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The objective of this report is to promote Brazil as
                                                                   a great country to invest in sports and to record the
                                                                   History of Korfball in the country.

photo by http://wallpaper.goodfon.com/image/136156-1920x1080.jpg   BRASIL
On behalf of Brazilian Association of Korfebol (ABRAKO), I am very grateful to
               be able to share this report with all Korfball lovers worldwide.

               It has been a hard work and sometimes it卒s very tiring to make a giant nation
               like Brazil leaves, even for a few moments, the football-culture aside to try a
               new sport, with values as clear and as beautiful as those values who built
               Brazilian people: Union, Joy and Love.

               Brazilian people deserves to be able to figure out how to play Korfebol as well
               as met with himself in music, art and hospitality. There is nothing more perfect
               in the world than Brazilian people and Korfball.

               I have a dream, I live and fight for this dream every day and i卒ll stay working on
    KORFEBOL   it until soccer balls goes from men卒s feet to the hands of men and women as
               Korfball players.

               As I卒m used to say: You have to want it!

KORFEBOL       Prof. Marcello Bepi Soares

BRASIL         President of the Brazilian Association of Korfball - ABRAKO
               and representative of the IKF in Brazil
A SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYBODY WHO               Crum, Ben (World korfball 鱈con)               Oliveira, Isabela (Itaborai)
HAVE HELPED BRAZILIAN KORFBALL                  Dantas, Estelio (U.Castelo Branco)            Orlandelli, Valdirene (representant in
                                                de Oliveira Pessanha, Paulo Sergio (U.        Rondonia)
Allevato, Leonardo (Ph. Ed. Carioca             Moacyr Bastos)                                Otoni Santa Barbara, Reimont Luiz (Rio卒s
Congress)                                       de Oliveira, Lisamaura (representant in       Councilman)
Areias, Jo達o Henrique (Sport Marketing)         Petropolis)                                   Pacheco, Guilherme (U Gama Filho)
Azevedo, Leandro (representant in Petropolis)   de Paiva Gon巽alves, Felipe (Carapicu鱈ba)      Pedroso, Estelino (S達o Paulo)
Bandeira, Claudia (Faetec)                      Diehl, Claudio (U.Castelo Branco)             Pereira, Igor (Juiz de Fora)
Barreto, Ana Cristina (U. Celso Lisboa)         dos Santos, Marcio (korfball player)          Pereira, Maria (U Celso Lisboa)
Barros Alves, Jose Antonio (in memoriam)        Dr.Rizzo (in memoriam)                        Petropolis Athletes
Batista Freire, Jo達o (Icon of Scholar Ph.Ed)    Farret, Eduardo (Universo)                    Prado, Ricardo (olympic medalist)
Batista, Luiz Alberto (UERJ U.Castelo Branco)   Ferreira, Claudio (ABRAKO)                    Puga, Alberto (lawyer)
Bechara, Evaldo (supporter)                     Ferro, Nuno (IKF Portugal)                    Ramos, Jorge (IKF Portugal)
Bortoleto, Luciana (Americana)                  Fonseca, Edmar (UNE and U. Celso Lisboa)      Rio de Janeiro Athletes
Boselli, Mauro (in memoriam)                    F炭rfuro, D辿rik (Minas Gerais)                 Rivillini, Daniel (korfball player)
Braga, Ana Maria (TV Host)                      Furtado, Ingrid (U Gama Filho)                Rodrigues, Daniel (Brasilia)
Britto, Renato                                  Garcia Verenguer, Rita de Cassia (U.          Rodrigues, Luciana (Rio de Janeiro)
Carnaval, Paulo (UFRRJ)                         Mackenzie)                                    S達o Paulo Athletes
Castro, Bruno (C. Santa Monica)                 Godinho, Mario (Portugal, in memoriam)        Saraiva, Beth (C. Oga Mitta)
Cavalheiro, Gustavo (Korfebol SP)               Goulart, Felipe (Tere Fitness)                Sartori, Sergio (Faetec)
CEV (Virtual Sport Centre)                      Guimar達es, Sissi (UFRRJ)                      Tino Marcos (TV Reporter)
CEV Leis (CEV laws)                             Kaster, Vinicius (Sport Agency)               Torres, Monica (UniverCidade)
Chequer, Thadeu (korfball player)               Kieling, Marcelo (Sport Marketing)            Tubino, Manoel (in memorian)
Coe, Wagner (A A Light Club)                    Lames, Cayo (U.Moacyr Bastos)                 Van der Lind, Theo (IKF)
Copacabana Fitness卒s crowd                      Lancetta, Carlos Alberto (U.Castelo Branco)   Vargas, Prof Angelo (Korfball卒s
Correia, Eugenio (U.Castelo Branco)             Maravalho, Francisco (Korfball pioner)        researcher)
Costa, Lamartine (Icon of Physical Education)   Michelloti, Luiz (U. Est叩cio)                 Vedder, Sandra (IKF)
                                                Mour達o, Ludmila (U Gama Filho)                Verlage, Claudia (Faetec)

KORFEBOL                                        Nascimento, Bruno (C. Santa Monica)
                                                Nogueira, Claudio (O Globo卒s reporter)
                                                                                              Vidanya, Albert (IKF Catalonia)
                                                                                              Wagner, Roberto (U Castelo Branco)

07 . Numbers of Brazil - Area
08 . Numbers of Brazil - Population
09 . Numbers of Brazil - Economy
10 . Numbers of Brazil - Culture of Brazil
17. Korfball In Brazil - History
34. Korfball In Brazil - 1st Brazilian Korfball Championship
38. Korfball In Brazil - IKF in Brazil
39. Korfball In Brazil - ABRAKO卒s Mission, Vision and Values
40. Korfball In Brazil - ABRAKO
41. Korfball In Brazil - Social
44. Korfball In Brazil - Structure
59. BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER - Brazilian Korfball Moments
63. BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER - Brazilian Korfball Merchandising

NUMBERS OF BRAZIL - AREA                                              BRASIL

 name: Federative Republic of Brazil
  26 States and 5,564 Cities
       Fifth largest land area on planet
                               8 515 767 km2
        92% of the territory stays
        in an intertropical zone
                                       European Union 4 324 782 km2

Brazil 8 515 767 km2
 NUMBERS OF BRAZIL - POPULATION                                                                                          BRASIL

  Brazil is the fifth               Population growth:                                                                                     200

most populated country in the world 1900 - 17,318 millions                                                                                 150
                                    1920 - 30,635 millions
and 84% of the population           1940 - 41,165 millions
       lives in urban areas         1960 - 70,070 millions

                                    1980 - 119,002 millions                                                                                50
                                    2000 - 169,799 millions
                                    2010 - 193,946 millions
                                                                                           1900   1920    1940   1960   1980   2000    2010

                                                                           Top 8 IKF (together)
  Brazil 196,6 millions inhabitants                                        193,5 millions inhabitants

                              Holland 16,6 millions; Belgium 11 millions; England 53 millions; Chinese Taipei 2,6 millions; Catalonia 7,5 millions;
                              Germany 81,7 millions; Portugal 10,6 millions e Czech Republic 10,5 millions (World Bank)
NUMBERS OF BRAZIL - ECONOMY                                                                                            BRASIL

Brazil is a country with emerging potential

Since 2011, is the seventh largest economy in the world with $ 2.19 trillion
(up from Italy, Russia and Canada)

Brazil is:
the largest producer and exporter of coffee
the third largest producer of iron
the second largest producer of ethanol and soybean largest exporter
the second largest industrial park in the Americas

Factories of Volkswagen, Fiat, Ford, Chevrolet-GM, Mitsubishi, Peugeot,
Citroen, Honda, Kia, Toyota,Renault, Daimler Chrysler are installed in
Brazil. BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Land Rover, Volvo, JAC Motors and
Chery are planning and installing their factories.
 CULTURE OF BRAZIL                                                                                              BRASIL

The only Portuguese-speaking country in Americas, but has a
multiculturalism, mixed ethnicities and religions in the name of peace.
Where else besides Brazil, Whites, Blacks, Indians, Asians, Catholics,
Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Spiritualists and many others                 http://restorefairness.org/wp-content/uploads/multiracial.jpg
live in peace and respect?

