This document announces a luncheon and symposium hosted by the Arizona Association for Economic Development on November 29, 2012 in Cottonwood, Arizona. The event will include panels on regional economic development in Northern Arizona, an update from the Arizona Commerce Authority, and a discussion of economic gardening in Verde Valley. After lunch there will be an optional walking tour of historic Old Town Cottonwood and wine tastings. Advanced registration is required by November 21st and payment must be received before the event.
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AAED november 29th flyer copy
1. Luncheon
AAED members (after 11/9): $45.00
Non-members (after 11/9): $55.00
Wine Tasting (additional): $10.00
All late-registrants: $60.00
Registration Deadline: November 21st
2. Program, Thursday, November 29, 2012
9:30 - 10:00 am
9:30 - 10:00 am Registration
10:00 11:30 am
10:00 11:30 am Northern Arizona Regional Economic Development in Action -- Northern Arizona economic
development partners will discuss their collaborative efforts in advancing the economy of the region.
Moderator & Speaker: Sean Ahern,
Sean Ahern, Economic Development Manager, City of Flagstaff
Sean Ahern,
Gary Marks, Executive Director, Prescott Valley Economic Development Foundation
Gary Marks,
Teri Drew, Regional Director, Northern Arizona Council of Governments-EWD
Teri Drew,
Keith Watkins, Vice President, Arizona Commerce Authority
Keith Watkins,
Raymond Nopah, CFO, Navajo Nation--Division of Economic Development
Raymond Nopah,
11:30 - 11:45am
11:30 - 11:45am ACA Update: Keith Watkins,
Keith Watkins, Vice President, Arizona Commerce Authority
11:45 - 12:15 pm
11:45 - 12:15 pm Lunch & Networking
Lunch & Networking
12:15 2:00 pm
12:15 2:00 pm Economic Gardening in the Verde Valley -- In a down economy the Verde Valley experienced growth.
This panel will discuss the concept of economic gardening related to the area. The panel will examine the
existing assets and how they were used to grow the local economy.
Moderator & Speaker: Casey Rooney
Casey Rooney, Director, Cottonwood Economic Development Council
Casey Rooney
Buddy Rocha, Jr., Economic Development Director, Yavapai-Apache Nation
Buddy Rocha, Jr.,
Jodie Filardo, Vice Chair, Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization
Jodie Filardo,
Maynard Keenan, Member, Verde Valley Wine Consortium
Maynard Keenan,
Linda Buchanan, Community Education Coordinator, Yavapai College
Linda Buchanan,
2:15 3:00 pm
2:15 3:00 pm Walking Tour: Historic Old Town Cottonwood -- Enjoy the beautiful Fall weather in Cottonwood. With
the light to the suburbs and development of mega malls, downtowns in the U.S. declined. Come see how
Cottonwood has reinvented its historic downtown shopping district. This guided tour will share and show
those successes.
3:00 - 4:00 pm
3:00 - 4:00 pm
4:00 pm Walking Tour : Wine Industry additional charge for tasting
Walking Tour : Wine Industry additional charge for tasting
Those wanting to learn more about the growth of the Verde Valley wine industry are encouraged to walk to two
wine tastings of local wineries which will include brief presentations.
Check enclosed Visa/MC/Amex Add Wine Tasting Cost Vegetarian Luncheon Meal - Must Request In Advance
Event Date: November 29th, 2012
Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Organization _____Address_________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________Email Address________________________________________________________
VISA MASTER CARD AMEX #________________________________________________________________ Expires:
3Digit Credit Card
Signature: _________________________________________Verification Code_________________Zip code_____________________
MAIL TO: AAED, 3033 N. Central Ave., Ste 615, Phoenix, AZ 85012 or FAX TO: (602) 240-2391.
Your registration for this event will serve as your guarantee for service and AAED's guarantee for payment. Cancellations must be re-
ceived at least 72 hours in advance of event for you to receive a refund. Please note that payment for symposium needs to be paid in full
prior to the luncheon date. No entry without payment. If you have any questions call AAED (602) 240-AAED (2233).
DEADLINE: November 21st 2012 @ noon
DEADLINE: November 21st 2012 @ noon