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                M. Bron1, J. van Gorp2, F. Nack1, M. de Rijke1, A. Vishneuski1, S. de Leeuw2

(1) University of Amsterdam                           (2) Utrecht University
vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                             MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH

                 de鍖nition: media studies concerns the study of production,
                 content and/or reception of various types of media, e.g.,
                 newspapers, 鍖lms, and television programs

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                             MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH

                 de鍖nition: media studies concerns the study of production,
                 content and/or reception of various types of media, e.g.,
                 newspapers, 鍖lms, and television programs

                 example: how does the representation of women smokers
                 change in magazines and 鍖ction shows between 1900 and

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                           MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                           MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                           MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                           MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                    RESEARCH CYCLE

          how can we support media studies researchers in gathering
          material in electronic archives?

                methodology: interviews; 30 mins; topic list
                   pick a recent research project?
                   where did you get the idea?
                   how did you search for data?
                   did you encounter any problems?
                   did your research questions change?
                   can you describe the various stages during the project?
                   can you write them down on index cards and order them

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                        RESEARCH CYCLE

            explore        literature      data
                                                      analysis   writing   report
            domain            study      collection

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                        RESEARCH CYCLE

            explore        literature      data
                                                      analysis   writing   report
            domain            study      collection

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                        RESEARCH CYCLE

            explore        literature      data
                                                      analysis   writing   report
            domain            study      collection

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                        RESEARCH CYCLE

            explore        literature      data
                                                      analysis   writing   report
            domain            study      collection

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                        RESEARCH CYCLE

            explore        literature      data
                                                      analysis   writing   report
            domain            study      collection

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                        RESEARCH CYCLE

            explore        literature      data
                                                      analysis   writing   report
            domain            study      collection

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                              RESEARCH CYCLE



               developing the research question
               determining available material
               broad gathering of material

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                              RESEARCH CYCLE

                           exploration           contextualization


                                                analyzing material
                                                re鍖ning the research question
                                                鍖nding context
                                                鍖nding additional material

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                              RESEARCH CYCLE

                           exploration           contextualization     presentation

                                                     analysis        writing     report

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                              RESEARCH CYCLE

                           exploration           contextualization     presentation

                                                     analysis        writing     report

                  analysis of data, e.g., watching and transcribing 鍖lms costs a
                 lot of time, money, and effort.

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012


                our example research question:
           how does the representation of women smokers change in
           magazines and 鍖ction shows between 1900 and 1950?

           requirements of the material:
                    time and genre constraints, e.g., 鍖ction shows
                    a speci鍖c group, e.g., women smokers
                    is it possible to contrast 鍖ndings in the data, e.g., a change

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012


                our example research question:
           how does the representation of women smokers change in
           magazines and 鍖ction shows between 1900 and 1950?

           requirements of the material:
                    time and genre constraints, e.g., 鍖ction shows
                    a speci鍖c group, e.g., women smokers
                    is it possible to contrast 鍖ndings in the data, e.g., a change

             Major problem: whether the material satis鍖es all these criteria is
             only known after everything has been analyzed!

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
vrijdag 10 augustus 2012


           key question:
                 does the option to compare statistics of multiple results sets
                 support media studies researchers in 鍖nding material that
                 satis鍖es the contrast requirement in their research questions?

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN

             Total of 36 media studies researchers and MSc. students
             (experience MD = 3; IQR = 0-6.5); between subject design; remote
             user study; data is 1.2 M tv programs with metadata from audio
             visual archive.

                   pre search task survey
                   a complex search task (30 mins):
             Collect material relevant to develop and answer a research question
             on the topic of how minorities are described in the Dutch media over
             the last 40 years. After collection, formulate a research question.
                   post search task: write down the research question developed
                   during searching
                   exit survey

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012


             subjunctive interface interaction statistics:
                      more query formulations
                      more documents bookmarked
                      wider variety of documents bookmarked (average pairwise similarity)

             research questions formulated with the subjunctive interface:
                      a more re鍖ned scope

             usability of the interface
                      usefulness for research; interesting
                      dif鍖cult to use; intuitive