BRAZILIAN SPORTS MARKET                                                                                        BRASIL

  80 million
   practice some kind
                          of sport in Brazil

                                                           There are no secrets.
                                                           Just look at people in the street
                                                           and verify that all are practicing
                                                           some kind of physical activity.
                                 Mr. Carlos Arthur Nuzman
                                 President of the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB)
                                 and a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

Photo (espn_Brasil) http://contenti1.espn.com.br/image/vertical/300_2c77f21a-beaf-3135-b7a9-b3757029d2c3.jpg

3% of Brazilian GDP
  U$ 18 billions
 in sport activities

            U$ 35 billions/year
            provided by 2016
BRAZILIAN SPORTS MARKET                                       BRASIL

              199 Sports Marketing Agencies
           90% focused on consumer
                10% focused on companies

  51% acting in Events
                                    30% raising sponsorship
                                          (athletes, events and teams)

 28% acting in CRM, HC卒s
promo and advertising with sports
                             27% advisory agencies
                             and image management
12% media content, media rights
and communications consultancy
                                     2% commercial licensing
                                    (athletes, events and teams)

Distribution of business in Brazilian sport

          51% Football-Soccer
         11% Running
         7% Automobilism
      4,5% Extreme Sports
       4% Volley
      3% Tennis
     2% Basketball
    2% Golf
   1% Water Sports

 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                            BRASIL


         In the 80s a group of physical education teachers, graduated from
 Universidade Gama Filho [1] (university), travelled to Austria in order to take part
 on an international congress. There they discovered Korfball and enjoyed the
 participation of women in the same team on equal terms. So they decided to bring it       1
 to Brazil.
         They formed teams in Col辿gio Anglo-Americano (a high school in Botafogo
 beach) [2] and the Associa巽達o Atl辿tica da Light (Public Light Company卒s Sports
 Club in Graja炭, Rio) [3] and carried many demonstrations with those teams in
         An extraordinary success occurred in Curitiba (capital of the Paran叩 State),
 in the 1st Brazilian and Pan-American Congress of Sports For All.
         Unfortunately, this work wasn卒t carried forward by this group of teachers for
 lack of support and sponsorship.

                           3                                                                2
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                                                                  BRASIL

         In 1998 Marcello Bepi Soares, a student of physical education, met Korfball in
 Universidade Castelo Branco [4] (a particular university) as a recreational game. Later that year,
 he introduced the sport in the Community Fern達o Cardim (in neighborhood of Pilares, Rio de                                                               4
 Janeiro City), getting the preference of the students of Favela Bairro [5], a project supported by
 the City of Rio de Janeiro.
         Mr. Soares researched and made his Final Paper on Korfball. Until that, it doesn卒t existed
 any single article, report, book or any reference about korfball in Brazil to guide his research. His
 Final Paper was based on verbal information given by some teachers as Luiz Alberto Batista, Dr.                                                          5
 Rizzo and Roberto Wagner, who were his biggest encouragers. At the same time Mr. Claudio
 Ferreira de Oliveira, a Marcello卒s classmate, started working directly on spreading Korfball as a
 sport in Brazil.
         In 1999, Mr. Soares started contacting IKF (International Korfball Federation) especially
 Mrs. Sandra Vedder [6].
         Mr. Soares and Mr. Oliveira also made contacts with Brazilian professionals of sports
 whose, for the most part, didn卒t know the modality. So they discovered Angelo Vargas and
 Moacyr Bastos who was conducting researchs on Korfball and had contact with Mr. Mario
 Godinho from Portugal.
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                              BRASIL

         In 22th october 2000, known as "Day of Korfball in Brazil", Mr. Soares started
officially his work on Korfball with the presence of Professor Wagner Roberto from
Universidade Castelo Branco (university) with an exhibition and a friendly game
between Family members and Students from schools of Rio de Janeiro. The court
was on Esporte Clube Valim (Sports Club in Meier neighborhood) and this group
remained playing korfball there for about a month, when they was transferred to
Quadra da Pol鱈cia Militar (police卒s court) in the same neighborhood.
         To demonstrate the sport to a larger number of people, Mr. Soares used to
play korfball on Rua Dias da Cruz, (a Street in Meier) [7]. It was possible, because
Mr. Wagner Coe, (Department of Sport and Recreation in Rio de Janeiro City) efforts.
This visibility has resulted in the first newspaper report (2002) about the Korfball in
         In 2001 a new group started practicing at the Clube dos Sub-Oficiais e
Sargentos da Aeron叩utica de Cascadura (Club of Brazilian Air Force Officers and
Sergeants in Cascadura, Rio), the first sports club to practice Korfball in Brazil.
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                   BRASIL


       In 2002 representatives of the IKF, Mr. Nuno Ferro
[9] and Mr. Jorge Ramos[10] (from Portugal) visited
Brazil and held the first course of Korfball to students of
Universidade Castelo Branco (university), held on
Faculdade Merc炭rio (college).
       At the same time, there were lectures on
Universidade Rural (public university), Univ. Castelo
Branco, Barra da Tijuca (neighborhood) and Univ.
Moacyr Bastos.

                                                              click here


       In this year, Mr. Soares was certified as
korfball coach and authorized to develop and
promote Korfball in Brazil by IKF.
 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                              BRASIL


                                In 8th November 2003, during the International Korfball Federation
     click here          Congress, Brazil was affiliated and became the 41th Korfball country in
                         the world.
                                In 2003 Brazilian Korfball returned to his home, at Univ Castelo
                         Branco, when Mr. Soares introduced the modality on the Week of Physical
         Clube           Education Festival and made some lectures with the subjects "Theory
 Minas Gerais            and Practice of the Game and Recreation", with the support of the
                         Universitys Coordinator of Physical Education Mr. William and
                         colaborations of Ms. Ludmila Mourao, Ms. Gabriela Aragon and Ms. Ingrid
                                In that year, the Brazilian Korfball arrived in Belo Horizonte City
                         (Minas Gerais State) by Ms. Karla Andrade, Marketing Director of Clube
                         Minas Gerais (Sports Club), who was interested by the social
                         characteristic, organized clinics and courses. This visit had a great
                         repercussion on the local media, such as TV and Newspaper [video].
                                Later that same year, Korfball arrived in S達o Paulo, at SESC Santo
                         Amaro (SESC is a huge social and sports club with lots of branch offices
                         around Brazil, mantained by the brazilian commerce [11]), by Mr. Maurice
                         Del Nero, who invited Mr. Soares to perform clinics of Korfball.
 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                                          BRASIL


                             In 2004 Korfball was featured in various sports and entertainment卒s programs on TV: Mais Voc棚
                     [12, 13 and video], a top morning audience TV show; Jornal Nacional, a prestigious TV news; Esporte
                     Espetacular the most watched sport TV show. It was possible thanks to support from acclaimed sports
                     journalists Jo達o Pedro Paes Leme and Tino Marcos.
                             At the same year, Mr. Soares received the invitation from Joatuba City in Minas Gerais State to
                     conduct Korfball clinics for teachers of that city.
                             Mr. Juan Leal, a physical education teacher, from Casemiro de Abreu City (Rio de Janeiro State),
                     started practicing Korfball with a partnership with Mr. Soares. In that project was formed the first
                     competitive team out of the Rio de Janeiro City, in Col辿gio Estadual Jos辿 Braz do Jardim and Col辿gio
12 and 13
                     Estadual Municipalizado (two public junior and high schools). Several friendly matches was played
                     between teams from Mr. Soares and Mr. Leal.
                             Korfball was also practiced in Queimados City (Rio de Janeiro State) at Escola Municipal
                     Tiradentes (municipal school), with support from the teacher Ms. Adriana Mathias, who is also athletic of
                             At that year, Brazilian Korfball was present for the second time in the Week of Physical Education
                     Festival at University Gama Filho, by Mr. Guilherme Pacheco and Ms. Ludmila Mourao, Ms. Gabriela
                     Aragon and Ms. Ingrid Fonseca.
        click here
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                                                     BRASIL


        In 2005 about one hundred physical education students attended the Korfball course at UMC -
Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (university). It was the first time Korfball arrived at University in Sao
Paulo State thanks to Mr. Zenon Silva Filho (department coordinator) .
        Due to the media success at Minas Gerais State (newspaper and TV), Mr.Soares was invited to
perform Korfball courses on Universidade Ita炭na (university), by one of representants of Korfball on that
state, the student Mr. Derik Furforo Dias, with the full support of the University coordinator, Mr. Dalton
Ribeiro de Carvalho.
         For the first time Mr. Soares coordinated training courses at Rio de Janeiro卒s SESC near
        Korfball was presented in the 8th Santa Monica Fitness thanks to support of Coordinator Mr.
Bruno Nascimento and Mr. Bruno Castro.
        On September 22, Mr. Soares was invited by Mr. Jos辿 Antonio Alves de Barros to present a
lecture at FGV - Funda巽達o Get炭lio Vargas (the most prestigious Administration and Marketing College
and Institute卒s in Brazil) about the origin and evolution of the Korfball in the world and their prospects for
Brazil. On FGV, Mr. Soares met some of the best marketing and sports managers who helped him to
organize the Brazilian Association of Korfball.
 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                        BRASIL

In 2006 and 2007 Mr. Soares focused on developing korfball on universities:

Faculdade Metodista Granbery (college) and Universidade Salgado de
Oliveira - Universo (university), in Juiz de Fora City, Minas Gerais State.

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (university) in S達o Paulo.

Centro Universit叩rio Augusto Motta - UNISUAM, in Bonsucesso
neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro City.

