and inspiration to start your own
multi-media Beef Extension
What is the a multi-media
Extension program?
What do I need and how do I get
How is it integrated with existing
Extension programming?
Where can I use it and how does
it benefit our clientele?
Whats after The Lane?
3. What is a multi-media approach to Beef Extension?
Media Video
Facebook YouTube
Core Beef
Education Podcast
Credit iTunesU
4. What is OUR multi-media approach to Beef Extension?
The Tennessee Cattle Lane
A unique, branded site
Topic Navigation
Answers to many
common production
Brief videos accompanied
by supporting factsheet
Available 24/7 via different
access points
iTunes U
5. How and what do I need to get started?
Have an idea or goal!
Equipment: What we use, but
available in ALL price ranges!
Camera: Cannon GL2 *
Extra Battery
Tripod, sturdy
Microphone, lapel
Hard Drive Space, lots
Carrying Cases
Software: ULead Studio, Editing
Final Cut Pro, Editing
Movie Maker, FREE
Networking Skills
Explore what is available from
others dont be afraid to ask for
help! *Great for 2005, but new models are smaller, record in Hi-Definition and save to an internal HD.
26. How is it integrated with existing Extension programing?
Business Card
Newsletter & Periodicals
Field Days
Email Reminders
27. How is it integrated with existing Extension programing?
As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. If that is
true, how much more a training video must be worth!
- Rebekah Norman, Rutherford County Extension Agent
using different avenues to educate Tennessee cattle producers Dr.
Lane has shown the unique ability to transfer his common sense
- Charles Hord, Executive Vice President, Tennessee Cattlemens Association
These videos have the advantage of being short and focused and geared
toward the needs of beef producers.
- Ruth Correll, Wilson County Director and Ag Agent
These videos fill an important gap in information needed by beef
producers here in Tennessee and across the U.S.
- John C. Waller, UT Animal Science Associate Professor
28. Where can I use it and how does it benefit our clientele?
Social Media Web 2.0
Existing websites are
supplemented with new
information and features on a
timely basis to keep clientele
up-to-date of activities and
events conducted through the
Department of Animal Science.
However, new web
technologies such as Twitter,
Facebook and YouTube
applications provide a new
means to reach Tennessee
beef producers.
29. Where can I use it and how does it benefit our clientele?
Social Media Web 2.0
Existing websites are
supplemented with new
information and features on a
timely basis to keep clientele
up-to-date of activities and
events conducted through the
Department of Animal Science.
However, new web
technologies such as Twitter,
Facebook and YouTube
applications provide a new
means to reach Tennessee
beef producers.
30. Where can I use it and how does it benefit our clientele?
Social Media Web 2.0
Existing websites are
supplemented with new
information and features on a
timely basis to keep clientele
up-to-date of activities and
events conducted through the
Department of Animal Science.
However, new web
technologies such as Twitter,
Facebook and YouTube
applications provide a new
means to reach Tennessee
beef producers.
31. Where can I use it and how does it benefit our clientele?
UTK on iTunes U
UTK on iTunes U provides
quick, easy delivery of
podcasts. These audio, video
and text files can contain
materials, lectures, seminars,
and other valuable information
related to beef production.
Producers can access audio
and video podcasts or PDF
files as well as download
content to their computer or
mobile device to access
anywhere, any time they
32. Where can I use it and how does it benefit our clientele?
On-line Learning
UT Extension Online Learning
(extOL) is a group of web sites
that deliver professional
development programs and
quality Extension
programming that has
traditionally been delivered at
county meetings and in-
services throughout the state.
33. Whats after The Lane?
What are you doing?
34. Thanks for your time!
Dr. Clyde D. Lane Emily L. Tipton
Beef Cattle Extension Specialist Information Technology Specialist
605 Airways Blvd. 2640 Morgan Circle Drive
Jackson, Tennessee 38301-3201 10 McCord Hall
Phone: (731) 425-4717 Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
Fax: (731) 425-4720 Phone: (865) 974-3129
Email: clane@utk.edu Fax: (865) 974-0429
Email: etipton@utk.edu
35. Resources
Windows Live Movie Maker Free (pc)
VideoStudio (ULead) - $69.99
Final Cut Pro Studio - $999.99 (mac)
iMovie Free (mac)