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DePaul Catholic:
Preserving A Critical Neighborhood Asset
Setting the Scene

  In violent neighborhoods, Catholic schools are
   instruments of peace. In what can seem like a
    confused culture, they offer places of order.
  -Saving Americas Urban Catholic Schools, Philanthropy Roundtable
Germantown Crime Pro鍖le
Lack of access to quality schools...
   Four closest neighborhood public high schools
              have all been labeled by Johns Hopkins University as

                               Dropout Factories:

        Simon Gratz: 5th Worst Performing (K-12 Public School) in PA
        (19.8% Pro鍖cient on PSSA Reading and Math Combined - 2010)

          and a 57% 4-year graduation rate

        Germantown: 7th Worst Performing (K-12 Public School) in PA
        (21.8% Pro鍖cient on PSSA Reading and Math Combined - 2010)

        and a 36% 4-year graduation rate

        MLK: 24th Worst Perfornming (K-12 Public School) in PA
        (38.5% Pro鍖cient on PSSA Reading and Math Combined - 2010)

        and a 43% 4-year graduation rate

        Roxborough: 8th Worst Performing (K-12 Public School) in PA
        (24.4% Pro鍖cient on PSSA Reading and Math Combined - 2010)

        and a 56% 4-year graduation rate
The view out of the school windows...
The view into the school windows...
Setting the Scene with
Faith-based schools reduce both the racial achievement gap and
the socio-economic achievement gap by 25 percent.

The positive in鍖uence of faith-based schools on achievement grows
as students socioeconomic condition falls.

               The more disadvantaged the student,
                   the more value provided by a
                      faith-based education.
-William Jeynes, White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith Based Schools, (presentation, The White House, Washington, D.C.,
April 24, 2008).
What about DePaul Catholic?
76% of DePaul Students Receive
   Free or Reduced Lunch.

       Using the School District Formula:

    100% are Economically
DePaul Catholic Students Achieve At A Much Higher Rate
        Than Their Public School Counterparts...
                     2010 Standardized Test Scores-8th Grade





                             Math      The DePaul Catholic School-Percentage at/or Above Average
                                       Neighborhood Public Middle School-Percentage at/or Above Pro鍖ciency
                                                                        孫 TerraNova-The DePaul Catholic School (19144)-8th grade
                                                                        族 PSSA-Roosevelt Middle School (19144)-8th Grade
...with Signi鍖cantly Less Financial Resources.
                    Cost to Educate (per student)





          $0                  Average Cost per Pupil

                The DePaul Catholic School
                School District of Philadelphia
                Charter Schools
Far Beyond Test Scores...
DePaul Catholic is 100% safe. It is a place of
  order, amidst a neighborhood of chaos.

                         The neighborhood Public School
                           had 94 assault and weapons-
                          related incidents in the past 3

                         The DePaul Catholic school did
                          not have any such incidents.
DePaul Catholic has led a dramatic school
turnaround effort over the past ten years.

This effort has led to signi鍖cant growth in
several areas...







2001                           0
Programs and Supports
         2001                      2010
9 Homeroom Teachers      17 Homeroom Teachers
 1 Reading Specialist     3 Reading Specialists
   1 Math Specialist        2 Math Specialists
                          1 Full-Time Counselor
                            1 Campus Minister
                        3 Sport Athletic Program
                          6 Special Classes (Art,
                         Music, Library, Spanish,
                           Computers, Physical
and dramatic academic improvement
     during this time period...
...as evidenced by the increase in test scores!
!   !   DePaul Catholic Stadardized Test Score Trends (National Percentile) - 8th Grade

                                                         215%                        139%

        60        65%              91%





        Reading         Language
                                                                       Total Score
                                   2001   2005          2010
Others have noticed...
Any visitor to The De Paul Catholic School will sense in the
 corridors and classrooms the characteristics of successful
 faith-based schools: a focus on the essentials of language
 arts and mathematics, a disciplined attention to each childs
 progress and a shared understanding of the sacred nature
 of the person.

                                     Rev. George W. Bur, S.J.,
                                     St. Josephs Preparatory School

                                                    "Students from DePaul Catholic are well prepared
                                                    for the many and diverse challenges at high school. They
                                                    demonstrate not only a strong sense of con鍖dence in themselves
                                                    but also a beautiful commitment and responsibility to larger
                                                    community. They come to us rooted in the practice of
                                                    Christian values. "

                                                                                     Rita McGovern,
                                                                                      Asst. Principal for Academic Affairs,
                                                                                      Little Flower Catholic High School

I teach a Freshman student who is a graduate from De Paul
Catholic who stands out among her classmates for her maturity,
enthusiasm for learning, and willingness to participate in class
by trying her best each day.

