The document discusses issues around governance for new entities envisioned by the Five Year Forward View, such as those being developed through Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). It notes that STPs have often bypassed provider boards. However, transformative system change through STPs will require significant changes to local providers that boards must engage with. It argues boards must understand the drivers of STPs and work to improve the process while implementing outcomes. The document outlines key principles of good governance that should apply to new entities, including having the public's interests as the highest priority and transparent accountability.
Public administration: public sector values...Phelikz Opoku
This document discusses promoting ethical values and accountability in public services. It identifies several factors that can facilitate ethical deficits and lack of accountability, including lack of professionalism, low remuneration, political influence, and weak oversight institutions. It argues that comprehensive reforms are needed to address these issues, including improving legal frameworks, enhancing training, establishing transparent human resources policies, and creating specialized anti-corruption units. The goal is to earn public trust and have a public service dedicated to democratic ideals and professional conduct.
Decentralization: Problems and Solutions Madagascar Evidenceiosrjce
Most of African countries are committed for over a decade in decentralization reforms that promote
better management of local public affairs. This significant development of local institutional landscape is
materialized through greater autonomy in financial and administrative management of communes. The
management of financial resources therefore constitutes the pillars for local authorities concerning the local
sustainable development. However, with the evolution, the general observation is made that indicates that the
financial capacity of municipalities remain low. Moreover, the decentralization is now a major subject for
developing countries especially in the context of policies against poverty and exclusion. It can play a great role
in a countrys development and it has become an important political agenda in many developing countries. This
form of transferring power from the central government to the local should help Madagascar in its development.
Decentralization permits the rural communes to manage their own financial resources and their expenses.
However, the local level is considered to be a central issue for the success of development policies and the fight
against poverty in Madagascar as in other African Countries. This paper analyses the repercussions of the
financial management on local municipalities in Madagascar and proposes solutions through which it can be
improved. Moreover, the good governance for the States is sometimes reflected by a good financial management
and transparency concerning public administration in general. Also, improving the management in the rural
area is an essential way to ameliorate development in Madagascar.
CalPERS proposed new global governance principles advocating for annual evaluations of any director serving for 12+ years to assess their independence. While directors were traditionally considered independent unless employed by the company, critics now argue long-tenured directors may be less likely to critically evaluate management. However, long-serving directors provide valuable organizational knowledge and relationships with management. Studies have shown both enhanced and diminished independence from lengthy board tenure. Rather than term limits, balance is important to ensure boards have the right mix of experience, support for management, and objective skepticism.
Presentation by Prof. Dora Kostakopoulou (Warwick University) on the occasion of the EESC hearing on 'A more inclusive citizenship open to immigrants' - Brussels, 4 September 2013
This document compares full and partial predicated execution support for instruction-level parallel (ILP) processors. Full predicated execution requires adding a predicate operand to all instructions, allowing any instruction to be conditionally executed. Partial predicated execution requires minimal changes and adds only a few conditional instructions like conditional moves. The document finds that while partial predication provides a 33% speedup on average, full predication provides an additional 30% speedup by avoiding limitations of partial predication like needing speculative execution and inability to efficiently manipulate predicates. Overall, full predication enables better performance but requires more changes, while partial predication provides benefits with only minor changes to existing architectures.
Reindeer, snowman, and Christmas tree face painting designs are recommended for Christmas parties. An Australian face painting business offers reindeer, snowman with light-up eyes, and Christmas tree with star designs. They suggest painting faces with Santa hats to enhance Christmas celebrations. Their contact information is provided.
This document contains reflections from a student on their EFL/ESL teaching course. In reflection 1, the student notes they learned a lot from the class, including how to plan and manage full lessons and how to teach and deal with young children. In reflection 2, the student praises their professor, Dr. Amel, for providing feedback and teaching them strategies for working with young learners. Reflection 3 evaluates two classmates' presentations, praising one for her materials and control while calling the other "perfect" at teaching and managing the class. Reflection 4 likes how another lesson linked vocabulary through games, but felt students could have practiced skills more. In reflection 5, the student reflects on their own video presentation, noting
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2016Richard Hong
This document provides an overview and summary of progress towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals based on currently available data. It finds that while progress has been made in some areas, significant challenges and gaps remain. Key findings include: nearly 800 million people still suffer from hunger; over 600 million lack access to clean water; 1.1 billion lack electricity access; and girls and women around the world still face barriers to education, employment and political participation. The document concludes coordinated global data efforts are needed to effectively monitor progress, ensure accountability and achieve the 2030 goals.
