The document provides instructions for pronouncing the sounds for several consonants and vowels in the International Phonetic Alphabet:
- The m sound is made by tightly closing the lips with the teeth gently biting down; the tongue is in the middle of the mouth.
- The n sound is made with an open mouth, teeth slightly apart, and the tongue touching the top of the mouth.
- The short o sound is made with an open mouth and some front teeth shown, like the medium a sound.
- The medium o has the same sound as short u, made with an open mouth and more bottom teeth visible.
- The long o is made puckering the lips into a circle without showing teeth
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Abc pronunciary (from M to O)
1. t
on m (m)
The m (m) sound is made by tightly closing
the mouth. The teeth, gently biting down on the
lips, are not shown. The tongue is in the middle
of the mouth.
Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the m (m) sound is
pronounced: m
2. maze (m z)
A maze is a complex set-
up of paths. It may take a
while to go through a
money (mun )
Money is cash and coins
used to buy services or
goods. Each country uses its
own money, such as dollars
and cents in the U.S.A.
music (m zik)
Music is a sound made by
a voice or an instrument. It
can be heard as a song,
symphony, opera, etc.
3. t
on n (n)
The n (n) sound is made by opening the
mouth medium wide. The teeth are slightly
apart, with more of the bottom than the top
front teeth shown. The tip of the tongue
touches the top of the mouth.
Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the n (n) sound
is pronounced: n
4. necktie (nek t )
A necktie is a thin band of
cloth worn around the neck
and tied in the front with a
knot. It is often worn by
professional men at work.
notepad (n t pad)
A notepad is a tablet
of paper on which to
take notes, write letters
or draw sketches.
nurse (n rs)
A nurse is a person
trained to care for sick
people, usually in the
5. el short o (o)
The short o (o) sound is made by opening
the mouth wide. The teeth are apart, with some
of the top and bottom front teeth shown. The
tongue is in the middle of the mouth.
Hint: Short o (o) sounds like medium a (辰).
Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the short o (o)
sound is pronounced: o
6. octopus (ok t p s)
An octopus is a sea
animal which has a big
head and eight arms
with suckers on them.
office (of is)
An office is a room
where paperwork is done
and meetings take place.
opera (op r )
An opera is a stage drama
set to music, with all of the
performers singing their lines.
7. el medium o (u)
The medium o (u) sound is made by opening
the mouth and lowering the bottom lip a bit.
The teeth are slightly apart, with more of the
bottom than the top front teeth shown. The
tongue is in the middle of the mouth.
Hint: Medium o (u) has the same sound as
short u (u).
Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the medium o (u)
sound is pronounced:
8. onion (un y n)
An onion is a vegetable
which grows as a bulb in
the ground. Its smell and
taste are very strong.
oregano (u reg n )
Oregano is an herb which
is often used to flavor Italian
and Spanish cooking.
oven (uv n)
An oven is an enclosed
heating space for cooking
or just warming up foods.
9. el long o ( )
The long o ( ) sound is made by puckering
the mouth to form a circle with the lips. The
teeth are apart, but not shown. The tongue is
in the middle of the mouth.
Hint: Long o ( ) is often written as oa, oe,
oh or ow.
Note: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the long o ( )
sound is pronounced: ou
10. oatmeal ( t m l)
Oatmeal is a cereal made
from rolled or ground oats.
It is often cooked for break-
fast on cold days.
ocean ( sh n)
An ocean is a body
of salt water. The
oceans make up 70%
of the earths surface.
overalls ( v r 辰lz)
Overalls are trousers with
bibs made from denim or other
strong material. They are
usually worn for heavy work.