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Information society > Tunisia

A research and education network
     to tackle the oldest affliction
n A technician in front of a screen for

Hichem used to be an epileptic,                               www.enpi-info.eu
working as a blacksmith. To start with,
he tried to conceal his illness from his employer. He took
medication for over ten years until the day it stopped having any effect. This is
the story of a young Tunisian who was able to banish the condition once and
for all, and start to enjoy life once more, thanks to the Tunisian medical team
who carried out the operation and the EUMEDCONNECT2 project being rolled
out in several Mediterranean countries and enjoying European Commission
funding of €4 million. The initiative is based on exchanges of information and
scientific data between 700 institutions throughout North Africa and the
Middle East and 4,000 research and education bodies in Europe.
Text and photographs by : Lotfi TOUATI

TUNIS –"My life has been completely transformed since the day I was admitted to Monastir hospital to undergo intricate
brain surgery" says Hicham Béjaoui, a 29-year-old Tunisian who used to suffer from epilepsy. Nearly two years ago he
                      agreed to have an operation. His closely shaven skull reveals a long scar on the right-hand side. Now
This publication does running a Tunis-based engineering company producing wrought iron products, Hichem Béjaoui
not represent the     spent a long period of his life contending with severe epilepsy-related problems, which seriously
official view of the EC hampered his social and, above all, professional fulfilment.
or the EU institutions.
The EC accepts no
responsibility or          A complex condition                                                    ENPI Info Centre – Feature no. 32
liability whatsoever                                                                              This is a series of features on
                           His woes began when he was 11 months old, the day he had his
with regard to its                                                                                projects funded by the EU’s
                           first convulsions subsequent to a high fever. "Epilepsy involves a     Regional Programme, prepared by
                           succession of fits caused by a shock owing to abnormal and un-         journalists and photographers on
                           controlled brain activity. The pathology can be genetic or acquired    the ground or the ENPI Info
                                                                                                  Centre. ENPI Info Centre/EU 2010©
                           as a result of a trauma," explains Dr. Hela Khiari, a neurologist at
A research and education network to tackle the oldest affliction       p.2
ENPI Info Centre - Feature no. 32

                                                                                        Charles Nicolle Hospital, in Tunis                           "First of all I
                                                                                        Hichem is unable to shake off the memories of                 tried to con-
                                                                                        the dreadful experiences at work, times when                 ceal my illness
                                                                                        he would have blackouts in the company                       until the day
                                                                                        where he was employed as a blacksmith. "First                arrived when
                                                                                        of all I tried to conceal my illness, knowing that           the drugs no
                                                                                        no employer would put up with one of his                     longer had
                                                                                        workers suffering from a chronic illness, espe-               any effect on
                                                                                        cially if it upset the smooth running of his com-            my body: sur-
                                                                                        pany's activities. I took medication for over a              gery was my
                                                                                        decade - continues Hichem - until it no longer               only hope"
                                                                                        had any effect on my body. I started to have
                                                                                        more and more fits, with the result that my
                                                                                        employer decided I would have to stop work-
    n old patient who has successfully                                                  ing for him."
                   undergone surgery      The doctor then referred Hichem to Professor Amel Mrabet, departmental manager at
                                          Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis. Once he had examined the case, and subjected the pa-                    "It was in
                                          tient to various tests and EEGs the doctor asked Hichem if he would agree to undergo                       2006 that we
                                          surgery. "I agreed without thinking too much about it and did so for two reasons – says                    embarked
                                          Hichem – first of all, I am a firm believer, certain that my fate is in the hands of God. Sec-             upon a
                                          ond, the condition was becoming more and more difficult to cope with so I had to find                        process en-
                                          the right cure once and for all ".                                                                         abling us to
                                                                                                                                                     operate on
                                          Two millions users                                                                                         20 or so
                                          Hichem certainly did not know how lucky he was: 2005 was the year in which a part-                         Tunisian
                                          nership was forged between Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis and the same hospital in                      patients in
                    n Dr Hela Khiari
      neurologist, in charge of looking   Rouen under the "EUMEDCONNECT2" project. The partnership project covers scientific                         Monastir
                         after patients
                                          research communities active in institutions in seven countries in the southern and east-                   hospital"
                                          ern Mediterranean - including Tunisia. An underground network of cables serves to link
                                          up the various institutions, so these countries are able to share data, documents and
                                          experiences in all areas. Thanks to the EUMEDCONNECT2 project, roughly two million
                                          users in nearly 700 institutions throughout North Africa and the Middle East are able to
                                          cooperate with their peers in more than 4,000 research and education establishments
    "We have a lot to
                                          in Europe.
   thank the project
                                          The neurology department at Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis tapped into the network
      for, as it has al-
                                          to send EEG tracings to the neurology department at Charles Nicolle hospital in Rouen.
   lowed us to make
                                          The aim was to be able to make more detailed investigations of the tracings of epilepsy
                                          patients so as to make a joint assessment of the chances of these patients being suc-
     progress in pro-
                                          cessfully operated upon to rid them of this condition for once and for all.
    cessing the cases
 of prospective sur-
     gery patients. In                    Acquiring the know-how
                                          "This exchange is a great time-saver and,
the wake of the op-
                                          first and foremost, helps us to select the
 eration 90% of pa-
                                          people who can benefit from surgery," ac-
    tients are able to
                                          cording to Professor Amel Mrabet, head
  live a normal life."
                                          of the neurology department at Charles
                                          Nicolle hospital, in Tunis, adding: "It was
                                          in 2006 that we embarked upon a process
                                          enabling us to operate on over 20                                                                          n future candidate for
                                          Tunisian patients in Monastir hospital. We                                                                 the surgery
A research and education network to tackle the oldest affliction     p.3
ENPI Info Centre - Feature no. 32

