AB 1897 proposes creating an integrated child care facility license option for centers serving children from birth through entering first grade. The purpose is to reduce administrative burden on underfunded childcare centers and licensing agencies so they can focus on child safety. Currently, California is one of two states that requires separate infant-toddler licenses, but other states use a single license with age-appropriate standards. Developmentally, continuity of caregiver relationships is important for young children's social-emotional growth, but current licensing forces arbitrary classroom changes. The bill would require regulations for a birth to first grade license, including age-appropriate transitions and listing served age groups, applying all other licensing rules.
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AB 1897 (Mullin) Sample Support Letter
1. (Date):
The Honorable Susan Bonilla
Assembly Human Services Committee, Chair
1020 N St., Room 124
Sacramento, CA 95814
Re: Support for AB 1897 (Mullin) Integrated Child Care Facility License Option
Dear Assemblymember Chu,
(Agency/Individual) is pleased to support AB 1897 to create an option for an Integrated Child Care
Center License for child care centers serving children from birth through entering first grade. The purpose
of AB 1897 is to create an Integrated Childcare Facility License that will be an additional option that
providers can choose when applying for or renewing their facility license. A single license option will
reduce the administrative burden on severely underfunded childcare centers and the California
Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing (CDSS-CCL) so that they both can focus on
providing a safe and healthy environment for Californias children.
California is one of only two states in the country which employ a separate infant-toddler license. Other
states employ a single license for early childhood centers,mandating developmentally appropriate
standards based on the age of the children served. Even in California, Family Child Care providers are
not subject to the dual-license requirement: only private fee,state and federally funded center-based
programs. Developmentally, one of the most important factors in a young childs social-emotional
growth is continuity of relationships. Unfortunately, siloed licenses that ignore transitional considerations
force California providers to arbitrarily move children out of one classroom and into another based on
birthdates, to the exclusion of other factors.
AB 1897 would require the CDSS-CCL to, in consultation with community stakeholders, adopt
regulations on or before January 1, 2018, to develop and implement a birth to entering first grade license
option for child care centers. The bill would require the regulations to include age-appropriate transition
times, as specified, a requirement that a single integrated license option list the age groups of children
being served at the child care center,and a requirement that all other licensing regulations that apply to a
child care center shall also apply to a birth to entering first grade facility license option.
On behalf of the children, families, and child care providers in California, we thank you for your
leadership in supporting AB 1897 and look forward to working with you and other supporters of this
important legislation to ensure passage this year.
(Agency/Individual Name and Contact Information)