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                   INTERACTION STATISTICS

             showing median and (inter quartile ranges)
                      for the query formulations
                      for the number of documents bookmarked
                             interaction                  baseline              subjunctive
                               queries                     3 (2-6)                5 (3-8)*
                             bookmarks                    9 (6-22)                9 (3-13)

                      for wider variety of documents bookmarked indicated by the
                      average pairwise cosine similarity
                             interaction      baseline                           subjunctive
                           bookmark variety .62 (.56-.69)                       .52 (.43-.63)*
          * signi鍖cant at the alpha = 0.05 level using Wilcoxon rank sum test

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                              INTERACTION PATTERNS

               Query -> Inspect -> Query -> Inspect
          is more often seen with the subjunctive interface
               Query -> Inspect -> Filter -> Inspect
          is seen more often with the standard exploratory search interface

               Bookmark -> Paginate -> Bookmark -> Paginate
          is a frequent pattern when using the baseline interface;
               pagination does not occur in the top interaction patterns with
              the subjunctive interface

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                              INTERACTION PATTERNS

               Query -> Inspect -> Query -> Inspect
          is more often seen with the subjunctive interface
               Query -> Inspect -> Filter -> Inspect
          is seen more often with the standard exploratory search interface

               Bookmark -> Paginate -> Bookmark -> Paginate
          is a frequent pattern when using the baseline interface;
               pagination does not occur in the top interaction patterns with
              the subjunctive interface

                comparison visualizations invite more queries
              bookmarking form two result lists i.s.o. single long list
              promotes more diverse documents

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                       RESEARCH QUESTIONS

             Do the research questions formulated with the subjunctive
             interface have a more re鍖ned scope determined by a contrast or
                      three judges; experts in the 鍖eld of media and migration
                      assessed the research questions

             showing median and (inter quartile ranges)/ 5 point Likert scale 1 is very bad; 5 is very good

                       judge 1                    judge 2                           judge 3
             baseline      subjunctive    baseline        subjunctive        baseline       subjunctive
              3 (3-4)        4 (3-4)       2 (2-4)          2 (2-3)           4 (3-4)         4 (2-4)
                   It is hard too judge whether the scope of research questions
                   is more or less re鍖ned
           what if we look at the research questions?

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                RESEARCH QUESTIONS
           analysis of two research questions...
                Investigation of the evolution of the term integration in news and
                human interest programs broadcasted between 1992 and 2012
                In 1987 we observe a diminishing in the use of the term migrant
                worker and a rise in the use of the term immigrant. Is it possible
                to identify a cause in the broadcasting schedule of that time?

           interface genre           group       topics       period     technical
              baseline     11          14           8            10           2
           subjunctive     10          17           12           9            3

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

                                RESEARCH QUESTIONS
           analysis of two research questions...
                Investigation of the evolution of the term integration in news and
                human interest programs broadcasted between 1992 and 2012
                In 1987 we observe a diminishing in the use of the term migrant
                worker and a rise in the use of the term immigrant. Is it possible
                to identify a cause in the broadcasting schedule of that time?

           interface genre           group       topics       period     technical
              baseline     11          14           8            10           2
           subjunctive     10          17           12           9            3

                 In research questions formulated with the subjunctive interface
                 the contrast is more concrete.

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

          usability of the interfaces

          median and (inter quartile ranges)/ 5 point Likert scale 1 is absolutely not; 5 is very much

                   interaction               baseline            subjunctive
                     intuitive                4 (4-4)              4 (3-4)
                   interesting                4 (4-5)              4 (4-5)
                      useful                  4 (4-5)              5 (4-5)
                 dif鍖cult to use              2 (2-2)              2 (2-4)

                both interfaces are found to be (very) useful for media studies
               surprisingly: the subjunctive interface is not considered to be
               dif鍖cult to use

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

          the media studies research process is a dynamic and iterative
          process, in which it is dif鍖cult to make research questions
          concrete until material has been collected and analyzed

          a subjunctive exploratory interface supports media researchers in
                   exploration: it invites more query formulations and more
                   diverse documents to be gathered
                   formulating research questions in which a contrast is
                   considered based on patterns in the material observed during
                   the subjunctive interface, while more complex, is not
                   considered to be dif鍖cult to use and is considered very useful
                   for media studies research

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

          the media studies research process is a dynamic and iterative process, in
          which it is dif鍖cult to make research questions concrete until material has
          been collected and analyzed

          a subjunctive exploratory interface supports media researchers in
                   exploration: it invites more query formulations and more diverse
                   documents to be gathered
                   formulating research questions in which a contrast is considered based
                   on patterns in the material observed during exploration
                   the subjunctive interface, while more complex, is not considered to be
                   dif鍖cult to use and is considered very useful for media studies research

          Thank you; are there any questions?