Este documento presenta los resultados de un an叩lisis de heces de conejos realizado por estudiantes de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. El resumen incluye la determinaci坦n de la materia seca, cenizas y humedad de las muestras a trav辿s de m辿todos estandarizados. Los resultados mostraron que el contenido de humedad de las heces era muy bajo y que el aprovechamiento de los alimentos por parte de los conejos estaba dentro de los rangos reportados previamente en otras investigaciones.
This document provides an overview of key money management concepts including budgeting, rate of return, risk, and the importance of spending less than you earn and paying yourself first. It discusses budgeting as a plan for spending money and explains how creating a budget gives you control over your finances. It also defines rate of return as the amount of money earned on an investment and discusses different types of savings and investment accounts including savings accounts, certificates of deposits, stocks, and bonds. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of managing your money by spending less than you make and paying yourself first through savings.
Este documento es un hoja de vida de Diego Fernando Romero Betancourt. Presenta su informaci坦n de contacto, perfil profesional como t辿cnico en sistemas y profesor de arte pl叩stica, sus estudios y experiencia laboral en cargos como cajero y promotor entre los a単os 2000 a 2014 en diferentes empresas. Tambi辿n incluye referencias personales y familiares.
This curriculum vitae is for Zanda-Lee Heuwel, who currently works as a Technical Assistant/Admin Clerk for the City of Cape Town's Solid Waste Management department. She has an N6 qualification in office administration from the College of Cape Town. Her duties in her current role include providing administrative support, customer service, data entry, and maintaining calendars and files. She has skills in communication, organization, and customer orientation.
Los perif辿ricos de salida son dispositivos externos conectados a la computadora que permiten ver u obtener la informaci坦n procesada. Algunos ejemplos son los monitores, que muestran la informaci坦n visualmente; las impresoras, que imprimen la informaci坦n en papel; y los altavoces, que producen sonido. Otros dispositivos de salida incluyen plotters para imprimir gr叩ficos, faxes para enviar copias de documentos, y data shows para proyectar informaci坦n en una pantalla ampliada.
This document discusses the challenges of integrating health and social care services between local authorities and the NHS. It argues that while integration has been a goal for decades, there have been many missed opportunities to truly integrate services. The current policy landscape claims things will be different now, but the document expresses skepticism, noting the systemic failures and that proposed solutions often try the same structural approaches rather than changing institutional designs. It advocates considering outcomes before structures and focusing on relationships, leadership, and flexibility to shift resources locally rather than just coordinating separate services.
Governing for transformation report - WEBPaul Stanton
This document discusses governance challenges for Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) in the UK National Health Service (NHS). It notes that while STPs aim to transform and ensure financial sustainability of the NHS, the centralized process and timelines have led to imperfect plans in many areas. It emphasizes that the scale and pace of local transformation through STPs must be determined by local needs and realities, not national targets. The document also cautions that priority on cost reduction targets could undermine collaboration and that limited capital funding may prevent implementation of plans requiring infrastructure changes. It concludes that STPs have largely focused on acute sector reconfiguration rather than comprehensive changes needed to better manage healthcare demand.
Overview Of South African Public ManagementJessica Tanner
The document discusses the feasibility of management in the public sector as an organizational paradigm and new model for organizational development. It reviews literature exploring change management strategies from a public sector project management perspective. The literature suggests that employee participation, effective feedback, and empowering subordinate staff are crucial to transforming public organizations. The proposal hypothesizes that establishing long-term productivity advantages throughout the organization is also important.
A Method For Assessing The Effectiveness Of NHS Budgeting And Its Application...Claire Webber
This document summarizes a study assessing the effectiveness of budgeting systems in the NHS. Key findings include:
1) The NHS Foundation Trust studied lacked a clear strategic plan, making resource allocation and cost improvement targets difficult.
2) Senior doctors were only minimally involved in strategic contracting processes, despite their expertise being valuable.
3) Managers were responsible for budgets they had little control over, weakening accountability.
4) While information provided to managers was of good quality, further devolution of budget holding was still debated.
