This document provides a template for designing a question-based lesson with 4 phases: 1) Concrete preparation where the big question and prior student knowledge are identified. 2) Cognitive conflict where the key thinking skill and likely problems are considered. 3) Metacognition where student feedback and approaches are gathered. 4) Bridging where applications of concepts to other areas are identified.
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A template for designing a question based lesson
1. A Template for Designing a Question Based Lesson
1. Concrete Preparation Phase
What is the Big Question(s)?
What might the students know already?
What questions can I ask to tease this prior knowledge from them?
What concrete preparation activities will be required?
2. Cognitive Conflict.
What key thinking skill am I trying to develop?
What are the likely problems the learners are going to encounter?
How can I facilitate the learning to resolve the conflicts they’ll encounter?
How might I ‘re-phrase the activities’?
How might I question them as I circulate?
3. Metacognition
How can I use the learners as a resource to feedback?
Whilst I was circulating did I notice any new approaches to the problem solving
that I hadn’t anticipated that will help the group as a whole?
Shall I use the /metacognition slide?
4. Bridging
To what other areas of the learners work might the key concepts we’ve
discovered be applicable?
Can I set any plenary questions/activities that draw on this?