A proposal for integrating Serious Games made with Unity3D into Moodle courses Frank Poschner, Dieter Wloka
Presented at Moodlemoot Edinburgh 2014
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A proposal for integrating Serious Games made with Unity3D into Moodle courses Frank Poschner, Dieter Wloka
1. Integrating Serious Games made with Unity3D
into Moodle courses
Frank Poschner
Department of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Kassel
2. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Serious Games a short overview
Technical background
An approach for an integration
User assessment
3. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Explanation on Serious Games
Games already exist for a very long time
Reasons to play:
Acquirement of skills
Training games for consolidation of knowledge
By having fun at games and repetition
easier gathering of knowledge
4. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Explanation on Serious Games
Learning Games, Serious Games:
Games with serious background
On the computer: simulators and computer games
5. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Explanation on Serious Games
Fields of application:
Health care
Military applications
Different kinds of games
in our case: training in virtual environments
6. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Training simulations
E.g. firefighters and cycling simulations
7. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Training simulations
E.g. firefighters and cycling simulations
8. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Training simulations
Motivation of firefighters:
Saving time of presence
Training of scenarios that would be difficult to train in reality
Preparation of firefighter training on the computer
Time-independent practice
Communication and Cooperation via network
Decentralised learning
9. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Theory in Moodle
Theoretical basis of fields of application
Experts can define rules and exercises
Knowledge provided by education or literature
Example: Working rules for firefighters
Theoretical content
Tests with questions
10. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Theory in Moodle ( German example )
11. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Link to Moodle
Features of Moodle are also useful for Serious Games:
User profiles
roles (teacher, student)
Results and Grader report
Why not combining theory content and training
simulations in Moodle?
12. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Game development (Unity3D)
Elements of a game:
3D models
Logic (scripts / programming)
Physics, particle systems etc.
Important: Export as web player application
for use in a browser
13. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Game can be started out of Moodle
Game is treated like an activity or question type
User date should be known in the game
Storing the player's result in Moodle
Teacher can review the results
14. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
An approach for an integration
Using the SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model)
model for submitting the data
Specified by the ADL ( Advanced Distributed Learning) Initiative
Moodle Docs:
SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a
collection of specifications that enable interoperability,
accessibility and reusability of web-based learning content.
SCORM content can be delivered to learners via any SCORM-
compliant Learning Management System (LMS) using the same
version of SCORM.
Examples: Camtasia, iSpring
15. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
SCORM overview
16. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
SCORM and Unity3D
Using the standard in the game's code
Manager-entity collects data from the LMS or for sending it to
the LMS
Awarding of points, aborting the game etc. must be included in
the game code
17. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
SCORM and Moodle
Teacher gets the game as a package
Creates a new activity: SCORM package
Some necessary settings have to be set
18. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Game communicating with LMS
19. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Assessment in / for Moodle
Assessment: points-based in Moodle
How to assess the player?
Reached the goal: full score
only important to reach the goal
Single actions correct
maximum reached when all actions were correct
Wrong actions
Abortion and new start in the game (points?)
Abortion of the whole simulation
Time-based (Abortion or less points)
20. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
An example application
21. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
An example application
22. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
An example application
23. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Multiplayer for learning in groups
Own question types for game packages
Further evaluation functions for evaluating player behavior and
mapping in Moodle
Teachers can create own scenarios and even own games
( modules )
24. Frank Poschner / Integrating Serious Games into Moodle courses
Thank you for your attention!
Frank Poschner