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Ashish Sharma
Jr Android Developer
Vill Bathra distt Kangra
Himachal Pradesh India.
Mobile No- 8627861402,7063060719
Email i'd  ashish48608@gmail.com
Skype I'd-aashu4132
To obtain a creative, challenging & rewarding position with a reputed organization which offers opportunities
for growth and leadership, while contributing to the symbolic growth of the organization with my technical,
Innovative and logical skills.
 Highly motivated and focused with two years experience in Design and Development of
Android applications.
 Proficient in object-oriented design, data structures, problem solving, complexity.
 Sound knowledge in Android Sdk, Web Services(Rest,Soap,Xml), Json,Gson, Eclipse IDE,Android
Studio, SQLite database,Realm database, Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers,Fcm Push
Notification,Payment Gateway(Stripe,CCAvenue,Paypal),UI Designing.
 Able to design the applications from the requirement and Known for writing efficient,maintainable
and reusable code that preserves privacy and security.
 Expert in the interaction between various devices and different versions of Android.
 Quick learning, implementation and easy adoption to new technologies.
 Good at resource utilization and task management.
 Regarded as a self-motivated and well organized team player.
 Operating Systems : Windows XP, Linux.
 Technologies : C, Core (Java), Android Sdk, Xml,Json,Gson,htm,Eclisp
 Database : SQLite/SQL,Realm.
 Web Servers & Services: Apache Tomcat, Rest,Soap
 IDE/Tools : Android Studio ,Eclipse (Indigo & Juno), DDMS,ADT,SVN,Bitbucket,Github.
 Design Patterns : Singleton, Front controller and MVC
 Emulators Used : Android SDK Emulator
Currently I am working as a Associate Engineer - Android Developer and my work role
Translate designs and wireframes into high quality code
Design, build, and maintain high performance, reusable, and reliable Java code
Ensure the best possible performance, quality, and responsiveness of the application
Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs
Help maintain code quality, organization, and automatization
Academic Credentials
B.TECH Himachal Pradesh University-Shimla 72%
Class XII HP Board Dharmshala 68%
Class X HP Board Dharmshala 72%
Designing and code Robotics System & Achieved 3rd Position in Robotryst Contest
Winner in College Tournament Badminton
Acheive First Position Group dance in College Culture Activities
Work Experience (2 years)
Current KM Infosystems  A unit of Live Wire IT Services Pvt. Ltd.
Designation  Android Developer  Product Development
Joining Date  17nd
September 2015, Till Present
Previous  WebAstral Infotech Pvt. Ltd
Designation  Trainee Android Developer Engineer
Time Period  1th
Dec, 2014 to 1th
May, 2015
The lists below are the history of my project that I have developed.
Android Application Projects :
1.Platform & Skills
Title : Sikim-Explore
Environment Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson,
XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso, network Lib-Google
,retrofit Webservices(Rest),Social
Paly Store Url : inprogress
Description :
Sikim-Explore basically for online Hotel booking app with locations. The app developed by Sikim largest branded
network of hotels allows you to book a hotel room in a matter of just five seconds. Be spoilt for choice as you can find
rooms listed on the app.you can browse through a wide range of quality stays with all standard amenities like AC, TV,
Wi-Fi, hygienic and clean rooms at unbeatable prices.and also find hotel location with google map and after that give
your feedback as per hotel
Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI.
2.Platform & Skills
Title : ThirstyBuddyUser
Environment : Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson,
XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso, network Lib-Google
Volley,retrofit Webservices(Rest),Social
Login(faceBook,G+),Payment Gatway(Stripe)
Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kminfosystems.android.thirstybuddy&hl=en
Description :
Focusing on the Nightlife scene of Singapore (and soon the region),ThirstyBuddy is an app where you can
find a directory, promotions, images,menu and pricing of the merchants in the nightlife scene. The
directory can be filtered based on how you feel and who you are bringing or with categories like bars,
pubs, bistros, sports, clubs, whiskey, wine, darts and (server based application)
Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI.
3. Platform & Skills
Title : ThirstyBuddyVendors
Environment : Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson,
XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso, network Lib-Google
Volley,retrofit Webservices(Rest),Social
Login(faceBook,G+),Push notification (FCM)
Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kminfosystems.android.thirstybuddyvendors
Description :
Focusing on the Nightlife scene of Singapore (and soon the region),ThirstyBuddy is an app where you can find a
directory, promotions, images,menu and pricing of the merchants in the nightlife scene. The directory can befiltered
based on how you feel and who you are bringing or with categories like bars, pubs, bistros, sports, clubs, whiskey,
wine, darts and KTV. When you use Thirstybuddy, you can get 60 mins table confirmation to suityour spontaneous
adventures and enjoy unique promotions, events and packages that we have tied up with the merchants.
Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI.
4.Platform & Skills
Title : Contribilling
Environment : Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson,
XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso,Google Network Lib 
Google Volley, Webservices(Rest),Social
Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kminfosystems.contribilling&hl=en
Description :
Contribilling is a FREE application which allows you to invite and add your
social circle for shared expense management (contribute to the billing) ideal to
share expense with your friends, colleagues and family members. You can
create Groups (recurring expenses like room share expenses, movie tickets,
etc) & Events (One time expense event for example picnic, party, etc).
Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI.
5. Platform & Skills
Title : KairosWerks
Environment : Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson,
XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso,Google Network Lib 
Google Volley, Webservices(Rest),Social
Gatway(Paypal),Chat (Socket java)
Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anovatesoft.kairoswerks&hl=en
Description :
Manage your volunteer database from any computer; in the office, at home or
on the road. Allow volunteers to fill out applications, submit their schedule
preferences and even self schedule, all from the comfort of home. No start-up
costs, licensing, or additional fees for support or upgrades. KAIROswerk is
the industry leader in online volunteer software.
Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI.
6.Platform & Skills
Title : FootLights
Environment : Eclisp Java, Json, HTML,Gson,
XML,Glide,Picasso,Google Network Lib
Webservices(Rest),Social Login(faceBook,G+),
Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.footlights&hl=en
Description :
Find live theatre around your area with ease using the Footlights application. Ranging from musicals to
comedy, find local shows in your area
Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI.
 Organized teachers day twice.
 Member of College Badminton team
 Captain of Department cricket team
 Member of Departmental chess team
 Troubleshooting the computer
 Listening to music
 Dancing( Naati, Bhangra)
Personal Dossier
Date of Birth
Ashish Sharma
Father's Name : Naresh Kumar
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Nationality : Indian
Language Known : English, Hindi,Punjabi
Parmanent.Address : Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
Passport Number : L9914139
I do hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Date: // Signature
Ashish Sharma

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  • 1. Ashish Sharma Jr Android Developer Vill Bathra distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh India. Pin-177112 Mobile No- 8627861402,7063060719 Email i'd ashish48608@gmail.com Skype I'd-aashu4132 OBJECTIVE To obtain a creative, challenging & rewarding position with a reputed organization which offers opportunities for growth and leadership, while contributing to the symbolic growth of the organization with my technical, Innovative and logical skills. PROFSSIONAL SUMMARY Highly motivated and focused with two years experience in Design and Development of Android applications. Proficient in object-oriented design, data structures, problem solving, complexity. Sound knowledge in Android Sdk, Web Services(Rest,Soap,Xml), Json,Gson, Eclipse IDE,Android Studio, SQLite database,Realm database, Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers,Fcm Push Notification,Payment Gateway(Stripe,CCAvenue,Paypal),UI Designing. Able to design the applications from the requirement and Known for writing efficient,maintainable and reusable code that preserves privacy and security. Expert in the interaction between various devices and different versions of Android. Quick learning, implementation and easy adoption to new technologies. Good at resource utilization and task management. Regarded as a self-motivated and well organized team player. TECHNICAL SKILSS Operating Systems : Windows XP, Linux. Technologies : C, Core (Java), Android Sdk, Xml,Json,Gson,htm,Eclisp Database : SQLite/SQL,Realm. Web Servers & Services: Apache Tomcat, Rest,Soap IDE/Tools : Android Studio ,Eclipse (Indigo & Juno), DDMS,ADT,SVN,Bitbucket,Github. Design Patterns : Singleton, Front controller and MVC Emulators Used : Android SDK Emulator POSITION, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Currently I am working as a Associate Engineer - Android Developer and my work role Translate designs and wireframes into high quality code Design, build, and maintain high performance, reusable, and reliable Java code Ensure the best possible performance, quality, and responsiveness of the application Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs Help maintain code quality, organization, and automatization Academic Credentials