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

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A Subjunctive Exploratory Search Interface to Support Media Studies Researchers

  • 1. A SUBJUNCTIVE EXPLORATORY SEARCH INTERFACE TO SUPPORT MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCHERS M. Bron1, J. van Gorp2, F. Nack1, M. de Rijke1, A. Vishneuski1, S. de Leeuw2 (15-08-2012) (1) University of Amsterdam (2) Utrecht University vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 2. INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH de鍖nition: media studies concerns the study of production, content and/or reception of various types of media, e.g., newspapers, 鍖lms, and television programs vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 3. INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH de鍖nition: media studies concerns the study of production, content and/or reception of various types of media, e.g., newspapers, 鍖lms, and television programs example: how does the representation of women smokers change in magazines and 鍖ction shows between 1900 and 1950? vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 4. INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 5. INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 6. INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 7. INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA STUDIES RESEARCH vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 8. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE how can we support media studies researchers in gathering material in electronic archives? methodology: interviews; 30 mins; topic list pick a recent research project? where did you get the idea? how did you search for data? did you encounter any problems? did your research questions change? can you describe the various stages during the project? can you write them down on index cards and order them chronologically? vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 9. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE explore literature data analysis writing report domain study collection vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 10. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE explore literature data analysis writing report domain study collection vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 11. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE explore literature data analysis writing report domain study collection vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 12. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE explore literature data analysis writing report domain study collection vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 13. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE explore literature data analysis writing report domain study collection vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 14. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE explore literature data analysis writing report domain study collection vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 15. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE exploration literature study explore domain data collection developing the research question determining available material literature broad gathering of material vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 16. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE exploration contextualization literature study literature study explore analysis domain data collection data collection analyzing material re鍖ning the research question 鍖nding context 鍖nding additional material vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 17. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE exploration contextualization presentation literature study literature study explore analysis writing report domain data collection data collection vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 18. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH CYCLE exploration contextualization presentation literature study literature study explore analysis writing report domain data collection data collection analysis of data, e.g., watching and transcribing 鍖lms costs a lot of time, money, and effort. vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 19. DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERFACE our example research question: how does the representation of women smokers change in magazines and 鍖ction shows between 1900 and 1950? requirements of the material: time and genre constraints, e.g., 鍖ction shows a speci鍖c group, e.g., women smokers is it possible to contrast 鍖ndings in the data, e.g., a change vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 20. DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERFACE our example research question: how does the representation of women smokers change in magazines and 鍖ction shows between 1900 and 1950? requirements of the material: time and genre constraints, e.g., 鍖ction shows a speci鍖c group, e.g., women smokers is it possible to contrast 鍖ndings in the data, e.g., a change Major problem: whether the material satis鍖es all these criteria is only known after everything has been analyzed! vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 24. DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERFACE key question: does the option to compare statistics of multiple results sets support media studies researchers in 鍖nding material that satis鍖es the contrast requirement in their research questions? vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 28. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Total of 36 media studies researchers and MSc. students (experience MD = 3; IQR = 0-6.5); between subject design; remote user study; data is 1.2 M tv programs with metadata from audio visual archive. pre search task survey a complex search task (30 mins): Collect material relevant to develop and answer a research question on the topic of how minorities are described in the Dutch media over the last 40 years. After collection, formulate a research question. post search task: write down the research question developed during searching exit survey vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 29. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP EVALUATION subjunctive interface interaction statistics: more query formulations more documents bookmarked wider variety of documents bookmarked (average pairwise similarity) research questions formulated with the subjunctive interface: a more re鍖ned scope usability of the interface usefulness for research; interesting dif鍖cult to use; intuitive vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 30. RESULTS INTERACTION STATISTICS showing median and (inter quartile ranges) for the query formulations for the number of documents bookmarked interaction baseline subjunctive queries 3 (2-6) 5 (3-8)* bookmarks 9 (6-22) 9 (3-13) for wider variety of documents bookmarked indicated by the average pairwise cosine similarity interaction baseline subjunctive bookmark variety .62 (.56-.69) .52 (.43-.63)* * signi鍖cant at the alpha = 0.05 level using Wilcoxon rank sum test vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 31. ANALYSIS INTERACTION PATTERNS Query -> Inspect -> Query -> Inspect is more often seen with the subjunctive interface Query -> Inspect -> Filter -> Inspect is seen more often with the standard exploratory search interface Bookmark -> Paginate -> Bookmark -> Paginate is a frequent pattern when using the baseline interface; pagination does not occur in the top interaction patterns with the subjunctive interface vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 32. ANALYSIS INTERACTION PATTERNS Query -> Inspect -> Query -> Inspect is more often seen with the subjunctive interface Query -> Inspect -> Filter -> Inspect is seen more often with the standard exploratory search interface Bookmark -> Paginate -> Bookmark -> Paginate is a frequent pattern when using the baseline interface; pagination does not occur in the top interaction patterns with the subjunctive interface comparison visualizations invite more queries bookmarking form two result lists i.s.o. single long list promotes more diverse documents vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 33. RESULTS RESEARCH QUESTIONS Do the research questions formulated with the subjunctive interface have a more re鍖ned scope determined by a contrast or comparison? three judges; experts in the 鍖eld of media and migration assessed the research questions showing median and (inter quartile ranges)/ 5 point Likert scale 1 is very bad; 5 is very good judge 1 judge 2 judge 3 baseline subjunctive baseline subjunctive baseline subjunctive 3 (3-4) 4 (3-4) 2 (2-4) 2 (2-3) 4 (3-4) 4 (2-4) It is hard too judge whether the scope of research questions is more or less re鍖ned what if we look at the research questions? vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 34. ANALYSIS RESEARCH QUESTIONS analysis of two research questions... Investigation of the evolution of the term integration in news and human interest programs broadcasted between 1992 and 2012 In 1987 we observe a diminishing in the use of the term migrant worker and a rise in the use of the term immigrant. Is it possible to identify a cause in the broadcasting schedule of that time? interface genre group topics period technical baseline 11 14 8 10 2 subjunctive 10 17 12 9 3 vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 35. ANALYSIS RESEARCH QUESTIONS analysis of two research questions... Investigation of the evolution of the term integration in news and human interest programs broadcasted between 1992 and 2012 In 1987 we observe a diminishing in the use of the term migrant worker and a rise in the use of the term immigrant. Is it possible to identify a cause in the broadcasting schedule of that time? interface genre group topics period technical baseline 11 14 8 10 2 subjunctive 10 17 12 9 3 In research questions formulated with the subjunctive interface the contrast is more concrete. vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 36. RESULTS USABILITY usability of the interfaces median and (inter quartile ranges)/ 5 point Likert scale 1 is absolutely not; 5 is very much interaction baseline subjunctive intuitive 4 (4-4) 4 (3-4) interesting 4 (4-5) 4 (4-5) useful 4 (4-5) 5 (4-5) dif鍖cult to use 2 (2-2) 2 (2-4) both interfaces are found to be (very) useful for media studies research surprisingly: the subjunctive interface is not considered to be dif鍖cult to use vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 37. CONCLUSIONS the media studies research process is a dynamic and iterative process, in which it is dif鍖cult to make research questions concrete until material has been collected and analyzed a subjunctive exploratory interface supports media researchers in exploration: it invites more query formulations and more diverse documents to be gathered formulating research questions in which a contrast is considered based on patterns in the material observed during exploration moreover the subjunctive interface, while more complex, is not considered to be dif鍖cult to use and is considered very useful for media studies research vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
  • 38. CONCLUSIONS the media studies research process is a dynamic and iterative process, in which it is dif鍖cult to make research questions concrete until material has been collected and analyzed a subjunctive exploratory interface supports media researchers in exploration: it invites more query formulations and more diverse documents to be gathered formulating research questions in which a contrast is considered based on patterns in the material observed during exploration moreover the subjunctive interface, while more complex, is not considered to be dif鍖cult to use and is considered very useful for media studies research Thank you; are there any questions? vrijdag 10 augustus 2012