The document discusses two recent NHS reviews - the Five Year Forward View and the Dalton review - that recommend exploring new models of healthcare delivery and organizational structures. This includes more integrated models of care, innovative organizational forms like hospital chains, and encouraging successful organizations to act as "system architects" to spread best practices. It also recognizes the need for quicker regulatory processes for organizational changes. The briefing examines lessons from recent NHS mergers and acquisitions to understand key factors for success when moving to new models. A survey found leadership, culture and stakeholder support were most important. While some new forms show promise, there is limited UK evidence and implementation may be gradual until more is known. Near term, acquisitions and management contracts are most feasible
This document discusses approaches to measuring well-being for use in policymaking. It defines well-being and outlines five main conceptual approaches: preference satisfaction, basic needs, flourishing, hedonic, and evaluative. The document examines how well-being has been discussed in recent UK policy initiatives. It also discusses issues around using subjective well-being indicators in policy, including political acceptability, leading vs lagging indicators, and applicability across the life course. Technical considerations like bounded scales, adaptation, and status effects are also reviewed. The document concludes by outlining frameworks for choosing well-being indicators for policy purposes.
ECDP recently took part in OPM's personalisation debate, centring around the importance of frontline workers in social care. This speech represents our argument against the motion.
This document outlines an approach to developing budget theory in public administration that views budgets as the internal resource allocation process of public organizations. It argues budgets should be examined from the perspective of public managers operating within complex public organizations. Traditional budget theories have focused on the federal level and ignored the organizational context of public managers. The document calls for developing descriptive, explanatory, normative, and instrumental budget theories grounded in the characteristics and resource allocation processes of public organizations.
Austerity And Financial Governance A UK Case Study Of The National Health Se...Addison Coleman
This document summarizes a study on financial governance in the UK National Health Service (NHS) during a time of austerity. The study used questionnaires and interviews with NHS finance directors and staff to assess financial governance systems and practices. Key findings included that some financial management systems were not prioritized as highly as good practice recommends, existing systems were not always seen as adequate, and the complexity of NHS funding sometimes resulted in opaque financial risks. Weak financial governance could lead to further scandals negatively impacting patient care. The study provides valuable insight into strengthening financial governance in the NHS during austerity.
This is the first draft of the MaFI-festo. It is the working document that led to The MaFI-festo.
The aim of the MaFI-festo: to build facilitation-friendly rules and principles in the international aid system to unleash the power of markets to reduce poverty at scale.
Matt Losinski realized there may be an ethical issue with repeat emergency room admissions draining resources at his hospital. He investigated and found some patients were being admitted multiple times for minor issues, taking away from other patients. When he brought this up at an executive meeting, most members did not support changes to address the problem. The hospital culture needed to shift to prioritize efficiency and helping more patients with limited funds, but resistance to change made solving the problem difficult.
Health Investor roundtable - integrated care: crossing the divideBrowne Jacobson LLP
Integration of health and social care budgets and services is still in its early days and has so far been led by the NHS and local authorities. The independent sector has been mostly kept at arms-length when it comes to breaking the barriers between health and social care. This lack of engagement is a significant stumbling block to developing new models of care that will drive quality and efficiency.
It was against this backdrop that HealthInvestor and Browne Jacobson hosted a roundtable, to bring together experts to discuss what the health and social care sector can do to fully engage all of the stakeholders required for successful integration.
These slides were used as part of a talk for Sheffield Health Watch on the idea emerging from NHS England that the future direction of NHS reform will be the creation of Accountable Care Organisations (ACOs)
This document contains reflections from a student on their EFL/ESL teaching course. In reflection 1, the student notes they learned a lot from the class, including how to plan and manage full lessons and how to teach and deal with young children. In reflection 2, the student praises their professor, Dr. Amel, for providing feedback and teaching them strategies for working with young learners. Reflection 3 evaluates two classmates' presentations, praising one for her materials and control while calling the other "perfect" at teaching and managing the class. Reflection 4 likes how another lesson linked vocabulary through games, but felt students could have practiced skills more. In reflection 5, the student reflects on their own video presentation, noting
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2016Richard Hong
This document provides an overview and summary of progress towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals based on currently available data. It finds that while progress has been made in some areas, significant challenges and gaps remain. Key findings include: nearly 800 million people still suffer from hunger; over 600 million lack access to clean water; 1.1 billion lack electricity access; and girls and women around the world still face barriers to education, employment and political participation. The document concludes coordinated global data efforts are needed to effectively monitor progress, ensure accountability and achieve the 2030 goals.
