The annual report summarizes the activities and accomplishments of A2D Project in 2011, their second year of operations. Key highlights include:
1) Strengthening institutional development through expanding staff and partnerships.
2) Conducting pioneering research to support local governments and improve development policies and programs.
3) Producing papers and reports that contribute to initiatives addressing disaster risk reduction, climate change, and social development.
4) Achieving milestones as a young non-profit organization through accomplishments in research, advocacy, and network building in only two years of operations.
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A2D Project Annual Report 2011
2. A2D ProjectResearch Group
for Alternatives to Development,
ABOUT Inc. is a non-government, non-profit
research group that is committed to
finding innovative alternatives to address
poverty, exclusion and inequality in the
Philippines, especially in the Visayas and
Mindanao regions.
We are an independent research collective
dedicated to advancing evidence-based
policies, projects and programs through
research and analysis which are credible,
relevant, and holistic.
Beyond development research, we
are committed to combine our research
agenda with action in support of civic-
driven initiatives and local government
A2D Project is currently based in Metro
Cebu, a metropolitan center south of
Manila that is undergoing rapid urban
development and change. Our specific
location makes us unique as we are
situated outside of the National Capital,
thus shifting our focus on the southern
regions of the Philippines.
3. 1 Mission
TABLE OF 2 Message
CONTENTS 3 A2D Project@2: 2011 at a Glance
4 Achievements
Institutional Development
Projects and Initiatives
Trainings and Workshops
7 Looking Ahead
8 Human Resources and Governance
Board of Trustees
A2D Project Staff
9 Partnerships and Networks
11 Finance
4. To achieve our vision of becoming the
leading alternative think tank in the southern
Philippines, A2D Project works to address
poverty, exclusion, and inequality through
BREAKING NEW credible research and active engagement
with civil society and policy communities.
DEVELOPMENT Given the increasing challenges to Philippine
WORK IN CEBU development, especially in the southern
regions, we conduct action research re-
lated to development in order to inform,
influence, and change development dis-
course, policy and practice.
We build networks of and partnerships
with government and non-government
organizations, academics, policy-makers
and community activists to create a space
for the formation of alternative discourses
to Development.
We design innovative ways of communicat-
ing our advocacies and research output
through publications, trainings, and interven-
tion programs.
For only two years in operation, we are
proud of our achievements in advancing
the importance of combining research
and advocacy, a gap we had set out to
fill when we started this organization, and
we look forward to more things that lie
ahead for this unique and groundbreaking
To learn more about A2D Project, please
visit our website at
5. But our work is far from over. It has just
begun. With the pressing challenges of
climate change, social exclusion and an
ever-widening gap between the rich and
the poor, there is more that we need to
do. In the coming year, we will continue
to engage more closely with our strategic
MESSAGE partners locally and elsewhere to identify
innovative and more effective strategies
that will result in the improvement of policies
and programs for the marginalized sectors
of Philippine society. It is in this direction
that we hope to move forward.
As one of the youngest non-profit, non-
government organizations in Cebu,
A2D ProjectResearch Group for We hope that through this report you will
Alternatives to Development Inc. is find yourself inspired by the exciting things
steadily fulfilling its vision of becoming we have accomplished in 2011. We are
the leading research organization very proud to be part of bringing to fruition
in southern Philippines outside of the ideas that we have engendered when
the academe that focuses on the we started building this institution. And the
promotion of evidence-based policies potential that our organization can achieve
and programs. makes me even prouder to have been part
of its development. More power to A2D
Project in the years ahead!
In our first year, we have successfully
laid a solid foundation to build an
independent organization dedicated to
addressing poverty through research
combined with active policy and civil
society engagements. During our Aloysius Canete
second year, we have strengthened Chair, Board of Trustees
our institution with more initiatives,
research engagements and an ever-
expanding network of government
and non-government development
actors. With talented members and
staff, what we have achieved over Kaira Alburo
the past two years is a testament to Executive Director
the credibility we have established
within the community. As a result, we
are in a better position to influence
development practice and policies as
well as provide solutions adapted to
local contexts.
6. In striving to build an institution, seek for
alternatives, and work for change, the
year 2011 has provided opportunities
for A2D Project to strengthen itself as
an organization, develop partnerships
and expand networks, and undertake
A2D PROJECT @ 2: pioneering research initiatives.
