Britain is not actually a Christian country, and attaching the label of "Christian" to policies, people, and the country does not make them truly Christian. To understand what it means to be Christian, one should look to those who follow the life and teachings of Jesus Christ in their words and actions, not whether they use the label itself.
7. Britain is concluding a war in
Afghanistan which has been fought on
Christian just war principles
8. Christian Britain is engaged in a free
and transparently fair debate about the
independence of Scotland
(If the first minister Alex Salmond gets his way
there will not be one Christian nation
but two this time next year)
9. Erm,
None of the above is true
Attaching the Christian label doesnt make
a country or person or a policy Christian -
it misrepresents and confuses
10. If you want to know what Christian means
you would do better to find people who
follow the life and teaching of Jesus Christ
whether or not they use the Christian label
11. Listen carefully to what they say
Watch carefully what they do
and apply liberal doses of salt and light!