    n Monastir                                                are now in a position to claim having acquired expertise in the wake of this
      hospital                                                successful collaboration. We have a lot to thank the project for, as it has al-
                                                              lowed us to make significant progress in processing the cases of prospective
                                                              surgery patients
                                                              In the wake of the operation 90% of patients are able to live a normal life, with-
                                                              out having fits, after a two-year period. So the way is now clear for many
                                                              epileptics. In the meantime, Hichem has become the go-to-person on this
                                                              score, because he is the individual all the prospective surgery patients turn
                                                              to, seeking assurances about the outcome of the operation and raising other
                                                              concerns. One example is Brahim Bouzidi, a 29-year-old Tunisian, who is hav-
                                                              ing an EEG tracing recorded during a week at Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis.
                                                              He very much hopes that he will qualify for an operation so he can be rid of
                                                              the condition for once and all.


                     The partnership project covers scientific research communities active in institutions in seven
                     countries in the southern and eastern Mediterranean. A network of cables serves to link up
                     the various institutions, so these countries are able to share data, documents and experiences
                     in all areas. Thanks to the EUMEDCONNECT2 project, roughly two million users in nearly 700
                     institutions throughout North Africa and the Middle East are able to cooperate with their peers
                     in more than 4,000 research and education establishments in Europe.

                     Participating countries        Aims
                     Algeria, Egypt, Jordan,        The project seeks to underpin and boost cooperation between Europe and the Mediterranean
                     Morocco, the Palestinian       partner countries in the field of research and education. The initiative aspires to ensure the long-
                     Territories, Syria, Tunisia.   term sustainability of the Internet infrastructure established by EUMEDCONNECT 1 in 2004. The aim
                                                    is also to create a sustainable support network able to narrow the digital divide between countries
                     Timeframe                      and facilitate cooperation.
                     Budget                         Find out more
                     €4 million                     Site EUMEDCONNECT2 > www.eumedconnect2.net
                                                    A new high-capacity Internet network for research and education >

                                                                                              The ENPI Info Centre is an EU-funded Regional
                                                                                              Information and Communication project
                                                                                              highlighting the partnership between the EU and
                                                                                              Neighbouring countries. The project is managed

ENPI info centre
     info ce t e
                                                                                              by Action Global Communications.

          www.enpi-info.eu                                                                  www.enpi-info.eu

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A research and education network to tackle the oldest affliction

