The document discusses the Global Citizenship Program (GCP) at Webster University. It provides background on the development of the GCP over time in response to accreditation reviews. It outlines the mission and requirements of the GCP, including its emphasis on skills, pathways for students, and a capstone course. It also discusses validation of the GCP through external reviews, assessment data, and its inclusion of high-impact practices linked to student success. The document calls for continuing efforts to scale high-impact practices and build a culture of care in order to fulfill the program's promise to students.
Review of work on the Global Citizenship Program at Webster University, with attention to iimproving student learning and well being through exercising care.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) aims to develop inquisitive, knowledgeable students who help create a more peaceful world through cultural understanding. It offers challenging academic programs and assessments to encourage lifelong learning and an appreciation of multiple perspectives. The IB Diploma Program is a two-year curriculum for students aged 16-19 that balances exams in six subject groups with projects in theory of knowledge, service, and research. Assessments are criterion-based to evaluate skills rather than compare students, and curricula are reviewed regularly to maintain relevance. Universities widely recognize the diploma for admissions advantages.
Connecting Classrooms Grant Preparation Webinar Spring 2013British Council
This is a copy of the presentation given to UK schools for the British Council Grant Preparation webinar in May & June 2013. Please click on "Notes" below to see more detailed information for each slide. Any questions, you can contact the team at
The document discusses Roosevelt University's revision of its general education (CORE) curriculum to better support student success and align with state recommendations. Key changes include consolidating gen ed oversight at the university level, increasing consistency, requiring two experiential learning courses, and introducing a first-year seminar course. The revision process involved extensive stakeholder engagement and curriculum development is ongoing, including the mapping of courses, designing assessments, and faculty training. The new CORE aims to provide a clear pathway for students and emphasize applied learning to connect classroom and career.
Long distance relationships can work! Supporting international top up degree ...SHU Learning & Teaching
This document summarizes the lessons learned from a collaborative partnership between Sheffield Business School and a Southeast Asian partner to deliver top-up business degree programs. Key aspects of the partnership include a "flying faculty" model with short module deliveries by UK faculty, supported by local tutors. Student performance data shows pass rates and marks comparable to campus programs. The summary emphasizes the importance of developing student community, supporting the transition to UK-level study, ongoing communication between partners, and taking time for review and reflection to continuously improve the partnership.
This document outlines the course specification, vision, mission, goals, and intended learning outcomes for a Physical Education course on physical activity and health and fitness.
The course aims to enhance students' fitness levels and promote participation in physical activities through various dance styles like folk dance, cheer dance, contemporary, social dance, street dance, and hip hop. Each class focuses on fundamental techniques for a specific dance genre.
The document details the course outcomes, which involve mastering dance skills and techniques, adapting movements to different music, evaluating fitness goals, developing teamwork, and advocating for wellness. It provides a course coverage plan and learning assessments to measure students' understanding and performance of various dance styles over the semester.
Embedding Graduate Attributes into the CurriculumRhona Sharpe
This document discusses embedding graduate attributes into university curriculums. It provides context for why graduate attributes are important for developing well-rounded graduates. The document outlines initiatives at Oxford Brookes University to map graduate attributes into programs, provide resources for staff, and evaluate staff and student engagement. It finds that working on graduate attributes helped staff think about program content and future employability. Evaluation found high student development in attributes like research literacy and critical thinking. Enablers included discipline contextualization, integration with QA processes, and focus on program teams.
Using Rubrics in the Implementation of 21st Century Learning Outcomes Across ...credomarketing
Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) has undergone a major revision of its undergraduate general education curriculum over the past seven years. The revisions included a requirement that all general education courses teach and assess one of seven institutional learning out足comes. Faculty used the AAC&U VALUE rubrics to frame the discussion about assessing the outcomes across disciplines. Reform has continued with the expectation that the institutional outcomes will be evident across the majors. This presentation provides a brief over足view of the general education curriculum reforms at WSSU including the process for adopting and using the rubrics to inform the teaching and assessment of the outcomes.
