The document discusses audio-visual aids for teaching. It defines audio-visual aids and classifies them into traditional categories of audio, visual, and audio-visual. It further classifies aids based on projection type and whether they are electronic or non-electronic. Examples of different audio-visual aids like radio, graphs, flowcharts, boards, television, and demonstrations are provided along with their advantages and disadvantages. Recent research found that audio-visual aids play an important role in effective teaching and learning by providing knowledge in-depth and motivating both teachers and students.
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A v aids
1. Audio- Visual Aids for
-Sukanya Dandekar (MPT student )
Dr. Suvarna Ganvir (Ph.D., Prof & H.O.D)
Dept. of Neurophysiotherapy
D.V.V.P.F.¡¯sCollege of Physiotherapy,
3. Definiton
? Webster dictionary:
Training or educational materials
directed at both, the senses of
hearing and the sense of sight, films,
recordings, photographs,etc. used in
classroom instructions, library
collections or the likes
11. ? Advantages :
1. Can reach larger audiences
2. Timed and effective session
3. Sessions can be recorded and
played as many times as possible
? Disadvantages:
1. Teacher not visible, hence cannot
percieve the understanding
capacity of the students 11
15. ? Advantages:
1. Convenient for grp teaching
2. Economical and reusable
3. Captures attention well
? Disadvantages:
1. Dependency on students
2. Individual attention not possible
3. Chalk dust inhalation may have side
17. Television
? Television is being acknowledged as
a powerful medium of mass
? Advantages:
? Appeals to eyes and ears
? Shows live telecasts
? Imparts experiences out of physical
19. Presentation
? Permits the person to stand and
teach while points are featured
behind on the screen.
? can be paused to allow the audience
to understand
? Capture attention and make learning
? Videos, pictures can be inserted
21. Demonstration
? Advantages:
1. Direct experience
2. Presents reality
3. Teacher is present
? Disadvantages:
1. Keeps students passive
2. Does not allow individual pace of
22. Advantages of AV Aids
? Antidote to the disease of verbal
? Best motivation
? Clear images
? Variety of stimulation
? Opportunities to handle and
? retention
23. ? Capture attention
? Realism
? Reinforcement to learner
? Positive transfer o learning
24. Diadvantages of AV Aids
? Technical problems
? Students distraction(unsuitable for
large grps)
? Expensive
? Time consuming
? Need space
25. Recent Advances
?Questionnaire was administered to 150 students and
50 teachers of The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
?It was found that
1.the respondents viewed that A.V aids play important
role in teaching learning process
2.A.V aids make teaching learning process effective
3.The respondents viewed that A.V aids provide
knowledge in depth and detail
4.It brings change in class room environment.
5.It motivates to teachers and students. .
? .
26. ? On the basis of findings of study, following
recommendation were made
1. Teachers may be trained for using A.V aids
2. Teachers may planning before using A.V aids
3. University may provided proper facilities of A.V aids
4. A.V aids may be according to level and interest of
5. Training may be provided to student for proper use
of A.V aids.
? Rasul S, Bukhsh Q, Batool S. A study to analyze the effectiveness of audio
visual aids in teaching learning process at uvniversity level. Procedi Social
and Behavioral Sciences. 2011 Jan 1;28:78-81
28. References
? Rasul S, Bukhsh Q, Batool S. A study
to analyze the effectiveness of audio
visual aids in teaching learning
process at uvniversity level. Procedi
Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2011
Jan 1;28:78-81