A targeted livelihood plan for small and marginal farmers through development of Sustainable ecosystem by water conservation and allied activities
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A targeted livelihood plan for small and marginal farmers through development of Sustainable ecosystem by water conservation and allied activities
1. Jeevika
Conceptualized by District Administration Udhampur
Presented By: Dr. Piyush Singla, IAS
DC Udhampur
A targeted livelihood plan for small and marginal farmers through development
of Sustainable ecosystem by water conservation and allied activities.
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2. Backdrop Of the Project
? District Udhampur is predominantly Agrarian where 80%
population is rural with agriculture as their main stay for livelihood.
? Total 65200 land holdings with average holding size is 0.97 Ha.
? 97% of the farming families are small and marginal.
? Only about 6 % of the cultivated area is under assured irrigation.
? Untapped perennial water resources viz. natural springs
/bowlies /nallahs.
3. Aim of the Project:
?Innovative Water Harvesting / Conservation C Tapping of
Perennial water resources , Minimizing water losses.
?Protected Cultivation by Tubular Green House Structures and
?Ground water recharging
?Increasing Water use efficiency
?Sustainable Livelihood C Doubling of farmers income
? To harness the untapped perennial sources and increasing the
assured irrigation potential through innovative water harvesting
? To promote efficient water use for irrigation by means of micro
irrigation-Drip method.
? To create livelihood opportunities for small and marginal farmers
through integrated farming.
? To mobilize masses for larger participation in water conservation and
shift towards integrated farming.
5. Strategies/Activities Implemented:
?Creation of Water Harvesting Structures with Pond Lining.
?Efficient water utilization by means of Drip Irrigation
?Protected Cultivation by Tubular Green House Structures and
?Promotion of Organic Agriculture by means of
?Promotion of Mushroom Cultivation.
?Capacity Building.
6. Methodology to achieve the Set Aim
1. Water Harvesting / Conservation C
? 250 ponds are being developed by using innovative
water harvesting structures with poly lining of 500
? Other than above , 590 ponds are being developed
specifically for water recharging to help increase the
water table .
? Total 840 ponds are being developed through
convergence of various schemes.
2. Increase the Water use efficiency C
? Drip irrigation for 500 m2
is proposed under the Project.
3. Sustainable Livelihood C
? Targeted to cater off season vegetables cultivation
? Polyhouse, vermibeds and mushroom trays to
increase the income of the farmers.
7. Components under Project Jeevika
# Components Specifications/Benefits
1. Pond Lining HDPE/LDPE 500
?Durable & cost effective
?36+ years life span when covered
?UV/Chemical resistance
Size 20 x 20 x 6ft 39.2m3
= 39200 litre
Size 30 x 30 x 6 ft 103.9m3
= 103900 litre
2. Drip Irrigation Kit For 500m2
increase WUE by 80 to 85 %
3. Plastic Mulch 50 micron For 500m2
Conserve Moisture & reduce
the cost of intercultural operations
4. HDPE Vermibed 12 x 4 x 2 ft for Organic decomposition by
5. Tubular Poly Green House
Structure 40 Sq m
For offseason raising of seedling and
protection against frost injury.
6. Mushroom Cultivation 25 pasteurised spawned bags for quick
8. Expected Outcomes :
Water Harvesting/Conservation
?Effective management of perennial source of water which goes
unutilized will be tapped and used for increasing production and
?Induce a behavioral change in the mind set of the farmers for water
conservation and its effective management and utilization.
?Approximately, 50 Hect Area will be put under assured irrigation with
the creation of 250 Water Harvesting Structures nearby perennial
?Approximately, 16300 cum of water will be conservered/harvested
and put to efficient use in diversifying the Agriculture.
?Approximately 59000 cum of water will be recharged through 590
ground water rechargeable ponds.
9. Expected Outcomes :
Increase in Water use Efficiency
?Water will be saved by adopting Drip Irrigation method on12.5 Ha
area @ 80% water use efficiency.
?With the creation of assets viz; WHT, Drip Irrigation and Poly Green
House Structures about 50 Hect Area will be effectively utilized under
Vegetable /Cash Crop Cultivation.
10. Expected Outcomes :
Sustainable Livelihood
?Shifting from orthodox farming techniques to latest innovative
technologies viz Drip irrigation, Mulching and vermin-composting will
improve their farming skills and economic condition.
?With the adoption of protected cultivation, more impetus will be laid
on off-season vegetable cultivation which is already in vogue in the
?Creation of employment opportunities and will arrest the migration of
rural youth to urban areas.
?Sustainable income for the farmer by adopting Integrated farming
System Model (IFS).
?With the diversification of crops the net income of the farmers will
increase from Rs. 5000 per kanal to 29000 per kanal per year.
?It will serve as role model for Small and Marginal Farmers of the district
and step towards doubling the farmers income by 2022.
11. TakeAway of the Project ^JEEVIKA ̄
No. of Water Harvesting Structures 250
Nos. of Souls to be benefited
(Cluster of Approx. 04 Beneficiaries)
1000 Families
Nos. of Souls to be benefited directly 6500 Nos.
Nos. of Souls to be benefited indirectly 2500 Nos.
Total Souls benefitted 9000
Employment to be Generated under MGNREGA 19000 Man days
Employment to be Generated from Allied
20000 Man days
Net Income from orthodox farming Rs. 5000/kanal
Anticipated Net Income from integrated
Farming system
Rs. 29000/Kanal
Water recharged from 590 GWR Ponds 59000cum
Water conserved from 250WHT 16300cum
Water saved by drip irrigation ~80% WUE
19. Scope Of Replication/Upscaling
? The Technology has high scope of replicability as the district
blessed with number of natural perennial water resources
and only 6% of the total cultivated area is irrigated.
? The model being implemented under the project in each
panchayat of the district is a demonstration unit for
sustainable livelihood and can be up scaled to any level as
per the resources of the farmers
? Role model for other farmer families.
? More scope for diversification of agriculture particularly Cash
Value Crops viz. off season vegetable and Fruits.
? Subsequently a subsidy based approach for upscaling across
the district can be adopted for high impact.