                                                                click here
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                        BRASIL


         Brazilian Korfball was invited to visit Sapucaia City, a
 mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro State. Mr. Soares conducted a
 demonstration game in the town square, for students and teachers of
 municipal schools.
         Mr. Soares represented Brazilian Korfball at Rio Sport Show, a
 huge event focused on demonstration of equipment and innovations in
 the sports industry.
         Mr. Oliveira and Mr. Soares represented Brazilian Korfball at the
 11th Santa Monica Fitness.
         Brazilian Korfball was invited by one of the most renowned
 practitioners of sports marketing in Brazil, Master Georgios Stylianos
 Hatzidakis, coordinator of the UNIBAN (university) to do three Korfball
 lectures in Osasco and Maria Candida Uniban卒s units.
         At the time, Mr. Soares presented korfball at Faculdade
 Flamingo (college), in S達o Paulo.
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                             BRASIL


 46th ENAF (National Meeting of the Physical Activity) in Po巽os
 de Caldas (Minas Gerais State)
 1st Lecture held in Petr坦polis - Col辿gio Free (school)
 Physical Education course in Centro Universit叩rio Celso
 Lisboa (university) Rio de Janeiro                                        VIDEO
                                                                           click here

 Participation on Academic Week of the Faculdade Merc炭rio
 (college) about Korfball in Wheelchair
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                          BRASIL


Participation on "Virad達o Esportivo" (24 hours sports festival) in Rio
de Janeiro [video]

Korfball course at FAFIT (college) in Itarar辿 City (S達o Paulo State)

The IKF representant Mr. Theo Van der Linde visited Brazil

 Mr. Theo Van der Linde

     click here
  KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                                      BRASIL


Mr. Soares promoting Korfball in Radio USP FM 93.7 in
S達o Paulo City (S達o Paulo State)

Reports published about the Korfball on the Jornal
Tribuna (newspaper) in Petr坦polis, Rio de Janeiro

Symposium of Education on the Itabora鱈 City - Rio de
Janeiro State.

                                                        ABRAKO visited many SESC卒s unities at S達o Paulo State:

                                                        Osasco City; Taubat辿 City; Piracicaba City and Presidente Prudente City
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                                           BRASIL


IKF representant Mr. Albert Vida単a visited South America and for the first time came
to Brazil

For the first time a huge soccer club, Clube de Regatas Vasco da Gama, opened his
doors to korfball. ABRAKO participated on a recreational and sports event inside the

                                                                                       Albert Vida単a
Mr. Soares held korfball courses at Faculdade Nossa Cidade - FNC (college), in
Carapicu鱈ba City, S達o Paulo State and Instituto S達o Jo達o Batista - ISJOB in Meier
neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro City [video].

                                                                                       Vasco da Gama
                                                     click here
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                              BRASIL


Brazilian Korfball was present at SESC SANTOS in Santos City
and at Escola T辿cnica Paula Souza, S達o Paulo State             VIDEO         VIDEO
                                                               click here    click here

                                                               Paula Souza   SESC SANTOS
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                         BRASIL


ABRAKO held courses on SESC VILA MARIANA (S達o Paulo City);
SESC SANTO ANDR (Santo Andr辿 City); SESC OSASCO (Osasco
City) and Col辿gio Objetivo (Junior and High School) at Americana
City, S達o Paulo State.
ABRAKO promoted the modality Beach Korfball at Copacabana
Fitness Festival, in Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro City.
Mr. Soares visted a group of korfball players at Araras neighborhood,
in Petr坦polis City, Rio de Janeiro State.

                                                                        click here
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY                                                       BRASIL


Mr. Paiva and Mr. Soares presented korfball at REATECH - FEIRA
Internacional de Tecnologias em Reabilita巽達o, Inclus達o e Acessibilidade
(Accebility, inclusion, reabilitation technology international fair), S達o Paulo.
Mr. Soares visited UNIGRANRIO (university), in Caxias City, Universidade
Moacyr Bastos, Campo Grande neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro State
ABRAKO was represented by Mr. Soares at Congresso Carioca FIEP [video]
                                                           click here
1st BRAZILIAN KORFBALL CHAMPIONSHIP                                                                     BRASIL


 1st Brazilian Korfball Championship was held in Americana City (S達o Paulo State) on 5th and 6th May.
 The Objetivo team was winner.

                                                                                                          DE KORFEBOL


             Objetivo - Champions
                Ingrid Corsete #10
             Larissa Rodrigues #9
                   Bruna Coradi #7
               Michele Iatarola #14
                         Luciano #1
             Thiago Cascardo #97
            Gustavo Cavalheiro #8
                     dipo Leite #4
                Daiane Santos #11
              Augusto Bezerra #99
                  Ariel Bezerra #98
          Fernanda Giacomassi #6
               Cl坦vis Osvaldo #17
1st BRAZILIAN KORFBALL CHAMPIONSHIP                                             BRASIL


                                                  Rio/gr棚mio Ufrj - Runner-up
                                                  Fernanda Cardoso #9
                                                  Pen辿lope Mora #7
                                                  Keren Schweikardt #5
                                                  Luciana Bortoleto #3
                                                  Daniel Rivillini #4
                                                  Felipe Ribeiro #13
                                                  M叩rcio Santos #14
                                                  Thadeu Ferreira #8
                                                  Thamires Katharine #2
                                                  Renan Bortoleto #18

      Fam - Faculdade De Americana - 3rd Place
                              Thuane Archid #5
                              Lays De Paula #6
                                   Poliene #14
                               Lucia Regina #3
                       Roger W. Dos S. Pinto #8
                        Leonardo De A. Cruz #7
                           Higor De A. Cruz #9
                                 Junior Vivo #2
                                  Yolanda #12
                                    Wallace #4
                                      Sofia #13
1st BRAZILIAN KORFBALL CHAMPIONSHIP                                                                          BRASIL


Fnc - Faculdade Nossa Cidade (carapicu鱈ba) 4th   Epk - Equipe Petropolitana De Korfebol 5th   Etec Polivalente 6th Place
Place                                            Place
                                                                                              Danieli #2
Patricia Carvalho #8                             Ednara Siqueira #26                          Bruna #18
Isabel Concei巽達o #6                              Bruna L. Larin #9                            Amanda #5
Priscila Carvalho #2                             Mariana Monteiro #13                         Scarlet #6
Monique Ikamura #4                               Danielle Monteiro #8                         Gustavo Bazzana #9
Vitor Carvalho #11                               Jos辿 Vitor #4                                Gabriel #19
Rodrigo Dias #10                                 Leandro Azevedo #11                          S辿rgio #15
Jefferson Florencio #13                          Emanuel Monteiro #31                         Kauan #4
Douglas Florencio #9                             Jefferson Marquez #10                        Gustavo #21
Israel #14                                       Rhanan Carlos #7                             Ana Carolina #99
Fernando #5                                      Paulo Eduardo #6
                                                 Vanessa Marina #2
Roberto #3                                       Neuziene Aparecida #5
Carlos #12
IKF IN BRAZIL                                                                                                                           BRASIL


                                                                         IKF President Fransoo, on a visit in Brazil, met with representatives from
                                                                         various regional and local korfball associations in this vast and rapidly
                                                                         developing country. In Americana (Sao Paulo), earlier this year host to the
                                                                         first Brazilian Korfball Championship, he met with korfball administrators
                                                                         Luciana Bartoleto from the State of Sao Paulo and Daniel Rivellinni from the
     VIDEO                                                               State of Rio de Janeiro. Further, he visited the Department of Physical
     click here
                                                                         Education at the University of Campinas, one of the leading universities in
                                                                         Brazil, where he met with sport officials to help him better understand the
                                                                         structure of sports in Brazil.
In July we had the visit of the portuguese referee Jorge Alves and the
Portugal player Joana Fariano in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and
Petropolis. On this Korfball week we had lectures, courses about the
rules of the sport and many pratices.

ABRAKO卒S (BRAZILIAN KORFBALL ASSOCIATION)                                     BRASIL

  MISSION: Provide the welfare people, realizing dreams and
  multiplying friendships, integrating males with females, young
  people of all ages and people with special needs, teaching
  them the culture of peace through sport.

  VISION: To be a Korfebol reference in the development and
  practice on Americas

  VALUES: Union, Joy and Love                                      KORFEBOL
ABRAKO (BRAZILIAN KORFBALL ASSOCIATION)                                   BRASIL

                             Brazil is the 41st country affiliated to the IKF and the first South
                             American country to play the game and get your recognition,
                             through the work of Professor Marcello Bepi Soares.

                             The Brazilian Korfebol is being developed through
                             partnerships with educational institutions (universities,
                             colleges and schools), sports club, NGOs and social
                             agencies. Receives support from national and local media
                             when conducting courses and lectures, was presented in
                             several cities in central-south of the country and is practiced
                             mainly in the states of Rio de Janeiro, S達o Paulo, Minas Gerais
                             and Rond担nia
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - SOCIAL                                        BRASIL

      It is mainly at schools that Korfball achieves great

      Because it is a different sport from those that Brazilians
      have been practicing and it has pedagogical rules,
      thereby minimizing short-term conflict between genders
      at different ages, developing autonomy and affection.

      It brings back the motivation to students who were
      excluded from other modalities and that perhaps have not
      yet large motor skills.

