This document provides information for parents about their child's first grade orientation. It outlines expectations and procedures for attendance, behavior, physical education, enrichment classes, homework, communication, money, notes, snacks, library books, supplies, parent involvement, sleep, and concludes by welcoming parents to first grade. Key details include the daily schedule, behavior policy, homework expectations of 15 minutes reading per night, various fees, prohibited birthday celebrations, and emphasis on parent-teacher communication and partnership.
2. Attendance
Unless your child is ill, please make every
attempt to have your child present at
school and on time.
Our day begins at 7:45am and the
dismissal time is 2:45pm. Students that
arrive late are a disruption and waste
valuable instruction time for the rest of
the class.
If your child is going to be out, please
provide a written note on the first day
that your child returns to school. Please
include date, duration and specific reason
for absence.
3. Behavior
Every student is expected to follow
school and classroom rules. We will
follow the school wide behavior policy.
4. PE
Please make sure your child comes to
school each day with proper shoes
and clothes for running, jumping,
climbing, and participating in physical
education activities.
5. Enrichment
Students will have Art class once a
week, Technology class twice a
month, and Library and Counseling
class once a month.
6. Grades
Every week your child will be assessed in
reading, and spelling (10 words and 1 dictation
sentence 1st
9 weeks, 12 words and 1 dictation
sentence 2nd
9 weeks and 15 words and 2
dictation sentences 3rd
and 4th
9 weeks). These
test will usually be given on Friday. Students will
be assessed in mathematics once a chapter is
completed. Tests papers will be sent home on
Tuesday and must be returned by Thursday.
Please take the time to look them over each
week and review any skills or areas of weakness
with your child.
7. Homework
Every week students are expected
to complete Reading and Math
homework. Students must also
complete the reading log daily.
It is important that 1st graders
read for a minimum of 15 minutes
EACH night. This may include
practicing their decodable, shared
reading with an adult or older
sibling, and reading and decoding
good fit books on their own.
8. Keeping Informed
Visit our classroom website frequently.
The itinerary will let you know what we
are learning about each week, and our
calendar will keep you up-to-date,
reminding you about upcoming projects,
due dates, and events.
Make sure to read the Newsletter.
Watch for emails
9. Money
Any money sent to school must be in
an envelope with your childs name,
the purpose and amount.
Classroom donation $40
Agenda books $5
10. Notes
Please send a note with your child if:
You know your child will be missing school for an
extended period of time. An independent study
can be arranged if a student will be out for 5 or
more consecutive days.
A change in pick-up or after school care will be
You would like to schedule a conference or have
Your child has been absent and you have not yet
notified the office about the absence. Watch for
notes from the office and me, and dont forget to
check the Take Home folder nightly. This will be
our primary way to communicate with you.
11. Other Items
No food, beverages, or balloons (cupcakes/cakes, etc.)
for individual student birthday parties will not be
permitted during the instructional day as it interferes
with the school learning environment and causes hurt
feelings when all students do not have the opportunity
to celebrate at school. Distributing party invitations at
school for a home party will not be permitted.
Take home folders and agendas (review every night)
Newsletters (sent every Friday)
12. Snack
Only water drinks will be allowed
and the schools preference would
be that each student provide their
own reusable water bottle to refill
at the water fountain.
MES is using guidelines from US
Healthy Schools Challenge; only
snack items from these guidelines
will be sold in school vending
machines or the school cafeteria.
13. Library
Students will be able to check books
out from the library every week.
Students may check 2 books out at
a time.
Birthday Book Club- $10 donation
will buy a library book to be placed
in honor of your child. Members will
get a special snack at the end of
their birthday month.
14. Extra Supplies
There will be times throughout the year
where extra supplies are needed. We
will send a note home with the
requested items.
We always appreciate your support!
15. You
You are your childs first and most
important teacher.
We hope that we can work together
this year to make your childs 1st grade
school year a huge success!
16. Zzzz
Please make sure your child gets
plenty of sleep each night, so that
he/she is well rested and ready for
the challenges of first grade.
This year will ZOOM by, so lets
make the most of it.
17. Thank You for Coming
Once again, thank you for
coming this evening and for
showing an interest in your
childs education.
Welcome to 1st