True to our advocacy of promoting
evidence-based projects and policies,
we have supported local government
units (LGUs) in developing ordinances
and programs through research and
capacity-building. We have produced
evaluation and technical papers that are
currently being used by partner LGUs to
improve service delivery and enhance
participatory local governance. We have
also contributed to an international initiative
to address the integration of disaster risk
reduction, climate change adaptation, and
social development.
A2D Project has strengthened ties with
organizations we have worked with in the
past, and built new links with broader civil
society organizations that are and will be
our partners in pursuing development
These are tall orders for a fledgling
organization like ours, but we have
achieved milestones in just two years.
2011 has seen the fruits of our labour.
Read on to know more.
7. time office staff. We also accepted two affiliate
research fellows. One is a graduate student in
Social Psychology at the University of San Carlos
and the other is a Graduate Researcher in Cultural
Anthropology at the Institute of Studies in Culture
(Institut f端r Kulturwissenschaft) at Koblenz University
B. Projects and Initiatives
1 Documenting the Evidences for the Uptake
of Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management
(CSDRM): The Case of the Municipality of San
Francisco, Camotes, Cebu
ACHIEVEMENTS The Strengthening Climate Resilience Program is
an international initiative funded by the Department
of International Development (DFID) that aims to
A. Institutional Development
enhance the ability of governments and civil society
organizations in developing countries to build the
During our second year in operation, A2D
resilience of communities to disasters and climate
Project has successfully acquired accreditation
change as part of their development work. By
from the Cebu City Council on May 25, 2011.
using the Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management
An accredited status allows the organization
(CSDRM) approach, the initiative strives to better
to sit in one of the committees under the Local
integrate disaster risk reduction, climate change
Development Council of Cebu City as well as
adaptation and development, forming the pillars for
receive funds from the local government. At
strengthening climate resilience. A2D Project was
present, we are being considered for a seat in
contracted by PLAN-Philippines to document and
the Sector Committee on the Environment.
evaluate the extent to which the CSDRM approach is
integrated into the disaster risk management program
To enhance organizational promotion and
of San Francisco Camotes. The outcome will be part
communication, we have produced additional
of an international publication on SCR initiatives done
brochures which have been distributed among
across different regions of the world. The project was
our contacts and networks. Our website,
completed in September 2011.
including the organization logo, is currently
being redesigned.
Moreover, we have started to outline our
2 Coastal Resource and Habitat Mapping for
Municipalities Covered by the FAO Regional
Fisheries Livelihoods Programmes for Southeast
operations manual which will serve as a reference
for future transactions and other administrative
or organizational matters. We have successfully
The main objective of the project is to conduct an
developed a funds management system, which
accounting and assessment of coastal habitat and
is included in the operations manual, to help us
features of the project site and transform these technical
account for finances acquired and disbursed
data into GIS platform with associated database. The
thus ensuring transparency and accountability
outputs of this survey are spatial maps that facilitate
in managing our organizations funds.
visual information to various stakeholders for current
as well as future CRM and fisheries management
To assist in administrative matters, we accepted
undertakings. Location and extent of coastal habitats
three interns from Saint Theresas College and
within the four (4) critical bays in Zamboanga del
the University of the Philippines from April to
Norte, provide insights to site selections for fisheries
May 2011. One of them has stayed on as part
and livelihood program establishments. Furthermore,
8. it demarcates and serves as basis for different
users role in maintaining balance on resource
use in their respective bays. The wide array of
maps will help facilitate planning by providing
visual representations and computed values
for the different extent of coastal habitats,
coastal stretch and reef conditions of the
site. This project, completed in December
2011, is funded by the Regional Fisheries
and Livelihood Programme in the Philippines
(RFLP PHI) of the Food and Agriculture Office
of the United Nations.