      Through Korfball, we can develop our ability to approach
      and collaborative youth in a fun teaching the Culture of
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - SOCIAL                                                                                            BRASIL

          The work in underserved communities aims at
  empowering women and youth through courses and lectures,
  developing collective thinking, culture of peace through
  mediation techniques.
          The Korfebol is a great tool to facilitate dialogue, and
  promote families integrations.
          ABRAKO was invited to integrated the project Mulheres
  da Paz (Peace women) and teach the sport on 21 slum-
  neighborhoods as Alem達o, Belford Roxo, Cantagalo, Caxias,
  Itabora鱈, Itagua鱈, Maca辿, Manguinhos, Mar辿, Mesquita,
  Nil坦polis, Niter坦i, Nova Igua巽u, Pav達o- Pav達ozinho,
  Provid棚ncia, Queimados, Rocinha, S達o Gon巽alo, S達o Jo達o do             Mr. Soares and the IKF member Mr. Theo Van der Linde on Bangu prison
  Meriti, Tavares Bastos e Vila Kennedy
          Beside Psychologist Dr. Jo達o Delfim Nadaes, ABRAKO          in the units of the complex of Penitentiary in Bangu
  (Brazilian Korfball Association) has presented the sport as a       (Penitenci叩ria Esmeraldino Bandeira e Penitenci叩ria Pl叩cido
  therapy and physical activity, aiming to reintegrate into society   S叩 Carvalho) and Pres鱈dio Edgard Costa (in Niter坦i City) in the
  and learning in the conduct of positive values for the internal     State of Rio de Janeiro, showing how sport can assist
  prison system members. This action has been very successful         government departments in social action.
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - SOCIAL                                                                                                                                BRASIL

                                                                                                                In the Tabo達o da Serra City (S達o Paulo State)
                                                                                                                Professor Daniel Costa has a project with support
                                                                                                                from the municipality that uses Korfball for seniors.

                                                                                                                "I'm really enjoying practicing Korfball. It卒s a sport very
                                                                                                                useful for the physical and body. I recomend elderly
                                                                                                                people, especially men, to practice this sports that
                                                                                                                does very well for health instead of staying at home
                                                                                                                doing nothing. Once I started exercising I felt better,
                                                                                                                my blood pressure normalized, I had no cholesterol
                                                                                                                problem" said Mr. Juliano da Silva Pina, 65 years old

 Kids Activities are taught by trained professionals who
 specialize in the discipline. Meet the age group 3-7 years
 old and they plan some activities for psychomotor
 development and increased cognitive ability and motor
 skills of children early in psychomotor development.
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - STRUCTURE                                                                        BRASIL

                            Cities were Korfball was introduced: 07 Rio De Janeiro (capital), Petr坦polis, Casemiro De Abreu,
                            Queimados, S達o Gon巽alo, Itabora鱈 E Niter坦i.
                            Clubs and Institutions: 07 Clube De Regatas Vasco Da Gama; Associa巽達o Atl辿tica Da Light - Graja炭;
                            Clube Dos Sub-oficiais E Sargenteos Das For巽as Armadas; Tijuca Tenis Clube; Graja炭 Country Club;
                            Sesc Madureira E Sesc Engenho De Dentro
                            Universities and Colleges: 13 Universidade Castelo Branco; Faculdade Merc炭rio - Famerc; Centro
                            Universit叩rio Da Cidade - Univercidade; Universidade Do Grande Rio - Unigranrio; Universdade
                            Est叩cio De S叩 - Uniest叩cio; Universidade Gama Filho; Universidade Cat坦lica De Petr坦polis - Ucp;
                            Universidade Federal Rural Do Rio De Janeiro - Ufrrj; Universidade Estadual Do Rio De Janeiro;
                            Centro Universit叩rio Augusto Motta - Unisuam; Centro Universit叩rio Moacyr Sreder Bastos - Unimsb;
                            Centro Universit叩rio Celso Lisboa - Ucl E Universidade Salgado De Oliveira - Universo
                            Schools: 12 (rio) Col辿gio Ara炭jo Rocha, Col辿gio Metropolitano, Col辿gio S達o Jo達o Batista, Col辿gio
                            Santa M担nica, Col辿gio Sagrado Cora巽達o De Maria - Sacrecre, (petr坦polis) Col辿gio Petr坦polis,
                            Col辿gio Free, Col辿gio N. Sra. De Lourdes, Col辿gio S. Judas Tadeu, Col辿gio Anglicano, Col辿gio
                            Estadual De Araras and Col辿gio Inove (s. Gon巽alo)

                            Number of Players: Rio 24 and Petr坦polis 50 (all actives)
Rio de Janeiro State        Teams: 02 Gr棚mio-ufrj (rio) and Epk (petr坦polis) and more minor non-competetive groups
Population: 16,03 million
Rio de Janeiro City
Population: 6,32 million
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - STRUCTURE                                                                    BRASIL

                            Cities were Korfball was introduced: 17 S達o Paulo (capital), Barueri, Santo Andr辿, Osasco,
                            Santos, Diadema, Carapicu鱈ba, Itarar辿, Presidente Prudente, Piracicaba, Americana, S達o
                            Jos辿 Do Rio Preto, Tabo達o Da Serra, S達o Jos辿 Dos Campos, S達o Carlos, Araraquara E

                            Clubs and Institutions: 14 (S達o Paulo City) Sesc Santo Amaro, Sesc Pinheiros, Sesc
                            Santana, Sesc Vila Mariana, Sesc Ipiranga, Sesc Pompeia; (other cities) Sesc Osasco,
                            Sesc Taubat辿, Sesc Santos, Sesc Araraquara, Sesc S達o Carlos, Sesc Sj Rio Preto, Sesc Sj
                            Campos, Sesc Presidente Prudente

                            Universities and Colleges: 6 Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Universidade
                            Anhembi-morumbi, Universidade Bandeirantes, Universidade De Mogi Das Cruzes - Umc;
                            Faculdade Flamingo and Faculdade Nossa Cidade (Carapicu鱈ba)

                            Schools: 4 Col辿gio Anhembi-morumbi, Col辿gio Objetivo (americana) Col辿gio Leopoldo
                            Brentano and Col辿gio Bambino (carapicu鱈ba)

S達o Paulo State             Number of Players: between 16 and 20. There卒s no active group
Population: 41,25 million
S達o Paulo City              Teams: 3 Times, all was deactivated since the 1st Brazilian Championship
Population: 11,31 million
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - STRUCTURE                                                                    BRASIL

                            Cities were Korfball was introduced: 4 Belo Horizonte (capital), Juiz De Fora, Joatuba and

                            Clubs and Institutions: 1 Clube Minas Gerais

                            Universities and Colleges: 3 Faculdade de Ita炭na, Universo de Juiz de Fora, Faculdade
                            Granbery de Juiz De Fora

                            Number of Players: All inactives. Some teachers had initialised projects on their schools
                            but it didn卒t develop.

                            Teams: No active teams

Minas Gerais State
Population: 20,50 million
Belo Horizonte City
Population: 2,47 million
KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - STRUCTURE                                                              BRASIL

                           Cities were Korfball was introduced: 1 Rolim de Moura

                           Number of Players: Just a small group guided by Prof. Mrs. Valdirene Guimar達es

                                     Valdirene Guimar達es

Rond担nia State
Population: 1,56 million

BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER                                    BRASIL

                click here
                             CNT (1st korfball report on brazilian tv)

                VIDEO        Esporte Espetacular - Globo TV
                click here

                click here
                             exhibited in SPORT TV and Jornal Nacional

                click here   VIDEO SHOW - Globo TV

                VIDEO        TV LANCE
                click here

                click here
                             Hoje em Dia - Rede Record

                click here
                             Rede Record

                click here
                             Globo TV - Petr坦polis

                click here
                             Bandeirantes TV
BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER                                  BRASIL

                click here
                             Globo TV - S達o Carlos

                click here

                click here
                             Bandeirantes TV - Rio de Janeiro

                click here
                             Bandeirantes TV - Rond担nia

                   VIDEO       TVE - Stadium (IKF representants
                  click here   Nuno Ferro and Jorge Ramos)

                  click here
                               TVE - Stadium part 2

                  click here
                               TVE - Stadium part 3

                  click here
                               TV UNISUAM
BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MOMENTS                                                                               BRASIL

    Mr. Jos辿 Carlos Brunoro                                                          Mrs. Patricia Broers-Lehmann
    the most prestigious sports manager in Brazil                           Netherlands Consulate in Rio de Janeiro

    Mr. Bebeto de Freitas
    Sports Manager
    Former president of Botafogo F.R. (soccer club)
    Former volleyball coach of Brazilian and Italian national teams
    silver olympic medal (84) - Brazil                                                         Mr. Roberto Dinamite
    golden FIVB World Championships (98) - Italy                      President of CR Vasco da Gama (soccer club)
                                                                                 Former player in the Brazilian team
                                                                                      in the FIFA World Cup (78/82)
BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MOMENTS                                                                                              BRASIL

                                                                                         Mr. Lars Grael
                                                                                         two olympic bronze medals (88/96)
                                                                                         former minister of sport and Paralympic activist
                                          Mr. Rafael Ara炭jo - a.k.a.B叩bby
                                          Brazilian Team player in FIBA World Championship
Mr. Fernando vila - a.k.a.Fernand達o    former NBA player
            olympic silver medals (84)

                                                                                    Mr. Djan Madruga
                                                                                    bronze medal olympic (80)
     Mr. Robson Caetano                                                             National Secretary of High Performance卒s Sports
     two olympic bronze medals (88/96)
     Indoor World Championship bronze medal (87)
     twice gold medals in the Pan-American Games (91)

