The document discusses a 3-stage approach to enterprise operations transformation using design thinking. The three stages are: 1) Examine the business processes to understand problems and opportunities, 2) Explore rapid prototyping of solutions through iterative testing and feedback, and 3) Execute by implementing the transformation insights gained from prior stages to create a robust customer experience. Design thinking is problem-centric and focuses on identifying a wide range of solutions through human-centered design and fast prototyping before selecting the best approach.
2. 1
hether it is a telecom
networking company
seeking to improve
its ful鍖lment process, a healthcare
provider increasing patient safety,
an airline strategizing to increase
customer loyalty, or a product
company streamlining its supply
chain for better margins Design
Thinking brings a fresh perspective
to achieve better results through
enterprise transformation.
Design Thinking is increasingly
becoming critical to operations
transformation as its approach
seeks to deliver a stronger
emotional impact that helps
realize strategic goals of the
company. It recognizes the fact
that a one size 鍖ts all approach
to problem solving simply wont
do in todays economy. Which is
why Design Thinking approach is
problem-centric and not
solution-centric. The focus is to
identify a wide spectrum of areas
that can deliver maximum impact
through fast iterative prototyping.
Design Thinking for enterprise
operations transformation explores
a multitude of possibilities before
arriving at convergent thinking,
which identi鍖es the best suited
solution to the business problem.
For this, there are three key
stages: Examine, Explore, and
The 鍖rst, Examine, deals with
identifying business problems and
elaborating the minutest details so
that every aspect of the issue and
its impact is understood. The
second, Explore, emphasizes on
approaching the problem from
multiple perspectives, no matter
how obvious the solution may
seem at 鍖rst. This not only
identi鍖es new opportunities to
transform processes, but also
innovative ways of solving them.
Execution is the 鍖nal stage, which
employs these unique and
creative solutions to yield
guaranteed results.
3. The three key
stages of
design thinking
Stage 1: Examine Business
What is the secret sauce of some
of todays successful companies?
User experience will be the
resounding answer. Human-cen-
tered design is key to any
business aiming to be custom-
er-driven. Here, the sensitivity of
Design Thinking combined with
the power of innovative business
transformation techniques offer
unique ways to woo and retain
customers. In the 鍖rst stage of
business transformation, it is
important to analyze the organiza-
tion as a whole: its processes,
technology used, products,
decision making engine, sales and
marketing approaches, etc. In this,
data analytics and process reengi-
neering principles play a big role
in evaluating the companys pro鍖t-
ability, sustainability and risk
factors. Techniques like story-
boarding, customer journey map-
ping and systems thinking help
arrive at a solution that would not
only have a monetary, but also an
emotional impact.
The fundamental principle of
Design Thinking in business trans-
formation lies in the insight that
optimizing individual touchpoints
in a customer journey does not
deliver a truly sublime customer
experience. A holistic approach
creates the desired impact.
Imagine a large retailer encum-
bered with manually intensive
tasks, with operations spread
across a fragmented setup of
400+ locations. With a thorough
analysis of the entire process,
non-value adding tasks can either
be eliminated or automated, while
operations can be consolidated to
low-cost delivery centers.
Stage 2: Explore Rapid
Once the challenges are identi-
鍖ed, companies need to develop
and deliver solutions fast. The
second stage requires collabora-
tion across the organization to
achieve maximum potential while
effectively managing the risk of
failure. Iterative deployments of
the solution through prototyping,
involving feedback from all stake-
holders at the end of each itera-
tion, helps build a solution that is
robust. All process changes
involved are track with associated
measurement tools to be analyz-
ed and improved. Here, Design
Thinking becomes a critical tool
for simplifying and humanizing
processes as the lines between
business strategy and designing
user experience begin to blur.
Human-centered design princi-
ples focuses on two key areas of
Ease of comprehension: Any
solution that is more compli-
cated than its existing coun-
terpart will not be adopted
easily by consumers. The
enhanced product or solution
must make its users feel like
their own competence and
self-suf鍖ciency has increased.
4. 3
Increased usability: For a
solution to be successful the
usability needs to be high.
This means that the solution
must reduce the human effort
required post deployment by
increasing the user experi-
ence of the solution.
Rapid prototyping employed to
obtain immediate customer feed-
back becomes an excellent tool to
help businesses predict
outcomes. This approach signi鍖-
cantly minimizes both risks and
errors down the road, allowing
faster time-to-market of products
aand services. Also, being aligned
to agile methodologies secures
businesses against unpredictabili-
ty through iterative work cadences
and empirical feedback. Such an
approach scores high on both
feasibility and viability, where the
former refers to the ability to deliv-
er business outcomes and the
latter measures its cost-effective-
ness. For instance, take the multi-
ple systems and channels that a
customer care representative
must leverage to create seamless
customer experience across all
touchpoints. No doubt such a
system will not only be complex,
but also cost-intensive. Now,
imagine a single comprehensive
solution that enables the agent to
serve customers needs and
requirements while providing an
exceptional experience!
Stage 3: Execute a Robust
Customer Experience
At this stage, enough road has
been travelled to ensure success.
It is now time to integrate and
reengineer processes with insights
gained from the 鍖rst two stages.
This involves implementing a
transformation journey that focus-
es on simplifying complexities and
automating processes for
business agility.
Take the instance of a tier-1
Australian telecom operator,
which leveraged Robotic Process
Automation to reduce wait time
for its customers by 80% and
increase process accuracy to
100%. Further, analytics-driven
business intelligence has been
in鍖uencing high-impact business
decisions across customer acqui-
sition, retention, support and
ful鍖lment. Add to this, advanced
predictive and prescriptive analyt-
ics and what you have is immuta-
ble, immersive and impactful
customer experiences. These
technologies ensure rapid ROI
through signi鍖cantly lower
CAPEX. In fact, a leading UK
based telecom operator was able
to increase its revenues by 10%
within just 9 months of implement-
ing operations transformation,
which helped bring down interac-
tion costs by 15%.
As process agility and change
management becomes critical to
the ever-evolving business
environment, enterprise operations
transformation embraces Design
Thinking to create smarter,
secure, and more successful
organizations that enables them
to help revolutionize the customer
experience which is the most
important thing in the 鍖rst place,
isnt it?
5. About Wipro
Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO) is a leading
information technology, consulting and business process services
company that delivers solutions to enable its clients do business better.
Wipro delivers winning business outcomes through its deep industry
experience and a 360 degree view of Business through Technology. By
combining digital strategy, customer centric design, advanced analytics
and product engineering approach, Wipro helps its clients create
successful and adaptive businesses. A company recognized globally for
its comprehensive portfolio of services, strong commitment to
sustainability and good corporate citizenship, Wipro has a dedicated
workforce of over 170,000, serving clients across 6 continents. For more
information, please visit or write to us at
About the
Sanyog Chaudhry is Senior Manager, Enterprise Operations Transformation
at Wipro, focusing on Global Media & Telecom. He has over nine years of
experience, spanning across strategic and operational consulting. He works
with product development teams to leverage emerging technologies, and
helps telecommunication and media institutions improve their
performance, from strategy to operations. He is a graduate in Information
Technology and holds a Masters degree in Management.
6. WIPRO TECHNOLOGIES, DODDAKANNELLI, SARJAPUR ROAD, BANGALORE - 560 035, INDIA. TEL : +91 (80) 2844 0011, FAX : +91 (80) 2844 0256
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