3 Household Hazardous Waste Baseline
Study : Towards Developing Information,
Education and Communication Strategies for opportunities. The results of the socio-economic
Addressing Household Hazardous Wastes in baseline data will be used to inform the creation of the
Cebu City Danajon Bank Marine Park Governance Framework
and Marine Park Management Master Plan. This
This project is in partnership with Ban Toxics! project is currently ongoing.
and the Cebu City Government through the
Office of City Councilor Ma. Nida Cabrera. The
purpose of the survey is to determine common
hazardous items found in the household,
5 Solid Waste Management and Livelihood
Alternatives for Waste Pickers in Cebu City
including storage and disposal practices, in With the closure of the Inayawan Landfill in Cebu
order to recommend policy measures for the City, the issue of displacement and loss of livelihood
proper management of household hazardous among waste pickers living off the landfill was
wastes. The baseline survey will serve as a highlighted. This research aimed to look at the socio-
basis for crafting an ordinance for the proper economic impacts of the closure on waste pickers in
management of hazardous wastes in Cebu Inayawan, to investigate how waste pickers perceive/
City and for the development of information, view their situation in relation to the closure, and to
education and communication (IEC) materials. propose policy recommendations/options to the
The survey has already been completed and Cebu City Government for addressing the problem.
the project is entering its second phase which This exploratory study was completed in May 2011.
is IEC development.
Trainings and Workshops
4 Socio-economic Survey Component of the
Danajon Bank Marine Park Project
1 Enumerat o r s Tr a i n i n g o n C o n d u c t i n g t h e
Household Hazardous Wastes Baseline Survey
Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation
Inc. (CCEF), a non-governmental organization A two-day enumerators training was conducted for
that works for the conservation and wise 73 Barangay Environmental Officers (BEOs) tasked
management of coastal and marine to conduct field interviews for the Househould
environments, contracted A2D Project to do Hazardous Wastes Baseline Study commissioned
the Socio-economic survey component of the by BAN TOXICS! and the Cebu City Government on
Danajon Bank Marine Park Project. The study September 12-13, 2011. This training was intended
aims to enhance the quality of life for resource to capacitate local BEOs in the basics of conducting
users/stakeholders in Danajon Bank through household surveys, not only for the benefit of the
effective management of a large-scale marine project at hand, but for future studies that the City
protected area (MPA) with a view of improving Government might wish to undertake which would
conditions of habitats and fisheries, and require their skills in conducting field interviews.
establishment of economic development
9. 2 Stakeholders Workshop on Hazardous Waste
Management in Cebu City
address themes such as: 1) clean and alternative
energy; 2) green jobs and investments; 3) food
security; 4) sustainable transportation; 5) sustainable
In compliance with RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid waste management and resource conservation; 6)
Waste Management Act of 2000, the Cebu City eco-friendly built environment and architecture, and
Government passed and implemented Ordinance 7) livable cities and urban environment, to name a
no. 2031 known as the No Segregation, No few. The series started with the Renewable Energy
Collection ordinance. However, in the process (RE) Summit, a nationwide gathering of almost
of implementing the ordinance, it came to the 300 participants, having the theme Meeting the
attention of the Cebu City Government that Challenges of Sustainable Energy development in
classification of wastes did not address the issue Central Visayas last March 7-8, 2011 at the SM City
of managing hazardous wastes. In response, Cebu Trade Hall. A2d Project served as the secretariat
A2D Project, in collaboration with the Cebu City of the event sponsored by the Cebu City Government,
Government and civil society organizations, Foundation for the Philippine Environment, SM City
organized a Stakeholders Workshop last June 10, Cebu, Shangri-La Hotel Mactan, Optima Printing
2011 to address the problem of hazardous waste Press, and SIBAT.
management in the city.
3 Disast e r Risk Reduction and
Management Planning Workshop in San
2 Cebu Green Economy Series: Sustainable and
Livable Cities Summit 2012
Francisco, Camotes Island Inspired by the success of the Renewable Energy
Summit in March 2011 that launched the Cebu Green
A2D Project assisted the Local Government Unit Economy Series, we take on the bigger challenge
of San Francisco, Camotes, Cebu in conducting of working towards a sustainable and livable Cebu
its disaster risk reduction and management City under the Green Economy framework. This
planning workshop by providing them with hazard summit envisions making Cebu City a model city
maps using geographic information system (GIS) for sustainability and livability in the country. In
on January 31-February 2, 2011. A2D Project has particular, it aims to achieve the following objectives:
also assisted San Fransciso in documenting its 1) to enable a broad-based stakeholder involvement
DRR practices for the prestigious United Nations in making Cebu City a livable and sustainable city;
Sasakawa Award which it has recently won. 2) to create a roadmap/action plan to mainstream
environmental concerns and sustainable development
Events and Advocacy in government programs; and 3) to constitute a
technical working group that will help facilitate the
1 Ce b u G r e e n E c o n o m y S e r i e s :
Renewable Energy Summit 2011
development and implementation of a work plan, and
lobby for mobilization of local government resources.