Este documento presenta los resultados de un an叩lisis de heces de conejos realizado por estudiantes de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. El resumen incluye la determinaci坦n de la materia seca, cenizas y humedad de las muestras a trav辿s de m辿todos estandarizados. Los resultados mostraron que el contenido de humedad de las heces era muy bajo y que el aprovechamiento de los alimentos por parte de los conejos estaba dentro de los rangos reportados previamente en otras investigaciones.
This document provides an overview of key money management concepts including budgeting, rate of return, risk, and the importance of spending less than you earn and paying yourself first. It discusses budgeting as a plan for spending money and explains how creating a budget gives you control over your finances. It also defines rate of return as the amount of money earned on an investment and discusses different types of savings and investment accounts including savings accounts, certificates of deposits, stocks, and bonds. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of managing your money by spending less than you make and paying yourself first through savings.
Este documento es un hoja de vida de Diego Fernando Romero Betancourt. Presenta su informaci坦n de contacto, perfil profesional como t辿cnico en sistemas y profesor de arte pl叩stica, sus estudios y experiencia laboral en cargos como cajero y promotor entre los a単os 2000 a 2014 en diferentes empresas. Tambi辿n incluye referencias personales y familiares.
This curriculum vitae is for Zanda-Lee Heuwel, who currently works as a Technical Assistant/Admin Clerk for the City of Cape Town's Solid Waste Management department. She has an N6 qualification in office administration from the College of Cape Town. Her duties in her current role include providing administrative support, customer service, data entry, and maintaining calendars and files. She has skills in communication, organization, and customer orientation.
Los perif辿ricos de salida son dispositivos externos conectados a la computadora que permiten ver u obtener la informaci坦n procesada. Algunos ejemplos son los monitores, que muestran la informaci坦n visualmente; las impresoras, que imprimen la informaci坦n en papel; y los altavoces, que producen sonido. Otros dispositivos de salida incluyen plotters para imprimir gr叩ficos, faxes para enviar copias de documentos, y data shows para proyectar informaci坦n en una pantalla ampliada.
This document discusses the challenges of integrating health and social care services between local authorities and the NHS. It argues that while integration has been a goal for decades, there have been many missed opportunities to truly integrate services. The current policy landscape claims things will be different now, but the document expresses skepticism, noting the systemic failures and that proposed solutions often try the same structural approaches rather than changing institutional designs. It advocates considering outcomes before structures and focusing on relationships, leadership, and flexibility to shift resources locally rather than just coordinating separate services.
Governing for transformation report - WEBPaul Stanton
This document discusses governance challenges for Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) in the UK National Health Service (NHS). It notes that while STPs aim to transform and ensure financial sustainability of the NHS, the centralized process and timelines have led to imperfect plans in many areas. It emphasizes that the scale and pace of local transformation through STPs must be determined by local needs and realities, not national targets. The document also cautions that priority on cost reduction targets could undermine collaboration and that limited capital funding may prevent implementation of plans requiring infrastructure changes. It concludes that STPs have largely focused on acute sector reconfiguration rather than comprehensive changes needed to better manage healthcare demand.
Overview Of South African Public ManagementJessica Tanner
The document discusses the feasibility of management in the public sector as an organizational paradigm and new model for organizational development. It reviews literature exploring change management strategies from a public sector project management perspective. The literature suggests that employee participation, effective feedback, and empowering subordinate staff are crucial to transforming public organizations. The proposal hypothesizes that establishing long-term productivity advantages throughout the organization is also important.
A Method For Assessing The Effectiveness Of NHS Budgeting And Its Application...Claire Webber
This document summarizes a study assessing the effectiveness of budgeting systems in the NHS. Key findings include:
1) The NHS Foundation Trust studied lacked a clear strategic plan, making resource allocation and cost improvement targets difficult.
2) Senior doctors were only minimally involved in strategic contracting processes, despite their expertise being valuable.
3) Managers were responsible for budgets they had little control over, weakening accountability.
4) While information provided to managers was of good quality, further devolution of budget holding was still debated.
