SergioRetica is an adult student pursuing a degree in psychology. He took his first psychology class, Psychology 105, which focused on the biological perspective of behavior and sparked his interest in learning more about psychology. Through taking additional courses, he became most interested in neuroscience and clinical psychology. While he may not pursue a clinical psychology doctorate due to time and financial constraints, he is looking into clinical programs in social work. He finds the clinical aspect of psychology appealing because it gives him the opportunity to help people change problematic patterns of behavior. Previously, Sergio worked as a case manager for a non-profit helping individuals with developmental disabilities, where he assisted with daily living skills and medical appointments. The experience reinforced his interest in the
Au Psy492 W6 A3 Ssal Sonson E E Portfolio ºÝºÝߣ Shareelisha22
Elisha Sonson completed her BA in Psychology with a concentration in Forensic Psychology at Argosy University in 2011. Her personal statement reflects on her academic journey and experiences at Argosy, noting initial challenges but developing short-term goals to succeed in her courses. Her resume highlights her objective of utilizing experience and teamwork to provide professional support in a growth-oriented organization.
Lifelong learning means continuous learning throughout one's life through both formal and informal education from birth to death. The field of psychology fascinates the author because it involves learning about how human thoughts and behaviors can change from moment to moment. To thrive in the evolving field of psychology, one must understand the fundamental building blocks of theories, perspectives, communication skills, research methods, ethics, and diversity. The author's psychology program effectively taught these fundamentals and prepared students for real-world application through detailed explanations of influential theories and perspectives.
The MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) is a widely used personality test to assess psychopathology. The original MMPI was developed in 1943 and revised versions were created in 1989 (MMPI-2) and 2008 (MMPI-2 RF) to address limitations. It uses a self-report format and criterion-keyed approach to assign test items to clinical scales. The MMPI can be administered on paper, audio, or computer and is available in several languages. Scoring uses validity and clinical scales, and interpretation is done through scale-by-scale, configural, or computerized methods. The MMPI has proven effective in diagnosing mental illness and other assessment purposes.
1) The author discusses how their interest in psychology began in high school and continued through their undergraduate studies, where they became interested in research methods and forensic psychology.
2) Their grandmother's illness led them to consider careers helping those struggling with addiction. They eventually decided to pursue a master's degree in forensic psychology to work in the criminal justice system.
3) The resume outlines the author's experience working with children and as a camp counselor, and their education includes an upcoming bachelor's degree in psychology from Argosy University.
This document discusses the history and importance of psychology. It explains that psychology started as a philosophical discipline but emerged as a science in the late 19th century. It notes that psychology is now defined as the scientific study of the mind and behavior. The document also outlines some common misconceptions about psychology, such as the idea that psychologists can read minds or determine a person's character at a glance. It emphasizes that psychology is a systematic and empirical science dependent on measurement.
The most important skill any of us can master is creative visualization. Creative visualization is the art of creating pictures in your mind of something you would like to happen in the future.
Mindfulness: An Antidote To Autopilot At WorkShalini Bahl
Mindfulness is becoming popular in the context of stress management and developing focus and inner calm. The greatest potential for transformation that mindfulness offers lies in its ability to wake us up from living on autopilot. This webinar offered by the Smith College Executive Education for Women focuses on the role mindfulness can play in bringing more awareness, intentionality, and control so we can make more skillful decisions.
You can view a recording of the webinar here:
Research on self and evaluation of humanistic approach by mili aggarwalMili Aggarwal
The document summarizes research on self-concept and self-esteem. It discusses two main topics studied: the development of self-esteem and the role of self-verification and self-enhancement motives. Self-esteem refers to how positively or negatively we feel about ourselves. Several studies found that levels of self-esteem are generally stable over the lifespan, though it declines temporarily during adolescence for girls. High self-esteem is associated with positive outcomes while low self-esteem can lead to psychological and physical health issues. The drive for self-verification and self-enhancement also impact self-concept.
