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Interstitial Hernia
An interstitial hernia is one in
which the hernia sac is
located between the layers of
the abdominal wall.
interstitial hernias are most
often seen in children as a
type of inguinal hernia
often accompany
undescended testis.
The hernia sac is usually
located between the external-
oblique and internal-oblique
muscles in a lateral-cephalic
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Spigelian Hernia
A Spigelian hernia (or lateral
ventral hernia) is a hernia through
the spigelian fascia, which is the
aponeurotic layer between the
rectus abdominis muscle medially,
and the semilunar line laterally.
Spigelian hernias are usually small
and therefore risk of strangulation
is high. Most occur on the right
side. (4th7th decade of life).
Compared to other types of
hernias they are rare
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Lumber Hernia
Lumbar hernias occur
through defects in the
lumbar muscles or the
posterior fascia, below the
rib and above the
iliac crest. Two types are
described, according to the
anatomical location of the
hernial neck:
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superior lumbar hernia
(Grynfeltt-Lesshaft hernia)
occurs through the
superior lumbar triangle
more common than inferior
lumbar hernias
inferior lumbar hernia (Petit hernia)
occurs through the
inferior lumbar triangle
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Perineal Hernia
Perineal hernia is a hernia
involving the perineum (
pelvic floor). The hernia may
contain fluid, fat, any part of the
intestine, the rectum, or the
bladder. It is known to occur
in humans, dogs, and other
mammals, and often appears as
a sudden swelling to one side
(sometimes both sides) of
the anus
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Obturator Hernia
An obturator hernia is a
rare type of hernia in
the abdominal wall in
which abdominal
content protrudes
through the obturator
foramen. Because of
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Sciatic hernia
A sciatic hernia is a rare
type of hernia that
develops in the pelvic
area through the sciatic
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Internal hernia
Internal hernias occur
when there is
protrusion of an
internal organ into a
retroperitoneal fossa
or a foramen
(congenital or
acquired) in the
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Littre's hernia: a hernia
involving a Meckel's
diverticulum. It is
named after the French
anatomist Alexis
Littr辿 (16581726
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Cooper's hernia: a femoral
hernia with two sacs, the
first being in the femoral
canal, and the second
passing through a defect in
the superficial fascia and
appearing almost
immediately beneath the
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Maydl's hernia: two
adjacent loops of small
intestine are within a hernial
sac with a tight neck. The
intervening portion of bowel
within the abdomen is
deprived of its blood supply
and eventually becomes
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Sliding hernia: occurs when an organ
drags along part of the peritoneum, or,
in other words, the organ is part of the
hernia sac. The colon and the urinary
bladder are often involved. The term
also frequently refers to sliding hernias
of the stomach.
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Image obtained during
Laparoscopic Hernioraphy. This
illustrates the TAP view of a left
direct (black arrow) and indirect
hernia (BLUE arrow) in a man
Pantaloon Hernia
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Morgagni hernia: a
type of hernia where
abdominal contents
pass into the thorax
through a weakness
in the diaphragm