The summit will be held in March 2012, with A2D
The Cebu Green Economy Series is a string Project once again taking the lead in organizing the
of events that allows stakeholders to discuss event. The results of the summit will be sent to the
relevant issues linking environment, society and Philippine delegation for the Rio +20 Summit which
economy. Its aim is to explore rapid but low will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
risk alternatives to the destructive ways in which
society has carried out developmental projects
that exploit the environment and marginalized the
poor. Under the Cebu Green Economy Series, we
10. For 2012, A2D Project can look forward to
another fruitful year where we can focus
on further institutionalization, strengthening
partnerships and enhancing programmes
and services. At the same time, there are
LOOKING new and daunting challenges we have to face
as we strive to carve a niche in the world of
development practice and create our identity,
AHEAD not just as a think tank but as a do tank as
wellemphasizing our commitment to pursue
research that offer practical ideas that influence
policies, projects, and programmes.
Our linkages with local government units allow
us to fulfil our organizational mandate to assist
in developing evidence-based ordinances
and initiatives. We are thus better positioned
to engage in policy debates and facilitate
tangible solutions towards social development.
As we gradually become acknowledged by
the community of development practitioners
based in the southern Philippines as a credible
and independent research organization, we
are able to develop more networks and partner
with different organizations working on various
development issues.
At present, the environment, climate change
adaptation and disaster risk reduction under
the overarching framework of sustainable
development have become important concerns
for policy and intervention. These also provide
rich opportunities for A2D Project to contribute
to building a culture of action research to
influence interventionsfrom both government
units and non-government organizations
along these areas. The multidisciplinary nature
of our organization allows our members to
apply their particular specializations on these
broad themes in development work, and to
create innovative spaces for addressing these
11. In accordance with the Constitution and By-
laws of A2D Project duly amended in the last
General Assembly, the organization has seven
members of the Board of Trustees, from which
officers have been elected, with the Executive
Director acting as Ex-Officio member. The
A2D Project Office also currently has three
HUMAN RESOURCES staff members who take care of day-to-day
administrative operations, and one certified
AND GOVERNANCE public accountant who manages our books of
Board of Trustees
Aloysius Canete, Chair
Vince Cinches, Vice-Chair
Maria Amparo Lourdes Montenegro, Secretary
Rene Alburo, Treasurer
Ma. Cecilia Gastardo-Conaco, Member
Jiah L. Sayson, Member
Anthony Kintanar, Member
A2D Project Office Staff
Kaira Zoe K. Alburo
Executive Director
Stephanie L. Sayson
Administrative Officer
Mary Joy Jorgio
Administrative Staff
Nelia Mi単oza
Auditor (on retainership)
Affiliate Research Fellows
Vida Llevares
University of San Carlos, Cebu City
Melanie Hackenfort
Institute of Studies in Culture
(Institut f端r Kulturwissenschaft)
at Koblenz University (Germany).
12. Partnerships
and Networks
CCEF works for the
conservation and
wise management of
coastal and marine
environments to
Kaabag sa Sugbu is sustain biodiversity and improve the quality of
a network of Cebu- life for the local communities which depend on
based-non-govern- those resources. CCEF does this through field-
ment organizations level service programs that educate, assist and
engaged in various encourage the people of the coastal communities
aspects of social of social development. It traces its roots and local governments to protect and manage their
in the early 1990s when a handful of civil society leaders local coastal and marine ecosystems for long-term
felt the need to organize unified coalition to assist in the sustainable use
development of Cebu City.
BAN Toxics! is an in-
dependent non-profit,
FA O i s a U n i t e d environmental organiza-
Nations specialized tion that is devoted to
agency, accountable preventing toxic trade
t o t h e F A O Con- - wastes, goods, and technology, and upholding
ference of member the rights of developing countries to environmen-
governments. FAO participates in the United Nations tal justice, with particular focus on the Asia-Pacific
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) which coordi- region. We achieve our goals through organization,
nates economic, social and related work of the 14 UN education and advocacy.
specialized agencies as well as regional commissions.