Coming To Our Senses: How Contemplative Education Can Transform Our Classroom...Shalini Bahl
This was a keynote presentation at the Technology, Innovations, & Pedagogy Conference at Fresno State University, in which the focus was mindfulness and contemplative education. This presentation explores the what, why, how and challenges of contemplative education. With the increase in stress and anxiety on campuses and the high drop out rates, contemplative education offers a foundation to engage students. The title, Coming To Our Senses, is an appeal to educators to explore how contemplative education can create transformative spaces to educate and engage the whole person so they can meet any challenge with wisdom, compassion and resilience.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to explore contemplative pedagogy for your institution.
Psychology is the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychologists attempt to understand how the mind influences individual and social behavior, and also explore the biological processes underlying cognition and behavior. They study concepts such as perception, cognition, emotion, personality, and interpersonal relationships. The goal of psychology is to understand individuals, groups, and ultimately benefit society.
This a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher, Laura Astorian:
Mental health refers to an individual's intellectual and emotional well-being and ability to function in society. It involves perceiving reality accurately, coping with challenges, and developing strategies for living. Emotional health is a component of mental health that focuses on dealing constructively with situations regardless of circumstances.
A healthy mind is characterized by dealing with reality, accepting oneself independently of outside factors, functioning autonomously, enjoying simple pleasures, being open to new ideas and intimacy, and experiencing a full range of emotions.
Factors that affect mental health include heredity, environment, background, personality, biochemistry, and physical illness.
Research on self and evaluation of humanistic approach by mili aggarwalMili Aggarwal
The document summarizes research on self-concept and self-esteem. It discusses two main topics studied: the development of self-esteem and the role of self-verification and self-enhancement motives. Self-esteem refers to how positively or negatively we feel about ourselves. Several studies found that levels of self-esteem are generally stable over the lifespan, though it declines temporarily during adolescence for girls. High self-esteem is associated with positive outcomes while low self-esteem can lead to psychological and physical health issues. The drive for self-verification and self-enhancement also impact self-concept.
Coming To Our Senses: How Contemplative Education Can Transform Our Classroom...Shalini Bahl
This was a keynote presentation at the Technology, Innovations, & Pedagogy Conference at Fresno State University, in which the focus was mindfulness and contemplative education. This presentation explores the what, why, how and challenges of contemplative education. With the increase in stress and anxiety on campuses and the high drop out rates, contemplative education offers a foundation to engage students. The title, Coming To Our Senses, is an appeal to educators to explore how contemplative education can create transformative spaces to educate and engage the whole person so they can meet any challenge with wisdom, compassion and resilience.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to explore contemplative pedagogy for your institution.
Psychology is the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychologists attempt to understand how the mind influences individual and social behavior, and also explore the biological processes underlying cognition and behavior. They study concepts such as perception, cognition, emotion, personality, and interpersonal relationships. The goal of psychology is to understand individuals, groups, and ultimately benefit society.
This a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher, Laura Astorian:
Mental health refers to an individual's intellectual and emotional well-being and ability to function in society. It involves perceiving reality accurately, coping with challenges, and developing strategies for living. Emotional health is a component of mental health that focuses on dealing constructively with situations regardless of circumstances.
A healthy mind is characterized by dealing with reality, accepting oneself independently of outside factors, functioning autonomously, enjoying simple pleasures, being open to new ideas and intimacy, and experiencing a full range of emotions.
Factors that affect mental health include heredity, environment, background, personality, biochemistry, and physical illness.
1. SergioRetica
Psychology303 CareerPlanningforPsychologyMajors
Prof.Jared Trullinger
AboutMe Homework
My name isSergioReticaand I am an adultstudentworkingtofinish adegree inPsychology.
I remembermyfirstpsychologyclass,Psychology105a classthat wasfocusedonthe biological
perspective of behavior. Thatwas a veryinterestingclassthathelpedme todecide thatI wantedlearn
more about Psychology.
Later takingmore coursesin psychologylike Developmental,Abnormal, BehavioralNeuroscience,
Social,Cognition,Theoryof Personalitiesandothers,Irealizedthattwothingsinterestedme the most.
One was Neuroscience andthe otherwasClinical Psychology. AndIdecidedthatthe clinical partof
Psychology wasthe areathat I was more interestedtoexplore andeventually tocontinue tostudy.
