MD Juan Enterprises is a Filipino company that is the pioneer and ultimate source of Jeep restoration and replacement parts worldwide. Their vision is to be the leading provider of Jeep parts globally. Their mission is to produce high quality Jeep sheet metal products for customers while complying with regulations and achieving sustainable growth for God's glory. Founded in 1967, MD Juan started in a dental shop and now exports 95% of its sales worldwide, making it a net foreign exchange earner for the Philippines.
3. Vision:
To be the ultimate source of Jeep速 restoration
and replacement parts worldwide.
We are M.D. Juan, a Filipino company and the pioneer
Jeep速 restoration parts manufacturer in the world.
We aim to be the ultimate source of Jeep速
restoration and replacement parts worldwide.
We are committed to produce quality Jeep速 and automotive
sheet metal products that will satisfy our customers.
We will comply with regulatory requirements.
We shall attain sustainable growth by continually striving
to improve our products, processes, and people.
These we do for the GLORY of GOD.
1967: Dr. Maximino D.
Juan, the visionary
1969: From the
dental chair to the
shop floor..
5. The history..
1970: From the
Philippines to the
1990s: The advent
of the website & the
internet (getting to
know the customers
6. The history
2000: Passing the baton to the next
2002: Taking the bold
step of beefing up
2005: About 95% of
our total sales is
export sales, making
us a net $ earner!!
19. CJ5 Ver. A (Late 1976-77)
With small cowl vent
Long hood and fender
Outer and inner skinned windshield , bottom
mounted wiper
One piece drawn front floor
Late style dash with speaker hole
Initial caps jeep emboss
With ultra bold Jeep script on tailgate
No gas tank neck
No indentation for top bow on side