This lesson plan aims to teach students about the poem "The Little Rain" by Tu Fu. It involves grouping students to discuss a video about raindrops, reading and discussing the poem line by line, and identifying the advantages of rain mentioned in the poem. Students will draw something related to rain's contributions from the poem and compose a response to the video they watched. The lesson aims to help students understand the main ideas of the poem and importance of rain.
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A Semi-detailed
1. A Semi-detailed
Lesson Plan in
English II
Presented by:
Krizia Mae Valdez
Leonard Manuel
Monita Pops Fernandez
Clariza Amano
2. A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in
English II
I. Objectives:
A. Identify the main idea or concept in
the poem entitled The Little Rain.
B. Discuss the poem by sharing the
reactions of the students in the class.
C. Give full understanding to the
importance of rain in our life.
3. II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: The Little Rain
by Tu Fu
B. References: English
Expressway, Dr. Virginia Bermudez
et. al, p 176
C. Materials: video
presentation, chalkboard, chalk, mani
la paper.
4. III. Procedure:
A. Motivation
The teacher will group the class into 3
groups. Then she will show a video
presentation entitled raindrops. After
that, the students will discuss to their
groups the meaning or their own
understanding to the video, then the
leader will present their output infront of
the class.
5. B. Presentation
The teacher will ask the
students what they did. After
which, he will present their lesson
to the class.
C. Discussion
1. Vocabulary building
2. The teacher will read the
poem first written in the manila
paper. Next reading will be the
6. 3. Ask the students the
contributions or advantages of
rain which are shown on the
4. The students will interpret each
lines of the poem and extract the
message of it as well. Then, the
teacher will supplement their
answers after,
7. D. Generalization
The teacher will ask the students
what are the lessons they learned for
the day.
E. Application
The students will be called and
relate their memorable experiences
about the rain.
8. IV. Evaluation
Students will draw one of the many
contributions or advantages of rain which is
shown in the poem.
V. Agreement
Make a composition regarding the video
they watched.