The document discusses advice from five investors. Dr. Moon Kim advises entrepreneurs to show what venture capitalists want to see, focus on the most important things, have credible record keeping, and leverage connections. Tae Hea Nahm emphasizes space, filtering opportunities, and due diligence. The document provides tips from investors on securing funding.
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A Tale of 5 Investors pt. 1
1. A Tale of Five Investors
Dr. Moon Kim
• What VC’s want to see • Don’t be stubborn
• Most important things • Connections: very important
• One chance to be credible • Investors rarely invest alone
• Fix your record keeping • Talk to their portfolio companies
Copyright @Ryan Huddleston,
2. A Tale of Five Investors
Tae Hea Nahm
• Space
• Filter
• Due Diligence
Copyright @Ryan Huddleston,
Editor's Notes
#2: VC’s want to see executive summary, presentation, etc,1) Team-the people running the company2) IP (Patents)- US patents are important (Korean patents are too lose) because if the company fails, the investors can keep the patents (very, very important)You just get one chance; you have to be credible; if you’re not credible, you will die in this industry (be honest)The problem with Korean companies is that many times their record keeping is very messy compared with U.S. companies-Korean companies need to fix their books (accounting), make sure everything is very neat and easily presentableKorean companies tend to be very stubborn, they don’t want to change (they have to be open to change)-unlike Chinese, Japanese companies who will changeConnections in Silicon Valley are very important; you have to have someone in your company who is reputable or known, or know somebody who has these qualities and use them for connections, find an advisor, someone you can useSilicon Valley investors never invest alone; if they like you, they will take you to their friend’s offices and try to get them to invest in you also-you must be ready to present to several different companiesTalking to portfolio companies these firms have invested in is very important, they almost always listen to their portfolio companies
#3: -What is Space? I had no idea what he meant when I met him, he said I am interested in spaceHe is interested in Space-how close entrepreneurs are to him, if entrepreneurs are introduced by someone he knows P.C. = personal connectionORif their companies are close to Storm Venture’s portfolio companies, if their portfolio companies are interested in themSynergy with Storm Ventures portfolio or KTThey have a filter-Space-------> IT (very broad)Wants to do due diligence on the people he meets, can do that through linkedin, wants to find a mutual link (linkedin, other VC, etc)Due diligence-My time-investment stage