This document provides an overview of curriculum development in nursing education. It discusses key concepts like the definition of curriculum, determinants of curriculum, levels of curriculum, models of curriculum, and the curriculum development process. The main points covered are:
1. Curriculum is defined as the formal and informal content and processes used to teach students. It is influenced by philosophical, sociological, psychological, and other factors.
2. There are three levels of curriculum - societal, institutional, and instructional. Curriculum is developed at each of these levels.
3. Important models of curriculum discussed include behavioral, cyclic, dynamic, cultural analysis, and expressive models.
4. The steps in curriculum development
An introduction to the Geographical Association's Secondary Geography Quality Mark (SGQM), an award which recognises excellence in secondary geography.
Quality matters in Blended Course Design and DevelopmentMehrasa Alizadeh
This research investigates the use and application of quality assurance rubrics and standards for online/blended course design within the context of teaching English for general academic purposes (EGAP). In an attempt to reform an existing blended course of EGAP, the Quality Matters速 Higher Education Course Design Rubric (fifth edition) has been used to assure the quality of course design and development from the outset. After the course was implemented with a cohort of undergraduate students at Osaka University, it was peer-reviewed by a certified reviewer affiliated with Quality Matters (QM). The first round of peer review yielded a score of 70 out of a total of 99, resulting in failure to meet several QM standards. Based on the suggestions and recommendations of the reviewer, the course was further revised in terms of content and interface, and it was reviewed for a second time by the same reviewer, this time yielding a full score of 99. This study highlights the importance of quality assurance in online/blended course design and development, particularly in the context of teaching English to university students.
In this session, well delve into the ways that institutions have been engaging faculty, creating courses and pathways, and working to build sustained infrastructure for civic learning and community engagement.
Join us as we explore the current landscape of instructional design in California Community Colleges. "Designing Equity" will provide insights into the traditional use of instructional designers' skills and explore innovative approaches to maximize these resources to achieve better student outcomes and cultivate equitable learning environments.
Learn more about how to encourage student engagement and success through intentional course and program development in collaboration with an instructional designer.
The document provides an overview of competency-based curriculum and the basic education curriculum framework in Kenya. It outlines the session objectives which are to explain the rationale for curriculum reforms, identify attributes of 21st century learners, describe the pillars and theoretical approaches of CBC, and explain the organization of basic education. It then discusses the rationale for curriculum reforms based on the constitution, vision 2030, task force reports, and needs assessment surveys. It also describes the paradigm shift from the previous system to CBC, outlines the pillars, competencies, learning areas, and appropriate pedagogies of the CBC framework.
2013 GCP Collaboratory Overview and Progress Updatebumbaugh
Overview of the Global Citizenship Program, its structure, background, and rationale, indications of progress in implementation and in development of the GCP as a strong program of general education, preview of the 2013 Collaboratory experience.
Beyond the "A" Word: Assessment that Empowers Faculty to Take Risks with Peda...Robert Kelly
Assessment doesnt have to be a dirty word. This webinar, presented by AAC&U, provides practical techniques, strategies, and use cases that demonstrate an approach to assessing student learning that promotes innovation and enables creative practices for marrying teaching and learning with authentic assessment. Panelists will provide unique perspectives on how to engage faculty and students in the assessment process in meaningful ways, and outline their experiences across a wide range of institution types, learning environments, and disciplines.
General Education Revision at Webster University: Process and Lessonsbumbaugh
Presentation for the Harris-Stowe State University Faculty Symposium, Retooling the General Education Curriculum for the Twenty-First Century, May 6, 2011
Presented by Michelle Henderson, Ph.D.
Coordinator, Global Learning Across Indiana
Presented at the Career Development Professionals of Indiana Fall 2015 Conference at Ivy Tech, Richmond.
