Livro de car叩ter b叩sico sobre o assunto de fun巽探es. Para quem quer ter um conhecimento mais aprofundado, recomendo os seguintes livros do ensino superior : James Stewart - C叩lculo I ; George B. Thomas - C叩lculo I ; Guidorizzi - um curso de c叩lculo.
Overcoming the challenges of IT Training in Non-English speaking countriesIIHT Technologies
Overcoming the challenges of IT Training in Non-English speaking countries. IIHT has hit the Training market and also has successful track record in penetrating Non English speaking countries.
After successfully recognizing the Best Young HR Professionals in 2013, the HR / IR Committee of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry is again organizing the Best Young HR Professionals Award for the 2nd time this year to recognize those who have demonstrated commendable skills in their profession on th september'2015 at Williamson Magor Hall, Bengal Chamber premises, Kolkata
How to measure the impact and return on investment of social/community investment and development. This presentation contains evidence of successful measurement and provides case studies of typical measurement aspects. More information is provided on:
Overcoming the challenges of IT Training in Non-English speaking countriesIIHT Technologies
Overcoming the challenges of IT Training in Non-English speaking countries. IIHT has hit the Training market and also has successful track record in penetrating Non English speaking countries.
After successfully recognizing the Best Young HR Professionals in 2013, the HR / IR Committee of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry is again organizing the Best Young HR Professionals Award for the 2nd time this year to recognize those who have demonstrated commendable skills in their profession on th september'2015 at Williamson Magor Hall, Bengal Chamber premises, Kolkata
How to measure the impact and return on investment of social/community investment and development. This presentation contains evidence of successful measurement and provides case studies of typical measurement aspects. More information is provided on:
Hi havia una vegada,
fa molts anys,
all per terres d'Orient
un sult molt poder坦s.
Tenia una pila de palaus,
centenars d'ex竪rcits,
milers de soldats,
i or... per fer-ne una muntanya.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan petunjuk teknis penggunaan dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) tahun anggaran 2011. Dokumen ini menjelaskan tentang latar belakang, tujuan, sasaran, besaran dana, dan waktu penyaluran BOS. Juga dijelaskan tentang implementasi BOS seperti jenis biaya pendidikan, sekolah penerima BOS, hubungan BOS dengan program wajib belajar 9 tahun dan manajemen berbasis sekolah
This document summarizes a research paper on detecting voiced and unvoiced speech segments using short-term processing. It discusses how speech can be classified into voiced, unvoiced, and non-speech based on the excitation signal. Short-term processing is performed by framing the speech signal and extracting features in both the time and frequency domains. In the time domain, short-term energy, zero-crossing rate, and autocorrelation are calculated. In the frequency domain, the short-term Fourier transform is used. The paper aims to identify voiced and unvoiced regions using these short-term processing features.
Dropbox es un servicio gratuito que permite sincronizar y compartir archivos entre diferentes dispositivos, de modo que los archivos guardados en Dropbox estar叩n disponibles autom叩ticamente en la computadora, tel辿fonos y en l鱈nea. Los usuarios instalan Dropbox y obtienen una carpeta especial donde arrastran sus archivos, los cuales ser叩n sincronizados en todos sus equipos y recuperables desde cualquier lugar.
Construtivismo p坦s piagetiano no contexto da ciberculturaRaisa Gomes
O documento discute como a cibercultura pode ser utilizada na educa巽達o de acordo com o construtivismo p坦s-Piagetiano. Ele explica que nesta abordagem a aprendizagem ocorre atrav辿s da constru巽達o mental baseada na intera巽達o social e que a cibercultura pode ser usada para criar ambientes que promovam o conflito s坦cio-cognitivo e a constru巽達o coletiva do conhecimento.
Este documento trata sobre varias afecciones bucodentales comunes. La pulpitis es la inflamaci坦n dolorosa de la pulpa dentaria causada principalmente por caries o traumatismos dentales. El bruxismo nocturno es el h叩bito involuntario de apretar los dientes durante el sue単o que afecta al 10-20% de la poblaci坦n. La halitosis es mal aliento que afecta a m叩s del 50% de la poblaci坦n y es m叩s com炭n por la ma単ana. Las aftas son 炭lceras dolorosas en la boca de color blanco
This slide deck provides a short overview of how you can migrate live physical and virtual server workloads to cloud, or from one cloud to another. For a short demo of how to migrate in under 30 minutes, please see: