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Unique Identification Authority of Indiawww.uidai.gov.inCreating a Unique Identity for every resident  the journeyPresented by group 3
Unique Identification Authority of Indiawww.uidai.gov.in Introduction
 Key to many doors
 Business correspondents, micro ATMs
 Aadhaars process so far
 Stumbling blocks
 Over view of AadhaarUnique Identification Authority of Indiawww.uidai.gov.in  Over view of the Aadhaar
The Unique ID initiative
Principles of AadhaarOne-time standardized Aadhaarenrollmentestablishes uniquenessOnly one Aadhaar number per eligible individualOnline Authentication is provided by UIDAIDemographic Data (Name, Address, DOB, Gender)Biometric Data (Fingerprint)Aadhaar :subject to online authentication is proof of IDVerification of KYC (Authentication)Aadhaar No. Issued, stored in Auth. Server Aadhaar enrollment / Update = KYC
Features of AadhaarAadhaar is a 12 digit number cardFor every individual , inclunding infants will get the cardAadhaar will replace all other IDS enables identification, and is for every residentHave both demographic and biometric informationUIDAI  infromation will be accessible to pubilce and private agenciesFlexibile Authentication Interface to Partners1234567
Benefits of Aadhaar (I)No fakesNo duplicatesTo all with special focus on the identification and it will be uniqueEnable connectivity among databasesSecurity of transactionsReduces LeakagesProvides IdentitiesSecurity
8Demographic data fields captured during Aadhaar enrolment
Capture Demographic & Biometric Data Optional data:Introducer data for verification and/orData of a relative who has a UID number or an enrolment numberPhone no., email addressBiometric DataResidents PhotographResidents Finger PrintsResidents Iris9
Enrolment Station
Enrolment Station
Process WorkflowRegistration from 163Rejections identifiedBiometric De-duplicationUID AssignmentVerification procedures2945Data transfer to CIDRCertificationsOperatorsSetup Enrolment Data UpdationPrep EnrolmentsDemographic & biometric data capture837AuthenticationLetter Printing & DeliveryOngoing ActivitiesPreparation ActivitiesEnrolment Activities
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