ProbablyI will notlookingforaClinical Psychologist Doctorate because toolongand I don’thave the
necessaryfinancial resourcesto stay forso longin school,but I am lookingata clinical programin
the Social Work School area. I foundthe clinical partof Psychologyinteresting,because isgivingme
the opportunitytohelppeople tochange. Manypersonsgo throughtheirdailyroutine exposed
to idea,imagesandpeople asothersbuttheyremainunable tochange theirview of themselvesor
othersand unable togive upself-defeatingpatternof behavior. Some otherpeoplemeettheirworld
ina rigid,fearful oraggressive waysfindasa resulta lotof unhappinessorsatisfaction. Isthese
individuals,personsthatare strugglingtoresolve theirpersonorinterpersonal problemsthatIwould
like helpwithmywork.
Before decidinggoingbackinschool I washoldingapositionasCase Manager in a non-profit
Organizationthatwashelpingindividualswithdevelopmental disabilitiesin Massachusetts.
I was responsible forfourindividual’s twoboysandtwowomenwithdevelopmentandcognition
2. issuesandmedical problems; theywere diagnosedwithseizures. Workinginthisprogrammyjob
dutieswere toassistthese personswiththeirdailylivingskills routineandtobringthemto
theirmedical appointments andadministrationof medications. Iwasalsooversee the individuals
financial bank statementsandresponsible forthe programfoodbudget.
I was a goodlistenerand a goodobserverandI wasaddressedandtreated the individuals
as a friendand as a personthatcares aboutthem. I rememberedone episodeof when Iwasworking
inthisnewprogram inWellesley. Iwas at the time the weekend staff personforthis veryhigh
functionally programof youngindividualsthatsufferedforamildformof mental retardation. The
weekendwassetupina way thatthese youngboysand girlshada verybusyphysical and
intellectually activitiesduringthesetwodays. Theywere going tothe gym, to the bowling, tothe track
and to the mall for shoppingand toattendclass activitieslike paintingandtothe theater. These guys
like me somuch and appreciate the wayI wasinteractingwiththem, thattheyasked totheirfamilies
to talk withthe managementof the agencyfora raise and a more stable positioninthisprogram.
I reallyenjoyedworkwiththemandIwasa good listenerandagood positive model forthem.
Workinginthisprofessional environment, Ilearnedalotaboutthe job,but I alwaysmissed the
knowledge part, thatonlyaspecificeducationlike Psychologycangive you. At the time I remember
goingto differenttrainingsessions thatthere were focusingon differentaspectof mental illness
and medical problems,butIwas lackingthe preparation. The Universitygave me the possibility
to fill thatgap of knowledge. Andnowwhen one yearagoI wentback inMassachusetts for
an interviewforapositionforanewprogram for people withbraininjuryIfoundmyself prepared
and whentheytalkedaboutmedical problems, Iknew exactlywhattheywere talking about. My
scientificknowledgewasnowdifferentfromeightyearsago whenIwasworking. Iwas finding
myself confident,preparedand withalotof knowledgeinissuesand problematicsof mental
healthandphysiological problems.
One of my strengthisto lookfor agreementwithothersandsoinmy job. It isverydifficulttowork
3. withothersif youholddisagreementsandnotworktowardsa common ground of understandingeach
other. Sometimeswhenitisdifficulttoarrive toany commongroundabout a problemIpreferletgo.
I try to be notplugso much inany negative dispute thatarisesfordifferentopinionsandpointof
viewsandI thinkthatfeelingsome empathyforotherpeoplehelps alot. I considermyself tobe a very
sensitiveperson;and thatisprobablyanothermystrength thathelpme to forgive aperson
that isangry and sayssomethingnotnice aboutme. That’s alsohelpedme alotin orderto keep
my jobfor a longtime. I considermyself tobe averyadaptable persontodifferentenvironments
and that isveryimportantforany job. Alsoif I have a preference forstabilitybecause that issomething
that helpme to do a betterjob and to developedasense of connectednesswith the clientsthatIam
helpingwithmy work.