  KORFBALL                4      4
                              Eu Curto

                                         EU AMO
This is an internal presentation and has no commercial proposal. It卒s
proposal is for promotion and development of Brazilian Korfball.
It卒s forbidden to use any photo or information contained here.
Photographs and illustrations used are copyright of their authors and
were used as illustration or recording of a moment or fact


                                                                 KORFEBOL      www.facebook.com/korfebol
                                                                               e-mail: corfebolbrasil@terra.com.br
                                                                               Skype: korfebolbrasil
                                                                               Twitter: @korfebol

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  • 2. The objective of this report is to promote Brazil as a great country to invest in sports and to record the History of Korfball in the country. KORFEBOL photo by http://wallpaper.goodfon.com/image/136156-1920x1080.jpg BRASIL
  • 3. On behalf of Brazilian Association of Korfebol (ABRAKO), I am very grateful to be able to share this report with all Korfball lovers worldwide. It has been a hard work and sometimes it卒s very tiring to make a giant nation like Brazil leaves, even for a few moments, the football-culture aside to try a new sport, with values as clear and as beautiful as those values who built Brazilian people: Union, Joy and Love. Brazilian people deserves to be able to figure out how to play Korfebol as well as met with himself in music, art and hospitality. There is nothing more perfect in the world than Brazilian people and Korfball. I have a dream, I live and fight for this dream every day and i卒ll stay working on KORFEBOL it until soccer balls goes from men卒s feet to the hands of men and women as BRASIL Korfball players. As I卒m used to say: You have to want it! KORFEBOL Prof. Marcello Bepi Soares BRASIL President of the Brazilian Association of Korfball - ABRAKO and representative of the IKF in Brazil
  • 4. A SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYBODY WHO Crum, Ben (World korfball 鱈con) Oliveira, Isabela (Itaborai) HAVE HELPED BRAZILIAN KORFBALL Dantas, Estelio (U.Castelo Branco) Orlandelli, Valdirene (representant in de Oliveira Pessanha, Paulo Sergio (U. Rondonia) Allevato, Leonardo (Ph. Ed. Carioca Moacyr Bastos) Otoni Santa Barbara, Reimont Luiz (Rio卒s Congress) de Oliveira, Lisamaura (representant in Councilman) Areias, Jo達o Henrique (Sport Marketing) Petropolis) Pacheco, Guilherme (U Gama Filho) Azevedo, Leandro (representant in Petropolis) de Paiva Gon巽alves, Felipe (Carapicu鱈ba) Pedroso, Estelino (S達o Paulo) Bandeira, Claudia (Faetec) Diehl, Claudio (U.Castelo Branco) Pereira, Igor (Juiz de Fora) Barreto, Ana Cristina (U. Celso Lisboa) dos Santos, Marcio (korfball player) Pereira, Maria (U Celso Lisboa) Barros Alves, Jose Antonio (in memoriam) Dr.Rizzo (in memoriam) Petropolis Athletes Batista Freire, Jo達o (Icon of Scholar Ph.Ed) Farret, Eduardo (Universo) Prado, Ricardo (olympic medalist) Batista, Luiz Alberto (UERJ U.Castelo Branco) Ferreira, Claudio (ABRAKO) Puga, Alberto (lawyer) Bechara, Evaldo (supporter) Ferro, Nuno (IKF Portugal) Ramos, Jorge (IKF Portugal) Bortoleto, Luciana (Americana) Fonseca, Edmar (UNE and U. Celso Lisboa) Rio de Janeiro Athletes Boselli, Mauro (in memoriam) F炭rfuro, D辿rik (Minas Gerais) Rivillini, Daniel (korfball player) Braga, Ana Maria (TV Host) Furtado, Ingrid (U Gama Filho) Rodrigues, Daniel (Brasilia) Britto, Renato Garcia Verenguer, Rita de Cassia (U. Rodrigues, Luciana (Rio de Janeiro) Carnaval, Paulo (UFRRJ) Mackenzie) S達o Paulo Athletes Castro, Bruno (C. Santa Monica) Godinho, Mario (Portugal, in memoriam) Saraiva, Beth (C. Oga Mitta) Cavalheiro, Gustavo (Korfebol SP) Goulart, Felipe (Tere Fitness) Sartori, Sergio (Faetec) CEV (Virtual Sport Centre) Guimar達es, Sissi (UFRRJ) Tino Marcos (TV Reporter) CEV Leis (CEV laws) Kaster, Vinicius (Sport Agency) Torres, Monica (UniverCidade) Chequer, Thadeu (korfball player) Kieling, Marcelo (Sport Marketing) Tubino, Manoel (in memorian) Coe, Wagner (A A Light Club) Lames, Cayo (U.Moacyr Bastos) Van der Lind, Theo (IKF) Copacabana Fitness卒s crowd Lancetta, Carlos Alberto (U.Castelo Branco) Vargas, Prof Angelo (Korfball卒s Correia, Eugenio (U.Castelo Branco) Maravalho, Francisco (Korfball pioner) researcher) Costa, Lamartine (Icon of Physical Education) Michelloti, Luiz (U. Est叩cio) Vedder, Sandra (IKF) Mour達o, Ludmila (U Gama Filho) Verlage, Claudia (Faetec) KORFEBOL Nascimento, Bruno (C. Santa Monica) Nogueira, Claudio (O Globo卒s reporter) Vidanya, Albert (IKF Catalonia) Wagner, Roberto (U Castelo Branco) BRASIL
  • 5. INDEX 06 . NUMBERS OF BRAZIL 07 . Numbers of Brazil - Area 08 . Numbers of Brazil - Population 09 . Numbers of Brazil - Economy 10 . Numbers of Brazil - Culture of Brazil 11. BRAZILIAN SPORTS MARKET 16. KORFBALL IN BRAZIL 17. Korfball In Brazil - History 34. Korfball In Brazil - 1st Brazilian Korfball Championship 38. Korfball In Brazil - IKF in Brazil 39. Korfball In Brazil - ABRAKO卒s Mission, Vision and Values 40. Korfball In Brazil - ABRAKO 41. Korfball In Brazil - Social 44. Korfball In Brazil - Structure 48. BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER 59. BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER - Brazilian Korfball Moments 63. BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER - Brazilian Korfball Merchandising
  • 7. KORFEBOL 07 NUMBERS OF BRAZIL - AREA BRASIL name: Federative Republic of Brazil 26 States and 5,564 Cities Fifth largest land area on planet 8 515 767 km2 92% of the territory stays in an intertropical zone European Union 4 324 782 km2 Brazil 8 515 767 km2
  • 8. KORFEBOL 08 NUMBERS OF BRAZIL - POPULATION BRASIL Brazil is the fifth Population growth: 200 most populated country in the world 1900 - 17,318 millions 150 1920 - 30,635 millions and 84% of the population 1940 - 41,165 millions lives in urban areas 1960 - 70,070 millions 100 1980 - 119,002 millions 50 2000 - 169,799 millions 2010 - 193,946 millions 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2010 Top 8 IKF (together) Brazil 196,6 millions inhabitants 193,5 millions inhabitants Holland 16,6 millions; Belgium 11 millions; England 53 millions; Chinese Taipei 2,6 millions; Catalonia 7,5 millions; Germany 81,7 millions; Portugal 10,6 millions e Czech Republic 10,5 millions (World Bank)
  • 9. KORFEBOL 09 NUMBERS OF BRAZIL - ECONOMY BRASIL Brazil is a country with emerging potential Since 2011, is the seventh largest economy in the world with $ 2.19 trillion (up from Italy, Russia and Canada) Brazil is: the largest producer and exporter of coffee the third largest producer of iron the second largest producer of ethanol and soybean largest exporter the second largest industrial park in the Americas http://www.photobrazil.com/gallery/large/inau0204.jpg Factories of Volkswagen, Fiat, Ford, Chevrolet-GM, Mitsubishi, Peugeot, Citroen, Honda, Kia, Toyota,Renault, Daimler Chrysler are installed in Brazil. BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Land Rover, Volvo, JAC Motors and Chery are planning and installing their factories.
  • 10. KORFEBOL 10 CULTURE OF BRAZIL BRASIL The only Portuguese-speaking country in Americas, but has a multiculturalism, mixed ethnicities and religions in the name of peace. Where else besides Brazil, Whites, Blacks, Indians, Asians, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Spiritualists and many others http://restorefairness.org/wp-content/uploads/multiracial.jpg live in peace and respect?
  • 12. KORFEBOL 12 BRAZILIAN SPORTS MARKET BRASIL Approximately 80 million people practice some kind of sport in Brazil There are no secrets. Just look at people in the street and verify that all are practicing some kind of physical activity. Mr. Carlos Arthur Nuzman President of the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) and a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Photo (espn_Brasil) http://contenti1.espn.com.br/image/vertical/300_2c77f21a-beaf-3135-b7a9-b3757029d2c3.jpg
  • 13. KORFEBOL 13 BRAZILIAN SPORTS MARKET BRASIL 35bi 3% of Brazilian GDP U$ 18 billions in sport activities 18bi U$ 35 billions/year provided by 2016
  • 14. KORFEBOL 14 BRAZILIAN SPORTS MARKET BRASIL 199 Sports Marketing Agencies 90% focused on consumer 10% focused on companies 51% acting in Events 30% raising sponsorship (athletes, events and teams) 28% acting in CRM, HC卒s promo and advertising with sports 27% advisory agencies and image management 12% media content, media rights and communications consultancy 2% commercial licensing (athletes, events and teams)