                                   Eileen M. Bossone
                                   Language Department Faculty
                                   Merion Mercy Academy
"We have 177 parish or regional elementary schools in the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia and I go out on a limb in saying
this but I say it with great truth and I'd say it to anyone
who would challenge it...
If I had to rank the top 10 schools in
the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, without
a doubt, The DePaul Catholic School
would be in that top 10."

- Mary Rochford,
Superintendent of Catholic Schools,
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia
It is my 鍖rm belief that the
DePaul Catholic School could be
  a model teaching school for
others to experience 鍖rst hand
  how a school can become an
       outstanding school.
-Josephine G. Viviani, Penn Literacy Network
Excerpt: Summary Report
DePaul Turnaround Model
Turnaround Model

Implementation of Academy Model to develop
   A Culture of High Expectations for All

Franciscan Academy       Marillac Academy   Vincentian Academy
       K-2                   3-5                 6-8

Teachers work collaboratively in Academies to meet the
      speci鍖c needs of each set of grade levels.
Turnaround Model

Implementation of Academy Model to develop
   A Culture of High Expectations for All

 Franciscan Academy

Teachers are committed to individualizing instruction for each
  student in order to build a strong academic foundation.
Turnaround Model

   Implementation of Academy Model to develop
      A Culture of High Expectations for All

                         Marillac Academy

The teachers are committed to tailoring the program to promote
          students with strong academic con鍖dence.
Turnaround Model

   Implementation of Academy Model to develop
      A Culture of High Expectations for All

                                               Vincentian Academy
The Vincentian Academy is a rigorous program that prepares its
   students to excel in challenging high school environments.
Students are required to exhibit a strong academic commitment.
Turnaround Model
 Implementation of Extended Day and Smaller Class
Size to provide More Individualized Attention as well
                as Instructional Time...
Turnaround Model
Implementation of Extended Day and Smaller Class
Size to provide More Individualed Attention as well
               as Instructional Time...

                            Student/Faculty Ratio

    Philadelphia School District District

    Charter Schools of PA

     DePaul Catholic
Turnaround Model
 Implementation of Extended Day and Smaller Class
Size to provide More Individualized Attention as well
                as Instructional Time...

             *DePaul Catholic students
             spend 74% of their waking
             lives in the school building
             during the week.
Turnaround Model
Insuring the existence of Effective Leadership
   and Teachers at DePaul Catholic through
              partnerships with

   The Churchill Institute of Leadership and

and The Penn Center for Educational Leadership
The unique characteristics of the
dedicated faculty have contributed
         to the success...
A Commitment to Service:

51% of DePaul faculty have participated
 in long term, unpaid service programs.

                 LU - CHOICE
A Passion for the Work:

67% of DePaul faculty have been recruited
      by other members of the staff.
Presence of Male Teachers
     National Average-Catholic Elementary School Teachers                                                   National Average-All Elementary School Teachers


                                                                       DePaul Catholic Classroom Teachers


                           Male                       Female
                     Source: National Catholic Educators Association

                                                                           59%                                              Male                             Female
                                                                                                                      Source: National Bureau of Labor Statistics

The presence of a male teacher not                                              Male        Female     "It's extremely important for
only has a positive impact on a boys                                                                   modeling, particularly in the
self esteem, but also enhances their                                                                    minority community,"
       academic performance.
                                                                                                        -Reg Weaver, President of the
          -ABC News Report                                                                              National Education Association (NEA)
However, DePaul operates in a
challenging 鍖nancial environment...
The Financial Environment

 Faith-based urban schools are keeping their tuition at
very modest levels. But setting tuition at such low levels
 means that the cost of these schools is obviously a lot
 higher than their income. Plenty of these schools have
 literally six-figure or even seven-figure annual subsidy
 requirements. So you can see why lots of them live on
                       the knifes edge

  -Preserving a Critical National Asset, White House
               Domestic Policy Council
DePaul Revenue
     Other Income

                              Tuition and Fees
      P sh Subsidies

A Math Problem
Little government aid +
Growing demand for church subsidies +
Increasingly low-income student body +
Holding tuition below cost +
Rising teacher salaries
Financial Crisis

                Karl Zinsmeister, White House Summit on Inner-City Children and
                Faith Based Schools, (presentation, The White House, Washington,
                D.C., April 24, 2008).
Rising Salaries?
               Average DePaul Catholic School Salary




                    2009-2010                            $23,000

 The entire staff agreed to a pay
freeze and 5% pay cut in order to
    prevent cuts in personnel.
Proactive Steps We are Taking...

