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A.1. Steak Sauce Lawrys Defense
Presented To : Robert Carroll
Presented BY : Anita Sharma & Simon Ma
Date: Feb 11 2014
All 3 proposed strategies does not properly defend against
Lawrys April 1 promotion
Increase spending on more
advertising and marketing
Price reduction to 2 for $5
 Price reduction will pollute Brand equity.
 Simply cannot afford to do so, resulting in -$3,876,582lost
 Unilever will spend $20million in marketing plus
$5million on FSIs concentrated in the summer months.
Create a new Line Extension
 A1 Original makes up bulk of sales despite existing line
 Time restriction
A.1 has been successful in establishing itself as the category
leader with 54% dollar share, and 46% volume share
Dollar Share Increase
Volume Share Flat
 Over all industry trend suggest
that consumers are willing to
spend more on a high quality
product to pair with steak.
 Steak sauce is perceived as a
specialized product exclusively
complimentary to steaks.
 Willingness to pay.
 Increase demand for
 Low usage rate.
 Low frequency of
A.1 has ownership over the word STEAK in the mind of target
Steak Purist Steak Believer Meat Eater
Reason to Consume  Status  Special
Point of sale  Butcher shop
 Steak House
 Grocery Store
 Steak House
 Grocery store
USDA Grade  USDA Prime  USDA Choice  USDA Select
Preferred Cut  Short Loin
 Filet mignon
 Anything on sale
Preferred Pairing  Salt and Pepper  A1 Steak Sauce  Whatever the mood
calls for (ketchup)
THE LAW OF FOCUS: the most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in your prospects mind
The 22 immutable laws of marketing
A.1 Steak Sauce must dominate consumer Fridge Space before
peak grilling season
 Steak is a celebratory dish for our target segment, not a daily consumption
 No more than 1 bottle of steak sauce in every fridge.
 Due to the small serving size of 1 table spoon (0.5oz), each bottle of A1 steak sauce
can be used up to 17 times.
 A.1 marinade is competing with the category leader at a disadvantage despite
category growth.
Recommendation must meet all 3 dimensions
Cannot jeopardize brand equity
 Leverage the word Steak
 Maintain target consumer loyalty
A.1 Steak Sauce should take on an aggressive strategy to
secure fridge space before April 1
Increase bottle size to
Encourage usage in
all things steak via
marketing material
Drop marinade line
A.1 = Steak
Bottle size
 Available for purchase 2 weeks prior to Lawry
 Maximize consumer loyalty
 Demonstrate more value to consumer, not cheaper.
Drop Marinade Line
 A.1 marinade is competing with the category leader at a
disadvantage despite category growth.
 Time , money and quality assurance can be put to better
Encourage Usage with A1
 Instead of promotional discounts, majority of marketing
effort will be used to bring focus onto A.1 Steak Sauce,
this is the best product in association with steak.
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3

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  • 1. A.1. Steak Sauce Lawrys Defense Presented To : Robert Carroll Presented BY : Anita Sharma & Simon Ma Date: Feb 11 2014
  • 2. All 3 proposed strategies does not properly defend against Lawrys April 1 promotion Increase spending on more advertising and marketing Price reduction to 2 for $5 Price reduction will pollute Brand equity. Simply cannot afford to do so, resulting in -$3,876,582lost Unilever will spend $20million in marketing plus $5million on FSIs concentrated in the summer months. Create a new Line Extension A1 Original makes up bulk of sales despite existing line extensions. Time restriction
  • 3. A.1 has been successful in establishing itself as the category leader with 54% dollar share, and 46% volume share Dollar Share Increase Volume Share Flat Over all industry trend suggest that consumers are willing to spend more on a high quality product to pair with steak. Steak sauce is perceived as a specialized product exclusively complimentary to steaks. Willingness to pay. Increase demand for quality. Low usage rate. Low frequency of purchase.
  • 4. A.1 has ownership over the word STEAK in the mind of target segment Steak Purist Steak Believer Meat Eater Reason to Consume Status Special Occasions Hunger Point of sale Butcher shop Steak House Grocery Store Steak House Grocery store Restaurant USDA Grade USDA Prime USDA Choice USDA Select Preferred Cut Short Loin Filet mignon Kobe Round Sirloin Anything on sale Shank Flank Preferred Pairing Salt and Pepper A1 Steak Sauce Whatever the mood calls for (ketchup) Lawrys THE LAW OF FOCUS: the most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in your prospects mind The 22 immutable laws of marketing
  • 5. A.1 Steak Sauce must dominate consumer Fridge Space before peak grilling season Steak is a celebratory dish for our target segment, not a daily consumption No more than 1 bottle of steak sauce in every fridge. Due to the small serving size of 1 table spoon (0.5oz), each bottle of A1 steak sauce can be used up to 17 times. A.1 marinade is competing with the category leader at a disadvantage despite category growth.
  • 6. Recommendation must meet all 3 dimensions Cannot jeopardize brand equity Leverage the word Steak Maintain target consumer loyalty
  • 7. A.1 Steak Sauce should take on an aggressive strategy to secure fridge space before April 1 Increase bottle size to 12oz Encourage usage in all things steak via marketing material Drop marinade line A.1 = Steak Bottle size Available for purchase 2 weeks prior to Lawry Maximize consumer loyalty Demonstrate more value to consumer, not cheaper. Drop Marinade Line A.1 marinade is competing with the category leader at a disadvantage despite category growth. Time , money and quality assurance can be put to better use. Encourage Usage with A1 Instead of promotional discounts, majority of marketing effort will be used to bring focus onto A.1 Steak Sauce, this is the best product in association with steak.