  • 15. KORFEBOL 15 BRAZILIAN SPORTS MARKET BRASIL Distribution of business in Brazilian sport 51% Football-Soccer 11% Running 7% Automobilism 4,5% Extreme Sports 4% Volley 3% Tennis 2% Basketball 2% Golf 1% Water Sports
  • 17. KORFEBOL 17 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 80卒s In the 80s a group of physical education teachers, graduated from Universidade Gama Filho [1] (university), travelled to Austria in order to take part on an international congress. There they discovered Korfball and enjoyed the participation of women in the same team on equal terms. So they decided to bring it 1 to Brazil. They formed teams in Col辿gio Anglo-Americano (a high school in Botafogo beach) [2] and the Associa巽達o Atl辿tica da Light (Public Light Company卒s Sports Club in Graja炭, Rio) [3] and carried many demonstrations with those teams in universities. An extraordinary success occurred in Curitiba (capital of the Paran叩 State), in the 1st Brazilian and Pan-American Congress of Sports For All. Unfortunately, this work wasn卒t carried forward by this group of teachers for lack of support and sponsorship. 3 2
  • 18. KORFEBOL 18 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 1998 1999 In 1998 Marcello Bepi Soares, a student of physical education, met Korfball in Universidade Castelo Branco [4] (a particular university) as a recreational game. Later that year, he introduced the sport in the Community Fern達o Cardim (in neighborhood of Pilares, Rio de 4 Janeiro City), getting the preference of the students of Favela Bairro [5], a project supported by the City of Rio de Janeiro. Mr. Soares researched and made his Final Paper on Korfball. Until that, it doesn卒t existed any single article, report, book or any reference about korfball in Brazil to guide his research. His Final Paper was based on verbal information given by some teachers as Luiz Alberto Batista, Dr. 5 Rizzo and Roberto Wagner, who were his biggest encouragers. At the same time Mr. Claudio Ferreira de Oliveira, a Marcello卒s classmate, started working directly on spreading Korfball as a sport in Brazil. In 1999, Mr. Soares started contacting IKF (International Korfball Federation) especially Mrs. Sandra Vedder [6]. Mr. Soares and Mr. Oliveira also made contacts with Brazilian professionals of sports 6 whose, for the most part, didn卒t know the modality. So they discovered Angelo Vargas and Moacyr Bastos who was conducting researchs on Korfball and had contact with Mr. Mario Godinho from Portugal. http://korfball.org/images/stories/portraits/Vedder.jpg
  • 19. KORFEBOL 19 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2000 2001 In 22th october 2000, known as "Day of Korfball in Brazil", Mr. Soares started officially his work on Korfball with the presence of Professor Wagner Roberto from Universidade Castelo Branco (university) with an exhibition and a friendly game between Family members and Students from schools of Rio de Janeiro. The court 7 was on Esporte Clube Valim (Sports Club in Meier neighborhood) and this group remained playing korfball there for about a month, when they was transferred to Quadra da Pol鱈cia Militar (police卒s court) in the same neighborhood. To demonstrate the sport to a larger number of people, Mr. Soares used to play korfball on Rua Dias da Cruz, (a Street in Meier) [7]. It was possible, because Mr. Wagner Coe, (Department of Sport and Recreation in Rio de Janeiro City) efforts. This visibility has resulted in the first newspaper report (2002) about the Korfball in Brazil.[8] 8 In 2001 a new group started practicing at the Clube dos Sub-Oficiais e Sargentos da Aeron叩utica de Cascadura (Club of Brazilian Air Force Officers and Sergeants in Cascadura, Rio), the first sports club to practice Korfball in Brazil.
  • 20. KORFEBOL 20 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2002 In 2002 representatives of the IKF, Mr. Nuno Ferro [9] and Mr. Jorge Ramos[10] (from Portugal) visited Brazil and held the first course of Korfball to students of 9 Universidade Castelo Branco (university), held on Faculdade Merc炭rio (college). At the same time, there were lectures on Universidade Rural (public university), Univ. Castelo Branco, Barra da Tijuca (neighborhood) and Univ. Moacyr Bastos. 10 VIDEO click here
  • 21. KORFEBOL 21 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2002 In this year, Mr. Soares was certified as korfball coach and authorized to develop and promote Korfball in Brazil by IKF.
  • 22. KORFEBOL 22 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2003 In 8th November 2003, during the International Korfball Federation VIDEO click here Congress, Brazil was affiliated and became the 41th Korfball country in the world. In 2003 Brazilian Korfball returned to his home, at Univ Castelo Branco, when Mr. Soares introduced the modality on the Week of Physical Clube Education Festival and made some lectures with the subjects "Theory Minas Gerais and Practice of the Game and Recreation", with the support of the Universitys Coordinator of Physical Education Mr. William and colaborations of Ms. Ludmila Mourao, Ms. Gabriela Aragon and Ms. Ingrid Fonseca. In that year, the Brazilian Korfball arrived in Belo Horizonte City (Minas Gerais State) by Ms. Karla Andrade, Marketing Director of Clube Minas Gerais (Sports Club), who was interested by the social 11 characteristic, organized clinics and courses. This visit had a great repercussion on the local media, such as TV and Newspaper [video]. Later that same year, Korfball arrived in S達o Paulo, at SESC Santo Amaro (SESC is a huge social and sports club with lots of branch offices around Brazil, mantained by the brazilian commerce [11]), by Mr. Maurice Del Nero, who invited Mr. Soares to perform clinics of Korfball.
  • 23. KORFEBOL 23 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2004 In 2004 Korfball was featured in various sports and entertainment卒s programs on TV: Mais Voc棚 [12, 13 and video], a top morning audience TV show; Jornal Nacional, a prestigious TV news; Esporte Espetacular the most watched sport TV show. It was possible thanks to support from acclaimed sports journalists Jo達o Pedro Paes Leme and Tino Marcos. At the same year, Mr. Soares received the invitation from Joatuba City in Minas Gerais State to conduct Korfball clinics for teachers of that city. Mr. Juan Leal, a physical education teacher, from Casemiro de Abreu City (Rio de Janeiro State), started practicing Korfball with a partnership with Mr. Soares. In that project was formed the first competitive team out of the Rio de Janeiro City, in Col辿gio Estadual Jos辿 Braz do Jardim and Col辿gio 12 and 13 Estadual Municipalizado (two public junior and high schools). Several friendly matches was played between teams from Mr. Soares and Mr. Leal. Korfball was also practiced in Queimados City (Rio de Janeiro State) at Escola Municipal Tiradentes (municipal school), with support from the teacher Ms. Adriana Mathias, who is also athletic of Korfball. At that year, Brazilian Korfball was present for the second time in the Week of Physical Education Festival at University Gama Filho, by Mr. Guilherme Pacheco and Ms. Ludmila Mourao, Ms. Gabriela Aragon and Ms. Ingrid Fonseca. VIDEO click here
  • 24. KORFEBOL 24 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2005 In 2005 about one hundred physical education students attended the Korfball course at UMC - Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (university). It was the first time Korfball arrived at University in Sao Paulo State thanks to Mr. Zenon Silva Filho (department coordinator) . Due to the media success at Minas Gerais State (newspaper and TV), Mr.Soares was invited to perform Korfball courses on Universidade Ita炭na (university), by one of representants of Korfball on that state, the student Mr. Derik Furforo Dias, with the full support of the University coordinator, Mr. Dalton Ribeiro de Carvalho. For the first time Mr. Soares coordinated training courses at Rio de Janeiro卒s SESC near Madureira. Korfball was presented in the 8th Santa Monica Fitness thanks to support of Coordinator Mr. Bruno Nascimento and Mr. Bruno Castro. On September 22, Mr. Soares was invited by Mr. Jos辿 Antonio Alves de Barros to present a lecture at FGV - Funda巽達o Get炭lio Vargas (the most prestigious Administration and Marketing College and Institute卒s in Brazil) about the origin and evolution of the Korfball in the world and their prospects for Brazil. On FGV, Mr. Soares met some of the best marketing and sports managers who helped him to organize the Brazilian Association of Korfball.
  • 25. KORFEBOL 25 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2006 2007 In 2006 and 2007 Mr. Soares focused on developing korfball on universities: Faculdade Metodista Granbery (college) and Universidade Salgado de Oliveira - Universo (university), in Juiz de Fora City, Minas Gerais State. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (university) in S達o Paulo. Centro Universit叩rio Augusto Motta - UNISUAM, in Bonsucesso neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro City. VIDEO click here