This document discusses the role and responsibilities of a program leader within the context of national and institutional priorities in higher education. At the national level, priorities include providing excellent learning experiences for students, maintaining high academic standards, and increasing the percentage of the population with qualifications. Institutionally, the priorities discussed include improving student satisfaction survey outcomes, employment rates for graduates, growth in postgraduate programs, and increasing international partnerships and study abroad opportunities. The document prompts reflection on how program leaders can contribute to these priorities through their planning, activities, and need for support. It also considers the balance of interpersonal skills, strategic vision, and organization required of effective program leaders.
The document provides an overview of the AP French Language and Culture summer institute presented by Ed Weiss. It discusses the course framework and exam, focusing on developing students' mastery of skills through careful planning and multiple practice opportunities. It also outlines the goals of emphasizing the three communication modes of interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. The course uses a thematic approach organized around six themes to integrate language, content, and culture.
University of Utah's Diversity and inclusion webinar overviewWBDC of Florida
Diversity and inclusion webinar from Utah University | Developing a strategic inclusion and diversity action plan: lessons learned from research and practice from Kyle A. Reyes, Ph.D. Outline strategies, structures and processes to develop a strategic Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan that is unique to your organization or institution. Share lessons learned from a concrete example of plan development, implementation, and assessment.
The Global Citizenship Program (GCP) at Webster University underwent revision beginning in 2009 and was approved by the Faculty Assembly in 2011. The GCP aims to provide students with the competencies required for responsible global citizenship in the 21st century by integrating knowledge and skills development. Research indicates the GCP aligns with employer needs, student needs, and national best practices. It emphasizes skills like critical thinking, communication, and intercultural competence that lead to career success. The next steps are to ensure all GCP courses are of high quality and effectively integrate knowledge and skills.
College Learning for Sustainability Champions ProgrammeESD UNU-IAS
College Learning for Sustainability Champions Programme
Case Study Presentation
Ms. Rebecca Louise Petford, RCE Scotland
Europe Regional Meeting 2019
13-14 September, 2019, Heraklion, Greece
Tackling transitions in STEM - Janet De WildeHEA_Blogs
This presentation forms part of a workshop held as part of the HEA Enhancement Event 'Student transitions: journeying into, through and beyond higher education'. Further details:
The blog post that accompanies this presentation can be accessed via:
This presentation is a case study about the Comprehensive Internationalization Strategy of St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It provides key recommendations adapted to the institution.
Developing Students: 2016 Bonner New Directors MeetingBonner Foundation
This presentation from the Bonner Foundation's 2016 New Directors Meeting introduces the student development model in more depth. It covers frameworks and how to create a developmental, sequential educational experience using meetings, training, and reflection. It talks about student learning outcomes as well.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
More Related Content
Similar to A Time to Act: Transforming Students for Responsible Global Citizenship (2022 Collaboratory) (20)
Using Rubrics in the Implementation of 21st Century Learning Outcomes Across ...credomarketing
Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) has undergone a major revision of its undergraduate general education curriculum over the past seven years. The revisions included a requirement that all general education courses teach and assess one of seven institutional learning out足comes. Faculty used the AAC&U VALUE rubrics to frame the discussion about assessing the outcomes across disciplines. Reform has continued with the expectation that the institutional outcomes will be evident across the majors. This presentation provides a brief over足view of the general education curriculum reforms at WSSU including the process for adopting and using the rubrics to inform the teaching and assessment of the outcomes.
This document provides an overview of curriculum development in nursing education. It discusses key concepts like the definition of curriculum, determinants of curriculum, levels of curriculum, models of curriculum, and the curriculum development process. The main points covered are:
1. Curriculum is defined as the formal and informal content and processes used to teach students. It is influenced by philosophical, sociological, psychological, and other factors.
2. There are three levels of curriculum - societal, institutional, and instructional. Curriculum is developed at each of these levels.
3. Important models of curriculum discussed include behavioral, cyclic, dynamic, cultural analysis, and expressive models.
