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Psychology303 CareerPlanningforPsychologyMajors
Prof.Jared Trullinger
AboutMe Homework
My name isSergioReticaand I am an adultstudentworkingtofinish adegree inPsychology.
I remembermyfirstpsychologyclass,Psychology105a classthat wasfocusedonthe biological
perspective of behavior. Thatwas a veryinterestingclassthathelpedme todecide thatI wantedlearn
more about Psychology.
Later takingmore coursesin psychologylike Developmental,Abnormal, BehavioralNeuroscience,
Social,Cognition,Theoryof Personalitiesandothers,Irealizedthattwothingsinterestedme the most.
One was Neuroscience andthe otherwasClinical Psychology. AndIdecidedthatthe clinical partof
Psychology wasthe areathat I was more interestedtoexplore andeventually tocontinue tostudy.
ProbablyI will notlookingforaClinical Psychologist Doctorate because toolongand I don’thave the
necessaryfinancial resourcesto stay forso longin school,but I am lookingata clinical programin
the Social Work School area. I foundthe clinical partof Psychologyinteresting,because isgivingme
the opportunitytohelppeople tochange. Manypersonsgo throughtheirdailyroutine exposed
to idea,imagesandpeople asothersbuttheyremainunable tochange theirview of themselvesor
othersand unable togive upself-defeatingpatternof behavior. Some otherpeoplemeettheirworld
ina rigid,fearful oraggressive waysfindasa resulta lotof unhappinessorsatisfaction. Isthese
individuals,personsthatare strugglingtoresolve theirpersonorinterpersonal problemsthatIwould
like helpwithmywork.
Before decidinggoingbackinschool I washoldingapositionasCase Manager in a non-profit
Organizationthatwashelpingindividualswithdevelopmental disabilitiesin Massachusetts.
I was responsible forfourindividual’s twoboysandtwowomenwithdevelopmentandcognition
issuesandmedical problems; theywere diagnosedwithseizures. Workinginthisprogrammyjob
dutieswere toassistthese personswiththeirdailylivingskills routineandtobringthemto
theirmedical appointments andadministrationof medications. Iwasalsooversee the individuals
financial bank statementsandresponsible forthe programfoodbudget.
I was a goodlistenerand a goodobserverandI wasaddressedandtreated the individuals
as a friendand as a personthatcares aboutthem. I rememberedone episodeof when Iwasworking
inthisnewprogram inWellesley. Iwas at the time the weekend staff personforthis veryhigh
functionally programof youngindividualsthatsufferedforamildformof mental retardation. The
weekendwassetupina way thatthese youngboysand girlshada verybusyphysical and
intellectually activitiesduringthesetwodays. Theywere going tothe gym, to the bowling, tothe track
and to the mall for shoppingand toattendclass activitieslike paintingandtothe theater. These guys
like me somuch and appreciate the wayI wasinteractingwiththem, thattheyasked totheirfamilies
to talk withthe managementof the agencyfora raise and a more stable positioninthisprogram.
I reallyenjoyedworkwiththemandIwasa good listenerandagood positive model forthem.
Workinginthisprofessional environment, Ilearnedalotaboutthe job,but I alwaysmissed the
knowledge part, thatonlyaspecificeducationlike Psychologycangive you. At the time I remember
goingto differenttrainingsessions thatthere were focusingon differentaspectof mental illness
and medical problems,butIwas lackingthe preparation. The Universitygave me the possibility
to fill thatgap of knowledge. Andnowwhen one yearagoI wentback inMassachusetts for
an interviewforapositionforanewprogram for people withbraininjuryIfoundmyself prepared
and whentheytalkedaboutmedical problems, Iknew exactlywhattheywere talking about. My
scientificknowledgewasnowdifferentfromeightyearsago whenIwasworking. Iwas finding
myself confident,preparedand withalotof knowledgeinissuesand problematicsof mental
healthandphysiological problems.
One of my strengthisto lookfor agreementwithothersandsoinmy job. It isverydifficulttowork
withothersif youholddisagreementsandnotworktowardsa common ground of understandingeach
other. Sometimeswhenitisdifficulttoarrive toany commongroundabout a problemIpreferletgo.
I try to be notplugso much inany negative dispute thatarisesfordifferentopinionsandpointof
viewsandI thinkthatfeelingsome empathyforotherpeoplehelps alot. I considermyself tobe a very
sensitiveperson;and thatisprobablyanothermystrength thathelpme to forgive aperson
that isangry and sayssomethingnotnice aboutme. That’s alsohelpedme alotin orderto keep
my jobfor a longtime. I considermyself tobe averyadaptable persontodifferentenvironments
and that isveryimportantforany job. Alsoif I have a preference forstabilitybecause that issomething
that helpme to do a betterjob and to developedasense of connectednesswith the clientsthatIam
helpingwithmy work.

