중간 대체과제Kyungho RohThis document summarizes an interview with the developer of Pokémon games. The developer discusses [1] balancing accessibility and depth by starting simply and gradually increasing complexity, [2] how communication through trading and battling enhances the Pokémon experience, and [3] the strategy of transferring save data between sequels to unlock additional content.
Chapter izahin1Dokumen tersebut membahas latar belakang perancangan crane hook yang aman dan efisien dengan menggunakan simulasi elemen hingga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon pembebanan pada crane hook dan memperkenalkan perangkat lunak simulasi elemen hingga berbasis open source. Penelitian ini membatasi ruang lingkup analisis pada bagian pengait crane hook dan jenis pembebanan tekan statis.
CTU 151 Bab 1 - matlamat tamadun islamMuhd IqballTamadun Islam memiliki beberapa ciri khusus seperti ketuhanan, akhlak mulia, kemanusiaan, universal, toleransi, kepelbagaian, dan keseimbangan. Tamadun ini bersumberkan Al-Quran dan Sunnah serta melengkapi tamadun sebelumnya dengan menerima unsur positif dari luar.
Htm food service industryMuhd IqballThis document discusses different types of foodservice concepts and operations. It outlines various restaurant concepts like fine dining, theme restaurants, and quick service. It also describes different forms of service like table service, buffet service, and delivery service. Finally, it covers managed foodservice operations in industries like airlines, schools, and healthcare facilities.
Retail buying & merchandising purchasingujjmishraThis document discusses key aspects of merchandise purchasing for retailers, including branding strategies, global sourcing decisions, the purchasing process, and ethical/legal issues. It describes how retailers establish relationships with vendors, evaluate suppliers, negotiate purchases, handle incoming inventory, and reorder goods. Retailers must consider an optimal brand mix, factors for sourcing overseas, and legal topics like slotting allowances and exclusive dealing agreements with vendors. The overall purchasing process involves identifying, evaluating, and selecting suppliers to purchase inventory from while ensuring proper handling and storage of merchandise in stores.
Corporate social responsibilityujjmishraThis presentation discusses corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its importance. It defines CSR using Carroll's four part model of economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. It outlines the CSR requirements for large Indian companies under new rules. It addresses myths about CSR and highlights benefits like improved reputation, customer loyalty, and attracting employees. Examples of CSR initiatives from various Indian companies are provided relating to health, education, environment and community. Challenges of implementing CSR are also discussed.
Supply chain drivers & metricsujjmishraThe document discusses the major drivers of supply chain performance which include logistical drivers like facilities, inventory, and transportation as well as cross-functional drivers like information, sourcing, and pricing. It states that a company's supply chain must balance efficiency and responsiveness based on its competitive strategy. Each driver is then defined in 1-3 sentences, covering topics like types of facilities, approaches to inventory and transportation, uses of information, components of sourcing and pricing decisions, and obstacles to achieving strategic fit.
Chapter izahin1Dokumen tersebut membahas latar belakang perancangan crane hook yang aman dan efisien dengan menggunakan simulasi elemen hingga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon pembebanan pada crane hook dan memperkenalkan perangkat lunak simulasi elemen hingga berbasis open source. Penelitian ini membatasi ruang lingkup analisis pada bagian pengait crane hook dan jenis pembebanan tekan statis.
CTU 151 Bab 1 - matlamat tamadun islamMuhd IqballTamadun Islam memiliki beberapa ciri khusus seperti ketuhanan, akhlak mulia, kemanusiaan, universal, toleransi, kepelbagaian, dan keseimbangan. Tamadun ini bersumberkan Al-Quran dan Sunnah serta melengkapi tamadun sebelumnya dengan menerima unsur positif dari luar.
Htm food service industryMuhd IqballThis document discusses different types of foodservice concepts and operations. It outlines various restaurant concepts like fine dining, theme restaurants, and quick service. It also describes different forms of service like table service, buffet service, and delivery service. Finally, it covers managed foodservice operations in industries like airlines, schools, and healthcare facilities.
Retail buying & merchandising purchasingujjmishraThis document discusses key aspects of merchandise purchasing for retailers, including branding strategies, global sourcing decisions, the purchasing process, and ethical/legal issues. It describes how retailers establish relationships with vendors, evaluate suppliers, negotiate purchases, handle incoming inventory, and reorder goods. Retailers must consider an optimal brand mix, factors for sourcing overseas, and legal topics like slotting allowances and exclusive dealing agreements with vendors. The overall purchasing process involves identifying, evaluating, and selecting suppliers to purchase inventory from while ensuring proper handling and storage of merchandise in stores.
Corporate social responsibilityujjmishraThis presentation discusses corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its importance. It defines CSR using Carroll's four part model of economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. It outlines the CSR requirements for large Indian companies under new rules. It addresses myths about CSR and highlights benefits like improved reputation, customer loyalty, and attracting employees. Examples of CSR initiatives from various Indian companies are provided relating to health, education, environment and community. Challenges of implementing CSR are also discussed.
Supply chain drivers & metricsujjmishraThe document discusses the major drivers of supply chain performance which include logistical drivers like facilities, inventory, and transportation as well as cross-functional drivers like information, sourcing, and pricing. It states that a company's supply chain must balance efficiency and responsiveness based on its competitive strategy. Each driver is then defined in 1-3 sentences, covering topics like types of facilities, approaches to inventory and transportation, uses of information, components of sourcing and pricing decisions, and obstacles to achieving strategic fit.
2. MDA 프레임워크
• Mechanics
-사용자가 게임을 통해 점수를 얻고 이 점수가 내 카
카오톡에 연동된 게이머들과 비교될 수 있도록 설
• Dynamics
-사용자는 순위를 올리기 위해 계속해서 게임을 한
• Aesthetics
-사용자는 친구를 이겼다는 느낌에 성취감, 또는 희
열을 느낀다.
-버그를 이용해 순위를 올리려는 사람도 있다.
3. 순위표 시스템
• 무한 순위표 시스템과 유사하게 자신의 카
카오톡에 친구로 등록된 사람들만의 순위
표 생성
• 1주일마다 순위표를 초기화해 1등을 하지
못한 유저에게 지속적인 기회를 준다.
• 1등부터 꼴등까지의 모든 순위가 표시되 자
신의 현재 위치, 상대와의 점수차이를 알 수
4. 결 론
• 위와 같은 순위표 시스템이 없었다면 애니
팡은 흥행할 수 없었다.
• 내가 아는 사람들과 경쟁한다는 것이 현실
과 가상을 모호하게 만든다.
• 때로는 순위를 높이기 위해 버그를 사용하
기도 하고, 여러 명이서 게임을 같이해 점수
를 올리기도 한다.