1) The document discusses a study on the effect of product quality on sales volume at Furniture Enterprises Tri Jaya Puntang Lahat.
2) The study found a positive relationship between product quality and sales volume, indicating higher quality products increase sales.
3) Based on the results, the authors advise Furniture Tri Jaya Puntang Lahat to focus on producing high quality products according to customer desires in order to increase sales volume.
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1. iv
Effect of Volume Sales Of Product Quality Furniture At Furniture Enterprises Tri
Jaya Puntang Lahat. Guided By Mr. Wartono, SE, MS.i And Mr. Darwin Kesuma,
Furniture Tri Jaya's efforts Puntang Lahatdalam effort to increase sales is not as
expected. This is influenced by the quality of the products that have not been as
expected by the consumer. The problem of this thesis is whether the quality of the
product affect the sales volume and how the relationship quality of the product
sales volume in the Tri Jaya Furniture Enterprises Puntang Lahat? Sumatran
located across the street, Dodik derivative rt 10 villages lahat great fence. The
objectives of this thesis was to determine the effect of product quality and relation
to sales volume In Business Furniture Tri Jaya Puntang Lahat. Based on the
results of a quantitative calculation of the coefficients in the simple equation Y =
(83.14) + 3.58 X, the value indicates if there are quality products that comply
with the wishes of consumers, it will increase the sales volume of X means that
there is a positive effect between the variable X (quality product) of the variable Y
(sales volume).
While the calculation of correlation coefficient analysis are r = 0.946 there is a
positive relationship between variabe x (product quality) to variable y (sales
based on the above results, the authors give advice to businesses Furniture Tri
Jaya Puntang Lahat in increasing sales volume, product quality is an important
role, for the Tri Jaya Furniture Business should be able to produce good quality
products and good according to customer desires. Promotion activities should be
done properly and on to further expand the marketing of products, as well as to
the company's goals can be realized.
Keyword: Quality product, Sales volume