4. The steps in curriculum development
An introduction to the Geographical Association's Secondary Geography Quality Mark (SGQM), an award which recognises excellence in secondary geography.
Quality matters in Blended Course Design and DevelopmentMehrasa Alizadeh
This research investigates the use and application of quality assurance rubrics and standards for online/blended course design within the context of teaching English for general academic purposes (EGAP). In an attempt to reform an existing blended course of EGAP, the Quality Matters速 Higher Education Course Design Rubric (fifth edition) has been used to assure the quality of course design and development from the outset. After the course was implemented with a cohort of undergraduate students at Osaka University, it was peer-reviewed by a certified reviewer affiliated with Quality Matters (QM). The first round of peer review yielded a score of 70 out of a total of 99, resulting in failure to meet several QM standards. Based on the suggestions and recommendations of the reviewer, the course was further revised in terms of content and interface, and it was reviewed for a second time by the same reviewer, this time yielding a full score of 99. This study highlights the importance of quality assurance in online/blended course design and development, particularly in the context of teaching English to university students.
In this session, well delve into the ways that institutions have been engaging faculty, creating courses and pathways, and working to build sustained infrastructure for civic learning and community engagement.
Join us as we explore the current landscape of instructional design in California Community Colleges. "Designing Equity" will provide insights into the traditional use of instructional designers' skills and explore innovative approaches to maximize these resources to achieve better student outcomes and cultivate equitable learning environments.
Learn more about how to encourage student engagement and success through intentional course and program development in collaboration with an instructional designer.
The document provides an overview of competency-based curriculum and the basic education curriculum framework in Kenya. It outlines the session objectives which are to explain the rationale for curriculum reforms, identify attributes of 21st century learners, describe the pillars and theoretical approaches of CBC, and explain the organization of basic education. It then discusses the rationale for curriculum reforms based on the constitution, vision 2030, task force reports, and needs assessment surveys. It also describes the paradigm shift from the previous system to CBC, outlines the pillars, competencies, learning areas, and appropriate pedagogies of the CBC framework.
2013 GCP Collaboratory Overview and Progress Updatebumbaugh
Overview of the Global Citizenship Program, its structure, background, and rationale, indications of progress in implementation and in development of the GCP as a strong program of general education, preview of the 2013 Collaboratory experience.
Beyond the "A" Word: Assessment that Empowers Faculty to Take Risks with Peda...Robert Kelly
Assessment doesnt have to be a dirty word. This webinar, presented by AAC&U, provides practical techniques, strategies, and use cases that demonstrate an approach to assessing student learning that promotes innovation and enables creative practices for marrying teaching and learning with authentic assessment. Panelists will provide unique perspectives on how to engage faculty and students in the assessment process in meaningful ways, and outline their experiences across a wide range of institution types, learning environments, and disciplines.
General Education Revision at Webster University: Process and Lessonsbumbaugh
Presentation for the Harris-Stowe State University Faculty Symposium, Retooling the General Education Curriculum for the Twenty-First Century, May 6, 2011
Presented by Michelle Henderson, Ph.D.
Coordinator, Global Learning Across Indiana
Presented at the Career Development Professionals of Indiana Fall 2015 Conference at Ivy Tech, Richmond.
This document discusses the role and responsibilities of a program leader within the context of national and institutional priorities in higher education. At the national level, priorities include providing excellent learning experiences for students, maintaining high academic standards, and increasing the percentage of the population with qualifications. Institutionally, the priorities discussed include improving student satisfaction survey outcomes, employment rates for graduates, growth in postgraduate programs, and increasing international partnerships and study abroad opportunities. The document prompts reflection on how program leaders can contribute to these priorities through their planning, activities, and need for support. It also considers the balance of interpersonal skills, strategic vision, and organization required of effective program leaders.