  • 26. KORFEBOL 26 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2008 Brazilian Korfball was invited to visit Sapucaia City, a mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro State. Mr. Soares conducted a demonstration game in the town square, for students and teachers of municipal schools. Mr. Soares represented Brazilian Korfball at Rio Sport Show, a huge event focused on demonstration of equipment and innovations in the sports industry. Mr. Oliveira and Mr. Soares represented Brazilian Korfball at the 11th Santa Monica Fitness. Brazilian Korfball was invited by one of the most renowned practitioners of sports marketing in Brazil, Master Georgios Stylianos Hatzidakis, coordinator of the UNIBAN (university) to do three Korfball lectures in Osasco and Maria Candida Uniban卒s units. At the time, Mr. Soares presented korfball at Faculdade Flamingo (college), in S達o Paulo.
  • 27. KORFEBOL 27 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2009 46th ENAF (National Meeting of the Physical Activity) in Po巽os de Caldas (Minas Gerais State) 1st Lecture held in Petr坦polis - Col辿gio Free (school) Physical Education course in Centro Universit叩rio Celso Lisboa (university) Rio de Janeiro VIDEO click here Participation on Academic Week of the Faculdade Merc炭rio (college) about Korfball in Wheelchair
  • 28. KORFEBOL 28 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2009 Participation on "Virad達o Esportivo" (24 hours sports festival) in Rio de Janeiro [video] Korfball course at FAFIT (college) in Itarar辿 City (S達o Paulo State) The IKF representant Mr. Theo Van der Linde visited Brazil Mr. Theo Van der Linde Itarar辿-SP VIDEO click here
  • 29. KORFEBOL 29 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2010 Mr. Soares promoting Korfball in Radio USP FM 93.7 in S達o Paulo City (S達o Paulo State) Reports published about the Korfball on the Jornal Tribuna (newspaper) in Petr坦polis, Rio de Janeiro State Symposium of Education on the Itabora鱈 City - Rio de Janeiro State. ABRAKO visited many SESC卒s unities at S達o Paulo State: Osasco City; Taubat辿 City; Piracicaba City and Presidente Prudente City
  • 30. KORFEBOL 30 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2011 IKF representant Mr. Albert Vida単a visited South America and for the first time came to Brazil For the first time a huge soccer club, Clube de Regatas Vasco da Gama, opened his doors to korfball. ABRAKO participated on a recreational and sports event inside the club. Albert Vida単a Mr. Soares held korfball courses at Faculdade Nossa Cidade - FNC (college), in Carapicu鱈ba City, S達o Paulo State and Instituto S達o Jo達o Batista - ISJOB in Meier neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro City [video]. Vasco da Gama VIDEO click here
  • 31. KORFEBOL 31 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2011 Brazilian Korfball was present at SESC SANTOS in Santos City and at Escola T辿cnica Paula Souza, S達o Paulo State VIDEO VIDEO click here click here Paula Souza SESC SANTOS
  • 32. KORFEBOL 32 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2012 ABRAKO held courses on SESC VILA MARIANA (S達o Paulo City); SESC SANTO ANDR (Santo Andr辿 City); SESC OSASCO (Osasco City) and Col辿gio Objetivo (Junior and High School) at Americana City, S達o Paulo State. ABRAKO promoted the modality Beach Korfball at Copacabana Fitness Festival, in Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro City. Mr. Soares visted a group of korfball players at Araras neighborhood, in Petr坦polis City, Rio de Janeiro State. VIDEO click here
  • 33. KORFEBOL 33 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - HISTORY BRASIL 2012 Mr. Paiva and Mr. Soares presented korfball at REATECH - FEIRA Internacional de Tecnologias em Reabilita巽達o, Inclus達o e Acessibilidade (Accebility, inclusion, reabilitation technology international fair), S達o Paulo. Mr. Soares visited UNIGRANRIO (university), in Caxias City, Universidade Moacyr Bastos, Campo Grande neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro State ABRAKO was represented by Mr. Soares at Congresso Carioca FIEP [video] VIDEO click here
  • 34. KORFEBOL 34 1st BRAZILIAN KORFBALL CHAMPIONSHIP BRASIL 2012 1st Brazilian Korfball Championship was held in Americana City (S達o Paulo State) on 5th and 6th May. The Objetivo team was winner. CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO DE KORFEBOL 6/maio.2012 AMERICANA/SP
  • 35. KORFEBOL 35 1st BRAZILIAN KORFBALL CHAMPIONSHIP BRASIL 2012 Objetivo - Champions Ingrid Corsete #10 Larissa Rodrigues #9 Bruna Coradi #7 Michele Iatarola #14 Luciano #1 Thiago Cascardo #97 Gustavo Cavalheiro #8 dipo Leite #4 Daiane Santos #11 Augusto Bezerra #99 Ariel Bezerra #98 Fernanda Giacomassi #6 Cl坦vis Osvaldo #17
  • 36. KORFEBOL 36 1st BRAZILIAN KORFBALL CHAMPIONSHIP BRASIL 2012 Rio/gr棚mio Ufrj - Runner-up Fernanda Cardoso #9 Pen辿lope Mora #7 Keren Schweikardt #5 Luciana Bortoleto #3 Daniel Rivillini #4 Felipe Ribeiro #13 M叩rcio Santos #14 Thadeu Ferreira #8 Thamires Katharine #2 Renan Bortoleto #18 Fam - Faculdade De Americana - 3rd Place Thuane Archid #5 Lays De Paula #6 Poliene #14 Lucia Regina #3 Roger W. Dos S. Pinto #8 Leonardo De A. Cruz #7 Higor De A. Cruz #9 Junior Vivo #2 Yolanda #12 Wallace #4 Sofia #13
  • 37. KORFEBOL 37 1st BRAZILIAN KORFBALL CHAMPIONSHIP BRASIL 2012 Fnc - Faculdade Nossa Cidade (carapicu鱈ba) 4th Epk - Equipe Petropolitana De Korfebol 5th Etec Polivalente 6th Place Place Place Danieli #2 Patricia Carvalho #8 Ednara Siqueira #26 Bruna #18 Isabel Concei巽達o #6 Bruna L. Larin #9 Amanda #5 Priscila Carvalho #2 Mariana Monteiro #13 Scarlet #6 Monique Ikamura #4 Danielle Monteiro #8 Gustavo Bazzana #9 Vitor Carvalho #11 Jos辿 Vitor #4 Gabriel #19 Rodrigo Dias #10 Leandro Azevedo #11 S辿rgio #15 Jefferson Florencio #13 Emanuel Monteiro #31 Kauan #4 Douglas Florencio #9 Jefferson Marquez #10 Gustavo #21 Israel #14 Rhanan Carlos #7 Ana Carolina #99 Fernando #5 Paulo Eduardo #6 Vanessa Marina #2 Roberto #3 Neuziene Aparecida #5 Carlos #12
  • 38. KORFEBOL 38 IKF IN BRAZIL BRASIL 2012 IKF President Fransoo, on a visit in Brazil, met with representatives from various regional and local korfball associations in this vast and rapidly developing country. In Americana (Sao Paulo), earlier this year host to the first Brazilian Korfball Championship, he met with korfball administrators Luciana Bartoleto from the State of Sao Paulo and Daniel Rivellinni from the VIDEO State of Rio de Janeiro. Further, he visited the Department of Physical click here Education at the University of Campinas, one of the leading universities in Brazil, where he met with sport officials to help him better understand the structure of sports in Brazil. In July we had the visit of the portuguese referee Jorge Alves and the Portugal player Joana Fariano in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Petropolis. On this Korfball week we had lectures, courses about the rules of the sport and many pratices. http://www.ikf.org/ikf/58-korfball-countries/87/1903-ikf-president-in-brazil
  • 39. KORFEBOL 39 ABRAKO卒S (BRAZILIAN KORFBALL ASSOCIATION) BRASIL MISSION, VISION AND VALUES MISSION: Provide the welfare people, realizing dreams and multiplying friendships, integrating males with females, young people of all ages and people with special needs, teaching them the culture of peace through sport. VISION: To be a Korfebol reference in the development and practice on Americas VALUES: Union, Joy and Love KORFEBOL BRASIL
  • 40. KORFEBOL 40 ABRAKO (BRAZILIAN KORFBALL ASSOCIATION) BRASIL Brazil is the 41st country affiliated to the IKF and the first South American country to play the game and get your recognition, through the work of Professor Marcello Bepi Soares. The Brazilian Korfebol is being developed through partnerships with educational institutions (universities, colleges and schools), sports club, NGOs and social agencies. Receives support from national and local media when conducting courses and lectures, was presented in several cities in central-south of the country and is practiced mainly in the states of Rio de Janeiro, S達o Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rond担nia
  • 41. KORFEBOL 41 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - SOCIAL BRASIL It is mainly at schools that Korfball achieves great success. Because it is a different sport from those that Brazilians have been practicing and it has pedagogical rules, thereby minimizing short-term conflict between genders at different ages, developing autonomy and affection. It brings back the motivation to students who were excluded from other modalities and that perhaps have not yet large motor skills. Through Korfball, we can develop our ability to approach and collaborative youth in a fun teaching the Culture of Peace