- Continued Annual Fund growth at a rate of 32%

- Creation of separate 501(c)3 organization and
    separate EITC scholarship organization.

- Board Development

- Cultivating a Major Gifts Program
Outside Help is on the Way...

 BLOCS has committed to working with
DePaul Catholic to create an endowment
   fund within the next 2-3 years to
permanently address the 鍖nancial gap in
Outside Help is on the Way...
Proposed Senate Bill 1 could dramatically increase DePauls
revenue base. Scholarships will be provided to low-income
students in the following phases:

Year 1: Low-income students currently attending lowest achieving schools

Year 2: Low-income students residing within attendance boundary of lowest achieving school

Year 3: All low-income students

     If passed, DePaul will see an immediate increase in
      enrollment and a projected 25%-40% increase in
            revenue by the third year of the bill.
DePaul requires signi鍖cant 鍖nancial assistance to
 keep the turnaround model in place until full
       鍖nancial viability can be attained.

  Investing in the DePaul model generates
       signi鍖cant returns for society...
DePauls Social Return on Investment (SROI)
     Each Year, DePaul graduates high-achieving eighth graders. The
      projected social wealth generated from their achievement*:

          Total Increase in Income Tax Contributions (lifetime): $1,670,400

          Total Increase in Sales and Property Tax Contributions (lifetime): $83,520

          Total Savings in Public Health Costs (NPV at age 20 ): $536,000

          Total Criminal Justice Cost Savings: $880,000

                DePauls Annual SROI: $3,169,920

  * Calculations are based on Roland Fryers report Are High Quality Schools Enough to Close the Achievement Gap?
Evidence from a Social Experiment in Harlem. Fryer is a Harvard Economist and states that these calculations assume a
 causal relationship between achievement and educational attainment. The projection is fully based on this assumption.
DePauls Bene鍖t/Cost Ratio is 8:1


For every $1 invested in DePaul, there is an $8
               return to society.
Excerpt: Designing Our Future Visiting Team Report
    -Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools:

  DePaul Catholic School is committed to working with
urban elementary students, helping them along the way to
become life-long learners and leaders who understand the
meaning of service in the tradition of St. Vincent de Paul.

