Abderraman III was the Emir and Caliph of al-Andalus (Muslim Spain) from 912 to 961. During his rule, he defeated rebel forces in various regions to gain control of all Muslim territories in Spain except for Zaragoza. By the mid-century, he had also made the Christian kingdoms in Spain tributary to the Caliphate of Córdoba. He is additionally known for founding the royal palace city of Madinat al-Zahra in 936.
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Abderramán iii
1. Abderraman III
Abd ar-Rahman III,(Abderraman III),Emir and Caliph from al-Andalus
from 912 to 961.he defeated the muladi from
Jaen and Elvira(913),to Bobastro(928)and
Badajoz(930);he got the domain from all the
territories from the muslim Spain, except the
Zaragoza area.
In the middle of the century he ad achieved
that the Christian Spaniards Kingdoms were all
tributaries of the Caliphate of Córdoba.
He was famous for founding Madinat al-Zahra