The document provides an overview of the AP French Language and Culture summer institute presented by Ed Weiss. It discusses the course framework and exam, focusing on developing students' mastery of skills through careful planning and multiple practice opportunities. It also outlines the goals of emphasizing the three communication modes of interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. The course uses a thematic approach organized around six themes to integrate language, content, and culture.
University of Utah's Diversity and inclusion webinar overviewWBDC of Florida
Diversity and inclusion webinar from Utah University | Developing a strategic inclusion and diversity action plan: lessons learned from research and practice from Kyle A. Reyes, Ph.D. Outline strategies, structures and processes to develop a strategic Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan that is unique to your organization or institution. Share lessons learned from a concrete example of plan development, implementation, and assessment.
The Global Citizenship Program (GCP) at Webster University underwent revision beginning in 2009 and was approved by the Faculty Assembly in 2011. The GCP aims to provide students with the competencies required for responsible global citizenship in the 21st century by integrating knowledge and skills development. Research indicates the GCP aligns with employer needs, student needs, and national best practices. It emphasizes skills like critical thinking, communication, and intercultural competence that lead to career success. The next steps are to ensure all GCP courses are of high quality and effectively integrate knowledge and skills.
College Learning for Sustainability Champions ProgrammeESD UNU-IAS
College Learning for Sustainability Champions Programme
Case Study Presentation
Ms. Rebecca Louise Petford, RCE Scotland
Europe Regional Meeting 2019
13-14 September, 2019, Heraklion, Greece
Tackling transitions in STEM - Janet De WildeHEA_Blogs
This presentation forms part of a workshop held as part of the HEA Enhancement Event 'Student transitions: journeying into, through and beyond higher education'. Further details:
The blog post that accompanies this presentation can be accessed via:
This presentation is a case study about the Comprehensive Internationalization Strategy of St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It provides key recommendations adapted to the institution.
Developing Students: 2016 Bonner New Directors MeetingBonner Foundation
This presentation from the Bonner Foundation's 2016 New Directors Meeting introduces the student development model in more depth. It covers frameworks and how to create a developmental, sequential educational experience using meetings, training, and reflection. It talks about student learning outcomes as well.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Computer Network Unit IV - Lecture Notes - Network LayerMurugan146644
Lecture Notes - Unit IV - The Network Layer
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Computer Network concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in Computer Network. PDF content is prepared from the text book Computer Network by Andrew S. Tenanbaum
Key Topics Covered:
Main Topic : The Network Layer
Sub-Topic : Network Layer Design Issues (Store and forward packet switching , service provided to the transport layer, implementation of connection less service, implementation of connection oriented service, Comparision of virtual circuit and datagram subnet), Routing algorithms (Shortest path routing, Flooding , Distance Vector routing algorithm, Link state routing algorithm , hierarchical routing algorithm, broadcast routing, multicast routing algorithm)
Other Link :
1.Introduction to computer network - /slideshow/lecture-notes-introduction-to-computer-network/274183454
2. Physical Layer - /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-ii-the-physical-layer/274747125
3. Data Link Layer Part 1 : /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-iii-the-datalink-layer/275288798
Target Audience:
Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in Computer Network principles for academic.
About the Author:
Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in Computer Network
This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the authors understanding in the field of Computer Network
How to Manage Putaway Rule in Odoo 17 InventoryCeline George
Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business involved in manufacturing or selling products.
Odoo 17 offers a robust inventory management system that can handle complex operations and optimize warehouse efficiency.
A Time to Act: Transforming Students for Responsible Global Citizenship (2022 Collaboratory)
1. A Time to Act:
Transforming Students for
Responsible Global Citizenship
Bruce Umbaugh
Director, Global Citizenship Program
Twelfth Global Citizenship Collaboratory
May 24, 2022
2. "To everything there is a season, and a
Time for every purpose under
(Pete Seeger, The Byrds, Ecclesiastes)
6. The mission of the Global Citizenship Program is
to ensure that every undergraduate student
emerges from Webster University with the core
competencies required for responsible global
citizenship in the 21st Century.