  • 1. Information society > Tunisia A research and education network to tackle the oldest affliction n A technician in front of a screen for electroencepahlografies Hichem used to be an epileptic, www.enpi-info.eu working as a blacksmith. To start with, he tried to conceal his illness from his employer. He took medication for over ten years until the day it stopped having any effect. This is the story of a young Tunisian who was able to banish the condition once and for all, and start to enjoy life once more, thanks to the Tunisian medical team who carried out the operation and the EUMEDCONNECT2 project being rolled out in several Mediterranean countries and enjoying European Commission funding of €4 million. The initiative is based on exchanges of information and scientific data between 700 institutions throughout North Africa and the Middle East and 4,000 research and education bodies in Europe. Text and photographs by : Lotfi TOUATI TUNIS –"My life has been completely transformed since the day I was admitted to Monastir hospital to undergo intricate brain surgery" says Hicham Béjaoui, a 29-year-old Tunisian who used to suffer from epilepsy. Nearly two years ago he agreed to have an operation. His closely shaven skull reveals a long scar on the right-hand side. Now This publication does running a Tunis-based engineering company producing wrought iron products, Hichem Béjaoui not represent the spent a long period of his life contending with severe epilepsy-related problems, which seriously official view of the EC hampered his social and, above all, professional fulfilment. or the EU institutions. The EC accepts no responsibility or A complex condition ENPI Info Centre – Feature no. 32 liability whatsoever This is a series of features on His woes began when he was 11 months old, the day he had his with regard to its projects funded by the EU’s first convulsions subsequent to a high fever. "Epilepsy involves a Regional Programme, prepared by content. succession of fits caused by a shock owing to abnormal and un- journalists and photographers on controlled brain activity. The pathology can be genetic or acquired the ground or the ENPI Info Centre. ENPI Info Centre/EU 2010© as a result of a trauma," explains Dr. Hela Khiari, a neurologist at
  • 2. A research and education network to tackle the oldest affliction p.2 ENPI Info Centre - Feature no. 32 Charles Nicolle Hospital, in Tunis "First of all I Hichem is unable to shake off the memories of tried to con- the dreadful experiences at work, times when ceal my illness he would have blackouts in the company until the day where he was employed as a blacksmith. "First arrived when of all I tried to conceal my illness, knowing that the drugs no no employer would put up with one of his longer had workers suffering from a chronic illness, espe- any effect on cially if it upset the smooth running of his com- my body: sur- pany's activities. I took medication for over a gery was my decade - continues Hichem - until it no longer only hope" had any effect on my body. I started to have more and more fits, with the result that my employer decided I would have to stop work- n old patient who has successfully ing for him." undergone surgery The doctor then referred Hichem to Professor Amel Mrabet, departmental manager at Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis. Once he had examined the case, and subjected the pa- "It was in tient to various tests and EEGs the doctor asked Hichem if he would agree to undergo 2006 that we surgery. "I agreed without thinking too much about it and did so for two reasons – says embarked Hichem – first of all, I am a firm believer, certain that my fate is in the hands of God. Sec- upon a ond, the condition was becoming more and more difficult to cope with so I had to find process en- the right cure once and for all ". abling us to operate on Two millions users 20 or so Hichem certainly did not know how lucky he was: 2005 was the year in which a part- Tunisian nership was forged between Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis and the same hospital in patients in n Dr Hela Khiari neurologist, in charge of looking Rouen under the "EUMEDCONNECT2" project. The partnership project covers scientific Monastir after patients research communities active in institutions in seven countries in the southern and east- hospital" ern Mediterranean - including Tunisia. An underground network of cables serves to link up the various institutions, so these countries are able to share data, documents and experiences in all areas. Thanks to the EUMEDCONNECT2 project, roughly two million users in nearly 700 institutions throughout North Africa and the Middle East are able to cooperate with their peers in more than 4,000 research and education establishments "We have a lot to in Europe. thank the project The neurology department at Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis tapped into the network for, as it has al- to send EEG tracings to the neurology department at Charles Nicolle hospital in Rouen. lowed us to make The aim was to be able to make more detailed investigations of the tracings of epilepsy significant patients so as to make a joint assessment of the chances of these patients being suc- progress in pro- cessfully operated upon to rid them of this condition for once and for all. cessing the cases of prospective sur- gery patients. In Acquiring the know-how "This exchange is a great time-saver and, the wake of the op- first and foremost, helps us to select the eration 90% of pa- people who can benefit from surgery," ac- tients are able to cording to Professor Amel Mrabet, head live a normal life." of the neurology department at Charles Nicolle hospital, in Tunis, adding: "It was in 2006 that we embarked upon a process enabling us to operate on over 20 n future candidate for Tunisian patients in Monastir hospital. We the surgery
  • 3. A research and education network to tackle the oldest affliction p.3 ENPI Info Centre - Feature no. 32 n Monastir are now in a position to claim having acquired expertise in the wake of this hospital successful collaboration. We have a lot to thank the project for, as it has al- lowed us to make significant progress in processing the cases of prospective surgery patients In the wake of the operation 90% of patients are able to live a normal life, with- out having fits, after a two-year period. So the way is now clear for many epileptics. In the meantime, Hichem has become the go-to-person on this score, because he is the individual all the prospective surgery patients turn to, seeking assurances about the outcome of the operation and raising other concerns. One example is Brahim Bouzidi, a 29-year-old Tunisian, who is hav- ing an EEG tracing recorded during a week at Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis. He very much hopes that he will qualify for an operation so he can be rid of the condition for once and all. EUMEDCONNECT2 www.eumedconnect2.net The partnership project covers scientific research communities active in institutions in seven countries in the southern and eastern Mediterranean. A network of cables serves to link up the various institutions, so these countries are able to share data, documents and experiences in all areas. Thanks to the EUMEDCONNECT2 project, roughly two million users in nearly 700 institutions throughout North Africa and the Middle East are able to cooperate with their peers in more than 4,000 research and education establishments in Europe. Participating countries Aims Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, The project seeks to underpin and boost cooperation between Europe and the Mediterranean Morocco, the Palestinian partner countries in the field of research and education. The initiative aspires to ensure the long- Territories, Syria, Tunisia. term sustainability of the Internet infrastructure established by EUMEDCONNECT 1 in 2004. The aim is also to create a sustainable support network able to narrow the digital divide between countries Timeframe and facilitate cooperation. 2008-2010 Budget Find out more €4 million Site EUMEDCONNECT2 > www.eumedconnect2.net A new high-capacity Internet network for research and education > http://www.enpi-info.eu/mainmed.php?id=21187&id_type=1&lang_id=450 The ENPI Info Centre is an EU-funded Regional Information and Communication project highlighting the partnership between the EU and Neighbouring countries. The project is managed ENPI info centre info ce t e by Action Global Communications. www.enpi-info.eu www.enpi-info.eu p