The document describes a thermal power plant that uses a gas generator to produce gas from coal that is then used to fuel the plant. The gas generator is supercharged using compressed air from an air compressor that is powered by unburned gas from the generator in a closed loop system. Fly ash is removed from the produced gas either before or after driving a gas turbine via a dry dust collector. Sulfur is also removed from the gas by injecting a reagent between the generator and collector to chemically bind the sulfur for removal with the fly ash.
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A thermal producer gas from coal
1. A thermal power plant is described that has a thermal prime mover and a supercharged
gas generator for generating producer gas from coal which, following separation of fly ash
and sulfur, serves as fuel for the power plant. A charging group for the gas generator
consists of coupled air compressor and gas turbine units, the compressor unit providing
compressed air for operating the supercharged gas generator and the gas turbine unit being
driven by unburned producer gas from the output of the supercharged gas generator, and a
dry dust collector for the fly ash is incorporated in the flow path of the producer gas either
ahead of the charging gas turbine or just after the first row of its moving blading. In order
to also remove the sulfur content from the producer gas, an injector for a reagent which
chemically binds the sulfur is provided in the flow path of the producer gas between the
supercharged gas generator and the dry dust collector whereby the chemically bound
sulfur is then removed from the producer gas together with the fly ash in the dry dust