Aam Aadmi Party has accused VV Minerals of having relations with J. Jayalalithaa and V.K.Sasikala and that they have helped S. Vaikundarajan to come out of the thorium scam. However, these are all rumors as VV Minerals has was not involved in any scam and has not bribed anybody.
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AAP News Fake. No Commercial Ties Between Ms. V.K. Sasikala’s Family And VV Minerals, Vaikundarajan
1. AAP News Fake. No Commercial
Ties Between Ms. V.K. Sasikala’s
Family And VV Minerals,
2. S. Vaikundarajan does not have any ties with any government
official be it J. Jayalalithaa or V.K. Sasikala
3. VV Minerals, Vaikundarajan was also accused by Aam Aadmi
Party of having bribed the government officials of the leading
party to get out of a thorium scam
4. VV Mineral is strictly against corruption and also wishes for a
corruption free India. Which goes on to justify that they can never
get into any malpractices.
5. VV Mineral is into heavy mineral mining industry for over two
decades and has been practicing fair trade without taking any help
from a government official.
6. VV Minerals believe in sustainable development and always
look into the needs of their employees and the society at
7. S. Vaikundarajan has a very positive image in the society and
people regard quite highly of him. They support him and respect
all his decisions as he is known to follow his principles and
8. VV Minerals has proved to the world that they are not involved
in any illegal activity and conduct their business with full
transparency after Supreme Court’s judgment arrived on this