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About Me

  • 1. SergioRetica Psychology303 CareerPlanningforPsychologyMajors Prof.Jared Trullinger AboutMe Homework My name isSergioReticaand I am an adultstudentworkingtofinish adegree inPsychology. I remembermyfirstpsychologyclass,Psychology105a classthat wasfocusedonthe biological perspective of behavior. Thatwas a veryinterestingclassthathelpedme todecide thatI wantedlearn more about Psychology. Later takingmore coursesin psychologylike Developmental,Abnormal, BehavioralNeuroscience, Social,Cognition,Theoryof Personalitiesandothers,Irealizedthattwothingsinterestedme the most. One was Neuroscience andthe otherwasClinical Psychology. AndIdecidedthatthe clinical partof Psychology wasthe areathat I was more interestedtoexplore andeventually tocontinue tostudy. ProbablyI will notlookingforaClinical Psychologist Doctorate because toolongand I don’thave the necessaryfinancial resourcesto stay forso longin school,but I am lookingata clinical programin the Social Work School area. I foundthe clinical partof Psychologyinteresting,because isgivingme the opportunitytohelppeople tochange. Manypersonsgo throughtheirdailyroutine exposed to idea,imagesandpeople asothersbuttheyremainunable tochange theirview of themselvesor othersand unable togive upself-defeatingpatternof behavior. Some otherpeoplemeettheirworld ina rigid,fearful oraggressive waysfindasa resulta lotof unhappinessorsatisfaction. Isthese individuals,personsthatare strugglingtoresolve theirpersonorinterpersonal problemsthatIwould like helpwithmywork. Before decidinggoingbackinschool I washoldingapositionasCase Manager in a non-profit Organizationthatwashelpingindividualswithdevelopmental disabilitiesin Massachusetts. I was responsible forfourindividual’s twoboysandtwowomenwithdevelopmentandcognition
  • 2. issuesandmedical problems; theywere diagnosedwithseizures. Workinginthisprogrammyjob dutieswere toassistthese personswiththeirdailylivingskills routineandtobringthemto theirmedical appointments andadministrationof medications. Iwasalsooversee the individuals financial bank statementsandresponsible forthe programfoodbudget. I was a goodlistenerand a goodobserverandI wasaddressedandtreated the individuals as a friendand as a personthatcares aboutthem. I rememberedone episodeof when Iwasworking inthisnewprogram inWellesley. Iwas at the time the weekend staff personforthis veryhigh functionally programof youngindividualsthatsufferedforamildformof mental retardation. The weekendwassetupina way thatthese youngboysand girlshada verybusyphysical and intellectually activitiesduringthesetwodays. Theywere going tothe gym, to the bowling, tothe track and to the mall for shoppingand toattendclass activitieslike paintingandtothe theater. These guys like me somuch and appreciate the wayI wasinteractingwiththem, thattheyasked totheirfamilies to talk withthe managementof the agencyfora raise and a more stable positioninthisprogram. I reallyenjoyedworkwiththemandIwasa good listenerandagood positive model forthem. Workinginthisprofessional environment, Ilearnedalotaboutthe job,but I alwaysmissed the knowledge part, thatonlyaspecificeducationlike Psychologycangive you. At the time I remember goingto differenttrainingsessions thatthere were focusingon differentaspectof mental illness and medical problems,butIwas lackingthe preparation. The Universitygave me the possibility to fill thatgap of knowledge. Andnowwhen one yearagoI wentback inMassachusetts for an interviewforapositionforanewprogram for people withbraininjuryIfoundmyself prepared and whentheytalkedaboutmedical problems, Iknew exactlywhattheywere talking about. My scientificknowledgewasnowdifferentfromeightyearsago whenIwasworking. Iwas finding myself confident,preparedand withalotof knowledgeinissuesand problematicsof mental healthandphysiological problems. One of my strengthisto lookfor agreementwithothersandsoinmy job. It isverydifficulttowork
  • 3. withothersif youholddisagreementsandnotworktowardsa common ground of understandingeach other. Sometimeswhenitisdifficulttoarrive toany commongroundabout a problemIpreferletgo. I try to be notplugso much inany negative dispute thatarisesfordifferentopinionsandpointof viewsandI thinkthatfeelingsome empathyforotherpeoplehelps alot. I considermyself tobe a very sensitiveperson;and thatisprobablyanothermystrength thathelpme to forgive aperson that isangry and sayssomethingnotnice aboutme. That’s alsohelpedme alotin orderto keep my jobfor a longtime. I considermyself tobe averyadaptable persontodifferentenvironments and that isveryimportantforany job. Alsoif I have a preference forstabilitybecause that issomething that helpme to do a betterjob and to developedasense of connectednesswith the clientsthatIam helpingwithmy work.