GCP Mission
15. Arrow Process
Why use graphics from
transform students
for global citizenship
and individual
What do we want for
What students
core competencies
for responsible
global citizenship in
the 21st century
Purposeful pathways
and a plan for telling
whether they work
Learning Goals
& Outcomes
The General Education Reform Process
16. Mission
The mission of the Global Citizenship Program is
to ensure that every undergraduate student
emerges from Webster University with the core
competencies required for responsible global
citizenship in the 21st Century.
18. National Research and Best Practices
The Global Citizenship Program aligns with research:
American Association of Colleges & Universities
"Liberal Education and America's Promise" (LEAP)
Research on High Impact Practices / High-quality
Learning Experiences
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development "Skills Strategy"
Association for General and Liberal Studies
Judgments of Quality
19. Purposeful Pathways: A begining, middle,
and end
Initial integrative seminar emphasizes
critical thinking, communiation,
interdisciplinarity, integration
Middle Eight courses address
knowledge and skills
Global Keystone Seminar serves as capstone
course for the Global Citizenship Program of
general education
20. Program Requirements
Two seminars
Initial Integrative Seminar (1st
year or after transfer)
Global Keystone (3rd year)
Emphasize integration, lifelong
Eight other courses
Roots of Cultures (two)
Social Systems & Human Behavior
Physical & Natural World
Global Understanding
Arts Appreciation
Quantitative Literacy
Also address Written and Oral Communication,
Critical Thinking, Ethical Reasoning, and Intercultural
Competence (Integrative Learning & Collaboration)
21. Program Requirements
Critical skills throughout the
Written & Oral
Critical Thinking
Ethical Reasoning
Intercultural Competence
Global Keystone Seminar as
a capstone experience for
gen ed:
Critical skills
22. Purposeful Pathways
with Student Choice
More than 30 Cornerstone Seminars
Substitute courses
Online GLBC 1210
Satisfied by all associates degrees
A dozen and more ways to satisfy each Knowledge and Skill
More than 20 Global Keystone Seminars: term and semester,
face-to-face and online
As approved by the Faculty Assembly and implemented.
Integrative seminars are
interdisciplinary by
design. Knowledge Areas
mostly menus of
disciplinary courses with
skill integration..
Most BA & BS students
complete outside major.
Some double count a
small amount. BEd, BFA,
BSN, BM, BMEd more
Some programs are
designed so that
students take specific
courses. GCP allows
students to choose
within required
General Education
programs vary from
about 1/5 to 2/3 of
required credits. GCP is
24. Emphasis on Skills & Integration
Raising the Bar: Employers Views on College Learning in the Wake of the Economic Downturn,
Hart Research Associates, for the AAC&U, January, 2010
25. Emphasis on Skills & Integration
Critical skills throughout
the curriculum:
Written & Oral
Critical Thinking
Ethical Reasoning
Intercultural Competence
Global Keystone Seminar
as a capstone experience
for general education
Address multiple skills
Integrate disciplinary
Address wicked problems
Integrate college and life
Prepare for responsible
global citizenship
Integrated with
knowledge instruction
26. 45 (or more) nutritious credits
Only 30 required credit hours
30 of 120 hours
27. Culminating Experience
The Global Keystone
Seminar serves as a
capstone for the
general education we
provide for students
Critical skills
28. Background
GCP approved by Faculty
Assembly in 2011, teaching
began in 2012 (ten years!),
featured in Higher Learning
Commission Visit 2018
34. Higher Learning Commission Report
Identified student learning goals, program purpose and
[T]he GCP program provides broad knowledge and
intellectual concepts/skills students need in the 21st century.
a strong structure for monitoring student learning
35. Higher Learning Commission Report
The excitement of the members of the Global Citizenship
Program Committee articulated both the strength and
cohesiveness of the GCP .
comprehensive assessment
Interviews with students indicated an understanding of the
importance of general education as part of the undergraduate
36. Higher Learning Commission Report
mastering modes of creative work, communication, and
co-curricular programming designed to support the goals of
the GCP
KEYS courses help students understand and appreciate
human and cultural diversity.
