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A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
About MeBEFORE:interaction designer, netage.bgWebSolutions teamNOW:interaction designer, telerikTeamPulse team
The TechnologyBEFORE:HTML/CSS/jQuery, PHPNOW:SilverLight, XAML, C#
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
The ProcessBEFORE:Waterfall (mostly)NOW:Agile SCRUM (mostly)
The EnvironmentBEFORE:Open source fanaticsNOW:Microsoft evangelists
Wp7 screeshot
Metro UI
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Clean, Light, Open and FastCelebrate TypographyContent, Not ChromeAuthentically DigitalAlive in Motion
Clean, Light, Open and Fast
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Content, Not Chrome
Data ink ratio
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Before: 260pxAfter: 124px
Celebrate Typography
Structure with Grids
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Confident use of negative space
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Proportion and pacing
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Fierce reduction
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Authentically Digital
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Universal Iconography
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Objectivity through Imagery
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Alive in Motion
A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)
Celebrate TypographyContent, Not ChromeAuthentically DigitalClean, Light, Open and FastAlive in Motion
Be honestMake beautiful stuffFocus on content

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A UX Designer in Transition: from websites to software (UX Sofia)

Editor's Notes

  1. Not enough time to implement quality features and finish them properlyDesktop is different - you only get to deploy once a few month so you have to be very careful about what you do and check - this is overhead.That's one more reason to choose web apps vs native apps
  2. The value is in the information on the surface, not the object it once resided. Като се освобождаваме от старата форма на обекта от истинския свят пред нас се открива необятен свят от нови възможности. Какво ако изведнж трябва да рисувам върху А3 вместо А4 – просто го правя в дигиталния свят. В цифровия трябва да ходя до книжарницата.