InforMedia Sports is the first sports marketing research & consultation firm in the Middle East region. Info Media Sports provides consultation & research services in sports investment & sponsorship to a wide scale of clients including; commercial sponsors, advertisers, federations, governing bodies, right holders, clubs, leagues and TV channels. infoMedia services includes, commercial auditing, documentation, Market Research, strategic planning, Media & Advertising research and information services in the field of sports marketing & investments.
2. Info/Media_Sports INFO, n. long
form: information: A collection of
related data. , Media, n. plural of
medium: Formats for presenting
information Sports, n. plural sports:
athletic activity that uses physical skills,
often competitive, Sports competitions
are partially 鍖nanced by sponsors
鍖nancially or through the provision of
products or services for promotional
purposes and as a communication tool
to generate publicity, gain media
exposure, and obtain access to a wider
audience Wikipedia
company dedicated to best practices
in Sports & sponsorship information
services. 2. A system for increasing
return from sports sponsorship
opportunities, reducing waste &
measure ROI .3. A company offering
the latest in media information
services & logo exposure recognition
technology. 4. An INFOMEDIA B.V