     The future is truly bright on Logan

More Related Content

Preserving a Critical Neighborhood Asset

  • 1. DePaul Catholic: Preserving A Critical Neighborhood Asset
  • 2. Setting the Scene In violent neighborhoods, Catholic schools are instruments of peace. In what can seem like a confused culture, they offer places of order. -Saving Americas Urban Catholic Schools, Philanthropy Roundtable
  • 4. Lack of access to quality schools... Four closest neighborhood public high schools have all been labeled by Johns Hopkins University as Dropout Factories: Simon Gratz: 5th Worst Performing (K-12 Public School) in PA (19.8% Pro鍖cient on PSSA Reading and Math Combined - 2010) and a 57% 4-year graduation rate Germantown: 7th Worst Performing (K-12 Public School) in PA (21.8% Pro鍖cient on PSSA Reading and Math Combined - 2010) and a 36% 4-year graduation rate MLK: 24th Worst Perfornming (K-12 Public School) in PA (38.5% Pro鍖cient on PSSA Reading and Math Combined - 2010) and a 43% 4-year graduation rate Roxborough: 8th Worst Performing (K-12 Public School) in PA (24.4% Pro鍖cient on PSSA Reading and Math Combined - 2010) and a 56% 4-year graduation rate
  • 5. The view out of the school windows...
  • 6. The view into the school windows...
  • 7. Setting the Scene with Meta-Analysis Faith-based schools reduce both the racial achievement gap and the socio-economic achievement gap by 25 percent. The positive in鍖uence of faith-based schools on achievement grows as students socioeconomic condition falls. The more disadvantaged the student, the more value provided by a faith-based education. -William Jeynes, White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith Based Schools, (presentation, The White House, Washington, D.C., April 24, 2008).
  • 8. What about DePaul Catholic?
  • 9. 76% of DePaul Students Receive Free or Reduced Lunch. Using the School District Formula: 100% are Economically Disadvantaged.
  • 10. DePaul Catholic Students Achieve At A Much Higher Rate Than Their Public School Counterparts... 2010 Standardized Test Scores-8th Grade 100.00% 75.00% 50.00% 25.00% Reading 0% Math The DePaul Catholic School-Percentage at/or Above Average Neighborhood Public Middle School-Percentage at/or Above Pro鍖ciency 孫 TerraNova-The DePaul Catholic School (19144)-8th grade 族 PSSA-Roosevelt Middle School (19144)-8th Grade
  • 11. ...with Signi鍖cantly Less Financial Resources. Cost to Educate (per student) $12,000 $9,000 $6,000 $3,000 $0 Average Cost per Pupil The DePaul Catholic School School District of Philadelphia Charter Schools
  • 12. Far Beyond Test Scores... DePaul Catholic is 100% safe. It is a place of order, amidst a neighborhood of chaos. The neighborhood Public School had 94 assault and weapons- related incidents in the past 3 years. The DePaul Catholic school did not have any such incidents.
  • 13. DePaul Catholic has led a dramatic school turnaround effort over the past ten years. This effort has led to signi鍖cant growth in several areas...
  • 14. Enrollment 300 250 200 150 100 50 2001 0 2005 2010 Students
  • 15. Programs and Supports 2001 2010 9 Homeroom Teachers 17 Homeroom Teachers 1 Reading Specialist 3 Reading Specialists 1 Math Specialist 2 Math Specialists 1 Full-Time Counselor 1 Campus Minister 3 Sport Athletic Program 6 Special Classes (Art, Music, Library, Spanish, Computers, Physical Education)
  • 16. and dramatic academic improvement during this time period...
  • 17. ...as evidenced by the increase in test scores! ! ! DePaul Catholic Stadardized Test Score Trends (National Percentile) - 8th Grade 215% 139% 70 60 65% 91% 50 40 30 20 10 0 Reading Language Math Total Score 2001 2005 2010
  • 19. Any visitor to The De Paul Catholic School will sense in the corridors and classrooms the characteristics of successful faith-based schools: a focus on the essentials of language arts and mathematics, a disciplined attention to each childs progress and a shared understanding of the sacred nature of the person. Rev. George W. Bur, S.J., President, St. Josephs Preparatory School "Students from DePaul Catholic are well prepared for the many and diverse challenges at high school. They demonstrate not only a strong sense of con鍖dence in themselves but also a beautiful commitment and responsibility to larger community. They come to us rooted in the practice of Christian values. " Rita McGovern, Asst. Principal for Academic Affairs, Little Flower Catholic High School I teach a Freshman student who is a graduate from De Paul Catholic who stands out among her classmates for her maturity, enthusiasm for learning, and willingness to participate in class by trying her best each day. Eileen M. Bossone Language Department Faculty Merion Mercy Academy
  • 20. "We have 177 parish or regional elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and I go out on a limb in saying this but I say it with great truth and I'd say it to anyone who would challenge it... If I had to rank the top 10 schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, without a doubt, The DePaul Catholic School would be in that top 10." - Mary Rochford, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, The Archdiocese of Philadelphia
  • 21. It is my 鍖rm belief that the DePaul Catholic School could be a model teaching school for others to experience 鍖rst hand how a school can become an outstanding school. -Josephine G. Viviani, Penn Literacy Network Excerpt: Summary Report
  • 23. Turnaround Model Implementation of Academy Model to develop A Culture of High Expectations for All Franciscan Academy Marillac Academy Vincentian Academy K-2 3-5 6-8 Teachers work collaboratively in Academies to meet the speci鍖c needs of each set of grade levels.
  • 24. Turnaround Model Implementation of Academy Model to develop A Culture of High Expectations for All Franciscan Academy K-2 Teachers are committed to individualizing instruction for each student in order to build a strong academic foundation.