FAOs mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve ag-
ricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations
and contribute to the growth of the world economy. Asia Center for Sus-
tainable Futures Inc.
is a non-stock, non-
profit alternative re-
search and advocacy
Through the office of Councilor Nida center, established in 2010. Our vision is to be pre-
Cabrera, we are in partnership with mier alternative research and advocacy center that
Cebu City government in the Household advances the interest of the people through partici-
Hazardous Waste Survey Project. pation and creative collaboration towards sustain-
able futures.
Sibol na Agham at Camotes Island is a
part of Cebu province,
Te k n o l o h i y a , I n c .
in Central Philippines.
(SIBAT) advocates
San Francisco is one
and develops
of its 4 municipalities.
It has a population of approximately 40,000. It is a
technologies using science and technology
recognized bird sanctuary and home to beautiful
that are appropriate for community beaches and natural wonders. Recently, they won
development in service of the Filipino the prestigious United Nations Sasakawa Award
people. for their Disaster Risk Management Initiatives.
13. FPE was established on January Founded over 70 years
15, 1992 to help mitigate the ago, Plan is one of the
destruction of Philippines oldest and largest childrens
natural resources. FPE was development organisations
created through a process of in the world. We work in 50
nationwide consultations with
developing countries across Africa, Asia and the
334 Philippine non-government
Americas to promote child rights and lift millions of
organizations (NGOs) and
children out of poverty. Plans vision is of a world
peoples organizations (POs)
in which all children realise their full potential in
and 24 academic institutions. The Philippine NGOs and POs societies that respect peoples rights and dignity.
took the lead in conceptualizing and organizing FPE and
its subsequent program directions. The collective efforts of
the Philippine and the United States government agencies
and NGOs paved the way for the funding of FPE, making it
the first grant-making institution for the environment in the
Philippines. is building
a global grassroots
movement to solve
the climate crisis.
We are advocates for the Our online cam-
environment who push for the paigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public
no-nonsense implementation actions are led from the bottom up by thousands
of our environmental laws, of volunteer organizers in over 188 countries.
accountability of our public
officials and capacity building
for our citizens, especially the
youth and the children.
A coalition of stakeholders
of Cebu since 1995 who
are uniting in concern
for the serious threat of
the of the creeping water
A fishery sector in Central crisis in Cebu.
Visayas that puts into action
its priority rights and gives
primacy to the correct use of
resources, free from foreign
control and monopoly and
able to generate appropriate
technology and manpower aimed at promoting local in-
dustrialization and sustainable development.
For the Year Ended December 31, 2011
With Comparative for 2010
In Phil Pesos In Phil Pesos
Revenues 2011 2010
Grants & Administrative Support
Grants :
PLG Project Balance Prior years 50,000 150,000
CGES project 119,150
CSDRM Propject 171,000
UNFAO project 1,488,634
HHW Project 150,000
DANAJON Project 24,000
2,002,784 150,000
Admin Support for : Seminars, Forum 36,000 14,300
Donations 156,193 36,000
Interest & Other Income 677 95
Members Contributions/Support 70,843 140,159
263,713 190,554
Total Revenues 2,266,497 340,554
Project Expenses
Project expenses 1,732,518 108,583
Organizational Development 64,432
Total project Expenses 1,732,518 173,015
General & Administrative Expenses
Rental 128,200 63,300
Depreciation 12,445 6,230
Utilities 18,517 6,320
Transportation & travel 16,265 1,810
Communications 21,820 3,960
Meetings 19,728 2,342
Supplies 35,007 4,308
Taxes & Liscenses 500 628
Miscellaneous 2,918
Other Services 21,500
Allowances 99,300
Repairs & maintenance 1,203
Total General & Admin 373,282 93,019
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,105,800 266,034
Excess (Deficit) of Income over expenditure 160,697 74,520
Included are funds received from CGES which were directly paid to suppliers/partners and
accrued receivables from UNFAO based on liquidation reports.
Nelia M. Minoza
Certified Public Accountant