  • 42. KORFEBOL 42 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - SOCIAL BRASIL The work in underserved communities aims at empowering women and youth through courses and lectures, developing collective thinking, culture of peace through mediation techniques. The Korfebol is a great tool to facilitate dialogue, and promote families integrations. ABRAKO was invited to integrated the project Mulheres da Paz (Peace women) and teach the sport on 21 slum- neighborhoods as Alem達o, Belford Roxo, Cantagalo, Caxias, Itabora鱈, Itagua鱈, Maca辿, Manguinhos, Mar辿, Mesquita, Nil坦polis, Niter坦i, Nova Igua巽u, Pav達o- Pav達ozinho, Provid棚ncia, Queimados, Rocinha, S達o Gon巽alo, S達o Jo達o do Mr. Soares and the IKF member Mr. Theo Van der Linde on Bangu prison Meriti, Tavares Bastos e Vila Kennedy Beside Psychologist Dr. Jo達o Delfim Nadaes, ABRAKO in the units of the complex of Penitentiary in Bangu (Brazilian Korfball Association) has presented the sport as a (Penitenci叩ria Esmeraldino Bandeira e Penitenci叩ria Pl叩cido therapy and physical activity, aiming to reintegrate into society S叩 Carvalho) and Pres鱈dio Edgard Costa (in Niter坦i City) in the and learning in the conduct of positive values for the internal State of Rio de Janeiro, showing how sport can assist prison system members. This action has been very successful government departments in social action.
  • 43. KORFEBOL 43 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - SOCIAL BRASIL In the Tabo達o da Serra City (S達o Paulo State) Professor Daniel Costa has a project with support from the municipality that uses Korfball for seniors. "I'm really enjoying practicing Korfball. It卒s a sport very useful for the physical and body. I recomend elderly people, especially men, to practice this sports that does very well for health instead of staying at home doing nothing. Once I started exercising I felt better, my blood pressure normalized, I had no cholesterol problem" said Mr. Juliano da Silva Pina, 65 years old http://www.taboaodaserra.sp.gov.br/noticias/2012/07/02/prefeitura-oferece-aulas-de-corfebol-para-melhor-idade Kids Activities are taught by trained professionals who specialize in the discipline. Meet the age group 3-7 years old and they plan some activities for psychomotor development and increased cognitive ability and motor skills of children early in psychomotor development.
  • 44. KORFEBOL 44 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - STRUCTURE BRASIL Cities were Korfball was introduced: 07 Rio De Janeiro (capital), Petr坦polis, Casemiro De Abreu, Queimados, S達o Gon巽alo, Itabora鱈 E Niter坦i. Clubs and Institutions: 07 Clube De Regatas Vasco Da Gama; Associa巽達o Atl辿tica Da Light - Graja炭; Clube Dos Sub-oficiais E Sargenteos Das For巽as Armadas; Tijuca Tenis Clube; Graja炭 Country Club; Sesc Madureira E Sesc Engenho De Dentro Universities and Colleges: 13 Universidade Castelo Branco; Faculdade Merc炭rio - Famerc; Centro Universit叩rio Da Cidade - Univercidade; Universidade Do Grande Rio - Unigranrio; Universdade Est叩cio De S叩 - Uniest叩cio; Universidade Gama Filho; Universidade Cat坦lica De Petr坦polis - Ucp; Universidade Federal Rural Do Rio De Janeiro - Ufrrj; Universidade Estadual Do Rio De Janeiro; Centro Universit叩rio Augusto Motta - Unisuam; Centro Universit叩rio Moacyr Sreder Bastos - Unimsb; Centro Universit叩rio Celso Lisboa - Ucl E Universidade Salgado De Oliveira - Universo Schools: 12 (rio) Col辿gio Ara炭jo Rocha, Col辿gio Metropolitano, Col辿gio S達o Jo達o Batista, Col辿gio Santa M担nica, Col辿gio Sagrado Cora巽達o De Maria - Sacrecre, (petr坦polis) Col辿gio Petr坦polis, Col辿gio Free, Col辿gio N. Sra. De Lourdes, Col辿gio S. Judas Tadeu, Col辿gio Anglicano, Col辿gio Estadual De Araras and Col辿gio Inove (s. Gon巽alo) Number of Players: Rio 24 and Petr坦polis 50 (all actives) Rio de Janeiro State Teams: 02 Gr棚mio-ufrj (rio) and Epk (petr坦polis) and more minor non-competetive groups Population: 16,03 million Rio de Janeiro City Population: 6,32 million
  • 45. KORFEBOL 45 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - STRUCTURE BRASIL Cities were Korfball was introduced: 17 S達o Paulo (capital), Barueri, Santo Andr辿, Osasco, Santos, Diadema, Carapicu鱈ba, Itarar辿, Presidente Prudente, Piracicaba, Americana, S達o Jos辿 Do Rio Preto, Tabo達o Da Serra, S達o Jos辿 Dos Campos, S達o Carlos, Araraquara E Taubat辿 Clubs and Institutions: 14 (S達o Paulo City) Sesc Santo Amaro, Sesc Pinheiros, Sesc Santana, Sesc Vila Mariana, Sesc Ipiranga, Sesc Pompeia; (other cities) Sesc Osasco, Sesc Taubat辿, Sesc Santos, Sesc Araraquara, Sesc S達o Carlos, Sesc Sj Rio Preto, Sesc Sj Campos, Sesc Presidente Prudente Universities and Colleges: 6 Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Universidade Anhembi-morumbi, Universidade Bandeirantes, Universidade De Mogi Das Cruzes - Umc; Faculdade Flamingo and Faculdade Nossa Cidade (Carapicu鱈ba) Schools: 4 Col辿gio Anhembi-morumbi, Col辿gio Objetivo (americana) Col辿gio Leopoldo Brentano and Col辿gio Bambino (carapicu鱈ba) S達o Paulo State Number of Players: between 16 and 20. There卒s no active group Population: 41,25 million S達o Paulo City Teams: 3 Times, all was deactivated since the 1st Brazilian Championship Population: 11,31 million
  • 46. KORFEBOL 46 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - STRUCTURE BRASIL Cities were Korfball was introduced: 4 Belo Horizonte (capital), Juiz De Fora, Joatuba and Ita炭na Clubs and Institutions: 1 Clube Minas Gerais Universities and Colleges: 3 Faculdade de Ita炭na, Universo de Juiz de Fora, Faculdade Granbery de Juiz De Fora Number of Players: All inactives. Some teachers had initialised projects on their schools but it didn卒t develop. Teams: No active teams Minas Gerais State Population: 20,50 million Belo Horizonte City Population: 2,47 million
  • 47. KORFEBOL 47 KORFBALL IN BRAZIL - STRUCTURE BRASIL Cities were Korfball was introduced: 1 Rolim de Moura Number of Players: Just a small group guided by Prof. Mrs. Valdirene Guimar達es Valdirene Guimar達es Rond担nia State Population: 1,56 million
  • 49. KORFEBOL 49 BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER BRASIL VIDEO click here CNT (1st korfball report on brazilian tv) VIDEO Esporte Espetacular - Globo TV click here VIDEO click here exhibited in SPORT TV and Jornal Nacional VIDEO click here VIDEO SHOW - Globo TV VIDEO TV LANCE click here
  • 50. KORFEBOL 50 BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER BRASIL VIDEO click here Hoje em Dia - Rede Record VIDEO click here Rede Record VIDEO click here Globo TV - Petr坦polis VIDEO click here Bandeirantes TV
  • 51. KORFEBOL 51 BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER BRASIL VIDEO click here Globo TV - S達o Carlos VIDEO click here SBT VIDEO click here Bandeirantes TV - Rio de Janeiro VIDEO click here Bandeirantes TV - Rond担nia
  • 52. KORFEBOL 52 BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MEDIACENTER BRASIL VIDEO TVE - Stadium (IKF representants click here Nuno Ferro and Jorge Ramos) VIDEO click here TVE - Stadium part 2 VIDEO click here TVE - Stadium part 3 VIDEO click here TV UNISUAM
  • 59. KORFEBOL 59 BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MOMENTS BRASIL Mr. Jos辿 Carlos Brunoro Mrs. Patricia Broers-Lehmann the most prestigious sports manager in Brazil Netherlands Consulate in Rio de Janeiro Mr. Bebeto de Freitas Sports Manager Former president of Botafogo F.R. (soccer club) Former volleyball coach of Brazilian and Italian national teams silver olympic medal (84) - Brazil Mr. Roberto Dinamite golden FIVB World Championships (98) - Italy President of CR Vasco da Gama (soccer club) Former player in the Brazilian team in the FIFA World Cup (78/82)
  • 60. KORFEBOL 60 BRAZILIAN KORFBALL MOMENTS BRASIL Mr. Lars Grael two olympic bronze medals (88/96) former minister of sport and Paralympic activist Mr. Rafael Ara炭jo - a.k.a.B叩bby Brazilian Team player in FIBA World Championship Mr. Fernando vila - a.k.a.Fernand達o former NBA player olympic silver medals (84) Mr. Djan Madruga bronze medal olympic (80) Mr. Robson Caetano National Secretary of High Performance卒s Sports two olympic bronze medals (88/96) Indoor World Championship bronze medal (87) twice gold medals in the Pan-American Games (91)
  • 64. This is an internal presentation and has no commercial proposal. It卒s proposal is for promotion and development of Brazilian Korfball. It卒s forbidden to use any photo or information contained here. Photographs and illustrations used are copyright of their authors and were used as illustration or recording of a moment or fact http://korfeblog.blogspot.com.br/ KORFEBOL www.facebook.com/korfebol BRASIL e-mail: corfebolbrasil@terra.com.br korfebol.RJ Skype: korfebolbrasil KORFEBOL.SP Twitter: @korfebol