The document discusses two recent NHS reviews - the Five Year Forward View and the Dalton review - that recommend exploring new models of healthcare delivery and organizational structures. This includes more integrated models of care, innovative organizational forms like hospital chains, and encouraging successful organizations to act as "system architects" to spread best practices. It also recognizes the need for quicker regulatory processes for organizational changes. The briefing examines lessons from recent NHS mergers and acquisitions to understand key factors for success when moving to new models. A survey found leadership, culture and stakeholder support were most important. While some new forms show promise, there is limited UK evidence and implementation may be gradual until more is known. Near term, acquisitions and management contracts are most feasible
This document discusses approaches to measuring well-being for use in policymaking. It defines well-being and outlines five main conceptual approaches: preference satisfaction, basic needs, flourishing, hedonic, and evaluative. The document examines how well-being has been discussed in recent UK policy initiatives. It also discusses issues around using subjective well-being indicators in policy, including political acceptability, leading vs lagging indicators, and applicability across the life course. Technical considerations like bounded scales, adaptation, and status effects are also reviewed. The document concludes by outlining frameworks for choosing well-being indicators for policy purposes.
ECDP recently took part in OPM's personalisation debate, centring around the importance of frontline workers in social care. This speech represents our argument against the motion.
This document outlines an approach to developing budget theory in public administration that views budgets as the internal resource allocation process of public organizations. It argues budgets should be examined from the perspective of public managers operating within complex public organizations. Traditional budget theories have focused on the federal level and ignored the organizational context of public managers. The document calls for developing descriptive, explanatory, normative, and instrumental budget theories grounded in the characteristics and resource allocation processes of public organizations.
Austerity And Financial Governance A UK Case Study Of The National Health Se...Addison Coleman
This document summarizes a study on financial governance in the UK National Health Service (NHS) during a time of austerity. The study used questionnaires and interviews with NHS finance directors and staff to assess financial governance systems and practices. Key findings included that some financial management systems were not prioritized as highly as good practice recommends, existing systems were not always seen as adequate, and the complexity of NHS funding sometimes resulted in opaque financial risks. Weak financial governance could lead to further scandals negatively impacting patient care. The study provides valuable insight into strengthening financial governance in the NHS during austerity.
This is the first draft of the MaFI-festo. It is the working document that led to The MaFI-festo.
The aim of the MaFI-festo: to build facilitation-friendly rules and principles in the international aid system to unleash the power of markets to reduce poverty at scale.
Matt Losinski realized there may be an ethical issue with repeat emergency room admissions draining resources at his hospital. He investigated and found some patients were being admitted multiple times for minor issues, taking away from other patients. When he brought this up at an executive meeting, most members did not support changes to address the problem. The hospital culture needed to shift to prioritize efficiency and helping more patients with limited funds, but resistance to change made solving the problem difficult.
Health Investor roundtable - integrated care: crossing the divideBrowne Jacobson LLP
Integration of health and social care budgets and services is still in its early days and has so far been led by the NHS and local authorities. The independent sector has been mostly kept at arms-length when it comes to breaking the barriers between health and social care. This lack of engagement is a significant stumbling block to developing new models of care that will drive quality and efficiency.
It was against this backdrop that HealthInvestor and Browne Jacobson hosted a roundtable, to bring together experts to discuss what the health and social care sector can do to fully engage all of the stakeholders required for successful integration.
These slides were used as part of a talk for Sheffield Health Watch on the idea emerging from NHS England that the future direction of NHS reform will be the creation of Accountable Care Organisations (ACOs)
The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) in Birmingham brings together strategic management of health and care with democratic representation to address health inequalities in a population of over 1 million that is diverse and generally sicker than average. Early experiences found value in closer community links but challenges include integrating services, managing risks, and balancing representation with effective decision-making. Key priorities are appointing a Director of Public Health, overseeing public health transitions, and establishing clear criteria for assessing joint commissioning and service integration across age groups.
Four futures for health and social care integration - a response from VeredusMarghaid Howie
What will you be doing in ten years time? If youre working in adult social care and associated health professions, the future may seem quite uncertain. It may be a full time job, or interim or a little light
advisory in retirement, but the main uncertainty about your work will be the landscape. What will health and social care look like in 2025? How integrated will it be? Will it be locally or centrally driven? Will we ever break down the professional cultures within and between our organisations?
Academic Medical Center Integration - 5 Points of Alignmentctcollins
The document discusses five opportunities for greater alignment within academic medical centers (AMCs) to improve their strategic and financial positions. These include updating long-standing affiliation agreements between medical schools and hospitals; better aligning clinical enterprises between practice plans and hospitals; aligning community physician practices with hospitals; integrating academic programs; and integrating faculty practice plans. However, political risks and culture often inhibit bold changes, while community health systems face fewer barriers to consolidation.
