Symphony Management Consulting is a leading provider of SAP HCM services and software. They have expertise in designing, developing, and deploying SAP HCM solutions to transform HR departments into strategic partners. Symphony focuses exclusively on SAP HCM and provides expert teams with business and SAP knowledge. Their methodology incorporates HR accelerators to quickly develop customized solutions for clients' unique needs while limiting custom development.
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About Us
1. Leading the movement of
exceptional SAP HCM solutions
Symphony Management Consulting is a leading provider of SAP HCM
services and software, whose core competency is to design, develop, and
(704) 556-2288 - office (704) 556-2299 - fax
deploy technology solutions, providing organizations with the specific knowledge, tools and expertise to ensure success. Symphony provides
unparalleled project management, implementation, end-user training,
knowledge transfer and ongoing support to various organizations. This
expertise allows us to transform a Human Resources department from a
reactive, paper-driven cost center into a proactive, strategic organizational
Our people. Symphony has some of the most exceptional talent within
Why Symphony is unique: SAP HCM. Symphony focuses exclusively on SAP HCM and has consultants
Dedicated to our clients success who are experienced business users specializing in all areas of SAP Human
Singular focus on SAP HCM Resources, Talent Management and Payroll.
An enviable record of success
Our expertise. Our consultants are trained and experienced in the most
Commercial & public sector presence recent versions of SAP and functionality within HCM. They have
Provide small, focused expert teams successfully implemented and maintained HCM environments for some of
Business knowledge and SAP expertise the largest and most complex public
Industry focus: sector and global organizations. With
- Chemicals that experience and expertise,
- Healthcare & Biotech Symphony can help you develop the
- Manufacturing & Distribution right solution for your organization.
- Pharmaceuticals
- State & local government Our processes. By incorporating HR
accelerators into our Harmony
Our beliefs:
methodology, Symphony allows you
Every organizations needs are unique to get the most out of your SAP
Provide creative solutions for business software in the least amount of time
requirements without sacrificing quality. We look
Limit customization and technical at your entire organization and develop creative solutions for your unique
development business requirements, all while lending a critical eye to future initiatives,
Knowledge transfer is comprehensive upgrades and product support.
and ongoing
Our commitment towards excellence.
Theres no reason you should face SAP Symphony is an organization created and managed by experienced and
HCM challenges alone when Symphony knowledgeable HR professionals with extensive SAP HCM experience.
offers direct assistance on every level. Each Symphony project includes regular project reviews from our
executive team to guarantee an unsurpassed level of quality.
The Right Partner
Symphony Management Consulting is one of the leading providers of SAP
HCM consulting services. A WBE certified business that is managed and led
by experienced SAP HCM consultants, we offer the most qualified
consultants available in the market today. Realizing that companies today
dont want just an outsourcing provider, we strive to not only assist you in
your current need, but to become a trusted advisor to your organization.