37. Higher Learning Commission Report
The GCP has offered a structure for interdisciplinarity,
collaboration, and mentoring for and by the faculty.
38. Higher Learning Commission Report
Webster University is to be commended for the work on this
program and for the way that this program in particular is
knitting various initiatives and programs more closely together.
39. Higher Learning Commission Report
It offers a strong model for assessment and integrative
learning for the rest of the campus as well as for other
41. Table 3. Average FYS Scores by Overall Skill Area and
Academic Year
GCP Skill Area
Oral Communication 2.15 2.34 2.33 2.27
Integrative Learning 1.94 2.05 2.15 2.19
Scale: Exemplary (4); Proficient (3); Developing (2); Beginning (1); Does not meet
Beginning (0)
42. Table 9. Average Middle 8 Rating for Overall Skill Areas, by Academic Year
Skill Area AY1415 AY1516 AY1617 FA17
Written Communication 2.65 2.62 2.66 2.83
Oral Communication 2.34 2.46 2.45 2.34
Ethical Reasoning 2.80 2.96 2.70 2.52
Critical Thinking 2.53 2.70 2.61 2.68
Intercultural Competence 2.69 2.62 2.73 2.61
Table 10. Average Middle 8 Rating for Knowledge Areas by Criteria and
Academic Year
Knowledge Area AY1415 AY1516 AY1617 FA17
Roots of Cultures 2.65 2.61 2.54 2.19
Social Systems and Human
Behavior 2.74 2.84 2.66 2.85
Physical and natural World 2.58 2.76 2.70 2.70
Global Understanding 2.56 2.43 2.65 2.74
Quantitative Literacy 2.58 2.71 2.76 2.52
Arts Appreciation 2.60 2.56 2.68 2.49
Scale: Exemplary (4); Proficient (3); Developing (2); Beginning (1); Does not meet Beginning (0)
43. Table 11. Average KEYS Scores by Skill Area and
Academic Year
GCP Skill Area
Critical Thinking 2.94 3.13 3.20 2.77
Competence 2.96 3.24 3.26 2.81
Learning 3.04 3.19 3.16 2.67
Communication 2.87 3.22 3.12 2.76
Ethical Reasoning 2.80 3.18 3.21 2.67
Communication 2.90 3.17 3.11 2.73
Teamwork 3.10 3.23 3.28 3.05
44. Table 15. FA14 FYS Cohort, Average Skill/Knowledge Area by GCP Course Type and ACT Score Range
FYS Middle 8 KEYS
24 or lower 25 or higher 24 or lower 25 or higher 24 or lower 25 or higher
Skill/KnowledgeArea Avg. Avg. Avg. Avg Avg. Avg.