  • 25. Turnaround Model Implementation of Academy Model to develop A Culture of High Expectations for All Marillac Academy 3-5 The teachers are committed to tailoring the program to promote students with strong academic con鍖dence.
  • 26. Turnaround Model Implementation of Academy Model to develop A Culture of High Expectations for All Vincentian Academy 6-8 The Vincentian Academy is a rigorous program that prepares its students to excel in challenging high school environments. Students are required to exhibit a strong academic commitment.
  • 27. Turnaround Model Implementation of Extended Day and Smaller Class Size to provide More Individualized Attention as well as Instructional Time...
  • 28. Turnaround Model Implementation of Extended Day and Smaller Class Size to provide More Individualed Attention as well as Instructional Time... Student/Faculty Ratio Philadelphia School District District Charter Schools of PA DePaul Catholic
  • 29. Turnaround Model Implementation of Extended Day and Smaller Class Size to provide More Individualized Attention as well as Instructional Time... *DePaul Catholic students spend 74% of their waking lives in the school building during the week.
  • 30. Turnaround Model Insuring the existence of Effective Leadership and Teachers at DePaul Catholic through partnerships with The Churchill Institute of Leadership and Development and The Penn Center for Educational Leadership
  • 31. The unique characteristics of the dedicated faculty have contributed to the success...
  • 32. A Commitment to Service: 51% of DePaul faculty have participated in long term, unpaid service programs. LU - CHOICE
  • 33. A Passion for the Work: 67% of DePaul faculty have been recruited by other members of the staff.
  • 34. Presence of Male Teachers National Average-Catholic Elementary School Teachers National Average-All Elementary School Teachers 10% 9% DePaul Catholic Classroom Teachers 90% Male Female Source: National Catholic Educators Association 59% Male Female 91% Source: National Bureau of Labor Statistics 41% The presence of a male teacher not Male Female "It's extremely important for only has a positive impact on a boys modeling, particularly in the self esteem, but also enhances their minority community," academic performance. -Reg Weaver, President of the -ABC News Report National Education Association (NEA)
  • 35. However, DePaul operates in a challenging 鍖nancial environment...
  • 36. The Financial Environment Faith-based urban schools are keeping their tuition at very modest levels. But setting tuition at such low levels means that the cost of these schools is obviously a lot higher than their income. Plenty of these schools have literally six-figure or even seven-figure annual subsidy requirements. So you can see why lots of them live on the knifes edge -Preserving a Critical National Asset, White House Domestic Policy Council
  • 37. DePaul Revenue Other Income 1% Tuition and Fees P sh Subsidies ari 43% 3% Grants 12% Fundraising Scholarships 29% 12%
  • 38. A Math Problem Little government aid + Growing demand for church subsidies + Increasingly low-income student body + Holding tuition below cost + Rising teacher salaries ----------------------------------------- Financial Crisis Karl Zinsmeister, White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith Based Schools, (presentation, The White House, Washington, D.C., April 24, 2008).
  • 39. Rising Salaries? Average DePaul Catholic School Salary $29,000 $27,500 $26,000 $24,500 2008-2009 2009-2010 $23,000 2010-2011 The entire staff agreed to a pay freeze and 5% pay cut in order to prevent cuts in personnel.
  • 40. Proactive Steps We are Taking... - Continued Annual Fund growth at a rate of 32% - Creation of separate 501(c)3 organization and separate EITC scholarship organization. - Board Development - Cultivating a Major Gifts Program
  • 41. Outside Help is on the Way... BLOCS has committed to working with DePaul Catholic to create an endowment fund within the next 2-3 years to permanently address the 鍖nancial gap in funding.
  • 42. Outside Help is on the Way... Proposed Senate Bill 1 could dramatically increase DePauls revenue base. Scholarships will be provided to low-income students in the following phases: Year 1: Low-income students currently attending lowest achieving schools Year 2: Low-income students residing within attendance boundary of lowest achieving school Year 3: All low-income students If passed, DePaul will see an immediate increase in enrollment and a projected 25%-40% increase in revenue by the third year of the bill.
  • 43. DePaul requires signi鍖cant 鍖nancial assistance to keep the turnaround model in place until full 鍖nancial viability can be attained. Investing in the DePaul model generates signi鍖cant returns for society...
  • 44. DePauls Social Return on Investment (SROI) Each Year, DePaul graduates high-achieving eighth graders. The projected social wealth generated from their achievement*: . Total Increase in Income Tax Contributions (lifetime): $1,670,400 Total Increase in Sales and Property Tax Contributions (lifetime): $83,520 Total Savings in Public Health Costs (NPV at age 20 ): $536,000 Total Criminal Justice Cost Savings: $880,000 DePauls Annual SROI: $3,169,920 * Calculations are based on Roland Fryers report Are High Quality Schools Enough to Close the Achievement Gap? Evidence from a Social Experiment in Harlem. Fryer is a Harvard Economist and states that these calculations assume a causal relationship between achievement and educational attainment. The projection is fully based on this assumption.
  • 45. DePauls Bene鍖t/Cost Ratio is 8:1 or For every $1 invested in DePaul, there is an $8 return to society.
  • 46. Excerpt: Designing Our Future Visiting Team Report -Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools: DePaul Catholic School is committed to working with urban elementary students, helping them along the way to become life-long learners and leaders who understand the meaning of service in the tradition of St. Vincent de Paul. The future is truly bright on Logan Street.

Editor's Notes