This document discusses opportunities and challenges for community organizations in engaging with the changing healthcare environment for aging populations. It outlines how community organizations are well-positioned to innovate through person-focused care, mitigate financial risk for healthcare entities, help transition patients through different care settings, and support end-of-life needs. However, key challenges include engaging healthcare partners who have different cultures, financially aligning, sharing data, and translating awareness of opportunities into concrete actions through organizational reinvention. The document provides strategies for community organizations to build partnerships and their business case for engagement.
This literature review examines public sector governance reforms between 2001-2011. It summarizes the literature on reforms in four areas: the role of the state, central government functions, civil service systems, and accountability mechanisms. The review finds that past reforms have often failed due to poor design that did not consider politics, and weak implementation related to lack of ownership and other challenges. Lessons identified include the need to pay attention to politics, have strong domestic leadership, take incremental approaches, and change donor behaviors to be more long-term and predictable. The review also notes gaps in research on gender, aid modalities, and explaining reform success.
This document discusses the challenges facing the sustainability and transformation of the UK healthcare system. It notes the aging population will significantly increase demand, while austerity and efficiency measures are also needed. Sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) aim to reform models of local care delivery to better meet changing needs. New forms of governance may be needed across organizational boundaries and sectors to enable the collective leadership and system-level cooperation required for transformation. The document emphasizes the need for a patient-centered approach and accountability to the public as the healthcare system evolves.
Generally, In A Political Science, The Notion Of...Crystal Alvarez
Accountability is crucial in the military context. It involves keeping track of the location and status of soldiers at all times. Not having proper accountability can have serious consequences, including the inability to locate soldiers in dangerous situations or emergencies. Accountability is important for maintaining order, safety, and fulfilling the chain of command's responsibilities. It is tightly woven into military values and culture. A story is given highlighting the fatal results that can occur when accountability is lacking between a vehicle commander and their soldiers. Overall, accountability is paramount in the military due to the high stakes nature of the work.
Generally, In A Political Science, The Notion Of...Crystal Alvarez
Above Board
1. Professor Paul Stanton: Full text HSJ Above Board? Article
Innovative forms of inter, trans or supra organisational entities envisaged by the Five Year
Forward views whole system transformational agenda raise profound issues for the statutory
governance of NHS provider bodies. For this reason, amongst others, it is vital that FT/NHS
Boards understand the necessity and urgency that drive the Sustainability and Transformation
initiative and become fully engaged in improving the process itself and in then implementing its
The NHS is already creaking and there is growing impatience in government at declining levels
of performance and frustration at the apparent inability of the NHS and its leaders to turn this
around (Chris Ham, 16.06.16 root cause is
easy to identify though not to resolve. It is the coincident impact of austerity and demand
escalation. No end to either is in sight. Instead, England stands on the brink of a demographic
catastrophe (compounded by life style factors) where, year on year, need for health and social
care provision will rise exponentially and inescapably. By 2032 the number of people in England
who are 85 and above will increase by almost 100%. The majority will have complex and co-
incident LTCs and will need, in time, end of life provision. In March 2013 Ready For Ageing
(House of Lords Select Committee on Public Service and Demographic Change) demonstrated
that England has an inappropriate model of health and social care to cope with the changing
patterns of illness & need in an ageing population. Shamefully, no political party nor the then
NHS leadership admitted or sought to rectify this situation.
Thus the problem was inherited (but not caused) by the new leadership regimes in NHSE and
NHSI. They have (to their credit) attempted to confront a crisis that is already upon us. The
urgency with which the system reform agenda has been escalated, in the last year (not least
because of the snails pace of collaborative and transformative locally initiated action since the
publication of the Five Year Forward View) has meant that, in many cases, the STP process has
been centrally imposed and Executive led. STPs have by-passed provider Boards with the result
that, hitherto, most have been interested, concerned or discontented spectators, rather than pro-
active players in what is (according to Simon Stephens) the only game in town. Yet provider
Boards must have a pivotal role to play. Inescapably, transformative change at system level - what
the STP process is designed to initiate- will be impossible to implement without significant,
aligned and managed change in the models, patterns and locations of care provided by local FT
and NHS bodies whether they are predominantly acute, specialist, community, Mental Health or
Ambulance service providers.