Oral Communication 1.98 2.36 2.11 2.48 2.92 3.06
Integrative Learning 1.85 2.16 3.06 3.31
WCOM 2.76 3.19 3.00 3.31
Critical Thinking 2.62 2.99 2.96 3.34
Ethical Reasoning 2.7 2.87 3.04 3.06
Intercultural Competence 2.58 2.88 3.23 3.09
Teamwork 3.15 3.30
Arts Appreciation 2.67 2.89
Global Understanding 2.55 2.72
PNW 2.50 2.75
Quantitative Literacy 2.63 3.50
Roots of Cultures 2.52 2.74
SSHB 2.63 3.18
46. A Time to Act
Progress during the
pandemic winter & looking
ahead to future springs
49. High Impact Practices
First-Year Seminars and Experiences
Common Intellectual Experiences
Learning Communities
Writing-Intensive Courses
Collaborative Assignments and Projects
Undergraduate Research
Projects lasting longer than one semester
Diversity/Global Learning
Service Learning, Internships, Community-Based Learning
Capstone Courses and Projects
50. High Impact Practices
Students reports of how much they learned
General skills (writing, speaking, analyzing problems)
Deep Learning (pursuit of learning beyond memorization to seek
underlying meanings & relationships)
Practical competence (working with others, solving complex/real-
world problems)
Social & emotional well-being
Effects greater for underserved students
Effects cumulative
51. Ashley Finley and Tia McNair, Assessing Underserved
Students Engagement in High-Impact Practices, 2013
52. High Impact Practices
Help students learn
Are structurally part of the Global Citizenship Program
Are structurally part of many majors (required or optional)
Philosophy: Conference, Capstone course, Capstone Colloquium
Biology: Mentored research, Yearlong thesis project, Thesis presentation
Psychology: Mentored research, Research Presentations
English: Green Fuse
Abundant in the co-curriculum (AES Conference, Public speaking
presentations, Recitals & shows, RAD conference, Study abroad)
53. Students dont do optional.
Kay McClenney, Director,
Center for Community College Student Engagement
54. High Impact Practices
are almost all optional in GCP.
...and in the experiential co-curriculum.
...and only some are required in majors.
58. Keeping our promise to students
The Gallup-Purdue Index Report
Workplace engagement 39%
Gallup, Great Jobs, Great Lives, 2014
59. Keeping our promise to students
Gallup, Great Jobs, Great Lives, 2014. Copyright 息 2014 Gallup, Inc.
All rights reserved. The content is used with permission; however,
Gallup retains all rights of republication.
60. Keeping our promise to students
Gallup, Great Jobs, Great Lives, 2014. Copyright 息 2014 Gallup, Inc.
All rights reserved. The content is used with permission; however,
Gallup retains all rights of republication.
62. THE "BIG SIX": Professor made me excited about learning, profs cared about me,
I had a mentor, project semester or longer, internship/job allowed me to apply
what I learned, extremely active in co-curriculum
2.6 x likely to be engaged at work
2.5 x likely to be thriving in all areas
67. Why a culture of care?
These good practices work because they offer:
Community & Belonging
Direction, Connections, Relationships
68. Why a culture of care?
Ethics of Care explains why the good stuff works:
We recognize and take responsibility for meeting
deep needs
We act to meet a student's needs
We evaluate our progress; Students recognize
the care
70. How do we scale?
Lenore Rodicio's three-step plan for change
leadership in higher education:
"General and Liberal Education in
a New Era" (AGLS21)
71. How do we scale?
Lenore Rodicio's three-step plan for change
leadership in higher education:
1) Listen to students
2) Build capacity
3) Act
"General and Liberal Education in
a New Era" (AGLS21)
72. Collaboratory 2022
Opportunities to listen to students:
Denis Milardovic's session this afternoon
Student panel on community-based learning
73. Collaboratory 2022
Building capacity
Global Cornerstone faculty meeting
Global Keystone faculty meeting
Workshop on inclusive strategies for student
Canvas Outcomes assessment session
76. Collaboratory 2022
How else do we build capacity?
By acting. By doing things in the right ways until
they become habits shared across our
77. Collaboratory 2022
Excellences we get by first exercising them, as also
happens in the case of the arts as well. For the
things we have to learn before we can do, we learn
by doing, e.g. [people] become builders by building
and lyre-players by playing the lyre; so too we
become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing
temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.
Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics 2:1 or
1103a15-b25 (W. D. Ross, tr.)
87. In coming years
Together, we will
Scale the best practices and
Institutionalize care, so we
So that we
Transform students for
responsible global
citizenship and
Lives of thriving
88. A Time to Act:
Transforming Students for
Responsible Global Citizenship
Bruce Umbaugh
Director, Global Citizenship Program
Twelfth Global Citizenship Collaboratory
May 24, 2022