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Barh Koh
            Environment and Sustainable Development Aid

A non-profit charitable organization incorporated
in Ontario and registered with Canada Revenue
Agency to help relieve poverty in Chad and in
other parts of Africa, by promoting:

             Childrens Education

             Environment Protection, and

             Sustainable Development

Our Current Projects
Educational Support Programs
 Ongoing program to provide school supplies, clothing and food to rural students in the
  village of Maro in the country of Chad, Africa

    Promoting computer literacy in the secondary schools in Sarh (Chad) by building a com-

    puter lab for each schoolone school at a time, supplying 10 laptop computers for each
    school, and providing a USB Key for data storage to participating students

Environmental Programs
 Extending environmental learning to rural communities for environmental capacity build-
  ing, in our efforts to promote natural resources conservation and protect the environment

    We also promote village sanitation through outreach programs related to practical hy-

    giene, water drainage, garbage disposal and prevention of transmittable diseases in or-
    der to help improve the rural living conditions

                                 Our Present Needs
    We need funds to ship donated goods to Chad and implement the above programs;

    In-Kind donations of Laptop computers (used or new), notebooks and clothing; and

    Volunteers to help with various activities in the Greater Toronto Area and elsewhere

                          Make A Donation Today
Online contributions: http://www.barhkoh.org
Contributions by mail:
Barh Koh ESDA
3950 Lawrence Avenue East, Unit# 1205
Scarborough, Ontario M1G 1R8 (Canada)
Additional information:
    Any amount that you can donate will contribute to our efforts to make Chad and Africa a better place to live

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About Barh Koh ESDA

  • 1. Barh Koh Environment and Sustainable Development Aid A non-profit charitable organization incorporated in Ontario and registered with Canada Revenue Agency to help relieve poverty in Chad and in other parts of Africa, by promoting: Childrens Education Environment Protection, and Sustainable Development http://www.barhkoh.org
  • 2. Our Current Projects Educational Support Programs Ongoing program to provide school supplies, clothing and food to rural students in the village of Maro in the country of Chad, Africa Promoting computer literacy in the secondary schools in Sarh (Chad) by building a com- puter lab for each schoolone school at a time, supplying 10 laptop computers for each school, and providing a USB Key for data storage to participating students Environmental Programs Extending environmental learning to rural communities for environmental capacity build- ing, in our efforts to promote natural resources conservation and protect the environment We also promote village sanitation through outreach programs related to practical hy- giene, water drainage, garbage disposal and prevention of transmittable diseases in or- der to help improve the rural living conditions Our Present Needs We need funds to ship donated goods to Chad and implement the above programs; In-Kind donations of Laptop computers (used or new), notebooks and clothing; and Volunteers to help with various activities in the Greater Toronto Area and elsewhere Make A Donation Today Online contributions: http://www.barhkoh.org Contributions by mail: Barh Koh ESDA 3950 Lawrence Avenue East, Unit# 1205 Scarborough, Ontario M1G 1R8 (Canada) Additional information: info@barhkoh.org 416-282-2301 Any amount that you can donate will contribute to our efforts to make Chad and Africa a better place to live