  • 2. B.TECH Himachal Pradesh University-Shimla 72% Class XII HP Board Dharmshala 68% Class X HP Board Dharmshala 72% Achivement Designing and code Robotics System & Achieved 3rd Position in Robotryst Contest Winner in College Tournament Badminton Acheive First Position Group dance in College Culture Activities Work Experience (2 years) Current KM Infosystems A unit of Live Wire IT Services Pvt. Ltd. Designation Android Developer Product Development Joining Date 17nd September 2015, Till Present Previous WebAstral Infotech Pvt. Ltd Designation Trainee Android Developer Engineer Time Period 1th Dec, 2014 to 1th May, 2015 PROJECT WORKED ON The lists below are the history of my project that I have developed. Android Application Projects : 1.Platform & Skills Title : Sikim-Explore Environment Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson, XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso, network Lib-Google ,retrofit Webservices(Rest),Social Login(faceBook,G+),GoogleMap,Floating Button,Gallery,cardview Paly Store Url : inprogress Description : Sikim-Explore basically for online Hotel booking app with locations. The app developed by Sikim largest branded network of hotels allows you to book a hotel room in a matter of just five seconds. Be spoilt for choice as you can find rooms listed on the app.you can browse through a wide range of quality stays with all standard amenities like AC, TV, Wi-Fi, hygienic and clean rooms at unbeatable prices.and also find hotel location with google map and after that give your feedback as per hotel Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI. 2.Platform & Skills Title : ThirstyBuddyUser Environment : Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson, XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso, network Lib-Google Volley,retrofit Webservices(Rest),Social Login(faceBook,G+),Payment Gatway(Stripe) Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kminfosystems.android.thirstybuddy&hl=en Description : Focusing on the Nightlife scene of Singapore (and soon the region),ThirstyBuddy is an app where you can find a directory, promotions, images,menu and pricing of the merchants in the nightlife scene. The directory can be filtered based on how you feel and who you are bringing or with categories like bars, pubs, bistros, sports, clubs, whiskey, wine, darts and (server based application)
  • 3. Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI. 3. Platform & Skills Title : ThirstyBuddyVendors Environment : Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson, XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso, network Lib-Google Volley,retrofit Webservices(Rest),Social Login(faceBook,G+),Push notification (FCM) Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kminfosystems.android.thirstybuddyvendors Description : Focusing on the Nightlife scene of Singapore (and soon the region),ThirstyBuddy is an app where you can find a directory, promotions, images,menu and pricing of the merchants in the nightlife scene. The directory can befiltered based on how you feel and who you are bringing or with categories like bars, pubs, bistros, sports, clubs, whiskey, wine, darts and KTV. When you use Thirstybuddy, you can get 60 mins table confirmation to suityour spontaneous adventures and enjoy unique promotions, events and packages that we have tied up with the merchants. Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI. 4.Platform & Skills Title : Contribilling Environment : Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson, XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso,Google Network Lib Google Volley, Webservices(Rest),Social Login(faceBook,G+),Payment Gatway(Paypal) Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kminfosystems.contribilling&hl=en Description : Contribilling is a FREE application which allows you to invite and add your social circle for shared expense management (contribute to the billing) ideal to share expense with your friends, colleagues and family members. You can create Groups (recurring expenses like room share expenses, movie tickets, etc) & Events (One time expense event for example picnic, party, etc). Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI. 5. Platform & Skills Title : KairosWerks Environment : Android Studio , Android SDK, Java, Json, HTML,Gson, XML,Calender Module,Glide,Picasso,Google Network Lib Google Volley, Webservices(Rest),Social Login(faceBook,G+),Payment Gatway(Paypal),Chat (Socket java) Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anovatesoft.kairoswerks&hl=en Description : Manage your volunteer database from any computer; in the office, at home or on the road. Allow volunteers to fill out applications, submit their schedule preferences and even self schedule, all from the comfort of home. No start-up costs, licensing, or additional fees for support or upgrades. KAIROswerk is the industry leader in online volunteer software. Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI. 6.Platform & Skills Title : FootLights
  • 4. Environment : Eclisp Java, Json, HTML,Gson, XML,Glide,Picasso,Google Network Lib Webservices(Rest),Social Login(faceBook,G+), Paly Store Url : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.footlights&hl=en Description : Find live theatre around your area with ease using the Footlights application. Ranging from musicals to comedy, find local shows in your area Role : Involved in coding and development of GUI. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Organized teachers day twice. Member of College Badminton team Captain of Department cricket team Member of Departmental chess team HOBBIES AND INTEREST Troubleshooting the computer Listening to music Dancing( Naati, Bhangra) Travelling. Personal Dossier Name Date of Birth : : Ashish Sharma 16-01-1993 Father's Name : Naresh Kumar Sex : Male Marital Status : Unmarried Nationality : Indian Language Known : English, Hindi,Punjabi Parmanent.Address : Kangra Himachal Pradesh. Passport Number : L9914139 Declaration I do hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge. Date: // Signature Ashish Sharma