This document discusses chromosomal abnormalities, including both numerical abnormalities like aneuploidy where there is an extra or missing chromosome, as well as structural abnormalities. It notes that chromosomal abnormalities are found in 60% of early miscarriages, with the most common being trisomy, where there is an extra chromosome, occurring in 30% of cases. These chromosomal abnormalities can result in preimplantation or implantation losses.
7. Chromosomal findings in early miscarriages
40% apparently normal
60% abnormal:
Trisomy (47 chromosomes one extra) 30%
45,X (45 chromosomes one missing) 10%
Triploidy (69 chromosomes three sets) 10%
Tetraploidy (92 chromosomes four sets) 5%
Other chromosome anomalies 5%
(e.g. structural anomalies)
National Genetics Education and Development centre, 2009