AB 762 seeks to create an integrated child care license for centers serving children from birth through kindergarten to eliminate bifurcated early care licensing in California. Currently, California is one of only two states that uses separate licenses for infant/toddler centers and preschool centers. This ignores the developmental needs of young children by forcing moves between classrooms based solely on age rather than individual needs. Integrating the licenses would allow for better continuity of care and relationships for over half a million children across 12,624 licensed centers in the state.
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AB 762 (Mullin) Sample Support Letter
1. (Date):
(Insert Legislator Contact Information Here)
Re: Support for AB 762 (Mullin) – Integrated Child Care Licenses
Dear (Insert your Legislator Name and Title Here),
The (Agency/Individual) is pleased to support AB 762 to create an Integrated Child Care Center
License for child care centers serving children from birth through Kindergarten entrance. The
purpose of AB 762 is to eliminate the bifurcation of early care licensing in California and to
enable a better continuity of care for young children.
California is one of only two states which employ separate licenses for infant/toddlers and for
preschool centers. This is the legacy of having pioneered quality standards for children of
distinct ages beginning in the 1970s. Since then, however, other states have managed to
incorporate age appropriate standards into a single license serving young children. That is what
AB 762 proposes to do. Even in California, Family Child Care providers are not subject to a
dual-license requirement. But the requirement does affect private fee, state and federally funded
center-based programs: 12,624 provider licenses, serving over a half million children state-wide.
Developmentally, a critical factor in a young child’s development is the continuity of
relationships. Unfortunately, the current siloed license structure ignores the developmental needs
of the child and forces providers to move children out of one classroom and into another based
on birthdates, to the exclusion of other more appropriate needs.
On behalf of the children, families, and child care providers in California, we thank you for your
leadership in supporting AB 762 and look forward to working with you and other supporters of
this important legislation to ensure passage this year.
(Agency/Individual Name and Contact Information)