Baptist Health conducted health risk assessments (HRAs) that identified over 8,000 patients between 2016-2018 who indicated they did not have a primary care provider (PCP). This represented a previously overlooked opportunity. In a 2019 pilot, Baptist Health contacted HRA users without a PCP and scheduled appointments for 6% of them. The key takeaways are to look beyond typical metrics for overlooked opportunities, make data points actionable to organizational initiatives, and expand analyses.
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A Once Ignored Data Point Drives New Patient Acquisition
1. A Once Ignored Data Point
Drives New Patient Acquisition
Erik Helton, Manager of Digital Optimization, Baptist Health
2. Agenda
Quickly About Baptist Health
The Lost Opportunity
The Opportunity
Key Take-Aways
3. Baptist Health
Baptist Health is headquartered in
Louisville, Kentucky
Eight Hospital System, with locations across the state of
Kentucky and Southern Indiana
We have more than 300 points of care including outpatient
facilities which offer Urgent Care, Occupational Medicine,
Physical Therapy and Diagnostics
5. The Lost Opportunity
Users will provide
demographic, health history
and family history information
in order to determine risk
6. The Lost Opportunity
In 2018 We decided to do an HRA
Road Show. We wanted to
communicate the previous years
success and get additional buy in
from hospital leadership.
Typical Metrics:
Completion Rate
Risk Level by HRA
Downstream Revenue
9. The Lost Opportunity
8,090The number of users that completed an HRA, between 2016 -2018 that indicated that they do not have
a Primary Care Provider
10. The Lost Opportunity
20%The percentage of users that completed an HRA, between 2016 -2018 that indicated that they do not
have a Primary Care Provider
11. The Opportunity
3,050The number of users that completed an HRA, between January 1 - June 30, 2019 that indicated that
they do not have a Primary Care Provider
2018= 3,207
12. The Opportunity
After identifying the opportunity we communicated it to our AVP
of Digital Engagement and used the Road Show as a way to
communicate The Lost Opportunity.
Worked with our Patient Connect Hub to outbound call any
users that completed the HRA and marked that they do not
have a PCP.
We piloted this in our East Region (three hospitals) earlier this
year and we will have completed the rollout to all regions by the
time we present today.
13. The Opportunity
6%The percentage of the users that did not have a PCP we called and completed an appointment in our
test market.
14. Three Key Take-Aways
1. Expand. Do not just report on the traditional metrics, because
you always have.
2. Look for the data point that has always been ignored which will
bring you opportunity in the future.
3. Make sure the data point is relevant to what your system or
hospital initiatives are focused on.
16. Speaker Biography
Erik Helton,
Manager of Digital Optimization
Baptist Health
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