2. It is all too easy to be critical of many elements of the STP process: STP development has been
led but it has not been governed; many STPs appear to be cost reduction rather than fit for
future purpose driven as if sustainability can be achieved purely by improved short term cost
reduction; the fact that few STPs actually derive from a comprehensive Public Health analysis of
current and future need; the failure adequately to incorporate or at least pay heed to the
statutory duties of public and patient involvement; the lack of radical re-consideration of the role
of General Practice; the absence of proactive involvement of clinical networks, senior clinicians
and front line staff in deliberations and option appraisal; and of course the fact that most STPs
have failed to draw upon the insights and wisdom of, not least, the NED members of provider
Boards). It is little wonder that an STP director, Amanda Doyle, told the NHS Confederation
Conference that it was like being a parent of small children no one pays any attention to
anything you say, and you do it because you care, not because anyone ever says thank you.
Boards must care about and for the STP and its implications. Irrespective of its process
shortcomings, its intentions are both vital (to protect the welfare system and the NHS from
terminal financial implosion) and laudable (to improve the fitness for 21st
Century purpose and
the financial resilience of local health and social care systems). It is for these reasons that its
overall intentions merit unqualified support from Boards and why the process itself needs to be
improved through the intelligent, pro-active and supportive intervention of Boards, and (in part
through them) of the NHS staff community at large lest old-style performance management
takes precedence over change being led from within the NHS (Ham, 16.06.16
Above Board?
The new entities envisaged by the Five Year Forward view will need to be robustly and
transparently governed a fact emphasised by Sir David Daltons reflections on the evolution of
hospital chains a chain is created when two or more groups of geographically associated
organisations are incorporated under common governance arrangements. The startup of a new
form of governance needs careful consideration and will take time (Dalton HSJ 22.6.16).
Though it would be inappropriate to attempt, at this stage in their variegated evolution,
prescriptively to specify particular governance models (since form should follow function and
the precise functions are, as yet, obscure), it is possible to define key principles of good
governance that should be embedded (albeit in subtly different ways) in any such new entity. The
following need to be explicitly debated and then and explicitly incorporated into the governance
protocols for any new entity.
(i) The ethical basis of governance in the public sector should always have been that
articulated by Cicero salus populi summa lex esto [Let the good of the people be
the highest law]. Hitherto, however, Boards have been schooled, by government
3. targets and regulatory bodies, to view intra-organisational financial and target
performance as the highest and only good. This is, and always was, profoundly
mistaken Boards must, of necessity maintain a grip on intra-organisational safety,
quality and cost but they must in parallel be attentive to complex considerations of
overall system wide cost and effectiveness. Their response to (evidence based) STP
outcomes must be based upon the key principle of organisational altruism
(ii) The ethical underpinning of this has always been clear. As John Carver, correctly,
emphasized Governance is ownership one level down, not management one level up
(The Principles of Policy Governance, 2006). As the NHS Constitution makes clear The
NHS belongs to all of us. In other words, collectively as citizens, we own the NHS. It
is in our interests, not their own or those of their specific organization, that NHS
Boards must govern. What is important is that the interest of the population is put
ahead of the self interest and preservation of organisations. (Dalton HSJ 22.6.16).
(i) Transparent accountability lies at the heart of the effective exercise of governance.
There are always two sides to the accountability coin.
a. There must be explicit clarity, so far as any newly created entity is concerned, in
relation to those issue for which it will be accountable. Once this is established it
is essential that those charged with the governance of such a body are vested
with the determinate authority to discharge their accountable functions.
b. On the other side of the accountability coin, there must be equal clarity and
transparency in the specification of to whom and how such a governing Board is
accountable. Inescapably the answer will be composite. There will be, at one and
the same time: accountability in law (through civil, perhaps criminal and certainly
judicial review processes); accountability to intelligent statutory regulatory bodies
(who must develop metrics that measure and validate the whole system impact of
the performance of such entities and their constituent parts); accountability to
local citizens in their pivotal position as owners (through mechanisms that,
frankly, hitherto, have been obscure, non-existent or unfit for purpose).
c. To what extent such an entity will also have accountability back to the Boards of
constituent or partner organisations will depend on whether a new entity is supra,
trans or inter-organisational and upon the specific nature of such an entitys own
This is no more than a starter for ten. I and other plenary speakers will consider these themes at
the NHS Providers Governance Conference on 7th
July. I am also working with the Kings Fund to
create a development programme for Chairs and NED Board members who wish to ensure that
their Boards are fully involved with the Sustainability and Transformation process and shape,
alongside and on behalf of their local communities, innovative models of care that are expertly