Краснодарский край - новый глобальный бренд России.Сообщество RegionBrandThe document discusses strategies for promoting the Krasnodar Krai region of Russia as a global tourism destination in preparation for major sporting events to be held there. It notes that simply hosting the Olympics and Formula One will not automatically boost the region's profile and recommends concrete branding and marketing campaigns, such as developing a travel app called "Ruviera" and rebranding an economic forum as a sports summit, to maximize exposure and communicate what the region has to offer visitors beyond Sochi. An "eco-city" development model is proposed to enhance quality of life and global recognition of the region.
Hayward bp letterOpsupplyThe document is a letter from the Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce to BP CEO Tony Hayward, summarizing key issues for Hayward to address in upcoming testimony about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. It notes that BP made several decisions in the days before the spill that appear to have increased risks to save costs and time, including choices around well design, cementing, and testing that violated industry standards. The letter requests Hayward come prepared to discuss these decisions and the concerns they raise about BP's actions.
M6 web quest_activity_sarah_adamsSarah The document discusses assistive technology that can be used to help students with special needs in the classroom. It defines assistive technology as any item or equipment that helps improve the functional abilities of students with disabilities. Assistive technology can range from low-tech options like large print books to high-tech options like text-to-speech software. Examples of assistive technology are provided for helping students with organization, note-taking, writing, reading, and math. Accommodations teachers can provide to help students are also discussed. The conclusion states that with the many assistive technology and other resources available, special needs students can participate alongside their peers in the classroom.
Musculos miembro superior dannyDanny Alexander Ordoñez ErasoEste documento presenta una descripción detallada de los músculos del miembro superior humano, incluyendo los músculos del hombro, brazo, antebrazo y mano. Describe la ubicación, acción e inervación de cada músculo, con imágenes anatómicas que ilustran sus detalles. El documento está organizado en secciones separadas para cada región del miembro superior.
Информационно-аналитическое обеспечение деятельности экономически-эффективных...Сообщество RegionBrandВалерий Мальцев, зам. генерального директора в ЦКТ PRопаганда
Управление продвижением территорийСообщество RegionBrandВячеслав Лащевский, Председатель Совета директоров Коммуникационной группы AГТ, Вице-президент РАСО, Руководитель Комитета по региональному развитию и продвижению территорий РАСО, к.ф.н.
Развитие публичного управления (Public Administration) территорией. Тренды и ...Сообщество RegionBrandАлексей Барабашев, доктор философских наук, профессор, декан факультета государственного и муниципального управления НИУ ВШЭ
M6 web quest_activity_sarah_adamsSarah The document discusses assistive technology that can be used to help students with special needs in the classroom. It defines assistive technology as any item or equipment that helps improve the functional abilities of students with disabilities. Assistive technology can range from low-tech options like large print books to high-tech options like text-to-speech software. Examples of assistive technology are provided for helping students with organization, note-taking, writing, reading, and math. Accommodations teachers can provide to help students are also discussed. The conclusion states that with the many assistive technology and other resources available, special needs students can participate alongside their peers in the classroom.
Musculos miembro superior dannyDanny Alexander Ordoñez ErasoEste documento presenta una descripción detallada de los músculos del miembro superior humano, incluyendo los músculos del hombro, brazo, antebrazo y mano. Describe la ubicación, acción e inervación de cada músculo, con imágenes anatómicas que ilustran sus detalles. El documento está organizado en secciones separadas para cada región del miembro superior.
Информационно-аналитическое обеспечение деятельности экономически-эффективных...Сообщество RegionBrandВалерий Мальцев, зам. генерального директора в ЦКТ PRопаганда
Управление продвижением территорийСообщество RegionBrandВячеслав Лащевский, Председатель Совета директоров Коммуникационной группы AГТ, Вице-президент РАСО, Руководитель Комитета по региональному развитию и продвижению территорий РАСО, к.ф.н.
Развитие публичного управления (Public Administration) территорией. Тренды и ...Сообщество RegionBrandАлексей Барабашев, доктор философских наук, профессор, декан факультета государственного и муниципального управления НИУ ВШЭ