Each year a committee is charged with selecting 25 award-winning websites to aid teaching and learning from over 80 nominations. Websites are evaluated based on criteria such as being free or low-cost, user-friendly, encouraging curricula integration, and having low advertisements. The selected websites are organized into categories including media sharing, digital storytelling, managing and organizing, social networking and communication, content collaboration, curriculum sharing, and content resources for lesson planning.
2. Committee Charge
ï‚ž Each year we are given the
charge to find 25 award winning
websites to aid in the areas of
teaching and learning.
ï‚ž We usually have 80+
nominations and the list is
whittled down to 25
3. Criteria
ï‚ž Free/Free at ï‚ž Innovative
some level ï‚ž Promote
ï‚ž User Friendly Collaboration
ï‚ž Low on ads ï‚ž Facilitate a
ï‚ž Encourage community of
Curricula learners
4. Categories
ï‚ž Media Sharing
ï‚ž Manage and Organize
ï‚ž Digital Storytelling
ï‚ž Social Networking and Communication
ï‚ž Content Collaboration
ï‚ž Curriculum Sharing
ï‚ž Content Resources: Lesson Planning
and More