You are invited to celebrate the wedding of Amy Lang and Steven Gerrard on June 5th at 2 o'clock at St Margaret's Church in London, England. The reception will be held at the Amadeus hotel, located in the Little Venice section of London. The wedding details include readings from the Old and New Testaments and the Gospel during the ceremony.
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1. You are cordially invited to
the wedding of
Amy Lang and
June the 5th
Steven oclock
At 2
St Margarets Church
3. St Margarets
Located in London, England, the officinal
will be Father Bogey.
Collette LeBoeuf
Madison Koury
Jamie Carragher
4. The will be held at the Amadeus,
The reception
situated in the Little Venice section of
50 Shirland Road
Little Venice
London W9 2JA
8. The Top Ten Things I will
Look for in a Husband
1. Communicative
2. Confident
3. Responsible
4. Respectful
5. Sense of Humor
9. The Top Ten Things I will
Look for in a Husband
6. Honesty
7. Driven
8. Faithful
9. Selfless
10. Patient
10. The Top Ten Things I Can
Offer as a Wife
1. Understanding
2. Faithful
3. Respect
4. Spontaneous
5. Honesty
11. The Top Ten Things I Can
Offer as a Wife
6. Supportive
7. Good at Listening
8. Ambition
9. Agreeable
10. Appreciative
12. Liturgy of the
Old TestamentWord
Tobit 8:5-7, Allow us to live together
to a happy old age.
New Testament Reading:
1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:8, If I do
not have love, I gain nothing.
Gospel Reading:
Matthew 19:3-6, What God has
united, man must not separate.
13. Matthew 19:3-6, What God
has united, man must not
separate. ask Jesus
In this passage the Pharisees
about divorce, Is it lawful to divorce for any
and every reason? Jesus answer them by
saying, Divorce is out of harmony with the
divine will. This passage has the most
meaning to be because it proves that God
made male and female with the implication
that they would be joined together. Thus
reminding us that the two marrying would